HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 46 gw�aawW rAlnane e providing 'o r—t au protection of the heAth of the hA aant , the dentrnation and p anvn nt an° of uisar,° ces, th i, faialses, r mu a"aal of night sail and War gavbag; and AM the 1 ,casnast g of persons as remove night moll and n',` er garbage, fixing a 'nh:�u ti for ° of atlon ant" aaan°�nra, ^arnr� ha~�� �.� ��°�, ���„u ��� �� %.. of ordinance 25 , and abl ardinnnoem In conflict h e n°• i t h. � � T r Y B� 4 ��”�a �°���,n"a t.��";��7) :�1 �Ill,", " "I"M a;a �r�"r �`,b, R"�.�,� ,. ��.�:e a �e�:�_�.n�„���� ��. ,�..�4 �� CITY O FORT WORT SpetI nn Every dry closat in th e rni ty, In card n°na°ry use 1 from ca t h TMt nail in not a e ,a ae often as once n m o=.n is na ~l nd no t " r ° �. �� p � � „� ���J r� � �� � � ; „ ver ore aa tla , rthd nyaay dry c . e ; within the city which, benomm F'�% offensive to mmall In a, e c. ir as a a n"k;n i s a'n an as. A.;h'"ay promises in the city Mee slop,, d i, w at e ,, swill , urine t e r”" U g ,��„ G g e. Is thrown upon the ground is declared ana nn is n."ale . Any premises within the c i t y �jyv re rr)miny matter is cast st to the ground t decay is declared a n°nln, ,sanac e. Any b aam = in the city where gatesrag, of a q character or, descriptlon is pnrinitted toh and r, A&Tbeoome stagnant, putrid ) offensive to the gnell or in a ntate of f m-ina tftt ion or decomponition is a ec ire ra r°na.a;i h. , ,mean. An stable car enclosvre in the city rhe any animal is kept which in n"a 't cleared d a often an mH°ama" be nancenaanaasn""y to :ah raved"nt formentationf 6scamponition and offensive odor in declared a nuisance , provided that any such :`n °c e which In not oleaned %a often an once a manth shanl • conntitutm gin• n^a?a R.m anc . Section/ 2. The owner of any private ?;r ,ea."'n i a"a e n who shall know- 2 ingly suffer or maintain any nuisanem (J(ufined �3hall. be z i I ty of a m1aaameaner and upon conviction Mall be fined.in any sum not exceeding 2100. Any person in'0101 cont-ol of or M1110 possesaion of a-,aiy pr,,�,,�•trate promineo" who shall create , maintain or Buffer any nuisince theroon above ddflned shall be gnilty of a misdemeanor and upon coii�iction be finpd not examading *100. !action 3. The Anard of qonnisgionnre qlall nmploy -,izid license from time to time onn or more male persons over 21 yearn of age, residento of maid city, girbage afficnr or officern , Who shall hnld sneh office or employment for term of two years from date of and who naytbo removed by maid MY after notice and, trial for f ailgray of , d"ty, and who shall e* cute a bona raith goo(j seentrity in", Grua of two thougand dollars to be approved by said Board, payable to said city, conditioned for the faithful pa rformanm of Vim duties as garbage officer. Such officer shall remain a resi14%, of said elf, while such offiner . He nrty one or more assintants, but he OhMll be r asponsible for their acts. it shall be his duty to gnther, and "emovr , Ver of nor t to maid city, from the atr%nts , avonums , lonso , parks , Mverts, AMOK, viaducte and other public placeswithin the OW all Osad nats, fow1n , late and athor like dead animals and are- �Inrla 11"'�)On the city' n u mping grnund or there b"ry the name an heroin p-ovided. Sectinn.4. It shall he thn My of wich qarbage officer or his assistant to call upon and inspent at least once every nonth, and oftener when veq"Med by the sanitary officer of said city or by the owner or occupnnt , mach and every promises within the city ana he 1hu,111 not ifr the ocaugint, pennon in nhirge or In pognesnion of Tan y premisne of any thing or condttiori found thereon which may'r Avelope into a n"Leanne. oonstituto or tend to t It M12,Ine the MY V,,f Swch gnrbgage officer to rem at least o n.Pm a ,zn n t h tndhm nu A. as tansy', as br­ nesessary to prevent the romme from be ming a nuinance , M night nail from every dry closet Z,l Weft within the Mr, and to remove from, -pry p -rmises any and all gar- bage and foul deponits fin, ich nay be or tend Wdevelop, Into a nn sance, and be may rhargn therefor acnording to the scale of charges he-sin fixed. Provided fu-Ver thAt the pannesmar of nny promises shall be 111bin personally to the garbage officer for any sucla charges and for which, ream h officer may bring suit. Seation 5. The garbage offieRr shall be entitled to c1u,;Lr6a the following prices : For rqmwr1,,ngP n-1 ,,"a"ht snil b i f or each re Nark oval. For removing other wnt mWer not to exce6d 501 per. b.h.l (of 30 MISS) For remnving a' as inanurn 42 .00 pqr load of t'"o horse farm wigon. For removing Iry :mitter not to exceed 25/ per barrel (a barrel being f if ty gal I an 9) Motion R. It AM be the My of the garbage to dnr�p ­% Into the dumping ground of said city all garbage so removed by him and he shnAbury in dtinping ground all night soil and other oo( t, :,-�-�rbagn at leant 8 feet deep and cover with soil , and he shall sprinkle with disinfMants each closet cleansed by 7­,j.,.rtj n,d id In re- moving all mAter hm Aall uie v�­,tper­ttf,,,�ht vesnals or receptacles provided with tight covering nufficinnt to p-event the escape of odor M19 being renoved. UAW 7. No person, other than a girbaVe offien- or his as- sistant , shall deposit on or within sail dumping g-ound any night �Mn Ui sail, b °ge or—othnr matter. Any pe°".R oa'°'6 violating this section n �� �� a W.� d i,i ��;;n conviction shale fe adµ�° �+ .�.�; . � ��.��; �� ��" N�, ,"�° M1�oP � n ��� �, � o r � �� fined in a nlr w 'an not "a,,io e Section B. It 1-,e unIqwful for any person, athnr thmn '74 -1-11, MaRnsed garbage officer of said city or his sst t,ant , to haul t move, onrry or in aaua"y, w"".y +,,raa.n pot t Rlong or over or across an, street ) road or alley within maid city any night soil or any Mue - IW si g";a,?"b ,wg . Any person violating this reate'"t .o +;. ,I be fined In any swn not exaseding $100. Sm tion 9 . It shall be unlawful a:pwf a for any person to t r n t,ort; �€E! along public w or p1nna in said city t n ga b ga J #WuS . Any person violating t i q "c - tion shall �V� e f.��d f���i.%G. ,�6'. tl A any sum a.m ���`V��.M V u more, ",J�4. N��uu 1100. Section 1 0. It shall be e u nl a"(f l�t.l f o�t' p AV,igip^ N e n 0.,d,W i,'p o t h1'^i r V a l a dnl- 11cen'Medlib ago offiner of maid city or his asnistmnt , to j;P ,,M1 9 r;t i o roq#116011 t�� ` � tw tin a ldid thy hire tnt u • � ' t t r/ #cat more than $100. admit � a""tt' �; aa a t r . a � ' a � � � Yy ,a from his own p r a,m p,,jes, I;;zvw ts 3.e , ,,(,xn,, re j or thtr Me having a value bu igilt t in no event r AN H /// r W fa �MYi «u�aaV �fi ,'�ry W�� !N�,.rvll o Mir^ i he same �«M�um has illk removed before �iA I I�qq�� ��rlaN u�l�aa j �„ provided' further that zx,11 swill* i i A,/, r other ga,rba�ar�; rte a watery kind shall bq removid in ester t bt vesetle or rr r tat ,e L� W th tight covering fir, ev�,/, n ing W ac"PO Of same or offensive oder therefrom. See . 12. he word en t:,I,,s'e ad ir.n "a lii l!'+-,Yl rW "t be construed t�lio� include ixi iutalf ti,,j A� j�,�JIV i a '4mt 1MrU e�M iB � r O r�� i�rot m dye II ,iG�' l N5' ' � 'fin ti l CaMed tin fjikat r, BI OP , swill , Wad its, ram, stale m nd dimenrded rv" ea ta.n l .b ea,dµn" vffnn and al"N,y and all other mattli!p`" tKe an a"nnnnnnna,i.y,Fa i a.;,w n aaa d an a.,a„am¢y o;'"n ,n "n a, n of shi ch b^«aµn n "nab e s nauseous or r~" ducas offensive odor. � � ���ec�'; w(i'ar1, 1 ,fir. nn�ilr are �' nab who Wall a".anpaan'-itR any gr"n,a, anrog ' In any r ��d, alley trt,' t orin any public um~once w .t In this city or in n 'r any ,� �+. p crack bg� ro y �wq city w� ry+�"p on^p p w qm p g^I��('� yw �µ�� '�p l i( ,r�,"� �W'r c S a air�d.':�w i I�I; t 1 M, °u r G..1 4 li ,��Y A�. the �a�A,� S n��n�ll. �.0 ti"�ry,� o.°. 4 r o! .F W�e qW, person without hie corgant Mail be finned ;Ri tiny mun not mo f,� an a$ i o n. Section 14. The said garbage o fi cer ahall be ranmpo n i l e for any nri °once In or . „bon"q t na :ai~"r dumping grounds, thnt he a',"nr tho6"na t°`n max n ra. a r n' ° ray,. �n, rn an ° or for the manner r„r way i h his w r o n as much n,� rb auGgge officer m s a l be conducted, it being bArehy ii , ,ae ll �� �„ n � � t � i r . �n a � � under nir , to perform and can- Met * id Its r�r�n;��rm in all `h amen, i � s aat trifrArn�°�r'an� ;� °�!� �r�� an 1" W Y Section 1 . All p an n:o n"':n, f a m s, an C c a��",n a n'""n t � � r�nnn� dr ,.� � ply clan ate on their premises for the ,n epo °;n ,na of 1nn.an*n''a,n vrine, and, ex- are reqnired to nit and provide sultAble water tight Men or rdµceptacl es which, shall be placed over �?*ai,. d to rncel YF al nn rpment or urine and r c shall � � kept In e n''Ji`9;^n'ry condition by mnn°n5 of lime rn;nnd other Ais :.nfea nµintaan until l n inn'"na'°r"nn a.d by the nr n?'n,i d qi n"°b`°a ge office-. k n� and a�u"a�,' %°,a;�,"�an !.'r"�'"n l.'n;w. All �n,;�i�k"r�.�,nn,�n,nn a �,n ro 4 µa%r""" ",a °„q:w”d i n 1 k"',ha"r a� In conf2ict herewith be q nQ nmhn sore rn°r hereby µn ^noa e , nnd pRssed by the no n"C and ° m e 19th, 9 ,7 t relating, to j ° a $, ",n r" and n a'� �h" rn a°a ° � g n �1 a !an office-, nl�,�in,u#; and.,.� r'an,a� �+" Y'�n r"a� �r n the r�n ""n, a°n:� µ be arfi 7 an°'axanr In nnnrreby emprennly wepealmd. ate. aw A 6 w U take effect and bqj after t P oraV e porn f that the thove and turegoing �w�rd`«, nni f Qi;�� QW"""", /iii ,'`? Maly yenned by the Bqgrd of 06mmisnioners of the City W.I. Mateo � 1; i 1 r .......................�r�a r P, J e r` N u m r ' y