HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 41532-CO2 I1 2� FO RT WO RT H City of Fort Worth CONMACT NO- �NS�L Change Order Request Project Name:1 Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 65,Part 1 City Sec No.: 41532 Project No.(s): P258-704170073087 DOE No. 3570 City Proj.No.: 00730 Project Description: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation on Sylvania Avenue,Brentwood Stair Boulevard and Stratford Park Drive Contractor: Utilitex Construction,LLP Change Order# 0 Date: 1 6/6/2012 City Project Mgr.1 Roberto C.Sauceda City Inspector: I Mark Owen Phone Number:1 817-392-2387 Phone Number: 817-223-2267 Dept. Sewer Totals Contract Time (Calendar days) Original Contract Amount $1,107,520.00 $1,107,52®. 180 Extras to Date $19,011.14 $19,011.14 030 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $1,126,531.14 $1,126,53114 210 Amount of Proposed Change Order 133rd 090 Revised Contract Amount Original Funds Available for Change Orders $33,226.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $14,214,$6 $K214 AI Additional Funding(if necessary) $119,274.34 $119,274.34 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 13 77a MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $1,384,400 Change Order No. 2 will provide increased and additional pay item quantities for the following: • Pre construction exploratory excavation prior to sewer installation on N. Sylvania Avenue to determine the exact location of existing conflicting natural gas and petroleum lines. • The installation of a 16-inch casing pipe to protect a proposed sewer main from the gas and petroleum lines identified above. • The installation of flowable fill material to replace existing unstable subgrade material that was encountered during sewer install a �n r44 Staff concurs with the contractor's reque d 1, {�endar days on the change o Kl OFFICIAL RECORD '`t'�' $ $64A CITY SECRETARY J. Kayser,Crty o°°*�� FT, WORTH, TX It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Chan r trac �constitutes an accord and sati in full(both time and money)for all costs arising out of,or inciden ange Order. �WUMtilitex Construction,LLP Gabriel Carrizales (r �0 T5• L !r l G �y-,z (,�� M&C Number C-25638 t; M&C Date Approved — i FORT WC>RTH City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 65,Part 1 City Sec No.: 41532 Project No.(s): P258-704170073087 DOE No. 3570 City Proj.No.: 00730 Project Description Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation on Sylvania Avenue,Brentwood Stair Boulevard and Stratford Park Drive Contractor Utilitex Construction,LLP Change Order: [= Date: 6/6/2012 City Project Mgr. Roberto C.Sauceda City Inspector Mark Owen ADDITIONS QEPT QJY luftit UM C'M TOW 1 Pipe Casing 16 Inch Casing Pipe SEWER 84.00 LF $284.00 $23,856.00 6 Pipe-Sewer-8 inch DIP Other Than Open Cut SEWER 145.00 LF $350.00 $50,750.00 28 1 nspection-Post-Construction Cleaning and TV SEWER 1206.00 LF $5.00 $6,030.00 29 Manhole-Vacuu m Test-Services SEWER 5.00 EA $150.00 $750.00 40 Pavement-Concrete on 2/27 Concrete Base SEWER 416.40 SY $33.00 $13,741.20 43 Signal-Traffic control SEWER 1.00 LS $2,950.00 $2,950.00 61 Contaminante soil lab testing at Sylvania Ave. SEWER 1.00 LS $3,450.00 $3,450.00 62 Dehole Exploration for Petrolium Lines SEWER 1.00 LS $13,625.00 $13,625.00 63 Dehole Exploration for Gas Lines SEWER 1.00 LS $11,200.00 $11,200.00 64 Flowable Fill for Trench SEWER 52.00 CY $137.25 $7,137.00 Sewer $133,489.20 Additions Sub Total $133,489.20 Page 2 of 4 FORT Woo s-FH City of Fort Worth Change Order Deletions Project Name Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 65,Part 1 City Sec No.: 1 41532 Project No.(s): P258-704170073087 DOE No. 3570 City Proj.No.: 00730 Project Description Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation on Sylvania Avenue,Brentwood Stair Boulevard and Stratford Park Drive Contractor Utilitex Construction,LLP Change Order: EE Date 6/6/2012 City Project Mgr. Roberto C.Sauceda City Inspector: FMark Owen DELETIONS DEPT MY Unit Unit Cost Total Sewer Deletions Sub Total Page 3 of 4 MIWBE Breakdown for this Change Order MWBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO TotalQ. Previous Change Orders DATE AMOUNT Total Page 4 of 4 M&C Review Page 1 of 2 Official site of the City of Fort Worth,Texas CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FORTWoRm COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 6/5/2012 - Ordinance No. 20232-06-2012 DATE: 6/5/2012 REFERENCE NO.: **C-25638 LOG NAME: 60SS65P1RCO2- UTILITEX CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 41532 with UtiliTex Construction, LLP, in the Amount of$133,489.20 for a Total Contract Amount of $1,260,020.34 for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 65, Part 1, on North Sylvania Avenue, Stratford Park Drive and Brentwood Stair Road and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 4 and 8) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of$133,489.20 from the Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital Projects Fund; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$133,489.20 from available funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 41532 with UtiliTex Construction, LLP, in the amount of$133,489.20 for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 65, Part 1, thereby increasing the contract amount to $1,260,020.34. DISCUSSION: On January 4, 2011, (M&C C-24679)the City Council authorized a contract in the amount of $1,107,520.00 with UtiliTex Construction, LLP, for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 65, Part 1. The contract was subsequently revised by one change order in the amount of$19,011.14 administratively approved by the City Manager on December 20, 2011. Change Order No. 2 will provide increased and additional pay item quantities for the following that were necessary on the project: Pre-construction exploratory excavation prior to sewer installation on North Sylvania Avenue to determine the exact location of existing conflicts with natural gas and petroleum lines. The installation of a 16 inch casing pipe to protect a proposed sewer main from the gas and petroleum lines identified above. The installation of Plowable fill material to replace existing unstable subgrade material that was encountered during sewer installation. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 4 and 8. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget as appropriated, of the Sewer Capital Projects Fund. TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=16781&councildate=6/5/2012 6/6/2012 M&C Review Page 2 of 2 11&2) $133.489.20 1) PE45 538040 0709020 $133.489.20 P258 476045 704170073OZZ 2) P258 541200 704170073087 $133.489.20 3) P258 541200 703170073087 $133.489.20 Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122) Originating Department Head: S. Frank Crumb (8207) Additional Information Contact: Roberto C. Sauceda (2387) ATTACHMENTS 60SS65Pl RCO2-UTILITEX A012(rev) doc 60SS65P1 RCO2-UTILITEX MAP 1 pdf 60SS65Pl RCO2-UTILITEX MAP 2.pdf 60SS65Pl RCO2-UTILITEX MAP 3 pdf http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=16781&councildate=6/5/2012 6/6/2012 L �r V 0 00 d m i o co v •a O N M O co M 0 ` N M 00 N N I,- I Ct to st o N N N N N r ';> 6% EA fA fA fA fA fA CO cc� O r N M O M M A v CO) J N f M 000 N N ti cn 0 O ") 'e O N N N o Z O O � NMt00 eM � a U F C N ?y W co a W 0. _ 61r4& 44). 4& 40 4& 4& 40 4w 0 t E -- Ir E a� N X cm N Ca _j Cc ` W co G - p "2 C ° O L v D m � UV- vP,-icm coo v C - CO E W .0 co)cv) U °oU `O L �' n co 0 z o 0 a 0 cc a 0) o U) 72 r- m O L c t6 0 C of o 0 0 v Q > o a0 ° E o0) a (n Q �, v, r �. o c c U m N '5 C Q cu : C v Z Z Z ° = x O a "' - cu oWU E o 0u' LL U m Z Z m U Q o U a C: �u m o E v, v •- m e C 0 0 V o o E 0 o m 13 a m000QF- 0 0 Qit 0 wa