HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15797ORDINANCE N®. ~~7~7
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to promote the development of a certain
contiguous geographic area in the City, which is more specifically described in Exhibit
"A" of this Ordinance (the "Zone"), through the creation of a new reinvestment none as
authorized by and in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act, codified at
Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code; and
WHEREAS, on or about Noveax~ber 12, 2003 the City provided written notice to
the governing body of each taxing unit that levies real property taxes in the Zane of (i)
the City's intent to establish the Zone; (ii) a description of the boundaries of the Zone;
(iii) the City's tentative plans for development of the Zone; and (iv) an estimate of the
general impact of the Zane on property values and tax revenues; and
WHEREAS, the governing body of each county and school district that levies
real property taxes in the proposed Zone has waived the requirement imposed by Section
311.003{e) of the Texas Tax Code that the City provide such written notice at least sixty
(fi0} days prior to the date of the public hearing conducted pursuant to Section 311.003{c}
of the Texas Tax Code; and
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Ordinance Ilesignating Talc increment Reinvestment Zone Dumber Dine,
City of Fort Worth, Texas
WHEREAS, the City has prepared a preliminary fuaancing plan for the Zone and
provided a copy of that plan to the governing body of each taxing unit that levies taxes on
real property in. the Zone, as required by Section 311.003(b) of the Texas Tax Code; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 311.003(fl of the Texas Tax Code, on
November 25, 2003 the City made a single formal presentation to the governing body of
each county and school district that levies real property taxes in the Zone, as agreed to by
such governing bodies, which presentation, among other things, included (i} a description
of the proposed boundaries of the Zone; (ii) the City's tentative plans for development of
the Zone; and {iii) an estimate of the general impact of the Zone on property values and
tax revenues; and
WHEREAS, on December 9, 2003 and December 16, 2003 the City Council held
a public hearing regarding the creation of the Zone and its benefits to the City and to
properky in the Zone and afforded a reasonable opportunity for (i) all interested persons to
speak for. or against the creation of the Zone, its boundaries or the concept of tax
increment financing and (ii) owners of real property in the Zone to protest inclusion of
their property in the Zone, as required by Sections 311.003{c) and (d) of the Texas Tax
Code; and
WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was published :~ a newspaper of
general circulation in the City on December 2, 2003, which satisfies the requirement of
Section 311.003(c) of the Texas Tax Code that publication of the notice occur not later
than the seventh day before the date of the public hearing;
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Ordinance Designating Tax Increment Reinvestment done Number Nine,
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Section 1.
That after reviewing all infarmation before it regarding the establishment of the
Zone and after conducting a public hearing regarding the creation of the Zone and its
benefts to the City and to property in the Zone and affording a reasonable opportunity
far (i) all interested persons to speak for or against the creation of the Zone, its
boundaries or the concept of tax increment financing and (ii) owners of real property in
the Zone to protest inclusion of their property in the Zone, the City Council hereby makes
the following findings of fact:
1.1. The statements and facts set forth in the recitals of this Ordinance are true and
correct. Therefore, the City laas met the notice and procedural requirements set
forth in Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code for creation of a reinvestment zone
1.2. Development of the Zone as a whole will not occur solely through private
investment in the foreseeable fitture.
1.3. Improvements in the Zone, including, but not limited to, those previously outlined
to the City Council and the governing bodies of all other taxing units that levy
real property taxes in the Zone, will significantly enhance the value of all the
taxable real property in the Zone and will be of general benefit to the City.
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Ordinance Designating Tax Increment Reinvestment .Zone Number Nine,
City of I~'ort Worth, 'T`exas
~.4. The area within the Zone is contiguous.
1.5. Portions of the land within the Zone are located within the City's North Enterprise
Zane, which was designated by the State of Texas pursuant to and in accordance
with Chapter 2303 of the Texas Government Code. Therefore, as provided by
Section. 2303.507(1 } of the Texas Government Cade and Section 311.0031 of the
Texas Tax Code, designation of these areas of the Zone by the State of Texas as
an enterprise zone also constituted designation of these areas as a reinvestment
zone under Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code without additional hearing and
procedural requirements of the City Council.
1.6. Among other things, the area within the Zone includes land that is strategically
located along the Clear Fork and West Fork of the Trinity River adjacent to and
north of the City's downtown, but that has been underutilized because of (i) the
risk of flood, which risk could be alleviated through the construction of a
hydraulic dam and bypass channel, and (ii) the existence a large, unsightly power
plant that is outdated. Taking all facts into consideration, the area within the
Zone, whether or not located in the North Enterprise Zone, substantially impairs
and arrests the sound growth of the City, retards the provision of housing
accommodations and constitutes an economic liability and a menace to the public
health and safety because of (i) a substantial number of substandard, deteriorated
and deteriorating structures; (ii} the predominance of inadequate sidewalk and
street layouts; (iii) faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility and
usefulness; (iv) unsanitary and unsafe conditions; (v} the deterioration of site and
other improvements; and (vi) conditions that endanger life and property by fire ar
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Ordinance Designating Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Nine,
City oFFort Worth, Texas
other cause. Therefore, the area within the Zone meets the criteria for designation
of a reinvestment zone and satisfies the requirements of Section 311.005 of the
Texas Tax Cade.
1.7. No more than ten percent (10%) or less of the property in the Zone is used
currently for residential purposes, as specified by Seetian 311.006 of the Texas
Tax Code.
I.S. According to the most recent appraisal roll ofthe City, the total appraised value of
all taxable real property in the Zone and in existing reinvestment zones in the City
does not exceed fifteen percent (1S%) afthe total appraised value of taxable real
property in the City and in industrial districts created by the City, if any.
I.9. The Zone does not contain rrwre than fifteen percent (15%} of the total appraised
value of real property taxable by any county or school district.
1.10. Designation of the Zone is consistent with the City Council's desire to encourage
the itxlpraveent and redevelopment of areas in proxizar~ity to the Trinity River and
the downtown area of the City, and it is contemplated that the board of directors
of the Zone and the board of directors of Tax lnerement Reinvestment Zone
Number Three, City of Fort Worth, Texas (Downtown T1F) will work together to
implement this objective by use of, among other things, the powers granted
pursuant to Section 311.010(b) afthe Texas Tax Code for projects adjacent to the
Trinity River and in the downtown area of the City.
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(hdinance I]esignating Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Noe,
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Section. Z.
That the City Council hereby designates the Zane described in the boundary
description and depicted in the map, both attached hereto as Exkiiiit "A" and made a part
of this Ordinance for all purposes, as a reinvestment zone pursuant to and in accordance
with Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Cade. This reinvestment zone shall be 1cnoWn as
"Tax lncrement Reinvestment Zane Number Nine, City of Dart Worth, Texas."
Section. 3.
That a board of directors for the Zone (uSoa~d") is hereby created. The Board
sha11 consist of eleven (11) members who shall serve for terms of two (2) years each. Of
these eleven (l l) members, each taxing unit other than the City that levies taxes an real
property in the Zone may, but is not required to, appoint one (1} member to the Board.
After each taxing unit other than the City designates to the City either the name of the
member that the taxing unit wishes to appoint or the fact that the taxing unit wishes to
waive its right to appoint a member, the City Council shall appoint whatever number of
members are necessary to fill the remaining positions on the Board. Such members may
be members of the City Council. As provided by Section 311.010{e) of the Texas Tax
Code and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Board shall have all 1ega11y
permissible powers granted to it by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Cade. Among such
powers, the Board may enter into agreements that the Board considers necessary ar
convenient to implement the Zone's project and financing .plans, including, but not
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Ordinance 1~esignating Tax lncrement Reinvestment Zone Dumber Nine,
City of Fore Worth, Texas
limited to, agreements that dedicate revenue from the TIF Fund (as defned in Section 6
of this Ordinance) to pay the costs of providing affordable housing or areas of public
assembly in or out of the Zone. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the
Board sha11 not be authorized to (i) issue bonds; {ii) impose taxes or fees; (iii) exercise
the paver of eminent darrtain; or (iv) give final approval to the Zone's project and
financing plans.
Section 4.
That the Zone shall take effect upon the adoption of this Ordinance and terminate
on the earlier of (i) December 31, 2028 or an earlier tear~xzination date designated by an
ordinance adopted after the effective date of this Ordinance or (ii) the date on which all
project costs, tax increment bonds and interest on those bonds have been paid in fu11.
Section 5.
That the tax increment base for the Zone, as defined by Section 311.012(c) of the
Texas Tax Code, shall be the total appraised value of all real property in the Zone taxable
by a taxing unit for the year 2003, which. is the year in which the Zone was designated as
a reinvestment zone.
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Ordinance Designating Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Nine,
City ofi Fort Worth, Texas
Section 6.
That a tax increment fund for the Zone (the "TTF Fund") is hereby established.
The T1F Fund sway be divided into additional accounts and sub-accounts authorized by
resolution or ordinance of the City Council. The T1F Fund shall consist of (i} the
percentage of the tax increment, as defined by Section 311.012(a} ofthe Texas Tax Code,
that each taxing unit which levies real property taxes in the Zone, other than the City, has
elected to dedicate to the TIF Fund under an agreement with the City authorized by
Section 311.013(f} ofthe Texas Tax Code, plus {ii} eighty percent {SO°/a) of the City's tax
increment, as defined by Section 311.012(x} of the Texas Tax Code, subject to any
binding agreement executed at any time by the City that pledges a portion of such tax
increment or an amount of ether legally available funds whose calculation is based on
receipt of any portion ofsuch tax increment, and specifically excluding any tax increment
generated by the real property covered in that certain Economic Development Program
Agreement with Pier-FTW, Inc. on file in the City Secretary's Office as City Secretary
Contract No. 29095. The TIF Fund shall be maintained in an account at the depository
bank ofthe City and shall be secured in the manner prescribed by law for Texas cities. In
addition, all revenues from (i} the sale of any obligations hereafter issued by the City and
secured in whole or inn part from the tax increments; (ii} revenues from the sale of any
property acquired as part of a tax increment financing plan adopted by the Board; and
(iii} other revenues dedicated to and used in the Zone shall be deposited into the T1F
Fund. TIF Funds will be used solely in accordance with Section 311.014 of the Texas
Tax Cade.
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Ordinance I3esignating Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Nine,
City of Port Worth, Texas
Sactivn 7.
That, pursuant to Sections 311.008 and 311.013 of the Texas Tax Code, the City
Manager and City Attariraey are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, for and on
behalf of the City, tax increment agreements with taxing units that levy real property
taxes in the Zone.
Section $.
That if any portion, section ar part of a section of this Ordinance is subsequently
declared invalid, inoperative ar void far any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction,
the remaining portions, sections or parts of sections of this Ordinance shall be and remain
in full force and effect and shall not iua any ~vay be impaired or affected by such decision,
opinion or judgment.
Section 9.
That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from acid after
its adoption.
Page 9
Ordinance Designating Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Nine,
City of Fort Worth, Texas
By: ~ ~
Peter Vaky
Assistant City Attorney
Date: /Z ~ 16 ~- D3
M&C: G -~ l ~f l
Rage 10
Ordinance Designating Tax lncre~nent Iteinvestrnent done NumberNine,
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Exhibit "A"
TViap and boundary Description o~ done
North ROW line East ROW line
of 23`~ St of Samuels Ave Centerline of
P Trinity River
- ~ ~
~ ~ I
West ROW line of
West ROW line
~ ~ BNSF Railroad
of FW&W Railroad ~ ~ ~
' _
"` ~ - -"~
South ROW line
~ ` ~ I ~ ~~ i
• of Norkhside Dr
North ROW line ' ~ ~
~, - ~ ~ _
of Northside Dr ` ~ ~ _ East ROW line
' of Samuels Ave
West ROW line ` ` '.. ,` :~ _ .. -'
" ~W
of North Maln St ~ •. _ J North Park Business Ceuter
~, ~ South prop iine Sik 9 Lot RD
North ROW iine - - ~ `a.
Of Grand f+''
F' North Park Business Center
ti ~
~~ -~.~, , &auth prop Eine Bik 9 l.ot RC
North ROW line = `
of Terrace ~.. ~ Fruhwir#h Addition
South prop line Bik i Lat Al R
West ROW line
of laniVerSltV Dr "` Fruhwirth Addition
South prop iine of Trs 5 8~ 6E
_; -
,., ,
~ Centeriine of
:' -- ,. ,
+ ¢
~, Trinity River
1-:_..; ' _ - -
~ ' r
,. ,
Samufes Ave Baptist
~ 4 Church Add., South
. prop iine Blk 1 Lot 1
Sauth ROW of - ~
'~ ~ i
I _ . , ~ . _. _
~" Mulliken Feiix Cx
Shamrock ~ _
' ~ ~ ,` ,
Survey, N prop line
- ~ I i I ~ ~ ~ _. _ .
A1045 Tr 33
West ROW iine ; i ~ i .. ; !:' ~~~.:_ - - West ROV11 iine
of Vacek St
.. _ I
~ of BNSF Railroad
North ROW line of '~ -1 ~ South ROW line
White Settlement Rd t 1 "
~ of Peach St
West ROW line L ,
~ East ROW line
of FW&W Railroad ~ 1 ~ ~ , ' of Cummings
South ROW line
- - _~
~ ~ ~ ~ 'I~'~
- ~
~ ~ ~ Centeriine of ~~ North ROW iine
of 7t" St
.: ~
~ ;•
- - !~~
~ : ; ~
~> Trinity River
, _.. of Cummings
- East ROW I'tne ~ •..
West ROW line North ROW of
~ ,
'• `' of Summit Ave
of Foch St. Forest Park
North ROW I'rne
South ROW line North ROW South ROW line Of Weatherford
of Lancaster line of S=n St af'~"' St
Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #9
Boundary llescription
Fort Worth, Texas
Begizzning at a point of the .intersection of a projection of the west ROW line of FW&W
railroad and the north ROW line of23rd St., thence
Easterly along the north ROW line of 23Fd St. to a point where said line intersects with the
east ROW line of Samuels Ave., thence
Southerly along the east ROW line of Samuels Ave. to a paint where said line intersects
with the centerline of the Trinity River, thence
Easterly along the centerline of the Trinity River to a paint where said line intersects with
the west ROW line of BNSF railroad, thence
Southerly along the west ROW line of BNSF railroad to a point where said line intersects
with the south ROW line ofNorthside Dr, thence
Southwesterly along the south ROW line of Northside Dr. tn. a point where said line
intersects with the east ROW line of Samuels, thence
Southerly along the east ROW line of Samuels to a point where said line intersects with
the south prnperty line of North Park Business Center Blk 9 Lot RC, thence
Westerly along the property line of North Park Business Center Blk 9 Lot RC to a point
where said line intersects with the south property line of North Park Business Center Blk
9 Lot RD, thence
Westerly along the south property line of North Park Business Center BIk 9 Lot RD to a
point where said line intersects with the south property 1rne of Fruhwirth Addition Blk 1
Lot A1R, thence
Westerly along the south property line of Fruhwirth Addition Blk 1 Lot Al R to a point
where said Iine intersects with the south property ling: of Fruhwirth Addition Trs 5 & 6E
Westerly along the south property line of Fruhwirth Trs S & 6E to a point where said line
intersects with the centerline of the Trinity River, thence
Southwesterly along the centerline of the Trinity River to a point where said line
intersects with the south property line of Samuels Ave Baptist Church Addition Blk I Lot
1, thence
Easterly along the south property line of Samuels Ave Baptist Church Addition Blk 1 Lot
1 to a point where said line intersects the east ROW line of Samuels Ave., thenca
Northerly along the east ROW line of Samuels Ave to a point where said line intersects
the north properly line of Mulliken Felix G Survey A1045 Tr 33, thence
Easterly along the north property line of Mulliken Felix G Survey A1045 Tr 33 to a point
where said line intersects the west ROW line of BNSF railroad, thence
Southward along the west ROW line of BNSF railroad to a paint where said line
intersects the south ROW line of Peach St., thence
Southwesterly along the south ROW line of Peach St. to a point where said line intersects
the east ROW line of Cummings, thence
Northwesterly along the east ROW of Cummings to a point where said line intersects the
north ROW line of Cummings, thence
Westerly along the north ROW line of Cummings to a point where said line intersects the
centerline of the Trinity River, thence
Southwesterly along the centerline of the Trinity River to a point where said line
intersects with the north ROW line of 5`" St., thence
Easterly along the north ROW line of 5~" St. to a point where said line intersects the north
ROW line of Forest Park Boulevard, thence
Northward along the north ROW line ofFarest Park Boulevard to a point where said line
intersects the north ROW line of Weatherford St., thence
Northeasterly along the north ROW line of Weatherford St. to a point where said line
intersects the east ROW line of Summit Ave., thence
Southerly along the east ROW line Sunnrnit Ave. to a point where said line intersects the
south ROW line of 7`" Street, thence
Westerly along- the south ROW line of 7`" Street to a paint where said line intersects the
north ROW line of Forest Park Boulevard, thence
Southerly along the north ROW line of Forest Park Boulevard to a point where said line
intersects the south ROW line of Lancaster, thence
Westerly along the south ROW line of Lancaster to a point where said line intersects the
west ROW line of Foch St., thence
Northward along the west ROW line of Foch St. to a point where said line intersects the
south ROW line of 7'" Street, thence
Easterly along the south ROW line of 7t'' St. to a point where said line intersects the west
ROW line ofFW&W railroad, thence
Northward along the west ROW line of FW&W railroad to a point where said line
intersects the north ROW line of White Settlernent Rd., thence
Easterly along the north ROW line of White Settlement Rd. to a point where said line
intersects the west ROW line of Vacek St., thence
Northward along the west ROW line of Vacek St, to a point where said line intersects the
south ROW tine of Shamrock, thence
Westerly along the south ROW line of Shamrock to a paint where said line intersects the
west ROW line of University Dr., thence
Northward along the west ROW line of University Dr. to a point where said line
intersects the north ROW line of Terrace, thence
Northward along the north ROW line of Terrace to a paint where said line intersects the
north ROW line of Grand, thence
Northward along the north ROW line of Grand to a point where said line intersects the
west ROW line of North Main St., thence
Northward along the west ROW North Main St. to a point where said line intersects the
north ROW line of Northside Dr., thence
Westward along the north ROW line of Northside Dr. to a point where said line intersects
the west ROW line of BNSF railroad, thence
Northward along the west ROW line of BNSF railroad. to a paint where said line
intersects with the north ROW line of 23rd St., which is the paint of beginning.