HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008/11/11-Agenda-Pre-Council LONE STAR LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2008 (IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING COUNCIL MEETING) PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2008 (IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING LONE STAR LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION MEETING) PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER PRE-COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2008 8:30 A.M. CITY HALL, PRE- COUNCIL CHAMBER 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 1. Report of the City Manager - Dale Fisseler, City Manager a. Update on Special Election - Marty Hendrix, City Secretary b. Changes to the City Council Agenda c. Upcoming Events d. Organizational Updates e. Employee Recognition(s) f. Informal Reports i. IR 8993 - Re-Establishment of Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 8 (Camp Bowie PID) ii. IR 8994 - 2007 Consolidated Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Status iii. IR 8995 - Meet and Confer Agreement 2. Questions Concerning Current Agenda Items - City Council Members 3. Responses to Items Continued from a Previous Week M&C C-23134 - Authorize Purchase of a Vacant Residential Lot Located at 3152 Hardy Street from Pete L. Reyes for the Lebow Channel Drainage Project, for the Amount of$36,000.00 Plus Closing Costs and Authorize Acceptance and Recording of Appropriate Instruments (Continued from 10-21-08 by Staff) M&C G-16228 - Consider a Waiver for a High Impact Gas Well Pad Site Permit Requested by Chesapeake Operating, Inc., for the Fox Lease Located at 1093 Oak Grove Road within 600 Feet of Carter Park (PUBLIC HEARING) (Continued from 8-26-08 and 10-21-08 by Kathleen Hicks) M&C G-16321 - Adopt Resolution Supporting the Application of Rodanco Partners, Ltd., for a Municipal Setting Designation for Property Located at 400 South Jennings Avenue to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; Adopt Ordinance Prohibiting the Potable Use of Designated Groundwater (PUBLIC HEARING) (Continued from 10-14-08 by Kathleen Hicks) M&C G-16331 - Adopt Resolution Increasing the Maximum Amount to be Paid to Cantey and Hanger by $200,000.00 for Assisting the City with Legal Issues Including, but not Limited to, Real Estate Concerning Southwest Parkway (State Highway 121T) (Continued from 10-28-08 by Staff) M&C PZ-2800 - Adopt Ordinance Changing the Name of a Portion of Stonegate Boulevard to Clearfork Main Street (PUBLIC HEARING) (Continued from 10-28-08 by Staff) ZC-08-151A - City of Fort Worth, Hillside Morningside Area, 1310 - 1324 East Rosedale Page 1 of 2 Street; from "J" Medium Industrial to "E" Neighborhood Commercial (Continued from 10-14-08 by Kathleen Hicks) ZC-07-208B - City of Fort Worth, 650 and 800 John T. White Road North; from "C" Medium Density Multifamily District to "A-10" One Family District (Continued from 10-14-08 and 10-21-08 by Danny Scarth) ZC-08-105 - Randol Mill Partners II, Ltd., 650 and 800 John T. White Road North; from "C" Medium Density Multifamily District and "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted to "A-5" One Family District and "C" Medium Density Multifamily District (Continued from 10-7-08, 10-14-08 and 10-21-08 by Danny Scarth) ZC-08-036 - Bentley Venture, 651 John T. White Road North and 8600 Randol Mill Road; from "CF" Community Facilities and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "CR" Low Density Multi-family Residential (Continued from 9-2-08 by Danny Scarth) ZC-08-145 - Pounds Investments, Inc., 7004 and 7006 South Freeway; from "E" Neighborhood Commercial to "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial, plus hotel. An eight foot fence shall be required along the north property line. Site plan included (Continued from 10-7-08 by Jungus Jordan) 4. Overview of Significant Zoning Items - Susan Alanis, Planning and Development 5. Landscape Ordinance Amendments - Susan Alanis, Planning and Development 6. Presentation by the Recovery Resource Council - Eric Niedermayer, Chief Executive Officer, Recovery Resource Council 7. Update on Enterprise Resource Planning Project- Mai Tran, Information Technology Solutions 8. Update on Storm Water Management Program - Greg Simmons, Transportation and Public Works 9. Progress Report on Implementation of City-Wide Historic Preservation Plan - Susan Alanis, Planning and Development 10. City Council Requests for Future Agenda Items and/or Reports 11. Executive Session - The City Council may conduct a closed meeting as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code to seek the advice of its attorneys on legal issues regarding any matter listed on today's City Council Agendas Fort Worth Pre-Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817) 392- 8552 or e-mail ADA flFortWorth Tex . v at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Page 2 of 2