HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2046 y1�1 d f
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Di ;VT O �w BY Tax C1 y CCCT Gn OF TBE CIS'or MV, WORM, 'T S'
There is hereby levied and shall be collected, as provided day l:aw,
an "uni l direct special ad, valorem tax for the year 19,30 for the support
and acatatsnanoe of a free Public'Library in the City of 'Port Worth, Texas,
of three cents (3f) on every One Hundred ]low* ( 100*00) valuation on an
property, real, personal and mixed, situated in and all personal property
owned in the pity of Itort Worth, Texas, on the first< day of raftbry, A. Day
1939, liable under the lax to taxation and not eft therefrom by the dog
stitution mad laws of the Mats of Texas.
There is also hereby levied and there shell, be collected., as prayo
vided by law, an annal direct special ad valorem tax for the year 1939, for
the use and benefit of the Pam Fund of the City of Pbrt Worth, 'T'' , , of
mine cents ( ) on evsxT One Hundred Dollar ($100.00) val a tion ou al,1 pr -
arty, real, personal and minced, situated in and all personal property owned
In the City of Fort`Worth, Texas, on the first day of January, ,A.' Do 1939,
liable;under the law to taxation end not exeapt tbarefroin by the G000titution'
and laws of the State of Texas, which levy, in the 46gropto, sum of nine +canas
(! ), as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby apportioned:
?0V Part operation, maintsnaaace, up)eep and to PAT M*#
turities`and interest on parr notes and warrants, 9 cants.
The Cosmin#ioner of Accounts shall transfor from current
tax collections the suet of $3,458080 to paay maturities
and interest on notes anal warrants. After this emount;has
been transferred to Perk Interest and Sicking PO4, the
rowls n current tax collections will revert to the perk
General mod, as well as all delinquent taxes collected
for prior yaarso
There is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as pro-
vided. by law, an annual direct special ad valorem tax for the year 1939, for
the use and benefit of the Recreation fund of the City of pct Worth, 'exam
of two cents (a#) on every One Hundred.Dollar 01 .00) vaaMluation on all
property, read, personal and mixed, situated in and all personal property
owned in the City of, Fort worth,, Texas, on the first day of January, 44 Do
1928, liable under the, law to taxation and nut exempt therefrom by the Con-
stitution and laws of the State of Texas, which leery, in the aggregate-aim
of two *onto ( I, as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby apportioned:
Yor Recreation operation, ma ntenanee, up esp and to pay
maturities and interest on Recreation notes and warrants,
8 cents*';
The issioner of Accounts shall transfer from current
tax 001,104tions the sweat of 04#904090 'to pair maturities,
interest and set up a Sinking pound on notes and warrants.
After this acount has been transferred to Rooraetion In-
Went and Hunb;ing pond, the remaining current tax oollee-
`a`ill rorert to the Reo raation 0" 1'7444, ass w �
as''all delinquent taxes eolleeted for prior years•
That there is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as
provided by law, an annual direct special ad valorem tax for the year 19399
for General ftud operations and for servicing of General Fund obligations
outstanding of the said City of Fort worth, of 1961 dollars on every One
Hundred Tiollar (#10040) valuation on all property, real,.r personal an! mixed,,
situated in mad all personal property owned in the City of Polilt W*r+,h, T*zAs*
on the first day of Januozy, A. D. 1939, liable under the law to taxation
and not exempt, therefrom by the Constitution and lava of tb*, State of Texas#
The 00missioner of Accounts shell pay each week to the Interest and Sinking
Fund forty-five per *eat (45%) of the current texas collected for General Pmd
operations and debt service until $18%9,480*50, has 'been paid t4 the Interest
and $inking lund, after which all of said collections will ruin in the
General FUnd. In this way the General Fund will absorb any Interest and Sink-
ing FUnd delinquencies and in consideration of which will receive all do-
llaquent tax collections the entire year. The servicing of General Fund ob-
liptiogs Outstanding shall be and is boreby apportioned for the use and bone-.
tit of the said several series of bonds of the City of Fort Worth, Tezxs, as
follows, respectively;
BA1100 mo 'Tor; aiul'm T(yz(a Ly"ITY
2 ira to ft,Ad Ing 1,149 4,720*00 *002a
36 stomisonwe I-low 6,000.00, *00315
37 Gan 11. YUMUng I-I'me.00 iri"w''o.00, *01160
38 stroot lmpv%o l- 90 4,000000 *0004
ap, Light Weap ton 1- so, 2,000.00 4011
munialpals IM1000 57,550*01 *0350
(41 s9ro61 TMIXTU 1-301, 25141050 00104
(41 W ft 382-800 20,W110*00 IMPIG
(42 Light Axtension 10112 8,507*30 1999
(42 41, 120-09j, 0*550*00 *0040
Fir* Mmpv% W 96, 5,81010D 00060
(43 0 99-11'11 5,200000 01031
munleipals I-125M, 01,800*00 00393
46 street w1 1* 1-0041 004695000 *0185
49 Inalbaratorm W T1 31787*50 40022
48 Park* 1XIC0, 6#577*60 *0040
4,91 Ramroa1'9 n 1-100 6,57700 00040
W, 01AV-0mmly 1106,pital Is 1""Wo 10000
46 SUM,00% I'mapVto 111.,9 1.99' 40111e
4:18 Pqrlca 101- 200 6,645400 as
49 Rearoatialn 101- 170 &P&MOD 00086
46 Street Impyt# 1001060N) 56#8680D *0 RAM,
48 Pamrsks 201- 1r0 19,618075 4011B
(46 strawt Tmpvt. 1601-16012 ------
(a" H as 1695*2013 210005*00
(46 A014-20DA) 7,400.00 00044
40 1" 1700 59"186*00 *0241
55 "I"Ak's Worth, 'M.Idso 3, 150 8,482+50 *0090
ag, Moot 19a 90 70"1500 49,1 *0 00290
515, '1 1° Worth Z,,U-1d V 115L- 2t 6,132*30 0001.1311
bi Artmial T),vmvwhf%ran 1- 2SD 15"568,015 .919"9"
38 91 x91 1m1'v% 1» 110 9#341*25 *0036
57 Piro prwtaotum 2M 3.5,5684,75 00094,
W Airport 351 9,311*25 00056
51 fxserla'l 1111^ *vqhf ores gra,** 150 18,V9400 0,01,10
be BMW ImpVto 151. SMO 27#800*00 00168
57 Piro protoation, 251- 50M 150125.00 00022
56 Airport IUL- 400 16,1=00 10002
50, 8trP0t, 1mPv9# 11111«1199 mtmm
AftwTort "11" 500 0095*100 100311
stroet TmPvU 1401-145115 5,018*75 10017
51 krurial, "Thorougt%fares 5bi," M 4,280400 1002
r U91
Matandin 1- 7718
51 Arterial Wroughfares 601. 840D 7$000*00 *0042
56 street ImpVto 145601575 3,000.00 4,001"19
61 Wommlamis Snuatorium Y I's 6,660#00 40040
99 Pleasure rwrds*, f,"arlm Y1,RAy9 r419# 1- 41's "8,9'02* 91 9916
P-lessure Grdso, PaM & Play9rdso 1-189 6#007a
04 ff 0 N , 1,90,42M 1,06200 *0012
56 Street SPY% 151 101" 11,000.00 10072
IsfaMiAl 2and V 10 350*00 00002
11- 55 1,720.00--00010
65 alty-ftw"tj 1,10spital 1, 11338 6,oal*25 *0036
Olt? Hall & Tall 275 12,102050 00073
67 LibrIxas 2P4 0,100.15 00055115
VON Mrport Vivr"t. 'Warrental I., MI 0,47=0 00057
0 V 54- 96
Fort Wortb, Stook Yords 7,'Ic)t* 11 - 7,300*00 1004t
1936 Airport Qyrt. Warrants ON 125 5,25.00 *00364,
--- Due to Federal Government SM A Q�002w?
Total Gworal INind Debt $061,958*75 *52.00
That these apecial tax levies, which are hereinbefore made, to
provide for the payment of interest and to create a sinking fund or to die-
cbarge and pay principal and interest on any obligations due or owing by
the Gity of Fort Worth, Texas, are not to be taken as in addition to levies
for the same purpose in the respective ordinances authorizing and creating
such obligations, but the levies hereihbefore made Are made pursuant to and
for the purpose of carrying out and complying with the provisions of said
prior ordinances, and ad valorem taxes herein are levied upon all taxable
property, real, personal and mixed, situated in and all personal property
ovued in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as assessed, valued and described in
the assesmaent tax rolls and the tax books of the City of Fort worth, Texas,
for the year 1930, and any supplemental assessments thereof, as the same have
been or shall be presented to the City Council of the City of Fort worth,
Texas, by the Assessor and Gollector of Taxes, of said City of Fort forth,
That the taxes herein levied and authorized and required to be col-
lected shall be and become due and payable in two equal installments. The
first installment, which amount shall be fifty per cent (50%) of the total
wX of the taxes due and payable;for the current year, shall be due and pay-
able on the first day of October, A. A. 190, and the second installment,,
which emount shall be the remaining fifty per cent (50%) of the total sum doer
end; payable in taxes for the current year, shall become due and payable,on
the first day of April, A. D. 1940*
The first installment of taxes required to be paid by virtue of
this ordinanea for the current year shall become delinquent on the first day
of December, A. I3. 1939, and the second installment of taxes required to be
paid by virtue of this ordinance for the current year shall booms delinquent
on the first day of Tune, A• Do 19Wo
Iii' TCI II e
Should any taxpayer permit his taxes to become delinquent, that is
to say, should. fail or refues to pay the first lnstallmnent, said installoont
being fifty per **at ( ) of the total amount of tastes due for the current
year, before the first day of lleoembemr, A. D. 1939, as above spoo fia'd,„that
uA in;that event, the second installment shall also immediately become due
and delinquent and a ponalty, shall attach to the payment of such taxes at the
,rate of ono per cent 6%) per month, or fraction thereof, for each month there'-
after; and should any tezpayer pay the first installaaout of his taxes as here-
inobovo provided, but should permit the second installment of his taxes to be-
was, delingaaent,, that is to say, should fail or refu o to pay said second in-
etallmeaat bofo" the first dal, of Tune, A. D. IM, as above specified, theta
the penalty shall attach to the payment of the second installment at the rate
of one per cash (1 ) per, month, or fxa0194 thereof, on each month thereafter.
That said penalty of case per cant (1%) per math shall be added: to
eaid tacos in the event the, payment thereof shoad booms doU accent as +abovo
set forth sand said penalty=shall attaeh on the, first<day of each month users-
after, until the taxes shall have been paid, which penalty shall be and beoomae;
a part of said taxes and be payable as such; and provided further that in the
event of the publication of the delinquent tax lists, or it suit is brought to
recover such taxes end penalties and the delinquent taxpayer $hall be subject
to the payment of said taxes, penalties and costs, and the same shall be and
become a lien upon the property of such taxpayer, as proscribed by the charter
of the O ty of port Werth, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, the said
taxes with penalties and costs shall to and becomm, and they are hereby made a
pare aunt lien to all other liens whatsoever on the property on which said
taxes are leviedo
&=1ON X
Wed any part, portion, section or part of a seotion of this ordi
nonee be deelarod invalid or inoperative or void for any reason by a court of
competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or went shall In no may at-
fact the remaining portiozn$, parts, emotions or parts of sections of this- ordi-
rnonco, which provision shall be, ramain and continue to be in full force and
That;.this ordinance shall take offset and be in full force and of-
toot from and after the date of its passage as provided by law.