HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15605ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND EXTINGUISHING A 12.5-FOOT WIDE BY 100-FOOT LONG ALLEY LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS 4, 5 AND 6, BLOCK 18, JENNINGS WEST ADDITION, FORT WORTH, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF FEE IN SAID LAND, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That a 12.5-foot by 100-foot long alley located between Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 18, Jennings West Addition, containing 1,250 square feet or 0.0287. acres of land, as recorded in Volume 106, Page 29 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and as more specifically described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is vacated and extinguished. SECTION 2. That the fee to the land in the above-described vacated alley is hereby released and shall revert to the adjacent owner as provided by law. SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AIVD LEGALITY: Assistant C'ty Attorney ~~, ~~~ Adopted and Effective: B L (~ ~ !] /J .. / r l D /l NORTH r / !f Jr'' e7 ! '~ •A'-SA35 ~ p' 30' 90' 90' lea' t5o' ~~ GRAPHIC SCAt_E IN FEET 1 no•t - RIGNT-OF-WAY EASEMENT 16 CITY., " of FORT WORTH 3SA,-A9A .N21-276 •` "i t- rv _ .. ____ - r :.......... ... ................ ~ t00. ~......... ~ 1115'1 _ T ~ ........... ^- ~~ 1 ~',.(','..~~.... .. -~+ _p.,, ...L ..... .......... LOT i-R,BLOCK 10 - 'L •, J~EI E-~ JENNINGS WEST ''"(ORIGINALLY PLATTED AS ~ ~ ADDITION P, O. S'£. a •r~c9lm JAt KSON STREET I'•~ , .~. I (WIDE STREET R-O-W .. i IBy TnI Pim1••. ^' ...., DEDICATED 388/205-34 ' ~ tt Ctat. Stl ' S 89°58`50 E r ..... .............~:.., Riln n,V....v u I uod'1 IcA'I rod •raj• ... 100.0' I..iS•i ws'I I6 o'+ - Iroo'I ,n r ,. r g•~ ... • 195ri . ...... ... ... .- - t. 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V •••Arbn15•E ~~ O •D.Hr• /zs'~ucr vac:artN er c/rr J o.t.' ~ o/ FONT WONIh ONO/NANCE ~ ' No. I RETAINED ~ AS - E'AS EVENT FOR E%IST. ~ SANITARY ~ CETY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS SEWER L-050 ), ~ CITY PLAN COMMI5510N ~ ~y 1 ~ 2B ' .. ~ r ly ~ ~ l06l29 (j- NOTE ~~ (, ~ _ (J __ - v MtOMtt~S TAFTER DATE OFYAPPRDVALEO YATWN 6L{i6) /B _ ~ _ ~ •• ~ PLAT APPROVED DATE: , 0Y• DHAAiMIW ........ ... .. ~ • BY: •. .~~ -• ' SECRETPAY 't5o•I ia'j ~~ N89°58'50"W t5o•I fsA'r i6o•I tloo'I ~ ;Pa.s.l. '100.0' a 1 rcE aai coons'( s/e' LR. P,d. -gPLS m4a•,,: IDr TnI. PIlu r.on. n. o.A4' ';•S/GNI fASENFN! 3SA/5A-A6 , ~/(200'I 160'1 tv~•',/ i4ae'I I ~ i • lY/ r~ .J/ ~Y ~ C ~ T ~r lh' P / r~ , PUBLIC OPEN SPACE EASEMENT)P.O.S.E) Piat Of LD/ ~ 'A''SSA7 nfn YmNUe.9ge°ap,m mmeral or anyaW maroewutl.mmonua vlilon..nNn LOT 1-R, BLOCK 18, JENNINGS WEST ADDIl'ION, COMPILED FRD.M PLATS,DEED9 OF RECORD 8 y wnlan vl , P.D.6E anpwn vn Vus pal. lwplnnbq ] n. D47 above ~ lop vl ine cum loo Mym Vlnn,laes,ld wm, ottp ,a ebeMrcN ,nmad MNln. sw, SURVEYS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION umlmabntan.nawwt.an,n rol8rtuled ia. adNmda, ltntea,,ram,agm.wroen, Clfy Of Fort WOrtfl, Tarrant County, Texns, mtlarta. bna, YNUba, ntvlorvennNa, wlwry, and NMr YFditl vpletli On rlvn•nWeNltl tlxwtl IPU, a fu9ie pWe alpn vl nbl pmYer iMn i A, n3T In - d,.m.lerm.yotappnnd.mn~ap.o .E...aamtN,,aoratd,..dN,+pna,awN.a being n revision of Lots. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, the westerly one-half of tlunnu al tt n.la maimaNed Mnteea lne,dfaeenllWaheU Omunt MC Vi the pvlely '"°°n°°°"°°I'^°°~^• the public nlley adjacent to the east sidQ of Lots 1-4, and the west_one- UTILITYFABEMENTS half of the public alley lying between saSd Lot 4 and Lots 5 and 6, all in \ / /~ _ f1~ ~ 1.1~•~ am wbNC bantnum ninny, tnmae9 me cnr m Flri wvnn, anon nave IM aqN iv BLOCK 16, JENNINGS WEST ADDITION, as shown on plat thereof l( /"~ ~V„J lJ v and attP mmm an pr wd a am ladUW. reNZ. (roe. Y~mb, mntr vm*+n « t ~m :rc" a Ha a i .nor troarot° pr lnltnn,aa .dm tM 4vminabn. recorded in.Volume 106, Page 29, of the.Torrant County. Plat Records. mtwnq er m retpemvt arYema on,nv of lnv .axmnNa ahem on ..' ' " ®~, e ~ ~ ~~ Hm p^l, .nd°lMV abw nve an.w al na nmos m N°l ro tyros apvn vu ~ YAs® '6.N7 malnin nie°,'aMnne wrwee t nYmtlien, YmNbn, HtM°IVn, Npvu4°, •~' ,ddpv la w remwnp .n ° pan al ns «apa°Ne aratems.onwd the OUILDING PERMITS ' atttaNlr n,nr f.nt vl Prvt,wmv nit wmd»IVn Pr anr9nt. Y° taaamp penNla anon be IsavM Im .ny la in mli fiaWNlabn anin ,ppvpi,le ~ T N i S WATERNIASTEWATERlMPACT FEES proviaHmt ,la mme tm my cpnalmdlpn a °,y apPOUde caner. aecer, Yv,m dram. '" nrttt Igmf. Wen W and prve° Imptwtmenla; aro aPPrwn b odMned fmm p+Cni D Inv env v/ FM WMn hn an ordinance Impvmenlhq the ,axssmeM,ro cvae°IVn vl vi Pv0 W9Nt S L i O E ,p ~ O n .rain ,rd vrulevmitt ImPnq len. Tne foul ,mvum asusseU U nlabnaMd vn iM ~ ~ „~ 11r IYUq dale vl INS plN aPpluilvn. ntaetl vpw SNedWa 1 0l Ina wrteN 6nPeq Ive SIDEWALKS ~~-~ 1 aUvurcv. Tnv amvuN tv M w6,tled b del,rmY,eO under SNedule II vi utl ~ ' vNm,nu. aro Oetanin niln°Ne m iM dole • LWtlvq pemdl b Yswd, w the AWeMeINS ale m0ubttl m Mth iq,a orde0maled wbnc Ymta, N wnformanu .nn cpvietllvn alt tvWmuNtlpn waltt arq/wraYVwaltr system. tuneN Cny pdky. ,ea' Ti0 "'SURVEYORS ORIGINAL' na_nl-nepmn DESCRIPTION OF ALLEY FOR PROPOSED VACATION SITUATED in the City of Forf Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and--being a portion of that certain 12.5 foot wide alley running east and west in Block 18, Jennings West Addition, as shown on plat thereof recorded in Volume 106, Page 29, of the Tarrant County Plat Records,-.and said alley portion lying between Lots 4 and 5 8~ 6, in said Block 18, and said portion being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said alley at the southwest corner of said Lot 4 in the east line of Lake Street; THENCE North 89 degrees, 58 minutes, 50 seconds East with the common line between said alley and said Lot 4, at 95.0 feet passing the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and the west line of a north-south alley in said Block 18 heretofore vacated by City Ordinance No. 3421, and continuing into said norfh- south alley, in all 100.0 feet; -- THENCE South, .crossing said east-west alley, 12.5 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 6 and the northwest corner of Lot 7, in said Block 18, in the south line of said east-west alley; .THENCE South 89 degrees, 58 minutes, 50 seconds West with the south line of said east-west alley and with. the north lines of said Lots 6 and 5, 100.0 feet to the southwest corner of said alley and the northwest corner of said Lot 5, in said east line of Lake Street; THENCE North with said east line of Lake~Street and with the west line of said east-west alley, 12.5 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 1250 square feet (0.0287 acre). ...- EXHI~@T ~ `A' 2a ~~ ~ ~ ~'~,~ ~. ' S 1D 1E 3 2C 2D 36 \ 'v ~ b 5 v Q \ ' 18 2R 3R~ 4R 3 4 ~ 6 ~~~ ENTH 19 1400 1300 1200 ~ 1100 1000 - - FIRST u'~' ~ ~- MET'HOp~sT CNUW~RTH ~ ~T1 FT 0 900 800 ~° 2 1 5 6 iB 7C ~ 7 to 78 4 58 8 9 2 3 7A 5A 10 11 4 900 0 rn 8 1 1 78 10R ~ 6 2 H 3 ~~~ 48 5 , 4A 900 0 TR TR TR 1 2 3 1 TR 4A 11~ THIRTE ~ n n ,~ i,~ Ni SCALE: 1" = 250' .. ,r ,..._..,, ~r.„~~,,_.. ~R®.~~T: Alley Vacation AREA OF LEGEND PROPOSED CHANGE SHAD CASE LOCATION: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 18,Jennings West Addition, Fort Worth, TPXac ZONING DISTRICT APPLICANT: Fillmore Brothers Properties, L.L.C. BOUNDARY DEVELOPMENT MAP:35-4 MAPSCO: 76 D COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 V~' ®3 ®®7 l.ll l yr rVl[1 YY Vl[1 tl -LCl'f11C11Y11;1V1 V.C 111: VCLVl'1VlCLV:L~ City of 'Fort Worth, 7"exas Ayar end Caunc;l CommunicAtion DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 7/1 /03 ~* PZ-2491 06VA-03-007 1 of 1 suB~ECT~ (VA-03-007) ALLEY VACATION: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE VACATING A 12.5 BY 100 FOOT ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 4, 5 AND 6, BLOCK 18, JENNINGS WEST ADDITION, FORT WORTH, TEXAS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance vacating a 12.5 foot wide by 100 foot long alley lying between Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 18, Jennings West Addition, according to a plat recorded in Volume 106, Page 29, Tarrant County Plat Records., and containing 1,250 square feet (0.0287 acres) of land. DISCUSSION: Fillmore Brothers Properties, L.L.C., owner of the above-described properties has requested vacation of the above referenced alley to replat with adjoining land. Existing improvements include sanitary sewer and Charter aerial cables. Said alley shall be retained as a utility easement for existing utilities. The City Plan Commission recommended approval at its public hearing an March 3, 2003. The Engineering Department, Real Property Services Division states that a purchase fee of $1,875 has been paid by check number 1022. Reviewing City departments and public utility companies have raised no objections to this request. An acceptable replat has been provided (FS-03-027). This property is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that this action will have no material effect on City funds. RR:k Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) Reid Rector 6140 Originating Department Head: Bob Riley 8901 (from) APPROVED 07/01/03 ORD.# 15605 Additional Information Contact: Bob Riley 8901