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Ordinance 15785
ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FORT WORTH PLUMBING CODE, BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE FEES CHARGED; PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE PERCENTAGE OF FEES COLLECTED FOR THE PLAN REVIEW AND THE INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS BY APPROVED THIRD PARTY ORGANIZATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A DEPOSIT TO COVER THE PLUMBING INSPECTION flF BUILDINGS BY APPROVED THIRD PARTY ORGANIZATIONS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CLrMULATNE; PROVIDING A SEVER:ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PA~NIPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth has determined that it is appropriate to increase the fees charged for permits and other services performed; WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth has heretofore enacted provisions allowing for the plan review and inspections of construction projects by separate third party organizations, has enacted an amendment to the fees charged for those individuals taking advantage of the third party option, and at this time considers it appropriate to increase the amount of percentage collected by the City for third party projects; WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth will continue to provide far the holding of a deposit to cover third party plumbing inspections as required by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section ?C>-.' of the C~,dc of~ the City of~ Fort. ~~'art1~ t 198(1) is an~encled hex replacing urr~~t~i ~c~tir,n (~~ ~; ~ ,ins] l,ihl<~ ('~ ~~ ~ :1; 1i~11~,~~,~ ~.~(<li~~/1 ~ ~J.~ r ~nii~~<ir ~ ~ /t ~l~i:1.~ I ~~, ~. ~~0~.2 Ncrmit fees. ~lhe lee !~>r each pern~il Thal( he as yet forth in ~Iahle C~!~.~. E1ny person obtaining a permit application required by this code shall, at the time of filing, pay a permit and anon-refundable application fee as required by this section for the installation, relocation or replacement of any of the listed items. Exceptions; 1. Where the fees for new structures and additions to structures have been collected on a building permit, the permit fee is not required but the permit application shall be filed by the person doing the work before work is commenced. I~owever, an additional 10°la deposit of the building permit fee for new construction and additions with plumbing work shall be required to cover third party plumbing inspections. Such deposit shall be used to pay, through a billing process established by the Development Department, for the plumbing inspection services performed. 2. Where these fees are being invoiced monthly and the account is past due, a penalty and/or interest charge as prescribed by the jurisdiction, shall be assessed. The above assessed fee and delinquent payment shall be paid before additional permits will be issued or additional inspections performed. 3. Buildings or structures owned and occupied by a Federal, State, or County entity on property owned by the Federal, State, or County entity shall be exempt from the permit fees. This exception does not apply to public school districts or county community colleges. 4. Work by non-City personnel on property under the control of the City of Fort Worth shall be exempt from the permit fees only if the work is for action under a contract approved by City Council with notes in the contract packages stating the fee is waived. 5. Work by City personnel on property under the control of the City of Fort Worth shall be exempt from the permit fees only if the application is accompanied by a copy of the work order for the project. 6. When the project is to be inspected by an approved third party organization as described in Section C08, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25°l0 {0.25). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure, However, the 75©lo remaining amount shall be collected as a deposit to cover third party plumbing inspections. Such dcpusit shall be used to pay, through a billing process established by the Development Department, for the plumping in5~~ection ser~~ices performed. }~~n~~~ti~,n ~,~~ r~~lu~ti~,n ~~I t(~~ ~~~~rn~it f'~~~~~ uu~irr this ~cctiun ~l~;ili n~?l ~~ai~c t1~c _'I`~ ;~ ~ ~ i.. ~ 1\ w, AAl~il+~'~.,. ,t ~~'~ I?.!l .tom I~llllll~li tiliti~l 1~'~ I'<<~„ ( ~ i~ *Table C`05.2; ret~Zace with new table to read as, ollc~ws: Table 005.2 Schedule of Fees ~ Administrative I . CFPBOA Application Fee (I st item per address} . $ 140.00 (Each additional item per address) 24.44 2. Permit Application Fee 15.44 3. Change of Record (per record or permit} I5.44 Permit items2 First Fixture or Appliance 6.35 Additional Fixtures or Appliances {each) 2.64 Sewer -First I24 feet . 6.35 Each additional 144 feet or portion thereof 6.46 Gas Service 6.35 Each Lawn Sprinkler System . 25.42 Water Service -First 124 feet 6.35 Each additional I00 feet or portion thereof 6.46 Water Submeter 2.60 Grease Trap or Interceptor 6.35 Sand Trap . 12.I3 Each Roof Drain 6.46 Temporary Gas Service . 6.35 BackflQ~~~ Preventer 6.35 Floor Di-a~n 2,64 '~~l ob i l c H ~»> cs or !V9 ob l i e Units ~:<iC~l I11C1171~C ~lOIl1C S(~~iCC ill' I110~~1~~ U1111 S(~~l'C . ~~.I~ 1 ~i~~l~ ~~~~~~~r ~rni . a 1_;_~~~ `l.r _ b . . a _'.', _~_' _~,• ~V. ~ . a ~~ 3 tither Inspections and Fees 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours {minimum of two hours} 2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of 006.6 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated {minimum charge -one-half hour} . 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans {minimum charge -one-half haur} 5. Inspections outside of city limits {commercial} {residential} . ~ t}r $34.44 per hour, whichever is greater. SECTION 2. $35.00 per haur . $25.00 $35.00 per hour $35.00 per hour $45.001 per inspector $60.00 total This article sha11 be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances and of the Cade of the City of Fart Worth, Texas { 1986}, as amended, except where the provisions of this article are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such Cade, in which event conflicting provisions of such ordinances and such Code are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof sha11 be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars {$2,000.00} for all violations involving fire safety, or public health and sanitation and shall be fined not more than Five 1-Iundred Dollars {$500.00} far all other violations of this ordinance. Each day or any portion thereof during which any violation of this ordinance occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided. ~? 'l'.'I;'i\ i1cCI.C.~ I. '.~~ ,I1 l~lli~ll ~`~ lll~' l ~ ( ~~liil~il Illai lfil ~C~11~~1;- fi.l',i all ~CIII~']1~~~. ~ ~aC~~~. ,ll~~j ~~fila~~'~ UI 1~11~ l~f~ljlli.lll~'~ ,11C ~~~'\ ~'Iaf~~~. ally. .I all\ (1hCa~~_ ,... _- ~~~ntci~~~. Er,u~a~~ra(~h. ~~r ~~~u~n~ ~,~ this ur~linan.~ Tall h~: ~1~~~~lar~~1 ~ui~l, ir~~i~f~~ti~~_ ~~r un~unstitutic~ual h~ the ~ali~l ju~i~arncnt ~~r fi~ril ~~~crc~ ~~f any crun~t ot~ c~~n~}~etrnt juris~iicti~~n, such ~oidn~ss. in~~f~i~ecti~cn~ss, or unc~~nstitationalit~ shall ni?t affect anv ot~ the renriinin~~ ~~~11;1~~'s, C~aa~~'~, tit~'lll~'I'-C~'~. (~ala!~l'a}~h~. alhj s~l'Ul~ll~ nl l~L's ~~I1jl(l;lll~~', tilllC~' IhC ~~1111~' \\~ill~~j ~' , l ~ 4 ~ a 1' ~ ~ ._ .' 4 SECTION 5. This ordinance constitutes a digest and revision of the Plumbing Code of the City of Fort Worth, as provided in Section 2, Chapter XXV, and Section 9, Chapter XXVII, of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth. The Development Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance, as so published, shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof, as provided in Chapter XXV, Section 3, of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. SECTION 6. The City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, is hereby directed to publish the caption, penalty clause, and effective date of this ordinance for two (2} days in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas as authorized by Section 2, Chapter XXV of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas and by Section 52.013 (a} of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 3, 2004, and it is so ordained. __ _ _ __ __ Assis«nt Cite Attorney Date: Adopted: Effective: $ -~ t a~-~~ pity of ForY~ Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTIC}N: Approved on 12/912003 -Ordinance No. 1588.3, '15784, 15785, 15786 and 15787 £ DATE: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 I,OG NAME: 06BLDGFEES REFERENCE NO.: G-14191 SUBJECT: Adoption of fJrdinances Increasing Fees for Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical and Sign Permits for the Development Department RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1} Adopt the attached ordinance establishing fees in the Building Code of the City of Fort Worth; and 2} Adopt the attached ordinance establishing fees in the Mechanical Code of the City of Fort Worth; and 3} Adopt the attached ordinance establishing fees in the Plumbing Code of the City of Fort Worth; and 4) Adopt the attached ordinance establishing fees in the Electrical Code of the City of Fort Worth; and 5} Adopt the attached ordinance establishing fees in the Sign Gode of the City of Fart Worth; and 6} Establish the effective date of al! ordinances as January 3, 2004. DISCUSSION: During budget deliberations and approval of the FY2003-2004 budget, a number of improvements were included in the Development Department's budget. Those improvements included additional staffing, increased technology applications and workspace improvements. To offset the costs of these improvements, adjustments in various development fees were proposed. It is proposed to increase the building and trade permit fee by 7°lo and decrease the fee waiver for third party plan review and inspection services from 80°lo to 75°l0. Fees related to licensing and registration of various trades are not subject to an increase at this time. Staff notified the following organizations for the proposed changes in fees, 1, All eertifed third party firms- and .~ -. ~ ~ ~. ~~~ r.. - ~.-- ~ _ , =1G1~ _. 'ally ~~?IC;. ~'dS Sr_'-'li `.~~ 2~r~CXI^l~t~~y' ~ .J'.,u Clty 5~1 FOfi ~f~Cri~l IiCS ~S"~ dii j i°.Q!Sji"a; S'i'1 "1S1'~CfS udtic me ~~ ~~ p ~ ing was help ~r O.,t~ber 15. 20 ~ '~ ut!~~ ~ ne proposed ch nc ~s Ar a ~ ±"icr._,I 1~~ti"1~ with r~, ._ .~ ~: y,_ ~._ ,~~ ., - ~ r. ,~., n- .., .. r,. ~_ .,,_ ..._,._ ,_ . ~ _ i Approval of the attached ordinances will establish an effective date of January 3, 2004, FISCAL INFORMAT}{~N/CERT}FICAT}{~N: The Finance Director certifies that the Development Department will be responsible for collection and deposit of revenues due to the City. TO FundlAccount/Centers FRDM FundlAccountlCenters GG01 VARlC?US 0062000 $371.039.04 Submitted for City Manager's Office by• Reid Rector {6140} Originating Department Head• Bob Riley {8901} Additional information Contact: Bob Riley {8901}