HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 42547-A3 CITY SECRETARY o. 3 AMENDMENT CONTRACTNOm TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT No. 2 5� 7 WHEREAS, the City of :fort Worth (CITY) and TranSysterns Corporation, DBA Tra Syste ns Corporation Consultants,, (ENGINEER) w into City Secretary Contract No. 425 7' the CONTRACT) which was authorized by City Council by MC `-25255 on the 01 day of November, 2011 in the amount of $ 243, 322; and amended by amendment #1 administratively approved on a y amendment #2 O�ctob�er � 2 1�' .�. the amount :� $13, 010. 00; and amended administratively approved on July 9, 2013 in the amount of $39, 791 . 50 for a revised contract amount of $296, 123. 50 ., WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following r oD ect North orb Worth Intersections; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 3 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and remised fee ., NOW F , CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement which amends the CONTRACT.- 1 , Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in a proposal dated August 5 2013, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals $48,035- 00. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3 2, . Article ll e;f the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid t Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and s,eirvices shall be an amount of $344,158., 50. 3 . All gather previsions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect City of Farb Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template P O Official R+1 e 8/1/2012 Page 1 of 0,,0111D ja CITY R E'C'E I V E D N(1P,,1 '2, 7 2 013 141 EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE, as of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED: City of Fort Worth TranSystems C'orporat-lon DBA Tran Sys tems Corporation Consultants Fe.rnando Costa Ra u1i, Pena 111, Assistant City Manager See r Vice President DATE,-, DATE.- 1,/ lgoz APPAL RECOMMENDED 11 you l a W. Wi ens ig, Pa. Director, Department of T'ransporation And Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&CQ* ;?&y 9 (e /AA UU Date *. a s Assistant City Attorney 04 ATTEST: 0000 0 ayse ja y J., Kr 0 4- 1 City Secretary City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreemeent Amendment'remplate PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 Page 2 of 3 OFFICOIAL RIECOR T ARy X FT,9 WORTIff, TX irk 011 FUND INGBREAKDOWN SHEET City Secretary No. Amendment No. 3 Department Fund-Account-Center Amount 0204 531200 202390,165230 $48rO35 Total .- $48f035 City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template P Official Release 8/1/2012 P2ge 3 of 3 ........... ........................ Ste M 500 W.Th St SY .8 ... ,. suite 110 Fort Worth,TX 76012 Tel 817.339,8950 Fax 817.336.2247 www-transysterns horn August 5,2013 .Iaaette Acevedo,P.E. Project Manager/Sr.Prot Engineer City of Fort Worth Infrastructure Design and Construction 000 fihroomorton St., RM 266 Fort worth,TX 76102 RE:Amendment#3 Request Lissette, TranSysterna Corporation Consultants TS would like to submit to complete the following additional services on the City of Fort Worth North Intersection Improvements at the intersection or lark IV and Cantrell Samson The additional services TSC will provide at the intersection of Mark IV and Cantrell Samson are updating/revising signing and striping placement,updating/revising SW PPP layouts,updating drainage area reap and drainage plan,determine light pole placement and coordination grit h the power company,revise traffic control plans and submit all'monthly reports and invoicing as per the contract.. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, irry .. ms, E. Project alter" Intersection Improvement Projects Nlark lid"at Cantrell Samson TranSystems,Corporation Cons ult'nts 8/5/2013 Design Services H01URLY RATE WORK Total Estimated n u irs 1" Total Cot Survey Tech Clem l E tim Project Senior Design ARK BASK DESCRIPTION Manager un r Engineer r w a 195Z 1%00 130-00 QUO 130.00 nent" 'Project Management 4 t rs/mi ntt Buzz Saw natntenanm $ 260 , Sub-total, 2,015.00 2 Plans Fund� l u�atlons ... Sli2ning and Sty in 3,2 3.,64 .001 1� S PPP _. 8 24 3,710.E Ltu-t tal 101110.00 Drainage Ana sus Dew Mw 4 4 DrainM'Plan 40 32 sub-t rtal A960.001 4. Lighting De�i',n Determine l 16 16 1 1 4,395, Coordinate with Power gnu n 1 3 S 64500 s U bAtota.1 $ 040.0 Triffig Q BUI lj u Phased Plan 4 500 Prepare traffic sequence 11590" 0 sub-total $ 10,540.00 �C,q Rerview and Meetin S lReview Comments(1 6 12 iMeetings 975, smut-total 3,870. 0 R try buursalble .Prinfing Printing 2,500,00 �twl 035.00 uityo f Fort Ma or and, Counciol Co t Y unit. Ion al{WNfI%l7OOyi//„/(%!%fllbr G,Fi,,,rlllOf/l,;F/r//6G h,.l;,, 1 a tF .G.r1.✓'..n.,r,TIJ,,,.,»,C'»U.<J'..-,c,�mr,r,IrtyG Ii3',,»r6rr frrfyrt(Jr<'Pr i r,rrJli✓i t`:.J t J / r✓ ,y r,,..%,„r Ir:l1 I F,Fi,it „I„;,Ir 1.U ✓:' 1 1 v✓.r,.>v,.rug S° J.a.er ,. / d,4l"or,r;✓fGM(affJinR»vrN7,Jn.t„J»L,.m1,.r.fir+riQwrru,✓iUv»irtYdaf�»iP+6vfntrPi!»°i41ikJ ileri»»�»Gd,"L»'a,»'?Rlr(dJ,aylr,Ilsr,ur'/»k''9,JrGi �"a»r'x/Ally%✓ COUNCIL ACTIO Approved on 101,16/201 ,%I,'i»Uc»l"„,,,61!!!/%l?r,hiY^»i//Fly/./JFUI/,1,J Jj,.l,«/J,:..,rJ/rrf..f'it J o n ✓,r: i ,J,»i,//....;rilf(,lr/i»k;e;21i961/uft,r, fra, ✓,r,iiN '✓q. r.. rr i ,,,; ,;r,, ,,.;.. ,,.. 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Tuesday, October 15, 2013 REFERENCE NO.: *'*C-26496 LOG NAME: 202011 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS-MARK ITV SUBJECT Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 3 to City Secretary contract Number 425,47, the Engineering Services Agreement, with Tr,e,nSystems Corporation Consultants In the Amount of$48,035.00 for the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Design of a Roundabout at the Intersection of Mark IV Parkway and Cantrell Samson Road for e Revised Total contract in the Amount of$344,1 59.0 (CO�UNCIL DISTRICT 2 R co ENDAT11ON: It is recommended that the city council authorize execution, of Amendment No. 3 to City Secretary Number 42547, an Engineering Services Agreement with TrenSystems corporation Consultants in the amount of$48,035.00, for the preparation of plans, specifications and construction estimates for the design of roundabout at the intersection of Dark IV Parkway and Cantrell .Samson Road for a revised total contract in the amount of$344,1 59.00. DISCUSSION-. The 20,0 8 Bond Program allocated funds for intersection improvements that would promote efficient traffic flow. TranSysterns corporation consultants was selected to prepare plans, specifications and cost estimates at Dark IV Parkway/Cantrell Samson Road, and three other locations. Originally, ,e traffic signal with roadway improvements was proposed for the intersection. However, it has been determined that traffic ►rill be better served by the construction of e roundabout at this intersection. Amendment Igo* 2 in the amount of'$3 , 92.5 , was executed administratively to perform o felasibi,lity study and' preliminary design to determine, right-of-way needs in order to accommodate the roundabout. This proposed Amendment No. 3 is for the preparation of construction plans for the actual construction of the roundabout. The following, table summarizes previous contract action and Amendments: Cit y Pr _.9jecf Amount , roiect Descrii tion &c No. AMroved lo. 011652 Design services for the preparation of plans and specifications for intersection improvements at Initial ract Contract $2 3a322.o ,four locations in North Fart Worth including C-25255 1111/2011 adding left and right turn lanes with,signal modifications Amendment for additional surveys to acquire Amendment ���to 'Approved build permanent traffic si nal and full 'N . 1 $ 1x,010. pavement section at the intersection of Mark IV Administratively `1 12 12012 at Cantrell Samson load r Amendment fl%mendrnent t�o perform feasibility stud and A, rr�f�a�i pproved � 7/101/20,13 Pao, 2 +determlin+ right-of-way requirements,to build a Administratively roundabout instead of traffic signal at Mark l l at g rtie:20201,1 INTERSECTION IMPROVE MENTS-MARK IV Page l of 2 Cantrell Samson Road Amendment Amendment t acquire right-of-way to proceed, w $48,035.00'with dev to miennt of final buns,for a roundabout Fending "'ending n Marls I' "at Cantrell Samson Toad Total $3441159000 ' This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2, I apsco 49F. FISCAL INFORMATION CERTIFICATION: The Financial ial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Street Improvements 2,008 F=und. FUND CEIITERSN TO Fund/AcotaunVCenters FROM Fund/Account/Centers 0204 531200 202390,165230 $48,035.00 C'ERTIFICATION'S: Submitted for C*IV Mangu er's Offic Fernando Costa 22 Originating D artmienit Hieadim Douglas s . Wiersi (7801,) Ad dltlonaI Informatalon Contact: Lissette Acevedo (2722) ATTACHMENTS 1. 1 65 .pf CFW Internal) 2. X204 9 1.docx CFW Internal') 3. C NTRELL SAN MARK IV IN T IMP 01652 7003. f (Public) 4. Overall MWBE Persona g. f (CFA Internal t.ognar 202011 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS-MARK IV Page 2 of 2