HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/05/18-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I• CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Dr. Michael Dean, Travis Avenue Baptist Church III• PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 11, 2010 V. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF VII. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. A. General - Consent Items 1. M&C G-16922 - Authorize the Application, Acceptance and Execution of a Grant in the Amount of$425,000.00 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services to Implement Activities of an Early Childhood Resource Center Program, Authorize Waiver of Indirect Costs and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance 2. M&C G-16923 - Approve a Resolution Retaining J. Andrew Rogers and the Law Firm of Kelly Hart and Hallman LLP, as Outside Counsel on Legal Issues Related to Spinks Airport Improvements for a Construction Loan to FWS Realty, Ltd., for a Fee Not to Exceed $10,000.00 3. M&C G-16924 - Approve Findings of Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding Application of McKiny Services to Operate One Limousine Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority 4. M&C G-16925 - Approve the Findings of Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding Application of Occasional Carriages to Operate Two Horse-Drawn Carriages Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 9) 5. M&C G-16926 - Authorize the City Manager to Apply for and Accept, if Awarded, Funds Totaling $85,000.00 from the Amon G. Carter Foundation, the Sid W. Richardson Foundation and the Goff Family Foundation for the 2010 Como Community Center Youth Programs; Authorize the Execution of Agreements with the Various Foundations and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C P-11128 - Authorize the Rejection of All Bids Received for Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Fittings for the Water Department and Authorize Council Date: 5/18/2010 a New Invitation to Bid 2. M&C P-11129 - Authorize the Purchase of Five Generators and Five Automatic Transfer Switches from Diversified Power Systems for Installation at Five Fire Stations for a Total Up to $61,750.00 3. M&C P-11130 - Authorize Sole Source Purchase Agreement with Hach Company for the Water Department to Provide Hach Laboratory Supplies and Replacement Parts for Hach Equipment for an Initial Amount of$165,000.00 4. M&C P-11132 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Fire Supply, Inc., for Structural Firefighter Boots for Fire Department for Initial Annual Amount of$57,000.00 C. Land - Consent Items 1. M&C L-14977 - Authorize the Conveyance of Two Ten Foot Wide Right-of-Way Easements on City Airport Property Located on Fort Worth Spinks Airport at Stone Road to Atmos Mid-Tex Energy Corporation for the Amount of$6,428.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 2. M&C L-14978 - Authorize the Direct Sale of Tax Foreclosed Properties at 1812 and 1817 Greenfield Avenue and 1800 and 1816 Glenmore Avenue to Fort Worth Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc., d/b/a Trinity Habitat for Humanity for the Purchase Price of $58,741.33 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 3. M&C L-14979 - Authorize a Lease Amendment with MCIMetro Access Transmission Services, LLC, d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services for Space in the Zipper Building, 275 West 13th Street, Fort Worth, Texas (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 4. M&C L-14980 - Authorize the Acceptance of a Dedication Deed from One SR, L.P., at No Cost to the City of Fort Worth for 5.294 Acres of Land for the Sendera Ranch Pump Station Previously Approved by M&C C-21662 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 5. M&C L-14981 - Authorize the Acquisition of 0.203 Acres of Land for Four Permanent Drainage Facility Easements from Realty Capital Golden Triangle, L.P., Located on Golden Triangle Boulevard in North Fort Worth in the Amount of $145,000.00 and Pay the Estimated Closing Costs of$2,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) D. Planning & Zoning - Consent Items - None E. Award of Contract - Consent Items 1. M&C C-24225 - Authorize the Application for, Acceptance of, and Execution of Two Grants in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,261.00 from the Texas Historical Commission for Travel and Training to be Used in Fiscal Year 2010 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C C-24226 - Authorize Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 38794, a Community Facilities Agreement with Eagle Mountain- Saginaw Independent School District, Authorizing City Participation in the Amount of $34,662.91 for Construction of Sixteen Inch, Twelve Inch and Ten Inch Sewer Mains to Serve Council Date: 5/18/2010 the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District Maintenance and Transportation Facility, a Development Located In North Fort Worth (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 3. M&C C-24227 - Authorize Change Order No. 3 in the Amount of $83,055.00 to City Secretary No. 38677 with Tri-Tech Construction, Inc., for Ryan Southeast Drainage Improvements (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 4. M&C C-24228 - Authorize Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 35857 for the Provine Drainage Improvements to Increase the Amount by $99,770.00 and Change the Name of the Engineering Firm from TCB Inc., to AECOM USA, Inc. (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 5. M&C C-24229 - Authorize the Execution of a Project Development Agreement with Johnson Controls, Inc., in the Amount of $351,107.00 to Perform a Detailed Energy Study of Activities Approved by the Department of Energy in Awarding the City's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 6. M&C C-24230 - Authorize an Engineering Agreement in the Amount of $62,501.00 with Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation for the Design of Shiver Road from Meridian Lane to 1500 Linear Feet West and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 7. M&C C-24231 - Correction to M&C C-23483 Authorizing the Execution of a Local Project Advanced Funding Agreement and Initial Payment to the Texas Department of Transportation for Drainage Improvements at Various Locations in Fort Worth and Increasing City Participation by $6,089.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 8. M&C C-24232 - Authorize Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $374,335.81 to City Secretary Contract No. 36646 with Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc., for M-244B Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Across Lake Arlington (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 9. M&C C-24233 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of$287,225.00 with Conatser Construction TX, LP, for Water Main Replacement on Sunset Circle and Timberland Boulevard and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 10. M&C C-24234 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of$310,922.00 with Laughley Bridge & Construction, Inc., for the Western Hills Lift Station Replacement Project (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) VIII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. OCS-1772 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries IX. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation on the Mayor Mike and Rosie's Summer Reading Challenge 2010 2. Presentation of the Walter Dansby Tower Achievement Award to Fort Worth Independent School District Students 3. Presentation of Proclamation to TCU Coach Gary Patterson, Coaching Staff and Football Team Day 4. Presentation of Proclamation for National Public Works Week Council Date: 5/18/2010 X. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events 2. Recognition of Citizens XI. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions XII. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XIII. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. Benefit Hearing - None B. General 1. M&C G-16913 - Consideration of a Variance from Section 4-4 of the City Code to Allow Alcoholic Beverage Sales for Beer and Wine On Premise at the Mariscos Las Islitas Restaurant Located at 1201 East Long Avenue (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action 2. M&C G-16919 - Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Appropriations in the General Fund by $92,228.53 and Decreasing the Unreserved, Undesignated General Fund Balance by the Same Amount, Confirm Payment of $92,228.53 for Audit Findings by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance 3. M&C G-16927 - Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 31 of the City Code, Relating to Platting Requirements for Certain City Permits, Floodplain and Floodway Provisions and Expiration Dates for Plat Applications 4. M&C G-16928 - Settlement of Lawsuit Entitled Michael Patrick Jacobs, Sr. and Charlotte Jacobs, Individually, as the Representatives of the Estate of Michael Patrick Jacobs, Jr., Deceased and as Next Friends of J.K. and Z. J., Minors v. City of Fort Worth and Stephanie Phillips, Cause No. 4-09-CV-513-Y and Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Appropriations in the Risk Management Fund by $2,000,000.00 and Decreasing the Unaudited, Unreserved, Undesignated Risk Management Fund Balance by the Same Amount 5. M&C G-16929 - Adopt an Ordinance Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2010 in an Amount Not to Exceed $35,000,000.00 and Ordaining Other Matters Relating to the Subject 6. M&C G-16930 - Adopt the Nineteenth Supplemental Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Fort Worth, Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $40,000,000.00 and Approving the Sale of the Bonds to the Texas Water Development Board Council Date: 5/18/2010 7. M&C G-16931 - Adopt a Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Appropriations in the General Fund in the Amount of$762,301.00 and Decreasing the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance by the Same Amount for Phase IV of the City's Energy Savings Performance Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. 8. M&C G-16932 - Authorize a $300,000.00 Payment to the Retired Employees' Group Death Benefit Fund 9. M&C G-16933 - Adopt Ordinance Designating Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone No. 69, City of Fort Worth, Texas, for Property Located in Vicinity of 1734 East El Paso Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 10. M&C G-16934 - Adopt a Resolution Approving Revised Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget and Service Plan for Public Improvement District No. 1 (Downtown PID) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 11. M&C G-16935 - Adopt a Resolution Approving Revised Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget and Service Plan for Public Improvement District No. 7 (Heritage PID) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 12. M&C G-16936 - Adopt a Resolution Approving Revised Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget and Service Plan for Public Improvement District No. 8 (Camp Bowie PID) (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3 and 7) 13. M&C G-16937 - Authorize the Temporary Road Closure of Ninth Street from Throckmorton Street to Jones Street from May 24, 2010 to January 21, 2011 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 14. M&C G-16938 - Consider a Waiver Request by Chesapeake Operating, Inc., for a Multiple Gas Well Pad Site Permit Less Than 600 Feet from Protected Uses for the Maddox Lease Located at 1700 Mitchell Boulevard (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) (PUBLIC HEARING) a. Report of City Staff b. Citizen Presentations c. Council Action C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services 1. M&C P-11131 - Authorize the Purchase of Trucks for the Police Department from Philpott Ford Using a Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract with Crime Control and Prevention District Funds for a Total Amount of$115,573.85 2. M&C P-11133 - Authorize Purchase of Library Furnishings from Cultural Surroundings, G. L. Seaman & Company and Wilson Project Management, LLC, for the Library Department for a Total Amount of$325,673.33 D. Land 1. M&C L-14948 - Authorize the Direct Sale of a Tax-Foreclosed Property Located at 2900 Quail Road to the City of Arlington for $2,004.19 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 2. M&C L-14982 - Approve the Acceptance of a Lease Agreement with Chesapeake Exploration, LLC, in the Amount of $280,644.63 for Natural Gas Drilling Under 79.842 Acres of City-Owned Properties Known as Council Date: 5/18/2010 Candleridge Park Located at 4301 French Lake Drive (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) E. Planning & Zoning - None F. Award of Contract 1. M&C C-24221 - Authorize the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Buford Goff and Associates, Inc., in an Amount Not to Exceed $512,000.00 to Develop a Master Plan for the Public Safety Radio System, Develop the Radio System Technical Architecture and to Negotiate New Radio System Costs 2. M&C C-24222 - Authorize the Execution of a Contract with Cutler Repaving, Inc., in the Amount of $2,418,892.50 for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Hot In-Place Recycling at Twenty-One Locations (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9) 3. M&C C-24223 - Authorize the Correction of M&C C-24193 to Authorize an Engineering Services Agreement in the Amount of $199,497.00 for the Design of Airside and Landside Improvements for the Cook Children's and Texas Jet Hangars at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport with Garver, LLC, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 4. M&C C-24224 - Authorize the Execution of an Agreement for the Transfer of Part of the Water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 10081 from Johnson County Special Utility District to the City to Serve the Crowley Independent School District and Authorize the Submission of an Application for Transfer to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (ETJ COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) 5. M&C C-24235 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC, a License to Construct and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across Alemeda Street, North of Westpoint Boulevard for a One Time License Fee of$7,958.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 6. M&C C-24236 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC, a License to Construct and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across Martin Lydon Avenue, Townsend Drive, Fuller Avenue, Gordon Avenue, James Avenue, Stanley Avenue and Hemphill Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 7. M&C C-24237 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC, a License to Construct and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across Parker Henderson Road, North of David Strickland Road for a One Time License Fee of$2,714.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 8. M&C C-24238 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement Granting Chesapeake Operating, Inc., a License to Construct and Operate a Fresh Water Pipeline Across Roberts Cut Off Road, West of Biway Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 9. M&C C-24239 - Authorize the Execution of a Public Right-of-Way Use Agreement Granting Texas Midstream Gas Services, LLC, a License to Council Date: 5/18/2010 Construct and Operate a Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Across Carson Road and Elliot Reeder Road (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4) 10. M&C C-24240 - Authorize the Execution of a Tax Abatement Agreement with Allens, Inc., for Property in the Vicinity of 1734 East El Paso and Make Related Findings of Fact (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 11. M&C C-24241 - Authorize a Contract in the Amount of $3,041,761.10 with Jackson Construction, Ltd., for Paving and Drainage Improvements on Dirks Road from Bryant Irvin Road to the Western Limit of the Future Southwest Parkway (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) 12. M&C C-24242 - Ratify the Application for and Authorize the Acceptance of $195,548.00 in Grant Funds from the Fiscal Year 2011 Criminal Justice Division Grant, Authorize $116,330.00 in Matching Funds, Adopt a Resolution in Order to Make Assurances Required by the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor's Office and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance 13. M&C C-24243 - Confirm Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $421,000.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 36010, an Engineering Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., for the Redesign, Repackage and Rebid of the Westside Water Treatment Plant Construction Contract XIV. ZONING HEARING 1. ZC-10-037 - (CD 3) - Jeannie M. Shaw-Baumgardner, 9501, 9503, 9507 and 9509 Santa Clara Drive; from: "A-5" One-Family to: "I" Light Industrial (Recommended for Denial without Prejudice) (Continued for a Previous Meeting) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS 1. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P.O. Box 1155, City Flag and Flag Laws XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL ) - See Attachment XVII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. The Mayor, at his discretion, may reasonably extend these limits. Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817) 392-8552 or e- mail ADAL&EortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Council Date: 5/18/2010