HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1746 =M= RD.J'ZJ6�
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B` TM CITY 0m OIL Ow T12 011,OF MT
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That in owWliazoo with the Charter, of the Oity of port Worth:
cad iva;;, accordance with the laws and Constitution of the State of TOWAO, au
election be and the same is hereby called and ordered for the iiret 'Dies_ .
dale after the first urn in April, A D. l9aZ, the 8000 WAS ohs ft 4rO
day, of said gat)&, at whiob election all qualified, voters my vote for the
moose of eteoting;nine eoimnaailelon•
That the eoret -Treas urer-,of said city shall prepare ballots
to be used in said eloetioa and shall stamp afte woffioial Ballot", on which
ballot shall be printed the nwes of the candidates:#agar the position of
004noilMMAO The places of the different souumuoilunems shall be 40018nated
on the, official ballot as,Umber of 0ouncil place lip. 1, 2# 30 4p b, s,; 7,
8, and 9 respectively.
That so percents ums shall be placed up" the official ballot,
as a coadidats for the position of a member of the Cit7 Cousall unless the
a of such persons has boon presented to tbe;Pity Soomtory-Mrsasurer not
less t? ttstrt (ZO) days prior to the data of said electiou by a petition:
sipe4, bT three hired or me" ii`ied vo�
_9ga of "1/4 aity,,
Indelible, pencil, torpthor with the business or hows address of each pe"oa
sing such:petitlou and it mot also appear on the ;fats of said petition,
"the sumbor of the Vl,aac that the said Baas %ate is seating; and that the
said pstitioa has been separately circulated.
That it shall further appear to the said City soretarr+ft rer
fov r esi t udiLdate!s awe is suatem$ ouu said bal A that such,ceadtdete,
plod with the Bald, dity s rotas uaa er a �rrittsa aeesptanoe of
his nomination not less than twenty days before the date of said
That in the event that there are two or more candidates
for the same position and place as a Member of the City Council,
the position of such candidates, nameo on the ballot shall be de-
termined by placing them on such ballot in the alphabetical order
of their surname.
That each voter shall vote for his choice candidate
for each place as Member of the City Council by striking from the
ballot the names of all tha candidates for which he does not wish
to 'vote and shall vote for one candidate only for each place.
That the polls shall be kept open from seven o'clock
a. a. , until seven o'clock p. m., and thr,,t due return be made to
the City Council showing the nmmber of votes cast for and the
number of votes cast against each candidate for each of the posi-
tions of City Councilman respectively.
That this ordinance signed by the Mayor and attested
by the City Secretary-Treasurer shall constitute the proclamation
of the Hayor calling and ordering said election and that such no-
tice shall be posted in each voting precinct in the City of Fort
'Worth, as required by law, and that the City Secretary is hersby
directed to post or cause to be posted at least thirty days be-
fore said election in each voting precinct a notice stating the
time of holding this election and, the offices to be filled and which
said notice shall be signed by the Mayor.
That the polling places for this election and the
personnel of the officers who are to hold the same, except insofar
as they may be changed by the City Council of said City, shall be
as follows:
............ .............
Me Hal- Second "e .„ r No iltter
4.0 56
Out 11pPt Christian O�Awpb
A# Go, 10twon
COW* spupe AlM ant - vast and- 1 W. Provi"
86: Me Hull - 1401 XOM04y ar. 11111or
4> 8sRtraa1 Fire;Hall -
Toms &MACOn , P11er
4-W, 57 Rotary Pa '* Seventh & Summit E. B". liatnello
6- be W0,00A Store -
rew YO,* W130asio Ure. A. D. RiWmrd
uarch - w aiseohri Avenue rt. R. Zimarmn
6-w 54 Leaaa®nd 3OW1t41 DM9 store
1406 POnziiyivmnu ANOU40 R* 1, Joe.
6-c; fire Rau - polormith �
Eton St s To L. Hoolet
6-1 6 Fire FALL . Tuoker & Bryan Miss Ella BlAiker
low "7 Ism"r Furniture Ompany
1116 Sevath IWA Street T. P, 104r
? W erty Drug Stare
low may stmot ors. Sm D"Uto
7-M 70 Worth PbanwAr w 2300 Sven$ Mrs. co B* DMI ,I e
7*= 's9 Poliosi Station - 1141 Uiasoaari;
Animus To . Waite
9-3 93 Irire Hall. - Rev York
moddoz Avenue W, S. Weiaree:
?WS 89 s1d"se of «T, R.,Bleak
061 Mulkey Street J. R. Gila+
maparlia &11Pso,street . S. Rotlii`r
?1r- Gealtherle Drug Stove -
444,0011060 venue Mrs. 1. L. lojeor
96 Rd'e 's t1"oery -
aitp1106/o a xOssadw Street Mrs. OMU Sloan
S-F1 60. Si hth Avenue Phs.aa=Ay -
16 liShth Ave me Mrs. Ro tip. wheeler
S*xW 70 will Fos tor's leaa sra -
Ow 9Pest Magnolia A*Onue 1+. P. Porklan
1 61 Fire Ball - 1010 Peach Street Miss Lelia Walker
9-W 9 Gourt House Basement - east enri Woo Cb istP34 Dunoen
1 99 ;'py Street %Ptie t Obwoh -
1641 'poet is "Soot {T. 'fit. Paansisa
76 Renfro,Dme, Store -
4 HMPIAll Rtr +t Mrs. T. . RfUsto
1000a 77 '1re Hall • 2804 lipsemb Street To 1. R0,7
1" a Qrsomway 0040 - 2 36"b ill fro. No . Rose ,
11'R 48 Fire 8411 - Tuel/M.&Worth
Main, S"60to Ko Roby
11-ON 617 V* R. Saithts £mocker
140/1 9*10A ne *044.
11"m 87 Fire Hal -16th & Bement Ural 7. go w1f
1601 es Trinity Usthdd,iet 0bura -
90th & ASle lxenne R. go Do
l 92 948bes Qm6ex'
got bet 96th'Street To No Vaugbn
I 49 1mou's Furultury Company
"eft zz0 a " 1 tom. Russell tb000k
13-N 10; Fire Rall - 15011. FAttiO St. Boy D+ Rolland
1310 so Ferpoants Reliable Mattress
1900 Yi0twoj Boulovard Do B. Beverly
X3.8 gq To R. Dalton berg - lU$
soot Riffs Street Mrs. R. . DWd
..8 81 Fire R U " University and
m street To 6. Be avd'
14-N 95 Renfro Rrug Store .. 000
15-5 16 Hudson evocery Store
Stove 100041r7 Reed
7,0410A 01'"M re - 6641
144 $eveath street ` t b. 1. 1. Burtonr
16"91 16' Arlington Reigate ' ethoolat
Oftrok " Tbwas PlAos and
'0. W, Ovano
164' 106 Baptist Topple - 3726
16.4 86 Fire *%11 - Carlton avA
G vie, Boulevard! WOO U+ . 9,11 tt
16 94 B#w orvaerr Ompany
llin and . Ferreet 8. wither+
17 17, Wise &Re4ord G:eaa*M
046 AZla Avenue tt
18 51 Plepond gill MosbodUt
b , soot 446Ar street Mrs. T. A. Step en
19-78 19 Odd Fellove Hall .. Riverside Woo rienry 'To tI idt
19-0 82 ftre Hall, - Rive ids w. . , 249le:
1" 101 Oaklmat Mist Obiwob T. 1. Rurl.eryr
30 06 stop Tbreo pbarpecy
26SO last z0oastor Ayouno Mrs. 1400M Wb WOVAIA
11 Er ve Hall "vaugbg Street wo. So L. HeWmt i
g,701 Vickery B60*7*14, To U440
lr*efl Plaq 0V+eery -
3lett Avenue titre. pearl HOU"
dim €8 V"aeant store Building
3401, Xillett IT, so sod
14 Wb tiey"e Drug Store
3 000 hiU, N. To Xa"Inae
0314 85 S*pryloe :ftstion, -
1"01 GMIArell stmt L. M. J'aeea
ve 0,11zger'e P
0144 diet] tee evard To 0«;Wells
dd so i lte "e; 0eex
Slut 0erth;soustm Street wxso B'« P. Cason,
26 01 1407's 1,4*e Side IZA
Nine 7di a Bridge - L ce.Worth J'« B. Laeyr
29 RIa Tixe - 04
%land d
Mbaftvblook Drive 8. A. BalAridp
2 8B R0,0;d,,ee of Z. 0. Reeves
4310 Proetan Street J.O. Reeves
26 83 0. '7. usttbM Grosory -
$901 ROVOOMM 00 E. J400
I0R X.
That this ordinance skull tease offset and tos in full,,-PoTee and
offset# frm and after, tbte date of its pace .