HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 43117-A3 ;-e>1T-y saCWARY
'%0'1^14,0ONTRACT NOW a—M�A-I i10 0
AS, on April 131, 2 � � �� City of Fort Worth ("City"), and Hillside
Public Facility Corporation oration "Develo.er" made and entered into City Secretary Contract
No. 43117 (the "Contract) as authorized by the City Council, 'n M&C C-24974 adopted
on June 14, 24111
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Contract was to provide $7010,000.00 in the form
of a subordinate forgivable loan,, for certain acquisition expenses, as well as any siolft costs
and rehabilitation expenses for the renovation of the historic Knights of Pythias Load c
building, as part of the development of an 18 unit multifamily, mixed income housing
development in downtown Fort forth to be known as the Knight ht of Pythias Lofts;
WHEREAS, the funding provided to Developer in the Contract was from a grant
received by the City from the United States Department of Housing and Urban.
Development ("HUD") through the Community evelopment Block Grant Program
("CDBG"), Program No. -C 5_MC 4 0414,, Catalog of' Federal Domestic Assistance
No. 14.2,1 `CDBG funds"),
WHEREAS,, the Contract provided for 110 Affordable Units to be rented to
C DBG-eligible tenants for a 15 year Affordability Period with repayment of the
700,444.41414 loan to, be forgiven at the end of the AtTordabillity Period provided all
Contract terrns and CDB,G requirements were fulfilled,
WHEREAS, City' and Developer centered into the First Amendment to the
Contract for an additional $254,444.44 of C DBG fends in the form of a second lien
subordinate loan to be repaid with accrued interest at the end of the Affordability il.ity Period,
with the $700,000.00 loan to be in the form of a third lien subordinate loan to be forgiven
at the end of the Affordability period.-
WHEREAS, City and 'Developer entered into, the Second Amendment to the
Contract to extend the Completion Deadline to August 1, 2413 to, accommodate changes
in the Construction Schedule and to clarify certain Other regulatory requirements
pertaining to vendors, Section 31 requirements and City insurance requirements
WHEREAS, :Developer re uested and City agrees to an extension of the
Completion Deadline to December 15, 2413 to complete the Project as well as revise and
correct certain Exhibits attached to the Contract,
WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of City and Developer to amend the Contract
to meet Contract objectives.
HilisIde Public a cli i Corporation—Kn ights of Pyt il s.Lofts 1 FFICIA
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NOW, THEREFORE, City and Developer hereby agree to amend the Contract as
a. Section 2. DEFINITIONS, is amended to be and read as follows:
"Completion Deadline means December 15, 2013."
b. Section 10.3 Deadhine for Submittin Reimbursement Requests is hereby
deleted and replaced with the following language:
"10.3 Deadi�"Inefo�rSu�bml*ttl*nizRei*mbursementRe�cI uc ests.
Notwithstanding the $1 , ho,ldb!ack of C Funds referenced in Exhibit
"B:"' — Budget Revised 08/2012, all Reimbursement Requests along with Complete
Documentation shall be Submitted by Developer to City within, 3!0 days of' the
Completion Deadline. The Reimbursement Request for the $10,000 hol,dback of C
Funds must be submitted within 60 days of the Completion Deadline."
C., Section 10.3 Withholdin Payment i's renumbered to be Section
10.4 WI*th hold,*1 np, Payment.
d. This amendment is effective as of the Effective Date of the Contract.
Exht*bl*t "C" — Construction Schedule 05/2013 attached to the Contract is
hereby replaced with the attached Exhibift "C"' — Construction Schedule Revised
11/2013. Exhi"bift "I" — Section 3 Reporting Forms attached to the Contract and
referenced in the Second Amendment is hereby replaced with the attached Exhi*bit "J"—
Seefion 3 Reporting Forms.
The following is a full and complete list of Exhibits referenced in and attached to
the Contract:
Exhibit A"—Project Summary Revised 08/2012
Exhibit"A 1."—HUD Rent Limits
Exhibit"A-2"— Environmental Mitigation Actions
Exhibit"'B"— Budget Revised 08/2012
Exh ibis'"C"Construction Schedule Revised 11 2013
Exhibit"'D"—Audit Requirements
Exhibit"E,"—Loan Documents
Exhibit"E-1''1 - $250,,000 CDBG Loan Documents
Exhibit"17"—Reimbursement Forms
Exhibit"G"—Tenant Household Characteristics
Hillside Public Facility Corporation—Knights of Pythias of
Exhibit Davis-Bacon Requirements
Exhibit"I"'—Terian't Self-Certification. Form
E,xh*lblt,',j,, — Section 3, Reporting Forms
All terms and conditions of the Contract not amended herein remain unatTected
and in full force and effect, are binding on the Parties and are hereby ratified by the
Parties. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have meanings assigned to them in the
Hillside Public Facility Corporation—Knights of Pythias Lofts
°own as of the last date indicated below by the .dart ies' signatures.
Ail ity B
Secretary Manager
M&C 024974 Date: ,dune 14, 2011 Date
MC C-25644 Date: ,dune 121 2012
, u
Assistant City Attorney
By: 1vWat&z+"q" %(ep
Barbara Holston, Vice President
This instrument was acknowledged haters me on 1V0VeWj4,,`i , 2013 by
Fernando Costa., Assistant City Manager of the City of Fart. Wolrth, in behalf the City of
iate of Texas
Mv Cor� m °;m xires ey Public, State of Te
13 by
This instrument was acknowledged before on Abum, -CK
Barbara Holston, the "dice President of Hillside Public Facility Corporation, a Texas
public facility corporation, on behalf of said corporation.,
Notary Pub taste o exas
August 2
Hillside Public Facility Corporation—Kni Il is of Pythias Lofts
GOI i0q �Oq
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Hills de Pu,bli,c Facility Corporation—Knights of Pythias Lofts
Section 3 Summary Report U.S.Department of Housing OMB Approval No-, 2529-0043
Economic Opportunities for and Urban Development (exp.1113,0/2010)
Low—and Very Low-income Persons Office of Fair Housing
And Equal Opportunity HUD Field Office,:
Section back of page for Public Reporting Burden statement
1.Recipient Name&Address, (street,city,state,zip) 2,Federal Identification- (grant no 3 Total Amount of Award.
4,Contact Person 5 Phone: (include area code)
6 Length of Grant, 7 Reporting Period:
8,Date Report Submitted: 9 Program Code', (Use separate sheet 10 Program Name,
for each program code)
Part 1: Employment and Training Columns B,C and F are manda ory fields. Include New Hires in E&F)
A 6 C D E F
Number of Number of New %of Aggregate Number %of Total Staff Hours Number of Section 3
Job Category New Hires Hires that are of Staff Hours of New Hires for Section 3 Employees Trainees
Sec.3 Residents that are Sec 3 Residents and Trainees
Construction by Trade(List)
Program Codes 3 Public/Indian Housing 4=Homeless Assistance 8=CI BG State Administered
1=Flexible Subsidy A=Development, 5=HOME 9=Other CD Programs
2=Section 202"811 B=Operation 6=HOME State Administered 10=Other Housing Programs
Modernization 7=CDBG Entitlement
Page 1 of 2 form HUD 60002(612001)
Ref 24 CFR 1 5
Part II: Contracts Awarded
1 Construction Contracts®
A. Total,dollar amou!nt of all contracts awarded on the project $
B. Total dollar amount of contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses $
C, Percenitaigie of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses %
D, Total number of Section 3 businesses reoeiving contracts
2. Non-Construction Contracts:
A. Total dollar amount all non construction contracts awarded on the project/activity $
B. Total dollar amount of non-construction contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses $
C. Percentage,of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses %
D. Total number of Section 3 businesses receiving non-construiction contracts
Part III: S,umimary
Indicate the efforts made to direct the employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance for housing
and community development programs,to the greatest extent feasible,toward low-and very low-income persons,particularly those who
are recipients of government assistance for housing. (Check alll that apply)
Attempted to recruit low-income residents thirolugh-, local advertising media,signs prominently displayed at the project site,
contracts with the community organizations and public or private agencies operating within the metropolitan area,(or
nonmetropolitan county)in which the Section 3 covered program or project is located,or s,irmilar methods.
I articipatedi in a HUD program or other program which promotes the training or employment of Section 3 residents.
Participated:in a HUD program or other program which promotes the award of contracts to business concerns which meet the
definition of Section 3 business concerns.
Coordinated with Youthbuild Programs administered in the metropolitan area in which the Section 3 covered project is located.
Other,describe below.
Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,,
searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
This agency may not collect this information,and you are not required to complete this form,unless,it dlilspillays,a currently valid OMB
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 19168,as amended, 12 U.S.C.1701,u,mandates that the Department ensures that
employment and other economic opportuinities generated Ib^ its housing and community development assistance progirams are directed
toward low-and very-low income pleirsoins,particularly those who are recipients of government assistance,housing. The regulations are
found at 24 CF R Part 135. The information will be used by the Department to monitor progiram recipients'compliance with Section 3:,to
assess the results of the Department's efforts to meet the statutory objectives of Section 3,to prepare reports to Congress,and by
recipients as self-monitoring tool. The data is entered into a database and will be analyzed and distributed. The collection of information
involves recipients receiving Federal financial assistance for housing and community development programs covered by Section 3. The
information will be collected annually to assist HUD in meeting its reporting requirements,under Section 808(e)(6)of the Fair Housing Act
and Section 916 of the HCD,A of 1992. An assurance of confidentiality is not applicable to this form,, The Privacy,Act of 1974 and O,MB,
Circular A-108 are not applicable. The reporting requirements do not contain sensitive questions. Data is cumulative;personal identifying
information is not included.
Page 2 of 2 form HUD 60002(11/2010)
Ref 24 CFR 135
Form HUD-60002,Section 3 Summary Report,Economic Opportunities for Low-and Very Low-Income Persons.
Instructions: This form is to be used to report annual & Programi,Code: Enter the appropriate program code as listed at
accomplishments regarding employment and other economic the bottom of the page,
opportunities provided to low-and very low-income persons,under 9, Program Name- Enter the name of HUD Program corresponding
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The with the"Program Code"in number 8.
Section 3 regulations,apply to any public and Indian housing
programs that receive: (1)development assistance pursuant to Part 1: Employment,and Training Opportunities
Section 5 of the U.S.Housing Act of 1937;(2)operating assistance Column A: Contains various job categories. Professionals are
pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S.Housing Act of 119137;or(3) defined as people who have special knowledge of an occupation(i.e.
modernization grants pursuant to Section 14 of the U.S.Housing Act supervisors,architects,surveyors,planners,and computer
of 1937 and to recipients,of housing and community development programmers). For construction positions,list each trade and provide
assistance in excess of$200,,000 expended for (1)housing data in columns B through F for each trade where persons were
rehabilitation(including reduction and abatement of lead-based paint employed. The category of"Other'includes occupations such as
hazards);(2)housing construction,or(3)other public construction service workers.
pro ect&and to contracts and subc ontracts in excess of$100,000
i Column 13: (Mandatory Field) Enter,the number of new hires for
awarded in connection with the Section-3-covered activity. each category of workers identified in Column A in connection with
Form HLID-60002 has three parts,which are to be completed for this award,. New hire refers to a person who is not on the contractor's
all programs covered by Section 3, Part I relates to employment or recipient's payroll for employment at the time of selection for the
and training,The recipient has the option to determine numerical Section 3 covered award,or at the time of receipt of Section 3 covered
employment/training goals either on the basis of the number of hours assistance.
worked by new hires(columns B,Di,E and F), Part I I of the form Column,C�: (Mandatory,Field) Enter the number of Section 3 new
relates to contracting,and Part III summarizes recipients'efforts to hires for each category of workers identified in Column A in
comply with Section 3, connection with this award. Section 3 new hire refers to a Section 3
Recipients or contractors subject to Section 3 requirements,must resident who,is not on the contractor's,or recipient's payroll for
maintain appropriate documentation to establish that HUD financial employment at the time of selection for the Section 3 covered award or
assistance for housing and community development programs were at the time of receipt of Section 3 covered assistance.
directed toward low-and very low-income person's,* A recipient of Co!lumin,D: Enter'the percentage of all the staff hours of new hires
Section 3 covered assistance shall submit one copy of this report to (Section 3 residents)in connection with this award.
HUD Headquarters,Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Column E: Enter the percentage of the total staff hours worked for
Where the program providing assistance requires an annual Section 3 employees,and trainees,(including new hires)connected
performance report,this Section 3 report is to be submitted at the with this award. Include staff hours for part-fime and full-time
same time the program performance ireport is submitted. Where an positions.
annual performance report is not required,this Section 3 report is to be Column!F': (Mandatory Fi�eld), Enter the number of Section 3
submitted by J a n u a ry 10 and,if the p roj ect ends before Decern b er 31, residents that were trained in connection with this award.
within 10 days of project completion. Only Prime Recipients are Part 11, Contract Opportunities
required to report to HUD:. The report must include Block 1: Construction Contracts
accomplishments of all recipients and their Section 3 covered Item A. Enter the total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the
contractors and subcontractors. project/program.
HUD,Field'Office, Enter the Field Office name Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this
1 Recipient: Enter the name and address of the recipient project/program that were awarded to Section 3 businesses,
submitting this report. Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts
2. Federal Identification: Enter the number that appears on the connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses.
award form(with dashes). The award may be a grant, Iterni D:, Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards,
cooperative agreement or contract. Block 2: Non-Construction Contracts
3. Dollar Amount of Award- Enter the dollar amount,rounded to the Item,A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the
nearest dolilar,received by the recipient. project/program.
4&5. Contact Person/Phone: Enter the name and telephone number Item B. Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected,with this
of the person with knowledge of the award and the recipient's project awarded to Section 3 businesses.
implementation of Section 3, Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts
6. Reporting Period: Indicate the time period(months,and year) connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses,
this report covers. Item D: Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards.
7 Date Report Submitted: Enter the appropriate date, Part 111: Summary of Efforts—Self-explanatory
S,u,bmilt one(1)copy of this report to the HUD Headquarters Office of
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity,at the same time the The Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 percent
performance report is submitted to the program office. The Section 3 of the median for the area on the basis,of the Secretary"s findings such that
report is submitted by January 101, Include only contracts executed variations are necessary because of prevailing,levels of construction costs
during the period specified in item 8. PHAs/IHAs are to report all or unusually high-or low-income families. Very low-income persons mean
contracts/subcontracts_ iow-income families(including single persons),whose incomes do not
exceed 50 percent of the median family income area,as determined by the
The terms"low-income persons"and very low-income persons"have Secretary with adjustments or smaller and larger families,except that the
the same meanings given the terms in section 3(b)(2)of the United Secretary may estab,llish income ceilings higher or lower than 510 percent of
States Housing Act of 19317 Low-income persons mean families the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary's findings that such
(including single persons)whose incomes do not exceed 80 percent of variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.
the median income for the area,as determined by the Secretary,with
adjustments for smaller and!larger families,except that
Page i form H U D 60002(11/2010)
Ref 24 CFR 135
City of Fort Worth,,, Texas
■ A"hAN&
Mayor and Counc�il %,,,.o unicat,i,on
. ...........
COUNCIL ACTION, Approved on 6/114/2011
DATE. Tuesday,June 14, 2011 REFERENCE NO.. C-24974
Authorize Expenditure of$700,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant Funds to the Fort Worth
Housing Authority,or its Designated Affiliate, in the Form of a Subordinate Forgivable Loan for the Knights,
of Pythias Lodge Lofts Development, Authorize Execution of a Contract and Authorize a Substantial
Amendment,to the City's 2005-2,006 Action Plan(COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize a substantial amendment to the Cit r"'s 2005-2006 Action Plan,
2., Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to substitute funding years in order to meet,United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development commitment disbursement and expenditure deadlines-
p 1 11
3.Authorize an expenditure of$700,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant funds to the Fort
Worth Housing Authority,or its designated affiliate,in the form of a subordinate forgivable loan for the
development,of the Knights,of Pythias Lodge Lofts located in the 300,block of Crump Street in downtown
4. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee,to execute a contract with the Fort Worth Housing Authority,
or its designated affiliate,for the development for a to beginning on the date of execution of the Contract
and expiring at the end of the 15 year Affordability Period; and
5., Authorize the City Manager, or his designee,to amend the Contract if necessary to achieve project goals
p "ded that the amendment is within the scope of the project and in compliance with City policies and
laws:and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds.
The Fort Worth Housing Authority, (Developer) proposes to,develop the Knights of Pythias Lodge Lofts in
downtown Fort Worth. Project partners include the City and Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. (DFWI)., The
Developer will acquire two lots located at 303 and 307 Crump Street and lease or purchase a portion of a lot
for parking located at East end Street owned by DFW1. The development will consist of the rehabilitation of
the Knights of Pythias Lodge which will contain, ten units,and the new construction of an adjacent structure
that will contain eight units for a total of eighteen units.
Total development costs are approximately $1,90 ,000.00. Community Development Block Grant funds will
provide for acquisition costs up to $400,o001.001 with the remaining funds being used for soft and hard costs,
related to the rehabilitation of the Knights of Pythias Lodge.
i. Designate 51 percent of units to be affordable for Year 'for ability period
. Secure performance and repayment or CDBG funds with a recorded deed of trust on 'land and all
iii. Zxro percent interest rate; and
iv., Loan,is forgiven,Dace the 15 Year Affordability period expires and con r act,tares are met.
funds,1' conditi[gagd ago
. Satisfactory completion or an environmental review per 24 C .R Par 58-and
ii. Authorization to use grant funds from the United States, Department or Housing and Urban Development.
Starr recommends the change in use and expenditure or$700,000.00 in C BG funds for the development,
which is to benefit low and very low income citizens,by r o i
Plan funding years selected may ovary and be substituted based on the Principle o first In, Firs (FIFO)
in order to expend oldest grant funds r rs,t. A public comment period on the change in, use of thus,CDBG.
funds was held from ay 6, 2011, to June h, 2011. comments are maintained by the Housing and
Economic Development Department accordance wnth federal, regulations.
This project is located, in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9''.
The Financial Management Services Director certifies w funds r available. w
ah in the,current operating
budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund.
��-.W170 QQ32Q60057QO 15 1-4.Q47.00
SUbjBilled[pr Qtv Manager'N Office by Thomas Higgins (6 1912)
�i �fi Jay Chapa 5804
y is Garcia ,187`)
Addl ion , Avis,F. Chaisson (6342)
� �
d �, µ
2. KOEM&-CM—ap.,a
M&C Review Page 1. of 2
Official site of the City of Fort Worth,Texas
COUNCIL,ACTION: Approved on 6/12/2012
NUNN,li�Fm�giol VAINVIANI 1V 101 ON I
SUBJECT: Authorize Expenditure of an Additional $250,000.00 of Community Development Block
Grant Funds to the Hillside Public Facility,Corporation, an Affiliate,of the Fort Worth
Housing Authority, for a Subordinate, Loan inthe'Total Amount of$950,000.00 for the
Knights of Pythias, Lodge Lofts Located, in the 300 Block of Crump Street and Authorize
Substantial Amendment to the City's 2010-2011 Act,ioln Plan (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
It is recommended that the City Colun�cil:
1. Authorize a Substantial Amendment to the City's 2010-2011 Action Plan;
2. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to substitute funding years in order to meet United
States Department of Housing, and Urban Development commitment, disbuirsement,and expenditure
deadlines; and
3. Authorize an expenditure of an additional $250,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant
funds to the Hillside Public Facility Corporation, an affiliates of the Fort Worth Housing Authority, in the
form of a subordinate loan, in, the total amount of$950,000.00 for the development of the Knights of
Pythias Lodge Lofts located in the 300 block of Crump, Street in downtown Fort Worth.
On June 14, 20111 (M&C C-24974) the City Couincil, approved:, an award of $700,000.00 of'
Community Development B,l�oick Grant(CDBG) funds to the Fort Worth Housing Authority (FWH1A), or
its designated affiliate, to develop the Knights of Plythlias Lodge Lofts, a multifamily mixed income
housing development in downtown Fort Worth. FWHA formed the Hillside Public Facility Corporation
(HPIFC), a single,asset entity, to serve as the developer and owner. On Aprill 12, 201i2,1 HPFC and the
City entered into City Secretary Contract No. 4311 7for the orig�i�nal $700,:000.00 of CDBG funds to be
used for acquisition, rehab,ilitatioln and soft costs for the 18unit development. The CDBG funds were
in the form of a deferred, payment loan which would be forgiven at the end of the 15 Year Affordability
Period. H,PFC acquired the property and will rehabilitate and convert the Knights of Pythias Lodge,
which will contain eight units, and construct an adjacent, architecturally compatible structure which
will contains ten, units.
Since the original CDBG award,, Staff has re-evaluated project development costs, in addition to
financing sources and identified a funding gap. Because the project will provide quality, affordable,
accessible housing and restore a hint o�ric,ally significant structure, Staff recommends, the award of an
additional $250,000.00 in CDBG funds for a total of $950,000.0�O of CDIB,G funds,, subject to the
following terms:
i. Designate 51 percent of units to be affordable for a 15,Year Affordability Period;,
ii. Secure performance and repayment, of CD�BG funds with a deed of trust on land and all
iii. One percent interest;
iv. Repayment of$700,000.00 of the CDBG funds shall be deferred and forgiven at the end of the
Affordability Period; and
v. Repayment of$250,000.00 cif'the CDl3G,funds,and accrued interest shall be due at the and of'the
Affordability Period.,
http.-,Hwww.fortworthgov.org/council iew.asp.
_packet/mc rev— * 91D=1693311&Icouncildate 6/.,.. 06/13/2012
M&C Review Page 2 of 2
Total project costs are estimated to be $2,200,000.00 including the C award of'$950,000.00.
Staff recommends the change in use and expenditure of an additional $250,000.00 in CDBG funds
for the development, which is to benefit low and very, low income, citizens by providing them with
affordable housing. The Action Plan funding years selected may, vary and be substituted based on
the Principle of First In, First Out in order to expend oldest grant funds first. A public comment period
on the change in use of these additional l CD funds was held from May 11, 2012 to June 11, 2012.
Any comments are maintained by the Housing and Economic Development Department in
accordance with federal regulations.
This project is located i in CO, DISTRICT 9.
The Financial Managiemen�t Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating
budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund.
TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers
G 7 539120 017206460,910 25 10 GR91 538070 005206066010 $1491255-17
GR76 539120 01720646091901 $1,1003744.83
................... ............ .............. ...................
Sub rift ed for Cily Manager's Offli Fernando Costa, (61122)
0r1,g1.natinqDeiDaftment Head: Jay Chapa (58,014)
Addlit"I'lonall Information Contact: Cynthia Garcia (8187)
Avis F. Chaisson (6342);
................ ...............
http://www.fortworthgolv.org/colunc i I—Packet/mc—rev iew.asp?.]'.D=1693 3&councl 1date=6L. 06/131/20,12