HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15693 ORDIN~ANTCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3~-56(b), 35-56(c), and 35- 56{d} OF C1=IAPTER 35 OF TIdE CODE OF TIIE CITY OF FORT ~~'ORTI~ {1986}, AS AMENDED, BY REVISING Ai~D ADDING CERTAIN RATES AND CHARGES; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES; REPEALF~iG ALL ORDINA?~TCES AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE FORT ~~rORTId CITE CODE I?~T CONFLICT I-IERE~'ITH; PROVIDIi~rG A SAVIS~rGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDII~~G AN EFFECTNE DATE. BE IT ORDAINTED BY TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF FORT WORTH: s~cTlol~ i . That Section 35-56(b} of Chapter 3~ of the Code of the City of Fort ~~rorth (1986}, as amended, is hereby amended to be and read as follow; "{b} The following schedule of rates per month, or fraction thereof, sha11 be the charges to all residential and nonresidential customers for furnishing water to such customers located within the city. The residential monthly volume charge for water se~-~ ice shall be the charges to the residential class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing water to residential water customers located within the city. The nonresidential monthly ~rolume charge for water ser~~ice shall be the charges to the nonresidential customer class, as defined in this chapter, for furnishing water to nonresidential ti~ater customers located within the city. RATE FOR WATER SERVICE Monthly Ser~rice Charge for Water Meter size Monthly charge (inches} IWI ,~~ 6 1:, 8 "~ ~ , " 1 ~ The monthly volume charge far water ser~Fice is as follati~Ts: Residential Customer Class Cubic Feet Rate First 1,000 ar less cubic feet ofwater used $1.66 per month, per 100 cubic feet For the next 2,000 cubic feet of water used ~ 1.98 per month, per 100 cubic feet Far all in excess of 3,000 cubic feet of $2.40 tivater used pcr month, per 100 cubic feet Commercial Customer Class Cubic Feet Rate First 250,000 cubic feet of water used per ~ 1.82 month, per 100 cubic feet Over 250,000 cubic feet of water used per ~ 1.42 month, per 100 cubic feet Industrial Customer Class Cubic Feet Rate First 250,000 cubic feet of ~ ater used per $1.66 month, per 100 cubic feet Over 250,000 cubic fccT c~fivater used per X1.37 month, per 100 cubic I~ccl ~~.._.,...~;. A1~..~~ RA~y' WATER SERVICE All use per month $4.6241 per 1,000 gallons inside Tarrant Regional ~~ ater District Ail use per month 50.6759 per 1,000 gallons outside Tarrant Regional Water District The service charges set out in the foregoing schedules are based upon the amount of eater used as measured by meters.' SECTION 2. That Section 35-56(c} of Chapter 35 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth ~ 1986), as amended, is hereby amended to be and read as follow: "{c) The following schedule of rates per month or fraction thereof shall be the basis for determining charges to all customers for rendering sanitary sewerage service, v~rhere the sewage produced by such customer is a normal strength wastewater [tcvo hundred ten (210} mg~'1 B.O.D. and t`vo hundred forty (240} mg~l suspended solids] and where such customer is located within the city: ,RATES FOR SEWERAGE SERVICE ONLY (1} A monthly service charge shall be charged to all customers in the amount of four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50}. (2) A monthly volume charge shall also be charged to residential customers in the amount of two dollars and twenty-three cents {52.23) per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used, and to nonresidentiall`non- monitored customers in the amount of t4vo dollars and twenty-six cents (52,.26} per one hundred (100} cubic feet of water used, or wastewater produced, as more specifically set forth hereinafter. The montl~l~ ~~~I«rni rhar~~~~; i~~r r~~<i~l~~n[i~~1 ~1.1.~~ ~ust~~n;~r~ ~~ ill 1~~ ha~~~[ .., .~,... I' ,I li .1.., ,' I'..,. I'. _C~I', l l!11.~1~ t~i~,l'.,'I~ „~'I~. The monthly charges to the nonresidential~`non-monitored customers will be based on total eater use as measured by appropriate meters, with the provision that if a customer c~{n prove, to the satisfaction of the director, that a significant portion of tl~~ metered water usage does not enter the sanitary sewers, the customs r will be charged for only that volume entering the sewers, as determined by a method approved by the director." SECTIC?N 3. That Section 35-~6(d} of Chapter 35 of the Code of the City of Fort Vv'orth (1986}, as amended, is hereby amended to be and read as follows. "(d) The director shall establish a monitored group class, consisting of those customers whose wastewater strength is, in his judgment, abnormally high or whose wastewater contains limited substances or materials, and charges to customers in this class shall be computed in accord with the following five-part rate schedule: MOIvTITORED GROUP Customer monthly service charge Volume charge, per 100 cubic feet BOD strength charge, per pound of BOD Suspended solids strength charge per pound of suspended solids 1~~onitoring and pretreatment charge $4.50 $1.84 $0.248 $0.124 Total actual cast The monitoring charge shall consist of all cost for personnel, material and equipment used to collect and anal~~ze samples from the customer's wastewater to determine the strength of the wastewater produced and, when appropriate, to inspect pretreatment facilities, to administer pretreatnnt permit systems and to enforce ordinance requirements, Pretreat~n~nt requirements primarily affect industries that are subject to 40 CFR, Part 403, General Pretreatment Regulations. Th~~ ~rl~~~~?"1~ I~:ill ~~~eplace all other ~~I~;u ~~~~ i~r~~~iou~1; >>><~~i~ f~~r in~1~i5[i-ia1 .i~~, r,~i~~__tl ~t~ t I It )~ 1. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are se~rerable. and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality sha11 not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same utould have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTIt7N 6. This ordinance shall take effect on January 1, X004. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ; ~~,/ ~: .__ Assistant ity Attorney ADOPTED: r EFFECTIVE; j `~ - ~'ity of .Font TjT~ort~i, Texas ~~t~~c~~ tend ~; act~-c~[ ~; c~~nr~~c~r~ ic~r~~ic~r~ BATE REFERENCE NUMBER LC7G NAME _ PAGE 9/23103 G-14099 60RETAIL 1 of 3 SUBJECT ORDINANCE REVISING RETAIL WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance, which revises retail water and wastewater rates and provides an effective date of billing the new rates for usage on or after January 1, 2004. DISCUSSION: The cost of service studies were conducted to establish proposed FY2004 water and wastewater rates for the Fort Worth Water Department. To assist with decisions about allocation of costs on a "fair and equitable" basis to each customer class, an Informal Retail Customer Advisory Committee {Committee} was formed consisting of twelve members. Membership included representatives from neighborhood associations, commercial customers and large volume industrial customers. A total of five meetings were conducted with the Committee members. The responsibilities of the Committee were to make recommendations to Fort Worth Water Department staff concerning the equity of the rate structure. Based on the Committee's guidance, staff is recommending rates designed to recover the casts of providing water and wastewater service to retail customers with an equitable distribution of the adjustment among the customer classes. The retail portion of the recommended revenue requirements resulted in an increase of 6.75°I° for wastewater and 9.91 °lo for water. The FY2003-2004 budget, as approved by the City Council, assumes the following rate increases will occur: RETAIL WATER RATES Meter Size Current Rate Proposed Rate 518-inch and 3/4-inch 1-inch 1 1/2-inch 2-inch ?~-inch Inch ~ ~-InCrl Pesidentia~ _ ~ ~ _3- , . , ~ r.,,.t $ 4.75 $ 7.25 $ 13.25 9~ 20.25 S 0r 1 C' _i ~~~',~ Ste; r J(~ $ 5.00 7.50 14.00 21.00 ~ ', ~ ", (1 JiLJ'.:~li ~?i~;~i ~^jJ X285.00 Curre_n_t Proposed ~ _ ~'it~ of .Fort T~T'ort11, Texas ~1~~~c~r ~r~d ~~c~c~nc~l ~; c~~mc~~n~ic~-~i~-~n DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LQG NAME PAGE 9123103 G-14Q99 60RETAlI_ 2 of 3 suB,~ECT URDINANGE REVISING RETAIL WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES ~ Commercial Gurrent Proposed Volume Charge {per 100 cubic feet - first 250,000 cubic feet} $ 1.62 $ 1.82 Volume Gharge {per 100 cubic feet -over 250,000 cubic feet} $ 1.26 $ 1.42 Industrial Gurrent Proposed Volume Gharge {per 100 cubic feet -first 250,000 cubic feet} $ 1.49 $ 1.66 Volume Gharge {per 100 cubic feet -over 250,000 cubic feet} $ 1.23 $ 1.37 Irri anon Current Proposed Valume Charge {per 100 cubic feet -all cubic feet} $ 1.84 $ 2.12 RETAIL WASTEWATER RATES Residential Gurrent Proposed Service Gharge per Month $ 4.50 $ 4.50 Valume Gharge {per 100 cubic feet} $ 2.02 $ 2,23 Non ResidentiallNon-Monitored Gurrent Proposed Service Gharge per Month $ 4,50 $ 4.50 Volume Gharge {per 100 cubic feet) $ 2.14 $ 2.26 Monitored Group Gurrent Proposed Service Gharge per Month $ 4.50 $ 4.50 Volume Gflarge (per 10Q ct;hi~~ feet) ~ 1JQ S 1.86 Biological C>x~gen Der~~~ ., 3rge ~~er c~o~;r~dl SO 2 ?1 ~~ 24?, ~'ity o, f ` Fort ~o~tli, Texas ~~lr~~yc~~ sand ~~ou~nciC ~; a~~c~r~~~ec~~r~~n DATE REFERENCE NUMBER UC}G NAME -- PAGE 9123!43 G-14499 60RETAIL 3 of 3 51JBJECT C}RDINANCE REVISING RETAIL WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES FISCAL INFORMATIaN/CERTIFICATIC}N: The Finance Director certifies that adoption of this rate schedule will require no expenditures of City funds. The Customer Service Division of the Water Department is responsible for billing and collection of water and wastewater service revenues. MQ:k