HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 42547-A4 CITY SECRETARY 42 ., A' f,'o`0KRACT NOV 6+ AMENDMENT o." TO, CITY SECRETARY CONT'RACT' No. 42SI47 WHEREAS., the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and ra'n'Sys t em's Corporation dbaTranS_ystems Corporation onsul tarts, (ENGINEER) rude and entered into City Secretary Contract ntract No . 42547, the CONTRACT) whi c h was authorized b' M&C C-25255 on the 1st dad of Nove mber,, 2011 in the amount of $243 , 322 . 001; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT was subsequently revised y- Amendment Number 1 in the amount of $13,, 010 . 00 which was administratively authorize on October 2 6, 2012, Amendment.� .. Number i n.. the amount of $1 3 9, 7 9I 1. ✓1 0 which was administratively authorized can July 9,, 2013 ; and Amendment Number 3 in the amount of $48, 0315 . 010 wh h was authorized 'y &:.0 # 26496 can October 15th, 2013 for a revised contract amount of $344 , 158 . 50 . WHEREAS, the C ONT c T involves engineering services for the following roD ect North Fort Worth Intersections, and necessary WHEREAS,, 'it has, become to execute Amendment N . to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee . NOW' THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein y and through their duly authorized zed re r sentat.fives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT: Article T of the CONTRACT is a mended to include the additional engineering services pcc�i fi ice. a proposal dated Hove er 4 h i 2013 a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.. The cost to City for the additional design servi c ces to be performed by Engineer totals $48,, 910. 010. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, fag 2 . Article 1I of the CONTRACT is amended to provides for an increase in the fee to be paid to ngineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the city for all work and services shall be an amount of $393,, 068. 50. 3 . City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template 1O,Official release 8/1/2012 Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL RECORD 0 RECEIVED JAN 24 17,014 CITY SECIRETARY ' �14,` Wn�RTR,TX T W'A71WWW4 Yra r+'4 M Wta vWu uW,a011aI NMuuai.. All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as, of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED: City o f Fort Worth TranSystems Corpora Ll"on dba. TranSystems Corporation Consul Cants W............... Fez-nando Coista Raul Pena Ill., PE Ass,istart City Manager Sent o-r Vice President DATE: '/j V MV114 DATE: fit &&o I W APPIR L RECOMMENDED: LCD u(:Tla W. wiersig, P. Director,, Transportatl')ln and Public Works Department APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&C : ft Date: Lt 11 (ke- VVN, IrC + Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: 00 0 kip 0 40 Ma Al J a r COO City Sec ry 01 City of Fort Worth OFFICIAL RECORD, Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 CITY SECRETARY Page 2 of 3 FT, "WN, FUNDING BREAKDOWN SHEET City Secretary No, 42547-A4 Amendment No . 4 Department Fun -Account-Centel Amount $48, 910 . 00 ............................ Total : $48, 910 . 00 OFFICIAL RECORD , om w , F Fo rte'"!moo rth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 TX Page 3 of 3 FTe WORT'Hi ww� TranSystems Bank of America B,u�i ding 500 West 7thStreet Suite 11 Fort Warth, TX 76102 Tel 81:7 3391 8950 Fax 817 336 2,247 www.transystems.com November 14, 2013 Lissattc Acevedo, P.E. Project Manager City of Dort Worth Transportation and Public Works Infrastructure Design and Construction Division 1 000,Throckmortcn St.� RM 266 Fort Worth, TX 76102 E: Amendment No. Mark IV Parkway-design surveys and Subsurface Utility Engineering(SUE) Dear Ms.Acevedo, We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to your consideration. The work to he performed is design surveys and SUE for Mark IV Parkway from Cantrell-Sansorn to III-820 as described in attachment Design surveys and Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE): 1. Project Management $ 4,480.00 2. Design surveys orrondona&Assoc.) $ 12,600.00 3.. SUE(Dios Group) 3 1830.00 LUMP SUiM TOTAL FOR AMENDMENT 4 It you have,any questions,, please teal tree to give me or Chad Gartner a call. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Trans stems Corporation:,Consultants �Xw Raub Pena I I I,PE Principal-Senior Vice President OFFICIAL REECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORT,Ht TX ATTACHMENTA SCOPE OF SERVICES AMENDMENT' NIO. 4 Mark IV Parkway in North For Worth FORT WORTH TEXAS PROJECT UNNDERSTANl DINIG The ENGINEER understands that the CITY is requesting professional services for the survey i and subsurface utility en giineering for arterial improvements in North Fort Worth. The project generally consists of the design surveys and subsurface utility engineering for following improvements: 1. Mark IV Parkway from the Westbound Frontage Road of IH-820 to Cantrell Samson Approximately 2800 LF of NB Mark IV Parkway. SCOPE OF SERVICES If services beyond those defined in this scope are required, the CITY and ENGINEER shiall, attempt to negotiate a written amendment to this Agreement. ENGINEER shall not proceed with wort on any additional services prior to the CITY and ENGINEER executing a written amendment. The Scope of Services includes the following primary tasks- * Task 1 - Project Management * Task 2 - Design Survey * Task 3 — Subsurface Utility Engineering Task 1 - Project Management Project management will occur throughout the duration of the Project. The ENGINEER will provide the following project management services- Managing the Project Team Coordinate with survey subconsultant. • Prepare monthly invoice and status reports to be and e-malled to the project team (CITY and Engineer's staff). Task 2 ­ Desl`qn Suer eye The ENGINEER will provide the following, design survey services: Ground survey to identify and locate existing topographic elements for the project limits. The limits of survey shall include the following: • Mark IV Parkway from the Westbound Frontage Road of IH-82,0 to Cantrell Samson —Approximately 2800 LF of NB Mark IV Parkway. • The design survey shall also include the north intersection of Mark IV Parkway with Loop 820 access road. The topographic survey for the roadway shall include 50-foot cross-sections extending from the west right-of-way to 25 feet past the proposed ri'ght-of-way and shall extend 50- foot any intersecting roadway, and at all grade, breaks. The topographic survey shall include, but not limited to, locating all existing features such as!water valves, curb & gutter, asphlalt, sidewalks, medians, fences, driveways, storm & sewer manholes, storm poll Sill-- inlets, storm outfalls, trees 4 if and larger, tops and toes of slope, Page 1 of 3 OFFICIAL RECORD F' CITY SECRETARY 7 FITe WORTH,TX signs! telephone risers and other visible features. Cross-sectio�n shall be performed at all storm outfalls, being at face of culvert and 150 feet upstream and downstream of culvert. Coordinate with franchise utility companies to locate and mark their utilities prior to performing the -field survey. Prepare digital terrain model (DT'M)., Tie all public improvements to existing CITY monument system. 0 Prepare a final topographic drawing in digital format (including contours and breaklines showing the features located in the field. as 3-Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) The scope of this proposal includes Quality Levels (QL), "A"" and "'B"'. The scope of work involves QL"B": designating of the utilities, in Mark IV Parkway right of way beginning, at the south right of way of Cantrel-Sansom, south to the north right of way of 1H' 2o. Water, waste water, storm, telephone and street lighting facilities will be designated. Mine (9) test holes are assumed in this scope of work. The location of the QL"A"will be determined after review of the QL ""B" deliverable. SUE,work required for this project will be performed in general accordance with the recommended practices and procedures described in ASCE Publication Cl/ASCE 38-02 (Standard Guideline for the Collection, and Depilct,ion of Existing Subsurface Utility Data). As described in the mentioned ASCE publication, four levels have been established to describe the quality of utility location and attribute information used on plans. The four quality levels are as, follows: • Quality Level D (QL"D") — Information derived from existing records; • Quality Level C (QL)':C))) - QUD" information supplemented with information obtained by surveying visible above-ground utility features such as valves, hydrants, meters, manhole covers, etc. • Quality Level B, (QL"B") — Two-dimensional (x,y) information obtalined through the application and interpretation of non-destructive surface geophysical methods. Also known as "designating''' this quality level provides the approximate horizontal, position of subsurface utilities within approximately one foot. • Quality Level A (QL"A") —Also known as "locating", this quality level provides precise three dimensional (x,y,,z) information at critical locations by exposing specific utilities. Non-, destructive vacuum excavation equipment is used to expose the utilities at specific points which are then tied down by survey., It is the responsibility of the SUE, provider to perform: dlue-diligen,ce, with regard to record's research (QL "ID") and acquisition of available utility records. The due-diligence provided for this project will consist of reviewing the "As-Bulilt" documents preivious,ly compiled by others. Utilities that are not identified through these efforts will be here forth referred'to, as "unknown"! utilities. The defined work area will be scanned using electronic prospecting equipment to search for "unknown)) utilities. TSC is not responsible for designating and locating these "unknown)) utilities. Additional Services Services below shall be considered additional and shall be performed on an individual basis upon authorization, by the CITY. Such services shall include, but are not limited to, the,following. 1. Additional Bidding Phase Services or more than one bid package 2. Additional geotechnical investigation and pavement design ICU OFFICIAL RECORD : Page 2 of 3 CITY SECRETARY' ITY 31 rJ WCORTH,TX 3. Construction Contract Administration Services 4. Design services beyond preliminary study of the existing 20, inch water line. 5. Design services for sanitary sewer, 6. Establishing additional horizontal or vertical control beyond scope identified above 7. Construction Staking 8. ROW and/or easement negotiation and acquisition 9. Redesign,to reflect project scope changes requested by the CITY, required to address changed conditions or change in direction previously approved by the CITY, mandated by changing governmental laws, or necessitated by the CITY's acceptance of substitutions proposed by the Contractor 10. Environmental asselssmen�t, permitting, or remediation 11. U'tility Relocation design beyond the improvements, identified above 12., Retaining wall design 13. Additional plan submittals beyond the number identified above OFFICIAL RECORD D CITY SECRETARlY FT WORTH9 TX Page 3 of 3 < T--- CD 0 C%i r1i V� CIS 06 r— M met 9zj- 6c�to!j,tol�in 1 411) 619 bq C) C> a) C) 9 OD CD o W ui ui En rn cf) w CD cDl co co co V--:, co m 09 6-k o9l, ".ld m + 15 CL) 46 0 , 'l 0 cn E1.. tort C) ui �r- (f) 'r- CD CD 00 "It "It *111, >- 15 c"i cli CID m Ln 2 0 LU CD LL,W c> m C. 06 UJ C:> E, CSC F CdO ch E < .7 A W LL i 0 c L-0 w Ln 0 Ln u CD C14 V) CN r- 6.. CD 1;6 q r-L cz7 c%j 7 CL IM -t7 70 lob co 0 CL C17 (n OFFICIAL RECORD CD ED CV V) 0) 0 2 CITY SECRETARY 1 a) Y1 ED m E en c " cc) Lui W FTm WORTH, TX M 0 L- E > 0 W cn CD co =m c c (D = = Cn 0), 0 co m 0 -0 M =3 0 0 0 z 2! cn cn w =$ 0 City of Fort Worth, Texas M , r and uounci %.00 Mu DATE: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 REFERENCE NO.: **C-26638 LOG NAME.-' 2,OS UE & SURVEY MARK IV ARTERIAL SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Amendment No,. 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 25 7, an Engineering Services Agreement with Transystems, Corporation Consultants in the Amount of$48,910.00 for Design Surveys and Subsurface Utility Engineering to Prepare the Final Design of a Four-Dane Divided Arterial Road on Mark IV Parkway from the Westbound Frontage Road of IH-8,2,0 to Cantrell-Samson Road in North Fort Worth for a Revised Total Contract in the Amount of$3913,069.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) .......................-..........___................................. .......... ....................... ............................__.................._......... ......... .................__...... ........ RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize execution of Amendment No. 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 425,4,7, an Engineering Services Agreement with Transystems Corporation Consultants in the amount of$48,910.00, for the collection of design surveys and subsurface utility engineering in order to prepare plans for the final, design of a four-lane divided arterial roladway on Mark IV' Par kway from westbound, frontage road of IH-820 to Cantrell Samson Road in north Fort Worth. DISCUSSION: , _1W This Amendment is to incorporate the des,ign, of the arterial roadway for Mark IV Parkway between IH-820 and Cant'rell-Samson Road with the existing Design Services Agreement to prepare plans and specifications for the design of a roundabout at the intersection of Mark IV Parkway and Cantrell-Samson Road,. This arterial project is pending, however, Staff recommends coordinating these two projects and building them as one unit to achieve cost savings, uniform and consistent unit prices and less disruption to the traveling public. Construction of Mark IV Parkway is contingent upon approval of the proposed 2014 Bond by City Council and a vote of the general public. Interim funding for these design services, is available from the Contract Street Maintenance fund. The following table summarizes previous contract actions: ............... ....... ..I......................... Pr Pr No. 01652 Amount Descripbon, M&C No. Appiroved ......... ................... ............... .............. ............................... ......................................................................................................... .................. Design, services for the preparation, of plans and specifications for intersection Initial $243,322.01dimprovements at C,-25255 11/01/20111 Contract four locations, in 'North Fort Worth including adiding left and right turn lanes ith signal ,modifications .............. ............. ............... ....... Amendment for additional surveys Logname: 20SUE SIJRVEY MARK IV AR'FEPJAI_, PaLle I of fa rw to acquire ROW to build permanent Amendment traffic signall and full 1311 010.00 pavement section at Approved Administratively 110/26/201 the intersection of Mark IV at Cantrell Samson Road ................. .. ......................... ------- ..................... Ameindm�ent, to perform feasibility study and determine right-of - mend ment 391791.5&way requirements to Approved Administratively 7/10/2013 No. 2 build a, roundabout linstead of traffic signal at Mark IV at Cantrell Samson Na W ..�w lRoadi ........................... Amendment to acquire right-of-way to proceed with Amendment $ 48$035.00 development, of final, C-264916 1,0/15/13 No. 3 plans for a roundabout on Mark IV at Cantrell Samson Road .......... ...N Amendment o. 4, for design su�rveys, and cud-surface utility engineering Amendment 48,9 101 00 for preparation of Pending Pending No 14 final arterial roadway on Mark IV between IH-820 and Cartrell Samson Road ............ ................ ......................... ........... .........Total $3931068.50 ..............------ ......... .............. ........ ............ ........ ........... This project is located in CO,U�NCIL DISTRICT 2, Mapsco 49B and 49F. 1-11-1111.1111-1-1......... ............... .......... FISCAL INFORMATION / CEUIFICATIONII: The Financial Managernent Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current, capital, budgety as appropriated, of the Contract Street Maintenance Fund. ........... ............. ............ FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Acgount/Cent ers FROM F'und/Account/Centefirs 0293 531200 202230165230 $4 8,,910 0 O ................ ........... .......... ............. .C.ERTIFICATIONS: Logname.- 20SUE SURVEY MARK.IV ARTERIAL Rage 2 of 3 4 Submitted for Cl'ty Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122) Originating Dielpa�rtme Head.: Douglas W. Wiersig (7801) Additional Information Ciontact: Todd Estes (5448) .......... ........... ATTACHMENTS 1. 0165220 SUE & Survev,.docx (CFWlnternal) 2. 0293, Unsplecified.docx (CFW Internal) ) 3. Mark IV Exhibi (Public) Logname: 20SUE SURVEY MARK TV ARTERIAL Page 3 of'3