HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1646 0RD11WM0 MID- 'A19, ORDINANCE" AIMEMINI(I SJM�,710x 4_Z OF, ,,G TIME 1301J1,Z"DA1,UE`8 OF' FIELL Z0143" TWO AND r.`RC Iltl"M T11AT ATZ DUUlPXES Olt PARTS OF 0,rfDT117At(',UES IF COP7110T IMMUTR ARE 11111 nom°' REPEALED AND PROVIDING Pl"1AT ",P."Hl,.S OR- DINANCE AND !TBLIPI. ,'l"IGN AS UQUIREV BY LAW. BE 12 ORDAINED BY TIM C17T QUUNUIL OF THE, UITY OF FORT WORTH, TZYJS-� SECT"MIb l.. That sedtion -2 of wlydixswszoe §113lbs is hereby amend» ad to hereafter read as follows: "UCTI 4„ ZOVE TWO Zone Two shall, aaww"Pl., is hereby declared to in- clude all that area vitl�i.n the following, 'bouid ries,. exe,tpting that area inoluded in gone 04e,, as above described, viz, e inni,gg at a, 1rotat on Bluff street where Forth 1 omme ae would Interseet a,n(P extending; north- west along, North, Commeree to Twentieth 7 t eet , thence north 66 Xtrin:e Crowd" and., a"1011 West 1a��� cai 1NF�t;nine Creel. to Twent lftti, Street, thence crest on Twenty- fifth street to Clinton, Avertue, thence south on Clin- ton Avenve to TVaeaitwim, trrurrtlr" Street,, tiienoe east on ftenty-faurth tit;rest to a pint one hundred and fifty (15 0) feet wet of tlxe west property line of North Main Street, tla"sm:t,(,.r 'rwroth tvid to the west property lie of loath Mjmin street to Twentieth street, then e west on Twentieth. to Ellis Avemxet thence sonxth- easterly on :Illis to North Forxoteet t)w trl,et t enee�: southwesterly on Fourteenth Street eet t a voia one hundred and fi.ft,,l, (150) feet wrest of the west ropert, line af-Ellia, Ave11ate t7r.,eneo, south, and para el too t te, crest Property line o Hl°1s Avanve to s,ntre,l,. AVen e, tlrenee ?pest on Central. Avenue to North Houston Street, the nee southeast on PPlorth. Houston Street, maintaining, one twGr11 bloola west of 21ortla Main Street to Blvtf Street, thence southwest on Bluff street to Royal tierwoe south- east on RoVvl to Belknap t°henee 7,,mtlthaaes" oar, Belknap to t rlroint where Fournier Street would interseet, thence south on the extension of Fournier to s point Z50 feet, north of the north property, Life of West Seventh Street, tt emi;e gent an , crap trt"aw,in,ik� m di atan e of 250 Feet north. Kxf oal,(L hearth, property line of West" lle"oetth Street to li ems, Street, thenee South oz :la den street to Seventh street# east on Seventh street to Burleson ;street:, th'enae sovAh on Burleson strerwt to s point 250 feet south of the south property 11ne of West soter.wtlw Street,, thenoelwe ,st and anaintainie, , a. diats,,Yo n of 250 feet South of said south property line of „Best Sevell,thn Street to Fournier Street thence ,mouth, oil,, Fournier to point where ilresiriio Straw^ia°t vofel.d iaterse> t; thence east to Fresi,d.io and thence east on ; residio to lake Street; thence south on IAke Strvet to Aaijroait Ave- nue; thence east on;itailroa,d Avearae to Hendersoa street, tha.enoo avath on R"eetderson ,reef to Maggrett Avenue; thence east on Daggett to poi at 1 Q feet rarest of thae vest property line of South pain Street; thence south and mAnts4ning, a distance of 150 feet 'nest of the west pxvptrty line of South Main Street to a po",t 150 feet north of the north property line on Xdgnolia Avenue; thence west and maintaining a distanee of 150 feet north of the north property line of tia nolia Avenue to Eighth Avenue thence south on Eighty. Avenue to a point 150 feet south of the south property line of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a,nd mairitaining a istanee of 1,50 feet south of the south property lie of Magnolia Avenue to a point 100 feet east of the erst proparty line of South gain, Street, thence narth and mainteinin, a dis- tance of 100 feet east Of th°ae eaot property line of South 110,Lin Street to Elizabeth Boulevard. thence east on Elizabeth Boulevard to South, Boaz; thence north on South Boaz to Railroad Avenue- thence east on Railroad ,avenue to a point Where Pixie 4treet *could intersect; thence nort1n. on fide Street to Xewiedy°- thence priest on Kennedy wand an extension of Kennedy to imterseotio.n with fort Worth 4% Deaver i� Railroad- thence north al ong Fort I orth & Den pailroZA, to i.ntaf*seetion ' with 11ardiiV,, Street, th a roe north on Harding, Street to First Street; °t en.ee vest on first Street to Pecan Street, thence north on Pecrrnn Street to ji,,,i,ff Street; thence vest on Blvff Street to the point of beginning. SECTION I.I. That o,nd,. ,aims of ord°h ina noes in oonflict herevith