HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/04/06-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA
II. INVOCATION - Pastor Rey Martinez, Waves of Faith Church
Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the
Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in
accordance with staff recommendations.
A. General - Consent Items
1. M&C G-16876 - Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Increase of $26,162.50 in the
Maximum Amount to be Paid to the Law Firm of K&L Gates, as
Outside Counsel in the Alliance Airport Runway Extension Project
in an Amount Not to Exceed $126,162.50
2. M&C G-16877 - Approve a Resolution Retaining Dwight A. Shupe and the Law
Firm of Shupe, Ventura, Lindelow & Olson, PLLC, as Outside
Counsel on Legal Issues Related to Extending the Runway at
Alliance Airport for a Fee Not to Exceed $30,000.00
3. M&C G-16878 - Adopt Ordinance Terminating Cable Television Franchise with
Strategic Cable Technologies, L.P., and Consenting to the Sale
of Cable System to Charter Communications, Authorize
Execution of Related Settlement Agreement and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance
4. M&C G-16879 - Approve Temporary Street Closures for Portions of Country Club
Circle, Mockingbird Lane, Mockingbird Court, Cantey Street and
Rogers Avenue from May 24, 2010 through May 30, 2010 to
Accommodate the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial Golf
5. M&C G-16880 - Approve the Findings of Ground Transportation Coordinator
Regarding Application of Fort Worth Stockyards Livery and Arena
to Operate Two Horse Drawn Carriages Within the City of Fort
Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (COUNCIL
DISTRICTS 2 and 9)
6. M&C G-16881 - Authorize Acceptance of Payments from the State of Texas Law
Enforcement Officer Standards and Education Account in the
Amount of $1,523.11 for the Fire Department Investigations
Division and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items
Council Date: 4/6/2010
1. M&C P-11105 - Authorize the Rejection of All Bids for Workout Clothing for the
Fire Department Due to High Prices and Authorize Issuance of a
New Request for Quotes
2. M&C P-11106 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Striping Technology, L.P.,
for Traffic Marking Material and Services for an Initial Annual
Amount of$450,000.00
3. M&C P-11107 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Texas Aviation Services,
Inc., for the Police Department, Air Services Division, for Parts,
Components and Equipment for City-Owned Helicopters with an
Annual Cost Up to $300,000.00
4. M&C P-11108 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Osburn Associates, Inc.,
for Aluminum Sign Blanks for the Transportation and Public
Works Department for an Initial Annual Amount Up to
5. M&C P-11109 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Woodrose Company, Inc.,
to Provide Repairs, Refinishing and Restriping of Wood Floors for
an Initial Annual Amount of$145,900.00
6. M&C P-11110 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Mainline Information
Systems, Inc., for Mainframe Computer Hardware and
Maintenance Services for a Virtual Tape Storage Solution Using
General Services Administration Contract No. GS-35F-0216L for
an Initial Annual Amount Up to $118,200.00
7. M&C P-11111 - Authorize the Purchase of Five Electric Trucks for the Water
Department from Shoppa's Material Handling Using a Texas
Multiple Award Schedules Cooperative Contract for a Total
Amount of$95,229.25
8. M&C P-11112 - Authorize the Purchase of One Cargo Van and Two Passenger
Vans from Philpott Ford for the Transportation and Public Works,
Code Compliance and Police Departments, Respectively, Using a
Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract for a Total
Amount of$67,973.70
9. M&C P-11113 - Authorize Non-Exclusive Purchase Agreements with Multiple
Vendors for the Cowtown Brush Up and Emergency Repair
Programs for an Initial Total Amount of$1,744,996.00
C. Land - Consent Items
1. M&C L-14947 - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax Foreclosed Property Located
at 1124 Galveston Avenue to Sameer Dalal for a Sales Price of
$9,807.53 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
2. M&C L-14949 - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax Foreclosed Property Located
at 3100 Martin Luther King Freeway to Renaissance Square,
LLC, for a Sales Price of$1,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
3. M&C L-14950 - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax Foreclosed Property Located
at 5406 Chariot Drive to West Vickery Boulevard Church of Christ
for a Sales Price of$5,063.41 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
4. M&C L-14951 - Authorize the Acquisition of 0.0971 Acres of Land for a
Permanent Water Facility Easement, 0.0807 Acres for a
Temporary Construction Easement and 0.091 Acres for a
Council Date: 4/6/2010
Permanent Sewer Facility Easement from MCSH Real Estate
Investors, Ltd., Located at 750 13th Avenue in South Fort Worth
in the Amount of $164,965.00 and Pay the Estimated Closing
Costs of$5,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
5. M&C L-14952 - Authorize the Acquisition of Various Easements in the Total
Amount of $106,130.00 from Medcor Associates, Ltd., L.P., for
Property at 800 12th Avenue in Connection with Improvements to
the Medical District Water Distribution System (COUNCIL
6. M&C L-14953 - Authorize the Execution of a Settlement Agreement with Ruth M.
Johnson for the Acquisition of 0.22 Acres of Land Located at
1616 Rogers Avenue for a Permanent Water-Sewer Facility and
Permanent Sanitary-Sewer Facility Easement to be Used for the
Relocation of a 48 Inch Water Main and the Future Relocation of
a Sanitary-Sewer Line from the Union Pacific Rail Yard for the
SH-121 Project for $75,000.00 and Pay the Estimated Closing
Costs of$2,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
7. M&C L-14954 - Authorize the Acceptance of a Dedication Deed from Cash
America Management L.P., at No Cost to the City of Fort Worth
for 0.024 Acres of Land for the Right-of-Way Required for the
Replacement of the West 7th Street Bridge Over the Clear Fork
of the Trinity River (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
8. M&C L-14955 - Authorize the Acceptance of a Dedication Deed from Keith Law
Firm, P.C., at No Cost to the City of Fort Worth for 0.0239 Acres
of Land for the Right-of-Way Required for the Replacement of the
West 7th Street Bridge (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
9. M&C L-14956 - Authorize the Acquisition of 2.306 Acres of Land for One
Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement Located at 7429 Randol
Mill Road from Michael McGuffin, for the Amount of $152,170.00
and Pay Estimated Closing Costs of $6,000.00 and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4)
10. M&C L-14957 - Authorize the Acquisition of 2.390 Acres of Land for Use as a
Permanent Drainage Facility Easement from David Riddel and
David Riddel as Custodian for Jonathan R. Riddel and Catherine
Riddel, Located Along Old Denton Road in North Fort Worth for
$461,696.00 and Pay the Estimated Closing Costs of $7,000.00
D. Planning & Zoning - Consent Items
1. M&C PZ-2875 - Adopt an Ordinance Vacating a Portion of an Alley Between
Magnolia Avenue and Oleander Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
E. Award of Contract - Consent Items
1. M&C C-24145 - Authorize an Agreement with Dell Marketing, L.P., for Hardware,
Email Archiving and Discovery Software Licenses Utilizing the
State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract,
DIR-SDD-890 and Authorize Execution of a Professional
Services Agreement with Mimosa Systems, Inc., for Services for
Computing Infrastructure to Install and Manage the Email
Archiving System for a Total Amount Up to $228,533.00 Reduce
Council Date: 4/6/2010
Costs and Improve Responsiveness to Public Information
Requests for Email
2. M&C C-24146 - Authorize the Execution of an Encroachment Agreement with
Texas Christian University for the Installation of Two 2-Inch
Telecommunications Conduits and Two 2-Inch Electrical
Conduits Bored Beneath the Stadium Drive and Bellaire Drive
Street Rights-of-Way (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
3. M&C C-24147 - Authorize an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County with City
Participation in the Amount of $10,456.00 for Reconstruction and
Drainage Improvements for Butterfield Stage Road from the West
Side of the Fort Worth Independent School District Drive
Approach to Las Vegas Trail and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
4. M&C C-24148 - Authorize an Engineering Services Agreement in the Amount of
$122,617.00 with Hayden Consultants, Inc., for Signal Timing
Along Hulen Street, Sycamore School Road and Altamesa
Boulevard (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 6 and 8)
5. M&C C-24149 - Authorize Amendment No. 2 in the Amount of $53,210.00 to City
Secretary Contract No. 34445, an Engineering Services
Agreement with Freese & Nichols, Inc., for the Design of Precinct
Line Road from Hurst Boulevard (State Highway 10) to Concho
6. M&C C-24150 - Authorize the Execution of One Storm Water Facility
Maintenance Agreement with Hillwood Alliance Residential, L.P.,
and Heritage Homeowners Association, for Property Situated
West of Ray White Road and North of Heritage Trace Parkway in
North Fort Worth at No Cost to the City (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
7. M&C C-24151 - Authorize an Engineering Agreement in the Amount of
$121,823.00 with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., for the Scott-
Sunset Drainage Improvements (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)
8. M&C C-24152 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Execute Amendment No. 1 to
City Secretary Contract No. 39544 with Bradley Garrett, d/b/a
Garrett Excavation and Demolition, in the Amount of $46,181.50
for Asbestos Removal and Demolition of the Former Oak Grove
Airport Terminal Buildings Located at Spinks Airport (COUNCIL
9. M&C C-24153 - Authorize the Execution of a Contract in the Amount of
$95,000.00 with Gershman, Brickner and Bratton, Inc., for
Consultant Services Related to the Implementation and
Evaluation of the City of Fort Worth Solid Waste Management
10. M&C C-24154 - Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $345,887.00 to
City Secretary Contract No. 38491 with Conatser Construction
TX, LP, for Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements Contract
2005, WSM-1 on Walton Avenue (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6)
11. M&C C-24155 -
Authorize an Engineering Services Agreement in the Amount of
$963,641.91 with URS Corporation for the Design of Big Fossil
Creek Parallel Relief Sewer Main 402 from Broadway Avenue to
the Trinity River, Authorize the Big Fossil Creek Agreement with
Council Date: 4/6/2010
the Cities of North Richland Hills, Richland Hills and Haltom City
to Address Cost Sharing Provisions of the Project and Ratify and
Execute the Interim Maintenance Agreement with the City of
North Richland Hills for Extended Payments of Emergency
12. M&C C-24156 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of $566,374.62 with SAFCO
Construction, Inc., for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract LIX,
Part 2, on Kingswood Drive, Heirloom Drive and Kaywood Street
and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 5
and 6)
13. M&C C-24157 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of$879,173.00 with Conatser
Construction TX, LP, for Water and Sanitary Sewer Main
Relocations for the SH121T Crossing of the Hulen Street Bridge
within the Union Pacific Railroad Davidson Rail Yard, Part 1, 48
Inch Water Transmission Main Relocation Near Rogers Road and
Mopac Road (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3 and 9)
1. OCS-1764 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Clayton YES! After School Program Day
1. Upcoming and Recent Events
2. Recognition of Citizens
1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions
A. Benefit Hearing - None
B. General
1. M&C G-16865 - Approve the City Manager's Pension Committee
Recommendation to Proceed with a One Time, Lump-Sum City
Contribution to the City of Fort Worth Employees' Retirement
Plan for Fiscal Year 2010 and to Wire Transfer $5,410,612.00
from Various General Fund Departmental Budgets and
$1,592,511.00 from Other Funds to the City of Fort Worth
Employees' Retirement Plan (Continued from a Previous
2. M&C G-16882 - Adopt Amended Citizen Participation Plan for the City's
Consolidated Plan in Accordance with United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development Guidelines
3. M&C G-16883 -
Approve the 2010-2013 Consolidated Plan Community
Development Block Grant, Emergency Shelter Grant, Home
Investment Partnerships Program and Housing Opportunities for
Council Date: 4/6/2010
Persons with Aids Grant Funds for Submission to the United
States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (PUBLIC HEARING)
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
4. M&C G-16884 - Approve the City's 2010-2011 Action Plan for the Use of Federal
Grant Funds Totaling $11,347,713.00 from the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development Under the
Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment
Partnerships Program, Emergency Shelter Grant and Housing
Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Programs, Authorize
the Application of Indirect Cost Rates and Adopt Appropriation
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
5. M&C G-16885 - Adopt the Proposed Amendment to the Master Thoroughfare
Plan MT-09-003 to Realign the Current Four Lane Undivided
Minor Arterial Willow Springs Road from Avondale Haslet Road to
Wagley Robertson Road to the New Alignment of Willow Springs
Road from Avondale Haslet Road to Heritage Trace Parkway
6. M&C G-16886 - Adopt the Proposed Schedule of Rates and Charges for the Will
Rogers Memorial Center Parking System
7. M&C G-16887 - Consider a Waiver Request by Quicksilver Resources, Inc., for a
Multiple Gas Well Pad Site Permit for the Blair East Lease
Located at 3290 Quail Road Less Than 600 Feet from Eugene
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
8. M&C G-16888 - Consider a Waiver Request by Finley Resources for Issuance of
a Gas Well Permit for the Sztamenits Lease Located at 1190
Oakland Boulevard Less Than 600 Feet from Gateway Park
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
9. M&C G-16889 - Consider a Waiver Request by Chesapeake Operating, Inc., for
a Multiple Gas Well Pad Site Permit for the Valley West Lease
Located at 3699 Williams Road Less Than 600 Feet from
Various Protected Uses (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) (PUBLIC
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
Council Date: 4/6/2010
C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - None
D. Land
1. M&C L-14934 - Approve the Acceptance of a Lease Agreement with Chesapeake
Exploration, L.L.C., in the Amount of $90,223.19 for Natural Gas
Drilling Under 28.292 Acres of City-Owned Properties Known as
Rosemont Park Located at 1400 West Seminary Drive
(COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
2. M&C L-14935 - Authorize the Execution of an Amendment in the Amount of
$29,988.33 to City Secretary Contract No. 37369 with Texas
Midstream Gas Services, L.L.C., for Additional Length of Natural
Gas Pipeline and Temporary Access Across City-Owned
Properties in the Preston Witt Survey and William C. Trimble
Survey Known as the Northeast Landfill Property Located at 6991
Randol Mill Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4) (Continued from a
Previous Meeting)
3. M&C L-14948 - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located
at 2900 Quail Road to the City of Arlington for $2,004.19
4. M&C L-14958 - Authorize Execution of an Underground Pipeline License
Agreement with Barnett Gathering, L.P., for a Natural Gas
Pipeline at Two Locations Across City-Owned Property Known as
the Meacham Airport in the Total Amount of $16,689.75
5. M&C L-14959 - Authorize the Execution of an Underground Pipeline License
Agreement with Barnett Gathering, L.P., for a Natural Gas
Pipeline Across City-Owned Property in the Shelby County
School Land Survey A-1375, S. E. Landfill Addition, Block 1, Lot
2R, Known as the Southeast Landfill Property in the Amount of
$68,519.61 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
6. M&C L-14960 - Authorize the Execution of an Amendment to City Secretary
Contract No. 34400 with Chesapeake Operating, Inc., to Allow for
Drilling from Existing Well Surface Locations at Spinks Airport to
Lands or Leases Outside of the Spinks Airport Lease for a 2.5
Percent Overriding Royalty Interest (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8)
E. Planning & Zoning - None
F. Award of Contract
1. M&C C-24103 - Authorize the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement
with HDR Engineering, Inc., in the Amount of .
$821,409 for the Modern Streetcar Planning and Design
Project(Continued from a Previous Meeting)
2. M&C C-24158 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement
Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC, a License to
Construct and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across
16th Street, West of Jacksboro Highway for a One-Time License
Fee of$3,864.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2)
3. M&C C-24159 - Authorize Acceptance of Up to $300,000.00 Targeted Low
Council Date: 4/6/2010
Income Weatherization Program Funds from Frontier Associates,
LLC, Administrator for Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC,
Authorize Related Contracts and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
4. M&C C-24160 - Authorize Acceptance of Low Income Weatherization Assistance
Program Funds Up to $642,995.00 from the Texas Association of
Community Action Agencies, Inc., Authorize Related Contract
Amendment and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL
5. M&C C-24161 - Authorize Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 28148 with
the North Central Texas Council of Governments for Continued
Participation in Regional Integrated Storm Water Management
Program Fiscal Year 2009-2010 for an Amount Not to Exceed
6. M&C C-24162 - Adopt a Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing
Appropriations in the Culture and Tourism Fund in the Amount of
$342,220.00 and Authorize the Execution of a Work Order in the
Amount of $342,220.00 with Yeargan Construction Company -
The Mark IV Construction Group to Replace the Hoods and
HVAC System at the Fort Worth Convention Center (COUNCIL
7. M&C C-24163 - Authorize the Third and Final Five Year Renewal Option to the
Solids Dewatering, Processing and Disposal and the Turbine
Operations and Maintenance Contract with Renda
Environmental, Inc., for the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment
Plant Estimated in the Amount of $44,839,276.00 Payable at a
Projected Annual Cost of$8,967,855.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5)
8. M&C C-24164 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of $5,440,305.00 with Oscar
Renda Contracting, Inc., for Medical District Water Distribution
System Improvements, Part 4, from South Holly Water Treatment
Plant to the Medical District (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
9. M&C C-24165 - Authorize a Change in Use and Expenditure of $610,255.00 of
Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds to Trinity River
Public Facility Corporation and an Additional $150,000.00 of
HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grant Funds in the
Form of a Subordinate Forgivable Loan for the Acquisition of the
Carlton Apartments Located at 6301 Woodway Drive, Authorize
the Execution of Conditional Commitment and Contract and
Authorize a Substantial Amendment to the City's Neighborhood
Stabilization Program Plan and 2008-2009 Action Plan
a. Report of City Staff
b. Citizen Presentations
c. Council Action
1. ZC-09-116 - (CD 7) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development Arlington Heights
Neighborhood, Generally bounded by Camp Bowie Boulevard, Montgomery Street, 1-30
(West Freeway), and Merrick Street; from: "B" Two-Family, "B/HC" Two-Family/Historical
and Cultural Overlay, "B/DD" Two-Family/Demolition Delay, "RV Zero Lot Line/Cluster,
Council Date: 4/6/2010
"CR" Low Density Multifamily, "C" Medium Density Multifamily, "D" High Density Multifamily,
"CF" Community Facilities, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, "FR" General Commercial
Restricted, "F" General Commercial, "F/HC" General Commercial/Historical and Cultural
Overlay, "F/DD" General Commercial/Demolition Delay, "I" Light Industrial, and "J" Medium
Industrial to: "A-5" One-Family, "A-5/HC" One-Family/Historical and Cultural Overlay, "B"
Two-Family, "R2" Townhouse/Cluster, "CF" Community Facilities, "CF/HC" Community
Facilities/Historic and Cultural Overlay, "CF/DD" Community Facilities/Demolition Delay",
"ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, and "E/DD"
Neighborhood Commercial/Demolition Delay (Recommended for Denial without
2. ZC-10-011A - (CD 2) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development Far Greater Northside
Historical Neighborhood, Phase I, 3008 W. Long Avenue; from: "I" Light Industrial to:
"PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus auto repair
and sales; site plan waiver recommended. (Recommended for Approval as Amended to
remove auto sales) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
3. ZC-10-038 - (CD 2) - Jerry Wayne Mooneyham, 10305 North Freeway; from: "K" Heavy
Industrial to: "PD/K" Planned Development for all uses in "K" Heavy Industrial plus indoor
shooting range; site plan included. (Recommended for Approval) (Continued from a
Previous Meeting)
4. ZC-10-040 - (CD 4) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, Certain properties
generally bounded by Boca Raton Boulevard, Martindale Circle, and Bridge Street; from:
"G" Intensive Commercial to: "E" Neighborhood Commercial and "PD/E" Planned
Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus pawn shop; site plan
waiver recommended. (Recommended for Approval as Amended and to Deny without
Prejudice 5555 Bridge Street) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
5. ZC-10-006 - (CD 7) - Mark Lambeth, 4901 and 4909 Curzon Avenue; from: "B" Two-Family
to: "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for seven attached residential units in two
structures and one detached residential unit; site plan included. (Recommended for
Denial) (Continued from a Previous Meeting)
6. ZC-10-015 - (CD 9) - Edward Meinen, 3403 S. University Drive; from: "C" Medium Density
Multifamily to: "PD/UR" Planned Development for "UR" Urban Residential plus office; site
plan included. (Recommended for Approval as Amended with an 18x24 metal wall
sign, no illumination)
7. ZC-10-041 - (CD 3) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development Ridglea Hills Area,
6400 blocks of Hilldale Road, Kirkwood Road and Waverly Way; from: "C" Medium Density
Multifamily to: "A-10" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
8. ZC-10- 042 - (CD 7) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 200 Academy
Boulevard; from: "E" Neighborhood Commercial and "G" Intensive Commercial to: "E"
Neighborhood Commercial (Recommended for Approval)
9. ZC-10-043 - (CD 9) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 1113 Debbie Street;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
10. ZC-10-044 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 1512 Belzise Terrace;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
11. ZC-10-045 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 1914 Kelly Street;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
12. ZC-10-046 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 2505 Vaughn
Boulevard; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
13. ZC-10-047 - (CD 2) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 2702 NW 21st Street;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
Council Date: 4/6/2010
14. ZC-10-048 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 2900 Burchill Road;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "CF" Community Facilities (Recommended for Approval)
15. ZC-10-049 - (CD 8) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 2913 Gibson Court;
from: "J" Medium Industrial to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
16. ZC-10-050 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 3216 Ada Avenue;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
17. ZC-10-051 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 3427 Avenue N; from:
"B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
18. ZC-10-052 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 3729 Avenue N; from:
"B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
19. ZC-10-053 - (CD 3) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 4366 McCart Avenue;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
20. ZC-10-054 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 4836 Hampshire
Boulevard; from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-10" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
21. ZC-10-055 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning and Development, 2708 Donalee Street;
from: "B" Two-Family to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval)
1. Ms. Barbara Beerling, 8512 Crosswind Drive, Sign on Business - Boat Club Road Self
2. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, PO Box 1155 - Shop By Bus Part 1 of 2 Parts
According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to
three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion,
may reasonably extend these limits.
Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend
this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters,
readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817) 392-8552 or e-
mail ADA(a)f ort Worth Texas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate
arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the
meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations.
Council Date: 4/6/2010