HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18434-01-2009ORDINANCE NO. 18434-01-2009
WHEREAS, the provisions goverzvng Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle
Parks are located in Appendix 7 of the Fort Worth Fire Code; and
WHEREAS, many of the provisions in Appendix .T of t11e Fort Va~orth Fire Code
are not related to fire and safety but instead relate to construction and development
standards; and
WHEREAS, the Fort Worth Fire Department desires to relocate those provisions
unrelated to fire safety tc~ mare appropriate sections of the Fort Worth City Code aitd
Zoning C}rdin<u1ce;
ti'HEREAS, Section 4.212 crf the Fort y4'orth Zoning Ordinance is the
appropriate pleit:e to rc°i{~c;at~ ±l~e prc}~ isit7n4 fi-otn ~ppc;ndix 1 ~ryt [ttc- Fist Cc~tl~ *.~?att'd t!~
{Yti~'.7,lpr3i"7.3C 4t41.rid:3~ct~ tttr ~:'~t4'~ti£le I Sti aitit. :.t[kd. li.'uGrC~d`,t~'Ck:<Il 4"jc.l'Sif;.{'. ('~(t hS'. CY.tti"~
!'IIF:RE,1S. it is z?dviaablc ttr <is<, =~nzenc3 C'Esral7ter {>'`C)ottsitii~ta:~" o!`=:he Z~sr~tng
Ordinance ns 5npport oEtlte pr{xviwaons inctuded ist ectiQtt -2,~tJ? 3~c atccl to mcrt,ilc, l3ott~es
,.; t ° k S: ".t:.} P4 t 4 iii~$ ~ '3 ckh.
Section 4.2Q2, "Manufactured Housing "~dH" District o1' Chapter ~, "District
Regulations", of Ordi"Hance Na. 13896, the zoning ordinance of the City of Fort Worth, is
hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:
4.202 Manufactured Housing ("_VILI") District
A. Purpose
It is the purpose of the Manufactured Housing ("MH") District to provide a
specific area for manufactured ]come parks and manufactured home subdivisions
only, thus providing a location for the use and enjoyment of manufactured
housing along with those uses customarily accessory thereto.
E3. Uses
In the Manufactured Housing ("MH") District, na building or land shall be used
and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, nor
shall a Certificate of C7ccupancy be issued, except in accordance with the use
tables in Ghapter 4, ,articles 6 and 8 and the supplemental use standards of
Chapter ~.
1. iYlanufaetured home subdivisions. Manufactured home subdivisions are
permitted in the "'VIH" District.
2. Manufactured home parks. ATaarufactured home parks are permitted in
the " 1vIH" District. Manufactured home parks shall be constructed and
developed in accordance with this section.
3. iYlanufactured homes not in a subdivision ar park, 'W'o manufactured
home sha21 be located. within the <`ity of Fort worth except in a
manut~tctured home park or a manutacturett hcame subdivision, except as
permitted. by the board of ~djusunent as a special exception use as a place
oi'residencc for documented security purposes (sec 't?.4U~ Resrdunce for
`~vc,ur~ty ('LU°p34es. 1 e~rmp{wr~~a'1=' i.
''*. ~Iannfaetrrred home sales lat. '~~? 3dii1I7.I.2Ic"#t°n!S't`.St }rtfrnt. ~:3.i,'i lt7t ~ISatF }'kL'
trcrr*i?ted iLr the, ``a1EI I)t~;rtct"".
S. ~ecreatiaual 4'ehicles. ltecreatirynal vshrcles shall rrc>t be {rccupied as
pL:.7"StSeISl::tit 11.V117g C(;IarCvi w in art}' J,e?i71i'?C <IistrtCt.
C", l~tanufarturtd Horne Snl7tiivisians
1. Property I}evelapment Standards
a. In manufactured home subdivisions in the Manufactured Housing
(`ii#IH") L7istriet, the minimum dimension of lots and yards and the
height of buildings shall be as shown in the accompanying table, and
the following standards:
1. 1V"o more ttran one dwelling unit shalt be located on any one
subdie~sion lot;
2. Skirting shall be required arl all manufactured homes; and
3. All manufactured homes shall be anchored to a permanent
___ _ _.
«yrH» District: iYlanuf"acturad Home Subdivision
Land Area 4 acre minimum
Lot Area -_ _ _ _ q,000 squalc feet minimum per unit ',
Lot Width _ _ _ '<30 feet minimum
Lot Coverage 50 percent maximum
Front Yard 20 feet minimum
Rear Yard 'S feet minimum _ _ _
Side Yard
Interior lot 15 feet minimum
Corder lots I0 feet minimum
___ . 35 feet maximum (see Section 6.100.)
_ _
Itii otes:
* MaY' he saabjeet to pr~jeeted front }=aryl (Section tS.ICt1J~)
2. Other Development Standards
L?e<<elopment in the 1'laTTUfactured I[ousing ("rt~tft") Iistrict mat- be subject to
a ~.ariety of general dec~etoptnent standards in Chatter G, and the Ii?Ilowing
p~rc3ti rsion rcla{ed to 1~tatlufacturc:d ttorttc Subdrvision:
a. Signs, ('tny~rer Ilse signs ~ubjct t t~~ tttr~ fozlox~ ,.c~:
t. ?x.31 iIEITt2t'-rninated rlCrntep[3te I?eirint.? tlTe tllTnt~" Il+.at3iC ttf the
tfetiul?anl4 rcSlCltttg tTl the [etil{[enWe Ltf)t 10 exceet[ t'Sdts.:iq l.iai"c iC3t)t
to ell°ea.
ii. t3.TT unilluminateti sig11 lrr' t hose uses alto~~=ed that are nc}t
r'4 titite2lttttt .l Itc 4r,!TT? ::.[Sa.[I r1Ctt eX4'4ec'CI *C} sctuare teet 3n :1T'C;a. Shalt
:'2i" ET{} [ sk t'S:;c` tt:.<.)~ 3.,'#. ext't arT£5 w'E'. + ::#{if.'..,. 's3e.£° ,.~e'cdt S3 £ii ~£::':.'.?;# El
x?c.E?:i.x. ..,. tf, it;,r (3 3,} t4't;'`s: "US..m.#i alt x°nx #.'t:,'1"~:'+ Td,.x'. `it.rS,.t cECi~f
not be placed within 20 feet of drives providing ingress and egress
to the property.
b. Parking. One space per dwelling unit in a manufactured housing
subdivision and tcvo spaces per dwelling unit in a rmanufactured home
park. See also 6 `Development Standards', Article Z.
e. Landscaping and Buffers. Non residential uses may require landscaping
or buffers. See Chapter b "Development Standards" Article 3.
D. Manufactured Home Parks
A11 manufactured home parks and tmanufaetured homes shall be constructed and
maintained in accordance with this subsection, the Minimum Building Standards
Code, and all other applicable provisions of the City Code. Any requirements of this
subsection that make reference to "mobile Dome" or °`manufaeturod home" shall
apply to both.
1. Development Approval Requirements: A manufactured home park shall
not he constructed, altered or enlarged cvithaut a Development Plan
approved by the Planning and Development Depzrtmant in accordance
with the provisions in subsection F.
2. Property' Development Standards
a. In manufactured home parks, the minimum dimension of lots, yards
and the height of buildings shall be shown in the accompanying table.
b. Manufactured home parks shall conform to the follo~c=ing standards:
i. Ni7ncombustble skirting shall be anchored to a permanent
f"oundation, including any vents, screcros, and,'or openings
necessary for utility and mechanical system ]lookups; and
ii. All manufactured homes shall Ue anahared to a permanent
c. Limited use of recreational vehicles is pertnitted in a ~=fanufactured
Horne Park as specified in this section. Recreational. vehicles shall not
he accupieycl as permanent living quarters in any coning district.
"~IEI'" District. 'YIanrrt'actured Ilomc Park
Land Arc;t ~!Mtil tril mTt'.'.s .?~ _~'.} l ill itltaCTtCretl ll{?n3e ]ttfti
I:ot Area ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i,iw(}[? stluar'c fcc~ nTSUZTnum 1>er unit
Lot I}finensions 4{? [ee,t txTininlunx on the narrow clisnun~ion tend
nfi fee': ntsnimur.T {{n the, long dimenston
Lot Frartt Yardx 1 f} feet minimum tiatn the ncTtrest e«r-ner of the i
manufscture home, or the m:u~ufacture~ti home
.r~: cssor~' rTT'-3i~'k?rt'. ?i) t17C 7'S~arr:*4 hbt3?s`31i#iTty le-
t?ther Setbacks 10 fei;t minimum from any property line; when
Iadjoining a Iaublic street, 25 foot minimum
t C) feet minimum distalaee between
'manufactured homes, at any poitrt
___ _ _
Height `35 feet maximum for any structure intended for i
:occupancy. The average height of the
naanuf`actured home frame above the ground
elevations, measured at ninety {90} degrees to
the frame, shall not exceed three {3) feet.
Private Streets I-lard-surfaced; 36 feet minitnuna e~~idth;
aninimurn cal-de-sac diameter 100 feet;
;maximum block length 500 feet
Parking 1off-street space per lot
1\`ntes: _ _ _
* May he sul?jecL to projected fr•artt Ym•d (Secrian 6.lOlh)
3. Reereatianal Areas
a. A minimum <af five (5} percent of the grass site area of the park shall
be devoted to recreational facilities, and located in a central Location.
[In large manufactured home parks, recreation areas may be
decentralized.] Conmiuluty buildings and communiT}~ use facilities,
including adult recreation and child play areas, swimming pools, and
drying yards, may be included in computing the area of recreational
facilities. Elowever, vehicle parking areas shall not be used in such
b. Va'hen playground space for children is provided, it shall be protected
from trafftc, thoroughfares and parking areas. h shall be maintained in
a sanitary condition and free of safety hazards.
c. A person commits an offetase if t1Te petson Deans or operates a
manufactured home park and lixaowingly fails to build, operate, or
maintain. the park in compliance with this section.
~i. tether Strnctures
a. Permanent T2esidentiat Strnctures
i. r1t each ntanufiictured home hark, n« mare th.tn one tl) existing
residential strttcturc ena~ be retained err one l l } nets re-icictxti;a{
St?'Ut'~:lS';' i;i1t E*.tk`U4°ted Litz t:}ii'S:13,in1=.~' b~' .(?e k~vr?C'.I' cir C7p(,t:itCls° t7t `he.
II. t~.t3 cXlwttng reSld ent7.t~ ~TI1IetilrL- Ii7eritefl 6ti a mal?LLSc3itttreii ht~tiTl<'.
park Irsav be cottvez-ted to a cihrbhuttse, cemmrnlity center, or
service building for use b} the resident:; of'tfte manufactured home
}nark. <A structLtrc sir con4crcted sha31 meet. all alaplICable crtdes fi?r
(aulli:cittt.,yl}at',`,U dj'•(?e3tiE1t?(L'tc~ !~'kc 1?rf}(±c7tit'.{1 tl~.
a. ~+tltra;;e facilities
i. unless provided in current manufactured ]tome models, storage
facilities with a minhmum capacity of hvo hundred (200) cubic feet
per lot may be provided vn the lot or in compounds located within
one hundred (100} feet of each lot.
ii. V4~tere provided, storage facilities shall be designed in a manner
that will enhance the appearance of the park and shall be faced
with masonry, porcelainized steel, baked enamel steel ar other
material equal in fire resistance, durability and appearance.
5. Reereatiaual t'ehieles in 141anufaetured Home Parks
a. A maximum of fve (5} percent of the gross area of a manufactured
home park znay be dedicated to overnight or short term use by
recreational vehicles.
b. Such portion of the manufactured home park shall be clearly
delineated and shall comply with all requirements of Section 5.129 and
other applicable provisions of the City Cade for recreational vehicle
parks tivith the exception of the requirement of a minimum number of
c. A person commits an offense if the pc~rsou knowingly occupies a
recreational vehicle in a manufactured home park in excess of a total
of fourteen (14} days within any six-month period.
d. A person commits an offense if the person owns or operates a
manufactured home park and knowingly allows or suffers a violation
of this section by another person.
6. Other Development Standards
a. Suns. An identifying si~ni shall be permitted at each major entrance
to the manufactured home park except that no more than three sits
shall be permitted for one park, and such sighs shall be subject to the
fi511o~ving provisions:
i. Each sign shall contain only the identifying name of fl7e park and
its street address.
ii. Signs may be illuminated but the source of light shall not be visible
and shall not be intermittent or flashing; revolving signs shall not
be permitted. Si~nts shall not be lightc~l beteveen the hours of
1{):{}0 p.tn. and 6.00 a.m,
iir. Signs may be freestanding but shall have not more tlt;zn two
supports <znd the top of the sign shall be zzo more than eight feet
aboti+c grade.
i~. Bach stgn shall be stzaf.*le-tizced az}a3 shall he lnmiterl to at nttrtiimu*.n
tree cif ° "~ .}qu;tr"s. ti.~t.
v lii signs wlartl3 ce>nfatnaz wills tl;e rcquirerrzent~. con,:"crazing; sctl?ztcks
h'£)m put517c vtr:.'#.'.tz that 2S2".' atpplicahle. t4? Sti"..iC:tUrG:i.s"i.. t"L'l?t 11'EaS
such sign :Wray lye attacl':ed a'].zt agaiatst a wall or t'enc:e surrounding
the manufactured home park, not portio^ of cvhicla shall exteztcl
into the public riu.Jzt c>f wad.
b. Parking. l'wv spstce~ pe•r elsucllintt unit ari a trar?uffircfured h+?zne park.
`.'~~.+. rkiesa~ t';tt~~+i..,r'r-F 5~`t s lc~ :,.
c. Landscaping. 1'or manufactured borne parks, generally four {4}
percent of net site area or thirty {30) foot deep landscaped area
adjacent to public rights-of--way. See Chapter 6, "Development
Standards" Article 3.
cl. Grouud Surface and Draiuage.
i. Exposed ground surfaces shall be paved, covered with stone
screening or other solid material, or protected with a vegetated
gxowth that is capable of preventing sail erosion and elimination of
ii. All growrd surfaces shall be graded and equipped to drain all
surface water in a safe and efficient rnamrer.
iii. The area of each lot shall provide adequate support and drainage
far placement of a manufactured home.
E. Approval Requirements and Appeal
1. Development Plan and Application
a A manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park shall not be
constructed, altered or enlarged without a valid approved Development
Plan issued by the plamring and Development Department. Before
any new, altered or enlargement action can occur, a Development Plan
must be submitted far review. Such plan must be approved before any
action may proceed. The Development Plan shall also be used when
apply=ing far appropriate permits as regulated by other codes.
b. Applications for Development Plan approval shall contain at a
minimum the fallowing:
i. tiame and address of applicant;
ii. Location and legal description of the manufactured home or
recreational vehicle park, and
iii. Trvo {2) copies of a Develaprneni Plan in conformance with the
requirements of this Section, and drawn at a minirmum scale of:
a. Ohre (1} loch equals one hundred {]04} feet far sites under
thirty {3t)} acres; or
b. {one {]) ir~reh equals two hundred {20(?) feet for sites of thirty
{3fl} acres or mare.
c. The application. shall be accompanied by a permit fee;
el. 1 h7cvelolnment 1?lan whall straw the lbllocving:
i. The ~crea ausd dimcnsians of the tract of land, identifying its
locatiaxa and h~utrdaries; -
EI :It+`. ntfn b~b}::q', ihi}t ,.#.'.i t?t'.~ a?rd ~l:le, :?~ ..thl ijr.123; 1'saistil°ld lA+?il"ti. 2tY3d
reti 4't•.atraaral 'v G'1l.It :(: Ells`,-:
nt, flfe ~{!C orlon, 4Y~ilth, anti spectf4Ciltfti:l:i at ClI`14'L'11'iS Vtiy pTlvEltc'
internah >treets. pa3'kityg anti cvafkGUays;
iv. ']hc location and tfefails of lighting, puhtie telephones. aril
elactric'<it and gas ystems;
~.'. the 1C+tiat2i7r? and 4pLx::l:7 i;iltitdll ESf uaEel:' lrtd ;~ti i*'l`S` ~int'.:~ ~113d s~wS`.f~.
vi. The location and spe~;ifications of all bui}dulgs constructed or to be
constructed within the manufactured home or recreational vehicle
vii. Existing and proposed topography of file manufactured or
recreational vehicle park;
viii. The location of fire mauls, including the size of the main, fire
hydrants, and fire extinguishment equipment and available fire
floe; and
ix, Such other information as may be reasonably required by the
departments reviewing tlxe Development Plan.
2. Appeal and Ylodifications
a. If the Development Plan is denied, the applicant may appeal the
decision to the Board of Adjustment
b. The Board of Adjustment may approve the Development Plan;
approve with modifications or may uphold the denial of the
Development Plan,
e, The Board of Adjustment shalt consider the following when modifying
a Development Plan:
i. The minimwn number of manufactured home lots in a
manufactured home park;
ii. The minimum square footage and minimum dimensions of
manufactured home spaces;
iii. The minimum number of recreational vehicle spaces in a
recreational vehicle park;
iv. T1xe minimum square footage of recreational vehicle spaces;
v. The minimum per acre density of recreational vehicle spaces; and
vi. The munber of pexmanevt residential structures in the
manufactured. home or recreational vehicle park.
SEC Tlfl}Y 2.
Chapter 9, "Defxtritions", of Ori}inance No. 131396, the zoning ordinance of the
City of Fort Worth, is hereby amende;t} to add new definitions, to read as follows:
9. I€f I I?edited Terms
I?Ir4"I~I.t}I'4II,\`I' PL,1ti: E t=r it;4 ptsrpo~o4 01 (;'t<apttr t, :*v~ ta~~n 3 ~~"!u, LP nit.Ettc'tur.d
l fr~n~e {" h~i} 1 't l)isttict: a erxrphac =c:pre~c~ztatzon, clrac~•n to wc~7le, in a lxorizzxntal plane,
dc}ir~iatit:; t17o E>u}}xie i~f land inc?aded to tlxe pion <xnd zit} proposed] LiSI' lo,atit~a~s, tik=tth
ai~ctarate €liKnensions mdicatin<~ tht, res3ati~sn cif each use to tixat atljoinml~ and tc+ t}ie
be+undary o}'thc propel ty.
LOT, M11:1NUFr1C'I't`RED HOME: a plat of land within a manufactured home Bark or
recreational vehicle park as indicated on the development plan, ufiich is designed to
accomrnadate one { 1) rnanufacrisred home or recreational vehicle respecaively
MINI_YlGM BL~ILD[NG STANDARD CODE: that article oi'the City Code so
SERVICE BUILDING: For the purposes of Chapter 4, Section d.2t?Z, 1?lanulaetured
l~lome ("MH") District, a structure housing toilet, lavatory, and such other facilities as
may be required.
Except as expressly amended, all provisions of the Crrdinance NO. 1386, as
amended, shall remain in full force and effect.
This ordinance shall be cumulative of alt provisions of ordinances and of the
Cade of the City of Fart Worth, Texas {148b}, as amended, except u=here tha provisions
of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such
Code, iu a=]zich event ec~nflieting provisions of such ordinances and such Code are hereby
It is hereby declared. to be the intention of the City C"ouncil that the secticros,
paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and, if any
phrase, clause, sentence, paragralib or seutiosr of this ordinance shall be declared
unct'~nwtitutic}x~al bV the ualid iudnerst or Ilc;cree of any court taf ctaa7apetestt aurist{icticat,
Stleh '.;Cteon *t C$i[tlonaltt4 vlxtAlk n{'t efttei t ,~tiv tit tl;e rCntatnixx~' p11;:IticS, 4"i:1~~'~!,. Sc'tltt nG:z ~i,
parttgrtsplts astd sectic7ns tilt'tin~ c~rdints,sce, tince the wrssrte :~.14xild have heat €:nacTet3 by the.
City {`csustcil wiihotat the incva•posxtion in this as•dinancc of ally such txsiconstitutional
1's~il .~:G.. 6: e:~F,it Mx E':.t~. K' FMrtri?,~ al~lz £3g' .£.h q<i'.A..
Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses
to comply with or who resists the enforcen7ent of any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollaus {y2,d04.00) for each offense. Each
day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
All rights and remedies of the City of Pon Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to
any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance Ivo. 3t}11, Ordinance ~o. 13896, or
any other ordinances affecting za~ung which have accrued at the time of the effective date
of this ordinance, and, as to such acciuE;d violations and all pending litigation, both civil
and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be
affected by this ordinance but maybe prosecuted until final disposition by the worts.
The City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, is hereby directed to publish
the caption, penalty clause and effective date of this ordinan~;e for two {2) days in t11e
official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as authorised by Section 52.{)13,
Texas Loea} Govcn-rrment Code.
'Phis ordinance shall take effort upon adc±ptiort aril publication as rccluirecl bcF larv.
ll'}'Ii{11`C Cl :~4'T't:t I CtE~'tl r1"~ l? C.F'.{ 3'1#.}'i Y:
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