HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15767Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATfONS IN THE COMMERGIA[_ PAPER-WATER FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $710,317.00 AND IN THE COMMERCIAL PAPER-SEWER FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $347,598.50 FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A CONTRACT WITH CONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR WATER MAIN AND SANITARY SEWER MAIN RELOCATIONS ON ROSEDALE STREET {ALSTON AVENUE TO SOUTH MAIN STREET}, CONTRACT 2, UNIT III; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2003- 2004 in the Budget of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Commercial Paper-Water Fund in the amount of $710,317.00 and in the Commercial Paper-Sewer Fund in the amount of $347,598.50 from available funds for the purpose of funding a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. for water main and sanitary sewer main relocations on Rosedale Street {Alston Avenue to South Main Street}, Contract 2, Uni# III. SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No. 15636 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoptio~~ ~, ..ry ~ ~' F, ~ m City of Fort ~Ilorth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Apprcaved crrt 12/212043 - Qrd, 15767 ~~~~ ~~ DATE: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 E.{)G NAME: 309TH REFERENCE NCB.: **C-19870 SUEJECT: Appropriation Ordinance and Award of Contract to Conatser Construction, Inc. for Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Main Relocations on Rosedale Street (Alston Avenue to South Main Street), Contract 2, Unit III RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of $1,057,915.50 from the Water and Sewer Fund to the Commercial Paper- Water Fund in the amount of $710,317.00 and the Commercial Paper-Sewer Fund in the amount of $347,598.50; and 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Commercial Paper-Water Fund in the amount of $710,317.00 and the Commercial Paper-Sewer Fund in the amount of $347,598.50 from availabie funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $954,915.50 for wa#er main and sanitary sewer main relocations on Rosedale Street {Alston Avenue to South Main S#reet), Contract 2, Unit III. DISCUSSIC?N: On March 23, 1999 {M&C C-17334), the City Council authorized the City Manger to execute an engineering agreement with Garcia & Associates Engineering, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for water and sanitary sewer relocations an Rosedale Street from U,S. Hwy. 287 to Forest Park Boulevard. The relocation of the water main and sanitary sewer main is necessary in order to facilitate the proposed reaiignment and reconstruction of Rosedale Street by the Texas Department of Transportation. In order to reduce the construction impact to residents and businesses on Rosedale Street, which has a h!gh vehicular traffic; flo~w~ the project was div~dnd infci the fallowing contracts far design and construction ,~ . Contract '~,n~ ~;' ?. Una' f ,. ~, , Lirliits ~:1 ~ i-i =, ~. Status st~.a. t ~ ~!r ~1n~er c;n~`n ;ti! n a, .; t F ~; The proposed improvements under Contract 2, Unit Ifl consist of the installation of approximately 5,550 linear feet of water pipes ranging from 6 to 16-inches in diameter and 2,700 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipes ranging from 8 to 12-inches in diameter. This project was advertised far bid on August 28 and September 4, 2003. Can September 18, 2003, the following bids were received: Bidder Amount Time of Completion Gonatser Construction, Inc. $954,915.54 154 Calendar Days Jackson Gonstruction, Ltd. $1,343,748.44 William J. Schultz, dtbla $1,364,497.44 Circle "C" Construction Gompany Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. $1,376,531.44 AUI Contractors, L.P. $1,432,724.44 In addition to the contract cost, $67,500.00 {water: $45,500.00 sewer: $22,000.00} is required for inspec#ion and survey, and $35,500.00 {water: $19,500.00, sewer $16,000.00} is provided for water and sanitary sewer project contingencies. Gonatser Construction, Inc. is in compliance with the City's M1WBE Ordinance by commi#ting to 6°t° MMlBE participation and documenting good faith effort. Gonatser Construction, Inc. identified several subcontrac#ing and supplier opportunities. However, the MNVBEs contacted in the areas identified did not submit the lowest bid. The City's goal on this project is 17°t°. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9, Mapsco 76C_ and M. FISCAL INFt~?RMATI©NICERTIFICATIC}N: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and completion of recommendation No. 1 and adoption of the attached appropria#ion ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets of the Commercial Paper-Water Fund and the Commercial Paper-Sewer Fund. TO FundlAcco~anUCenters FRAM FundlAccountlCenters 1&2} PW77 472045 06(}7701535$0 5710 317.00 ~ Pw77 541200 06x7701535$0 X645,317.00 1&2}PS46 472045 070460133440 5347.59$.50 3}PS46 541200 070460133440 $309.598.50 2 PW77 54120(} 06077015358Q S664,817 ~ 1) PE~t5 538020 06C1902Q 71 317.0.0 21 PW77 53135Q 630770153580 545,500.00 1~ PE45 538070 0709020 X347,598.50 ,; ~~~~a5 X47 ion e,-~4F01 ;aao =~_ ~ ,~, Submitted for City Manager's Office by:_ ~."~~<~!~ Ott ?~a;'~,: Originating Department Head: A [~oug ~~~~~ Rai i,~~i?,~~~Kr;r;E~157~ Additional information Contact: A. Douglas Rademaker !61571 Z~~.~n.un~:.~U~)CTT