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Ordinance 15788
ORDINANCE NO. ~_ ~~ ,, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 25, "PLANNING: QF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS {1986, AS AMENDED, B'Y AMENDING SECTION 25-I TO CHANGE THE FEES FOR CERTAIN SERVICES RELATED TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, PLAN COMMISSION AND, ZONING COMMISSION FUNCTIONS; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 25 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas {1986}, as amended, is hereby amended by revising Section 25-1 to read as follows: ARTICLE Z IN GENERAL Sec, 25-1, Application fees charged by Zoning Board of Adjustment, Plan Commission and Zoning Commission. {a) For services rendered, the fallowing schedule of fees and charges is hereby adapted; APPLICATI©N FEES (1) Zoning Board oftldjusttnent: {1} Variance: a, Residential {owner-occupied) ~150.{IO* b, Nor~~esidential... S3t~0.00* {2) Special e~cepti~~n ... S3?5,t}4* {3~ lntcr~}~retatic~n rc~~ue~t ... 5,~(i.~70 f'lu; au .i~l~lit~unal I~iit~. ~lull~ir IS~ii.i~~~1 1~~1 ~~ail~ a~lcl~tiuna~ ~~irian~~~ ur ~~>~cial <~~~~~E~tii~n r~~yu~°5tc~l ~i> >a~T~c aE~~~liratiu». (`.~~ /'lout (~cnnn~isst~»t: {I) E'lats: el ~~(~I1C~~l( E~~~III~ ~~ ~ ~ UU b. ~,.. ~ I' . '~~.. 1. Less than 75 acres ... $554.44 2. 75 acres or more ... $554.44 Plus$6.44 per each acre over 75 acres Plat Size: 18" X 24" Plat Size 24'" X 36 Final Plat a. Fewer than 3 lots $264.44 $275.44 b. 3 lots or more $264.44 plus 14.44 per lot $275.44 plus $14.44 per lot Replat with Public Hearing a. Fewer than 3 lots $374.44 $385.44 b. 3 lots or mare $374.44 plus $14.44 per lot $385.44 plus $14.44 per lot Short Form Plat a. Fewer than 3 lots $264.44 $275.44 b. 3 lots or more $264.44 plus 14.44 per lot $275.44 plus $14.44 per lot Plat Vacation $374.44 $385.44 {Abandonment) Filing fees with the county: Collection of filing fees for the appropriate county will in addition to the fee rates stated above. (3) Other Matters: a. Street and alley vacations ... $554.44 b. Public Access or Emergency Easement vacation .. $334.44 c. Community facilities contract fee ... $444.44 d. Request for change in master thoroughfare plan ... $554.44 e. Street name change ... $554.44 f. Planned de~~elopment site plan ... $654.44 g. Unified residential plan ... $544.44 h. Revisions to L~ni ficd Residential Plan ... $254.44 i. Annexation: 1. %~ acres or less ... ~;j~i),(lU ¢ ~It~r~ iiT111 ~'` ;1~'l~~',i ~~~1) flll ~)~ll~ ~-~ (11) ~1~1" ~l~[~<' ~~\~'1" ~~ ~1~1'~'< .. ~~1 ~',. ri ~~ _ ~'~. ,l',- ~. ~_ y ii il~. (~/ ~(~Illll~~' ~ ~~/1lllir~•iulj ~l~ l~~Illll,~ aE~~~licalii>i~: .., 2 c. More than 5 acres .. $1,500.00{*} (S} "HC" Historic and Cultural Landrrtarlts District ... No Fee (~) "CD" Conservation District .. $100.00 (7~ Special zoning Tiearing by City Council ... $300.00 (8) Planned Development (PD) Site Plana $650.00{*) (9~ Verification Letters (Zoning Classifications, ETJ Lot size approval for septic disposal system} $15.00 (10} Unified Residential Site Plan {a} New: $500.00 {b) Revised: $250.0(} (III Variance Request to City Council $300.00 (*} Designated fee shall be twice the amount shown when double noticing and City Council consideration is required, apart from the normal processing schedule. Double Fee is not exempt of incentive programs granted to a project. {**} For applications of less than 1 acre {43,560 sq.ft.} in size, a down zoning to one or two family zoning and when consistent with the most current adopted Comprehensive Plan, a fee of $350.00 is required. (12) Continuances: Continuance of board of adjustment, plan or zoning commission hearing {by request of the applicant after public notice) ... $150.00 {b) No final approval of a plat shall be given by the plan commission of the city unless and until a receipt is furnished the secretary of such commission showing that the fee provided for in this section has been paid; na petition sha11 be docketed with the zoning commission of the city unless and until a receipt has been furnished to the secretary of such commission showing that the fee provided far in this section has been paid; and na application for relief shall be docketed with the board of adjustment of the city unless and until a receipt is furnished the secretary of such board showing that the fee provided far in this section has been paid. SECTION 2. This ttr~linanc~: shall be cumulative of all pru~~isioils of ordinances an€1 afthe Cade aftk~e ~ {.. ..t E ;i{~? ~~ ~~I~l~t. ~ t'\,I~ I ~ `)\(~ I. .1~ .llili'I':~~~'~j. '.~\~ l>>1 AA ~s.'I.' I~1C Eift~\ I~It~'l~ ~~~ '~11> iill~Ill.lll~~~ .., . i..;~i ~~~ii;ll~( \~Il~l ~~~~ ~~li~~l~!t~ll~ ~!i ~U~II t~I~~111~U1C'~> ~illc~ ~li~~l < ~~li'~. Ili A~~ll~fl <'\111 ~~~n~iirtin~~ E~r~~~>>i~~~~; ~~i~,ucl~ ~>~~~linan~~> .end ~url~ C~u~1~ ~i,~.~ =i~i~~h~ 1~~}a<~ai~~~I. 3 SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4. All rights and remedies of the City of Fart Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of the City Code that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but maybe prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SEC'T'ION 5. The City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, is hereby directed to publish the caE~tion, ~~cnalt~~ clause and ei~fecti~~c laic of ibis ordinance fir t~~o (?) dais in the official ~'~ ~'i_ ~ ~ ~1' ~~'i its. ,1~~ .~1~ ~!~, ~~1~; ~'. _~ ~'. ~ f ~'~.1 SECTIC3N6. Anr~exatian and miscellaneous fees as listed in Sectian (3}, "Other Matters" shall take effect on January 3, 2004. Zoning and Cauncil variance fees listed in Sectian {4}, "Zoning Cammissian"; Sectian {b}, "CD Conservation District"; Sectian {7}, "Special Zoning Hearing by City Cauncil"; Sectian {8}, "Planned Development (PD} Site Plan"; Sectian {9}, "Verification Letters; Sectian X10}, "Unified Residential Site Plan" and Sectian (11}, "Variance Request to City Cauncil" shall take effect an January 13, 2044. Plat and application fees listed in Sectian (2}, "Plan Cammissian" shall take effect an January 27, 2444. APPROVED AS TO FORM A.ND LEGALITY: Assistant City ttorney ADOPTED: ~ ~ ~- ~ EFFECTNE: S ~i~y of Fort fi~l~ar~h, Texas Mayor and Council Communication SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance Increasing Fees for Development Application and Services for the Development Department RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance establishing various fees related to: 1) Annexation and miscellaneous fees with an effective date of January 3, 2004; and 2} Zoning and City Council variances fee with an effective date of January 13, 2004; and 3) Plat and applications fees with an effective date of January 27, 2004. DISCUSSION: During budget deliberations and approval of the FY2003-2004 budget, a number of improvements were included in the Development Department's budget. Those improvements included addition of staffing, increased technology applications and work space improvements. These improvements will require adjustments in the department's existing fee structure. The adjustments in fees related to platting, zoning and other miscellaneous services are the first adjustment since 1990. The proposed adjustment will more closely cover the direct costs to provide the associated services. The rate increases are generally a 10°fo increase in platting and annexation fees. The platting fees are being adjusted to reflect direct costs of the City and increased filing fees required by Tarrant County. This fee structure also addresses services that are new since the last fee adoption. This includes a new fee for limited purpose annexation, verification letters and charges for variances that require City Council consideration. Additionally, the proposed schedule increases the sidewalk and street rental fees {temporary encroachments necessary to construct a project} by 50°l~. .. .. ~ _. The propcsed'ee schedu~~. s the on ~ , ~ i;~ _ , { r , ~ ~ ^, f_ ~'P ~~'?~ ~P~~li~c!c iC~ `;O'.V~ ~ ,1f ~,qr- _.. ~, ~, .~ -• y ., . N' , it a estima?e~1 that the proposed adustmer~ts will gerrer~te addition revenue of approximately 5°2.280. ~~ ;~~ r ±~,.. , .~~~~, a - ; r~- ~~ .. ~~~ ~ ,~, ..~r: , , _- Ti~,,n;imr~. (tfiPT ,~71=~~l~c FISCAL INFC3RMATlON/CERTlFICATI(JN: The Finance Director certi€ies that the Development Department will be responsible €ar the collection and deposit a€ revenues due to the City. TQ Fund/AccountlCenters FROM FundlAccountlCenters GG01 VARIOUS 00620C}0 X92,288.00 5ut~rr~tttea for cii~ M_an__ag_er's Office bv.• Reid Rector {6140} Uriginat~"ng department Head: Bob Riley {8901 } Additional Information Contact: Bab Riley {8901} T n~tnac.~ (i~DT h'1"'C'L CC