HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014/03/04-Agenda-City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR THE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 04, 2014 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET, FORT WORTH, TEXAS I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION - Pastor Chris Blakley, Sagamore Hill Baptist Church III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2014 V. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF VII. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda require little or no deliberation by the City Council. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. A. General - Consent Items 1. M&C G-18128 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding Application of American Executives Limo, Inc., to Operate Three Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C G-18129 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding Renewal Application of Continental Limousine, Inc., to Operate Four Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C G-18130 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Regarding Renewal Application of DFW Prestige Limos, LLC d/b/a DFW Limos, to Operate Fifteen Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 4. M&C G-18131 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, Multiple Grants from the North Central Texas Council of Governments in the Amount of $286,915.00 for the 2014 Solid Waste Implementation Grant Program, Authorize Use of Funds for In- Kind Match and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 5. M&C G-18132 - Approve Request of Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, Inc., for Temporary Street Closures from April 7, 2014, Through April 14, 2014, to Accommodate the 2014 Main Street Fort Worth Arts Festival (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 6. M&C G-18133 - Authorize Payments to The Active Network in the Amount of $6,000.00 and to the Fort Worth Parks and Community Services Sports Advisory Council, Inc., in the Amount of $26,500.00 for Revenue Share Commitments Generated from Sponsorship Fees from Coca-Cola Bottling Company and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Council Date: 3/4/2014 7. M&C G-18134 - Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 13, Section 13-2, Subsection 3301.1.3 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Explosives and Fireworks, to Provide an Affirmative Defense to the Possession of Packaged Fireworks (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 8. M&C G-18135 - Approve Parks and Community Services Department's Fiscal Year 2014 Gas Related Revenue Project Expenditure Plan in the Amount of $469,180.19 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 9. M&C G-18136 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, a Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in the Amount Up to $75,000.00 for Program Year September 1, 2014 Through August 31, 2015 for the Library Department's Worth Reading Program, Authorize the City to Provide an In-Kind Match in the Amount of $15,714.29 for a Total Grant Amount Up to $90,714.29, Authorize Execution of a Grant Agreement with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Adopt Related Appropriation Ordinance Authorize a Non-Interest Bearing Interfund Loan from the General Fund to the Grants Fund in the Amount of$75,000.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items 1. M&C P-11627 - Authorize Sole Source Purchase from Spartan Chassis, Inc., of Repairs to Fire Engine 20 for the Fort Worth Fire Department in the Amount of$124,507.50 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C P-11628 - Authorize Purchase Agreement with Lowe's Home Centers, Inc., for Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies for All Departments Using a Cooperative Contract in the Amount Up to $100,000.00 for the First Year (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) C. Land - Consent Items 1. M&C L-15664 - Approve Settlement of Lawsuit Entitled City of Fort Worth v. Spencer Hodge, et al, Cause No. 2010-083274-2 in the Amount of $430,000.00 to Acquire Property Interests for Lebow Channel Drainage Project (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 2. M&C L-15665 - Authorize Direct Sale of Two Tax-Foreclosed Properties Located at 5200 Cottey Street and 5405 Cottey Street to Essie Mishaw for a Total Sales Price in the Amount of $7,200.00 in Accordance with Section 34.05 (j) of the Texas Tax Code (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 3. M&C L-15666 - Authorize Execution of a Lease Amendment with New Fort Tower I Hotel Limited Partnership for the Parking Garage Located Under General Worth Square at 916 Main Street to Extend the Lease Term and Adjust the Rental Rate (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 4. M&C L-15667 - Authorize Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in 0.015 Acres of Land and a Temporary Easement Interest in 0.018 Acres of Land in the Amount of$8,000.00 for Construction Located at 103 West Hurst Boulevard from H.J. Smith and Jerry Smith for the Norwood Drive Road Improvement Project, Pay Estimated Closing Costs Council Date: 3/4/2014 Up to $2,000.00 for a Total Cost of $10,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 5. M&C L-15668 - Accept Dedication of Approximately 21.115 Acres of Parkland and Facility Improvements from Saratoga Homeowners Association, Inc., for Saratoga Park (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 6. M&C L-15669 - Accept Dedication of Approximately 4.769 Acres of Parkland and Facility Improvements from Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P., for West Fork Ranch Park (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) D. Planning & Zoning - Consent Items - None E. Award of Contract - Consent Items 1. M&C C-26680 - Authorize Professional Services Agreement with CTS Consolidated Telecom Services, LLC, for the Installation of a Broadband Antenna Tracking System Using a Cooperative Contract for the Information Technology Solutions Department in the Amount Up to $335,853.82 and Approval to Use Grant Funds Awarded by the State of Texas Department of Public Safety (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 2. M&C C-26681 - Authorize Agreement for the Purchase of Microsoft Software Licenses and Maintenance from Software House International Government Solutions, Inc., Using a State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract DIR-SDD-2503 for a Cost of $817,498.30 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C C-26682 - Authorize First Renewal of City Secretary Contract No. 44340 for Engineering Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for Engineering Services for Annual Bridge Maintenance Program in an Amount Not to Exceed $150,000.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 4. M&C C-26683 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 5 to City Secretary Contract No. 42457, an Engineering Services Agreement with Transystems Corporation d/b/a Transystems Corporation Consultants in the Amount of $230,143.00 for the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Design of Mark IV Parkway from IH 820 to Cantrell-Sansom Road for a Total Contract in the Amount of$623,211.50 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 5. M&C C-26684 - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 44155 with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc., in the Amount of$477,090.00 for the Construction of North Beach Street from Vista Meadows Drive to South of Shiver Road, Thereby Increasing the Total Contract Amount to $5,669,653.34 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4) 6. M&C C-26685 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 44486, an Engineering Agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the Amount of $173,720.00 for Additional Engineering Design of the Central Arlington Heights Western Avenue Water, Sewer, Drainage and Pavement Improvements, Thereby Revising the Total Contract Amount to $515,327.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 7. M&C C-26686 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Services Agreement with Council Date: 3/4/2014 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc., in the Amount of $421,741.00 for the Design of the Dry Branch Creek Regional Detention Basin (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 8. M&C C-26687 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 35294, an Engineering Agreement with A.N.A. Consultants LLC, in the Amount of $80,605.00 for Additional Engineering Analysis and Design for the Fossil Drive, Yolanda Meadow Lane and Kings Oak Addition Drainage Improvements Project, Thereby Increasing the Total Contract Amount to $420,106.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 4) 9. M&C C-26688 - Authorize Execution of a Contract of Sale with Trustees Under the Kwong 2008 Grantor Trust and the Kwong Revocable Trust for the Purchase of 3530-3532 Joyce Drive, Including Two Structures and the Associated Land of 3.290 Acres, for an Amount Not to Exceed $1,275,000.00 for the Purpose of Housing the Fort Worth Police Department's West Division Patrol Function and Pay Closing Costs in the Amount of $7,700.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) 10. M&C C-26689 - Authorize Execution of an Airport Access Agreement with Vintage Flying Museum, Inc., for Access to Fort Worth Meacham International Airport (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 11. M&C C-26690 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with R&D Burns Brothers, Inc., in the Amount of $592,574.00 for Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Contract 2009, WSM-C on Binyon Street, Marks Place and Merida Avenue, Provide for Project Costs and Contingencies for a Project Total in the Amount of $654,574.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3 and 9) 12. M&C C-26691 - Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Alan Plummer Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $211,145.00 for the Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant Membrane Pilot Study (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 13. M&C C-26692 - Authorize Execution of a Settlement Agreement with Edwards Geren Limited (EGL) to Compensate EGL for Certain Costs Associated with Construction of the Chisholm Trail Parkway by Forgoing EGL's Debt to the City in the Amount of $549,022.12 and by Constructing Certain Infrastructure Improvements for Edwards Ranch (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) 14. M&C C-26693 - Authorize Execution of a Construction Manager-at-Risk Agreement with McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., for Preconstruction Phase Services in the Amount of$95,000.00 and Construction Services Phase for a Fee of 3.5 Percent of the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Peak Flow Management Facilities at Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility, Provide for Project Management and Staff Support Services for a Total Preconstruction Phase Amount of $110,000.00 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) 15. M&C C-26694 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Westhill Construction, Inc., in the Amount of $500,000.00 for Utility Cut Repair Contract 2013, UC01-2013 at Various Locations Throughout the City (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) Council Date: 3/4/2014 16. M&C C-26695 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., in the Amount of $99,300.00 for the Schematic Design of the Trinity Trails Clear Fork-East Bank Extension Project (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 17. M&C C-26696 - Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Senior Citizen Services of Greater Tarrant County, Inc., in the Amount Up to $80,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2014 for the Operation of Senior Services and Programs at Various Community Centers and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 3, 5, 8, 9) VIII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY - CONSENT ITEMS 1. OCS - 1915 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and/or Injuries IX. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Proclamation for Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, Inc. Day 2. Presentation of Proclamation for Bruce Shulkey Elementary School Sugar Daddies Day 3. Certificate of Recognition to Kelly Stewart, Miss Texas Teen USA 2014 X. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events 2. Recognition of Citizens 3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel XI. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions XII. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES XIII. ORDINANCE 1. Fiftieth Supplemental Concurrent Bond Ordinance Authorizing One or More Series of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Joint Revenue Bonds, for Lawful Purposes; Providing the Security Therefore; Providing for the Sale, Execution and Delivery Thereof Subject to Certain Parameters; and Providing Other Terms, Provisions and Covenants with Respect Thereto Attachment(s): Ordinance - Attached.pdf XIV. ZONING HEARING 1. -13-157 - (CD 7) - Ray & Linda Snider, 9508 Park Drive; from: "AG" Agricultural to: "A- 2.5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 2. -13-162 - (CD 5) - N. Lucille Gilkey, 4023 E. Berry Street; from: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted to: "PD/ER" Planned Development for all uses in "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted plus funeral home or mortuary; site plan included (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) 3. -13-177 - (CD 9) - Fort Worth Living Ltd., 212 & 216 Adrian Drive, 3000 Wingate; from: "B" Two-Family and "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 4. -1 -001 - (CD 5) - Garland All Storage Associates, Ltd., 2941 Precinct Line Road; to: Council Date: 3/4/2014 Amend "PD-627" site plan to add storage units, outdoor storage, and a retail building (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 5. -1 -009 - (CD 6) - Chesapeake Land Development Company, LLC, 5159 Granbury Road; from: "PD/MU-1" Planned Development Low Intensity Mixed-Use with a height transitional plane beginning at 2 stories or 35 feet, no "freeway" signs per 6.409D, and to remove the parking reduction allowed when in proximity to a rail station; site plan waived. Site Plan required for any multifamily development to: "PD/MU-1" Planned Development Low Intensity Mixed-Use with a height transitional plane beginning at 2 stories or 35 feet, no "freeway" signs per 6.409D, and to remove the parking reduction allowed when in proximity to a rail station; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 6. -1 -010 - (CD 4) - McCaslin Schlieker Investments, Inc., 3715 NE 28th Street/3650 Kimbo Road; from: "PD-631" Planned Development/Specific Use for "A-5" One-Family with no access to 28th Street, except for construction and marketing; site plan waived to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 7. -1 -012 - (CD 9) -Al Remodeling/Matt Speight, 2800, 2808, 2812 Hemphill Street; from: "A-5" One-Family to: "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 8. -1 -013 - (CD 9) - Cullen & Shotts, LLC, 2901 Cullen Street; from: "J" Medium Industrial to: "PD/J" Planned Development for all uses in "J" Medium Industrial plus indoor shooting range; site plan waiver recommended (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 9. -1 -014 - (CD 2) - Eduardo, Isidro and Virginia Maldonado, 2700, 2704, 2706 Market Avenue; from: "A-5" One-Family to: "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for pallet storage, repair, and resale; site plan waiver requested (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) 10. -1 -002 - (CD 2) - Ashmi LLC and Mithui LLC, 6105 Old Denton Road; to: Amend "PD- 788" site plan to change the size and location of the hotel (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 11. -1 -016 - (CD 5) - Kenneth Smith, 8636 Meadowbrook Drive; from: "E" Neighborhood Commercial to: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Denial Without Prejudice by the Zoning Commission) 12. -1 -017 - (CD 5) - Legacy Holdings, LLC, 3520 Euless South Main Street; from: "PD-43" Planned Development/Specific Use for a petroleum storage and distribution facility, subject to landscape screening along the western boundary; no expansion of currently existing facility allowed; site plan waived. to: Amend "PD-43" to allow for expansion of industrial office building; site plan waiver recommended (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) 13. -1 -018 - (CD-ALL) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development Department: Text Amendment: Airport Overlay: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport: An Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth, being Ordinance No. 13896, as amended, codified as Appendix "A" of the Code of The City of Fort Worth (1986), to amend: . Section 4.405 "Airport/Airfield Overlay" ("AO") District Of Article 4 "Overlay Districts", Of Chapter 4, "District Regulations" to add a new section, Section 4.405F, "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport"; providing regulations for an Airport/Airfield Overlay Zone ("AO") for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport To review the proposed amendments: http://fortworthtexas.gov/planninganddevelopment/zoningcommission.aspx 14. -1 -019 - (CD 5) - City of Fort Worth Planning & Development, Map Amendment: Airport Council Date: 3/4/2014 Overlay District for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, South of the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with Fort Worth City limits: Generally bounded by American Boulevard, city limits, County line, Trinity River, and THE line; from: "AG" Agricultural, "A-5" One- Family, "C" Medium Density Multifamily, "E" Neighborhood Commercial, "FR" General Commercial Restricted, "F" General Commercial, "I" Light Industrial, "J" Medium Industrial, "K" Heavy Industrial, and "PD's" 196, 326, 444, 748, 749, 758, 904, and 991 Planned Development for various uses to: add Airport Overlay District (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) XV. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER A. Benefit Hearing - None B. General 1. M&C G-18124 - Authorize Submission of a Letter of No Objection to the Foreign Trade Zones Board to Expand Foreign Trade Zone No. 196 in the Alliance Airport Corridor (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) (Continued from a Previous Meeting) 2. M&C G-18137 - Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 29, Signs and Chapter 23, Offenses to Amend the Regulations Related to the Placement of Political Signs on Public Property Used as a Polling Place (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 3. M&C G-18138 - Adopt Resolutions to Amend the City's General Tax Abatement Policy and the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Tax Abatement Policy and Basic Incentives to Revise Language on Affordable Housing Commitments for Residential Tax Abatement Projects (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 4. M&C G-18139 - Authorize Acceptance of a Monetary Grant from the Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation in the Amount of $60,935.00 to Fund the Salary and Benefits of a Greenhouse Attendant, the Salary of a Scheduled Temporary Maintenance Worker and Various Equipment and Supplies for the Community Tree Planting Program and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) 5. M&C G-18140 - Authorize Acceptance of a Monetary Gift from the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Inc., in the Amount of $33,000.00 to Fund Part-Time Staff Positions at the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge for Fiscal Year 2014 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) C. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - None D. Land - None E. Planning & Zoning - None F. Award of Contract 1. M&C C-26697 - Authorize Execution of Economic Development Program Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores Texas, LLC, Related to Construction of a Wal-Mart Store to be Located at the Future Southeast Corner of Golden Triangle Boulevard and Park Vista Boulevard (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) Council Date: 3/4/2014 2. M&C C-26698 - Authorize Execution of Economic Development Program Agreement with Trademark Property Company or an Affiliate Related to a Mixed-Use Project to be Constructed on the West Side of Bryant Irvin Road at Arborlawn Drive at the Current Site of the Lockheed Martin Recreation Area in Southwest Fort Worth (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) 3. M&C C-26699 - Authorize Execution of a License Agreement with the Citizens Support Group for the Fort Worth Police Mounted Patrol to Construct a Mounted Patrol Equestrian Facility at West Park, Approve Development Fee Waivers, and Authorize Acceptance of a Gift Deed Conveying to the City of Fort Worth All Interest in the Mounted Patrol Equestrian Facility (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) 4. M&C C-26700 - Authorize Execution of a Construction Contract with Struhs II, LLC d/b/a Struhs Commercial Construction in the Amount of $3,547,950.00 to Construct the Police Air Support Hangar at the Fort Worth Meacham International Airport, Authorize the Transfer of $4,880,000.00 from the Crime Control and Prevention District Fund to the Specially Funded Capital Project Fund, Provide for Additional Project Costs and Contingencies for a Total Project Cost in the Amount of $5,230,000.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) 5. M&C C-26701 - Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 7 to City Secretary Contract No. 43471 with S.J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., in the Amount of $1,398,116.20 for Water Main Phase I and East Side Pump Station Discharge Header Replacement on Beach Street, Scott Avenue and Avenue B for a Revised Total Contract in the Amount of$10,005,762.73 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) 6. M&C C-26702 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Ark Contracting Services, L.L.C., in the Amount of $2,073,444.00 for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 75, Part 1 on Devitt Street, Shaw Street, Cleburne Road, Sandage Avenue and Benbrook Boulevard and Seven Alleyways, Provide for Project Costs and Contingencies for a Project Total Cost in the Amount of $2,201,444.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) 7. M&C C-26703 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 44633 Dated July 16, 2013 in the Amount of $363,260.00 with RPGA Design Group, Inc., for Final Design and Construction Administration Services for the Victory Forest Community Center Located Near Hemphill Street and West Biddison Street Located Near Hemphill Street and West Biddison Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) XVI. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS XVII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL ) - SEE ATTACHMENT B XVIII. ADJOURNMENT According to the City Council Rules of Procedures, individual citizen presentations shall be limited to three minutes, and group presentations shall be limited to ten minutes. At the Mayor's discretion, time limits may be reasonably extended. Council Date: 3/4/2014 Fort Worth Council Chamber, is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817) 392-8552 or e- mail ADA(a)Lort Worth Texas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Council Date: 3/4/2014