HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2546 AN OF TITY, ll'3017 NP FCIRT 71M,,`0S6 TME, G717]'17 TO TEZ l'il,",AL AIM TIM 01NIMIS 01P PROPERTY &BUTTl:",'G U1101,i 1707110E' FIFTE STRER'lls FLORMUCE MEET$ = EASTIRM01ID'STREET 114 T1 TTm 0,1TY CX FORT 1,NORT11, ',7TTXllT THE 1,1111TS MER"ET' - 111,1I11" DEF11',"EM, AND TO AISTY 111n.T1;a17AIM USING,, 001UPYING 0111 CROSS111' ANY OF SAID STFLE-TS AS TO MM SPECIAL :GT'1111FITS TO ACORUE TO SAID RRDRERTY 117,11) THE REAL, AND T111130, CA7151,'ERS THEY-MOF, BY VIRME OF THE 11. 171,0VE- 14,'ENT OF SAlD STRE.E�TS 1,71TI1.11117 11µ1l) 1,1l',',JTS AS TO ANY XIU,10116, 1"!,,TVALllj)TTl!,,',S, OR IR"'MT-MARITIES IN, o-L,11Y OF THE lPlR0CEE0ll`,,G8 OR 0017TRACT T111111NMR, OWNFIcRULT"I'M AND DENYTIT09 ALL PROTESTS A17) 0B,131EIC71 /'7113 (')FFE' KE,; M`MT''G AND THAT IEACIF AlM Ti"MMZY PA.RO"El OF' PPOPKIFITY ABUTTING Tlp0l,7 SA ) STlR,11"Tlr,,,TS ",,"VITT-1177, 717, L1111117115 T"Will"IED 11NI1,,1,, BE STII�',CTALLY BE,11,731TT TED AITD EMR&NOZZ 117 VAlUZ 117 ESC'5�,SS OF TH72 Ali"ZO1T11'T CF T1,77 COST OF BAIT) AS REMICED AND ADJUSTED HERM77, PRIOPOSEM TO BE, ZLIED AS kOSESSED AGAT ST SAID PROPEM-- TIES,, AIM, 711E IM,k1s All"T) TT'ME Tiili OF ,um LEMNG AN ASEESSLIENT FOR THE PAY, 1y1T OF A P(YPlTlC'lT OF THE, 1"1 1T 1'F 112R1VING, SAID STRETTS WITHIN Si',ilD 13��I-S L11,11TS DEFLEZO, Fl=l ' A ANID 11727 A" ` AID PROPERTIES AT, THE MM Al"M TRUE 0'W1`,,rMRS TITEE'l W� LEVYLP"M A SPEOIAL TAX AIM FIX11,1G A, 011TARGE AM) LIMIT AGAITIST S2,111 RAIL`N7ATS, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAITCE OF AS,S'�IGKABLE 0ERTIFIOATES UPOIT TTIE' OOMPLET1017 ARD AOCEPTANCE OF SAID 470M TITE 1,21,717KR AME) ME OF PAY- 11A XT T'll"i'LeF OF AIM P13j'OVIDING 1`0111 THE ANZ 1,57,711,OB CY ,'XDLTje-,.XTI0N OF 2AID J%,SSrSS:ZZNNTS AND OEIRTIFTCATIM, AIM P1IOVID17"1 IG TITAT THIS ORD111111,7011 MTEALL TAME,' EIVY"7]OT 'LIPOI,T ITS PAS 1A(5l'! BE IT OPIDAIN'EB BY THE CITY COUINCIL GIB, TT1b OTTY OF' FORT 1i"µ11T11, T7-, il.AS: 0—TI 0 1-1- The City Ow tnoll of the oity of Fort 'Worth, hereby 1`7,1 3s, and clete'vizi,,les: (a) That the G 1 Council, of the City of Fort oxth Tvuw, bzie herotofore by dialy e!nr-,atj,d on Octobe r1 , 1947, V, w,y 21, 1947, and November 30, 1,946, rcspec,,tively, detaririlllned tlie necessity for, and ordered, the im )rove-- ment of portions iof jqox,thoest T,,,rmnty--Flfth Flic),,venze Street and Ecast seco"Irl Stxect vvithin the hereln,wf ter defined, in th,e City of Fort v""orth, Tex,-i-s in the rmnnar ana aoccu%dizig "to the plaric, ctnd Lmpecificatiors therie for„, ullioh 1plans and, specificattors hc,vv.e beretofore been ,,,,,Cq.)rov,ed and. adopte�5, by czild Oity Gouzlctly rjtilc,er,)ts a,,lld tllG.. portions thereof so orderded improved Lxtiing as fol 7,cprAs,t,, ww tar-rit I121 RT11,7EST T',7MTT7-TI1?T11 flrota the South llre Of MOP AVOMUO t0the SOUth Tinder of Lydon Stre'-it, known and design,,,,ited, Ln the contract hereinafter ident1fied U1177T NO. 3,; FLORENOE STREM from, the Yorthe�:Iy line of V%st Weatherford Gtreot to the Gotitherly, line of West Belknap Street, known and esl gnsted in the oontraot hereinaft r identified za-.-, MNIT 110. 2; EAST SECOND STREE0 from -the `,7esterly 1�-ae of Elm Street, to the Zastar3,y Itne cd[' Calhat.in Street, nave and except the interse,ytion of jc>mac, Streott,, i,,:norn and designated la thg contract 11=01110ft= Idantified as UNIT NO. 3. (b) Th,,rt notices execated in t1ae of ties,, City oT Fort Worth, Texas, of the enactment of said abO'Te 1deS-- arlbed DrOmances in hereto been filed rith the oo-,jnty 01.erk� of Tax-:ant Courrty, Te,:tas) In zd ch . ,rId, City Is situated, on the 7th day of 1Toveun2re7,,� 194,7, in xeference to Northwest Twenty-Fifth Street, on the 29th of My, 1947 In referenne, to Ylorenc-,., Street, and on the 9th day of 1947 In reference to Eact Second Street. (a) That after advertising for bid,,,,,; for the constn.lcticn of eald, Improvements in M =mner emd for the lonigth of Me as reTiired by the law and the Chartex of said 01ty , the lowest aecuxe bid of Brown & Root, Too. 'vmx,; „,tcue-pte�) and contract doaly Emb,,�,rried, to P6 Root, Inc. fol,,” the construction of said lmprovemc �rit,,,,,, tny Ordlnanroe cialy ena.cterl on April 7, 1948, whllck.r, cc,ntrz%ct is dcated April 7, 1948; and (d) That the 01ty Council laar, cwasod, tha, DItzector of Publio Works to prepare a�"r„ "J,:e cstiamvtas of the costs of wach improvements &;nd of tbz -1,,)er front foot proposed to be asssi;fsed the property abutting upon eald streets wtthlr the linaits above dafined,,, and the zv ✓l and as ae thereof, ttnd eatiya,,.�.tee of amounts proposed to be ass"wed and taxed away aUst Em Ad, railways, and said Director o1. Z'orks has h,eretofore filed said eetimwtesx an-1 a, statznuezit (,,f othn-r watters relating thereto with suld. 01ty Ow mall and same has been received, examined and appxcived by caid City 0ouncil . (e) That said. Uity Oouncll by dmly en,-acted Ordinance dated June SP 1848, Md determine the necessity of levying an LOSseemant fox that portion of the cost of mnatructing said improvements an said strer,,,ts or Units aithtn thu% Itmits, herein defined to be paid by the propertics a1butting there- on, and the, real and true ownexe tb ,,rcof, and by srald rrI.,11,nayG7 and did order mnd set 1,iearing tc be held c,t 2-p-,310 o'clock on Me 18, 1948 In t1ie Oce.,uiodl Cb,aaabex of t1ae Olty Rall. of "?,lorth, Tear,., s, for the real and true r.n,,inera of the properties abutting ui,�mn said, stre ts or Units within said limits defined, �,,,nd fo:r. �zany, 1�tslng, occupying or crossing said stmoc'.ts ar Vnits, and, for all others owning or clalming any in, o:]!., otbel","'r.1se Interested In said properties, or swdd or any of said matters as to the asseemnents navl azam,,nts to be asesseed against eaMi parcel of cndd, T:1r-atting and the real and true ownexe t has raof, ,name as to amounts proposed to be charged to and taxed agatnot naid ,and ts to the speolal benefits to aconm to eaM abutting properties and the real and true ow•ere thereof by virtue of said Improvementm, if y, oa.,, tiny exz:or, Invalidity, irLeg zlnxity, ar ,lefi sat ency in any pro- ceeding or contract to c,,,-%-r and. be heard in paisan or by counsel, and offer evidenac D:�� reference to soid. mattoze; and nald City Commil did by nald Ordinance, arder ,,,:�,nd e1irect th,�.t the City Secre tart' of ould City, ease tic(.� of h _x`ng requireci, by tI,e laws of the State of Teza,.e, to­irIit: Chapter 108 of the Act@ of the Fortieth Ledlsl�tuxe of the Stato of Te ,­t s, 1,,znc�,,vo Axt!,cl e of Vernon's Annotatod MW-1 St,,­,,t,,at�,,,,,,s o-f Tex-,,­,,,,s, oa F,do :tedl, by Section 17 of Article of t1ia 011 ,,rter nf a t City, eald notice to be by a Inibilowtion in some nums- pa sae r of gonaral cirmcwtion i,,. the ",,-Ity of Fort, 7orth, Texas, maid notlao to be Inklisranted in soid. nevupaper at least three tince prior to the date of Wd kwaring t1ae 'Lau blic;,,tion of w ,Ich to 'vie at, le: r,t �"Iays priox thereto. (f) Tb,it s,.A,d Mice as ordered and directed by 2aid City aYd. as reqdred by amid Acts Have identified, duly p,,,glven ,ziub7icatir)n s:;f as cac,o i,,a the eport a newspapor pubW 07 -- Mue _77-7 of F o r t W o Ft s, o r� Jun et rd 1�,)48, June L_W 1948 :�.,,nd June 5th , 7.9 (g) That after Me, regul,, r and, prc,�,nar notice there0f all aejoQ1ded by A ,ts, hcai,,ing -cwhl1dh notice vnis so �.,;iven cFx,�,nved and kield on June 1,3, 1348, t t,-30 a.,m. , in the Co mill Chambey of the City Kd11 of the City of Fort Wcrthr in �ri• 1.i sald Ordinance and Notice, at "_'hj,ch tftrae an opportunity, v as, given to all of said, above: mentioned Tpart-ies "end a g,ra,n 16,a and attorneys , to be heard and to offer evldence Z.,,s to all matters In aoaordamce with said 01:dinonce exid at which time the following appnared and tesUMad as folloas: I,M, DUR�7,11RD 14cD,27,a 116M Un reoponce to questiryne by the City Men- ney� stated that he was a resident of the Oity of BTU WoM engaged in the real eat, te busineso nnd that be f,,nrlolliar sltll x ✓al eatnte and Its values in snid City, and in p,7,,rt,41culr-,,z mlth the Propertte's abutt1.nr t ia..,4"n "t! r". -portions of Tlorthwe:­_t T,,,:enty-FiftNh Florence, and East B.cond Streots to 'be uncle z", t.,Iese c c ad s; in As aDinian, thB St]:eE`,1tS lae'ro im-prOVeO, 'in the T.aarner contemplatod by the City unrle t,l:,ia a �!is oceealngs that eadh and all of tho paroole of C;tc2l of said streets will be specially benefited in in v We as a result of the conatr,uot4lon of taid, tivat the amount of much special benefits vrhich 'mill acorue to er,oh. of property abutting upon each of anid atrests will be not less than the 1 oant of the assessments propw-,,­i d to 1?0 ckuv rged agninst miah properties an each of said stree:ts as set out in the 11atice of this henring, to-wit: in excesn of $G'.45 par f cont- foot on Northwest Twenty-Fifth Street; in exceos of 11p11-10 per front foot on Florence Street, and in Excess of ',,�B.60 per front foot on Bart Second Street. The attention af the City WWI was callad to the fact that a :paltictals"s. paarcel 0 " prqL ci ty Gutting apon the 'north side of Second Street, being a part of Lot 8 of Block 29, of the original Tm,,,in, Atl ld,tton, ovrned, by than Gulf, 0,olorado Sant,,,,a Fe RaIlroad Go. to triangulax In shape, fronting on its long P,,,4,.d,e Y,i,pon s.dd strect and containing n small ar3a as compared to 1,ts fronta,� 01 o,nd that the aszes2ment agninst some shottlfi. be redtuced, ,ind No further peramns or partlus appearink; a.nd desi;ci yo to 'Lie ,ar, or offer testimony upon motion by Oounoilman seco.,,adeci 1a, ai,nd flu'ly (h) That at none of chid lumaings were say, c3tactionn prct,?6'7,to or offerod nc to said inpnovaumts, the ascessmeabs or cantr 'n,ati, t7berefor, or ss to c,,,Tiy of the prooeedinge In raf`ez encr c thaxeto lac re-'n--- MowB act out; and oah,", c,Jty' Ow.Lncil li !-rd. e', Ience am to the special benefits in %r,"''Iue to c',,ca Irv, e to sold '-',butting proyerWas, and the renl and true owners thereofs av compared tho, portic)n of 1:1?o cost of constructing aald haprovementc, to be, oosessed, against onid propertlen and haa Mard all lyrtics appeazin Wxg 7nr toq.-'ethar with all protesto and objections to suola afc to any arrory invalldities or Irrejulprittes in any of the proceec,31-.-,,�.s an,,1 con0sat for onha zv,,"d ha,-,',� -,a ',",ull and f,,.A'r to p. i"'tieis making or desiring to ........ny su,,,,,h protc.'E'A "' or to offer too Ciad faCLI,'r ex'-'�"'PaLnod "Inc-1, ccr-- a.17, r"rf s,,�idd objections offexed, ana bamed upon samn sib! 01", Ocrinc!" finds that to produco wibetantd J, and justice between the ubut"Int" OropertQ�,',,,, to bia, rill. said" East SeDorcl ItraeO Qmldertng the benefits to be re . ceived and t1ae buxdena, iaa ,mr,a ed thexe ponj 1jhe amo,'Int of the proposed anwesswent Parcel of property onnel by the 072, Oolcr do Fe Rall way Oomparq, being a .:rt Lo"r 0 in Elock 210, of the original Toun Addition, 1.0() fec'�t oy,'x thio !Toxth oldc A Amt Second Stacot, in Wos suaraN of Q550.00, zrIaxmzld, '�e, It""le ra""u'xae Is 'aced to 3280.00; and snid City Oaxn(.,ll, Lather findo upon I, avi(:",laricc, th:"'t o .':o cz,ty n.,'x.tt'1zc upon ",:Iac, lix',,i Its tuo loe proved herc"'.',,a defl-,noc,"t, ud,71 be, i�,n i,e , , a nd, specially benAited by t1co of I. i,':3 1 f)r(:)v u- .'ae'ni;c,, in a,n c,,.,,,acrunt in excec" o's the of' t1le cu" ft of o hei-,:,J,n rcducad ,.„nd. pr9posed to be , and hereinbolow macessed aoninet each of cAd parcels of pioporty abutting upon sAd streets, and, the real and trio owners tberoof ; :W MA City Council did oansider and aarrcat M. arrors, UrrAidities, or deflolenaieo cAled to its find. all nroneedims nnd contrvato vn5rc px:*,cx and in accard- ance azicl -tbe proceedings of amid 0!!ty Q,ounc."Ll. tl'iei reference to such Qprovemtzr-ts, ,'oid, fills. y. c,.11, In all raspects valid amd xeoAix; and naid My Muncil, ft=tlier finds -apon fri c-, JLdence herainbelar made and the clia,',,,p�,�,es laerefay declaac?,d ;1(3. prowertles "'t'he axtd, "tx'un thie-""'Cof y"1[C .* juxt ", d dil tilct'_pt the, an,Llo of opportionment cot forth hcr(:�in r n(,! diiviai^,,,n of the nets A Wd belln,,�ecn alcatting properties, and the xe��1 ta,'ue c1,,,rnc!rc the::-��01", 'nxj being just and elAtAle ZIC' PZ()C`CLLO!1.1O Vlbst,:I'Itill quality considering the ✓ fits to zecc. 1ved. tlie, arld protests should be avennOod W Aenled. SECTION Q That there being no further protests or teotimonit As, or agninat or in xaference to cAd bkrncf.lts ca, Ings, said henring gianted to the real am(, tr(ac oanerf of Matting upon anid Weets rithi-fa tlo,,s Wrehi deAned, and of occ)Lpying ca, cxrzaal irll cJ.,,'J to all. persons -4- coa:'pox-.tions and est-ten , mminC or cozimorZ Onme or any Werast the raimp be, and the m e Is riere-cry n:Losed', and all pro-- tests and ckjecthms, AM= �'nenti;ned ox noK Shall lea ' t'ae n:0,2, The Oity Counoil hercby MR am! detnzminee upon the evidenoo heard in reference to e di snul every nice! of pro Derty abutting upon ouch of or Units, ',',,,1V--in the RAN heroin defined, th,,-%t -1tho in 't'h'o cnhc rcei"! 'J" lue �"�ccrlae to c""Ad an(.5 the rayl and true 0171"Iel'S t13e-,,'COf; Q KIM of tho imatimotion of s" id Wprovwmentr,.� In sAd portions of maid strm',,ts, o,.L Units, bo, in e,'zcess of the Emount of the moste of a0d improvement proponed to ,,,,nd, as he-rcin asseseed, aLrinat w icJ ab-atting and, th,e real and Que owners thereof, and finds Mat the . ap�ortinnment of the cacte of said impravoments ; the heroinbelow made, arn just a p�:�.-o,.')'.juce oubst:,.nti,,,,l equality , on idorin� thke bonefite rec�:',J`,ved, ,and the "L u.[dcne Imposed tharAy, and axe in accorKmas uiei the laws of W State of Texas, omd the Charter of City; t t p'rooeedim S and contracts heretofore Ad with raference to : p'rovements are in all respects regular,, vold, and Uat all pr,aequisitse to the fixing of the asseemnonts liens 'arairst said abutting propexties, as h.c;Yoi-aa,ftc",,,, J,accmcibcd, and tho pormmal Debility of the reA ind thei'aof' ,,hather ncumed ox carreWy wwad herain or not 01., tl-ia a:pocia'l t'a= and lien upwi said ,rap lwayA thelz roodbads, Has, nAls, fixturea, rights and franchlecs , have been in all things rcgulnxly had and perfarmed, in compliance Ath the law, nnd the InoceNdogi of Wd city SECTION IV. That In '='vsw,-nce of s 0,zJU.nn,'nrr,,, du' L"Vr enacted, by tr. ld City Council authorizinE ,:md m7dex:Lng the 1.i,a,,:xovc Mon t of said abova described strasts or Unito %, thin the limits, here",�,n above,,, nranree1 and. def-J,,,ned, arj(I in f,';i.u,,.nuc! of heretofore had and, enqctrad LrY Guicl Ovancil in to RvId improvements and by Wrtue of the powers vested W scid City ulth respect to said street lmprovamerytr} 'Lr y, l s of the Stn,.a..e of Was, wIth particular .ref erenac to Chapter 108 of the Acts of the Firat Called Becalon of the 40th Let,islature o.2' the St;?.te of Texas, kn(,rmin and, sho,{'�,,rn arz, A�.ticie JJOE.,� b of Civil Statutes of Texas, ar,,,,, a .a adk>,ptod Section 17Y Article M o1,' the Oh,,Lrter of said City, there shan, bet and is hereby levied, assessed and taxed agnin .,,t the reo,cv,,ctive paTcols of property Butting upcn said streets ar, Units, 1,�&rejnbMIGUMI described, and ngainst the reA. and true thca ,r,,,cart, ,,rlmn,,ther macle r(,aal and true annere be name[,3, O�c Correctly , cr, s,.dd prormMes be correctly describU]', or not, never al sue s of money he.z, dnbelow mentioned and itar(�iized, the descxip tion of flae xespective paxacle of sc,,Ad prcq,,,ea:ty, @,nd there, r,.rihall be, ani is hereby y ecihIly taxed, levied Elnd the rallwols using, occulpying, ox crossing s Id ar,treets a r,, Units , as herainbelow eet out , and theIr rC,)adbedz, ties, x",""Ils" PlIxtuxes, aright e and, Ue.,mchises , the sums of money, here`,nbielaw set out op,io-- the dosoripn� of' '0'uCJ:% prcqtertytt site the xmme or description of subla nua�,,.r of front, feet of emah, amd the dm aounts assessed, r ame �°nd the ren,1. r,,Lnd true ouner or ownen,,; t.",eo rat:, -tad the :,n oJ.' the apparent owners thereof, the appoxent n,-uras of the rall:uaya using, oocupyinS, ox crossing said streuts or Units , the arnounte and levied against them, all as corrected and adjusted by said City Council, bleirg as follarrs, tc,-,,Ilt: (He,re insert JEWTICINT V. That the asoessmcints so lovied ira tao sedtwi horcmf are for the portion Of the CON Of EMid impw)venonts in the paxticular streets or Units uDron the ';.Tj i.',erty (3,-es icr,! IJed nbuto and that the assecsment, fcrc� ay�c rite "I'll any one omit axe A nowiso related star , Or r;orxnectc,,,d ,'A,th tln e improvemk�,.�nts or aeocas al'ents in any otheT of O;A(l as nd 't.r" lc%ryinL,, ascessments the amount so assesoad for Improvements In one Unit has Imen in nowise affected by any fact or thing in any way connected,. with the improvements or the assessments thenjor Q aqr other of said Units, 17 tar ther, that the omissJ-, cm of the r,-,)7:overne?,,its in� any stxoet ox, Unit as, n. whole s1!.:,,11 in, k,1owiso ,�Iffect or the validity of the asoessments in any other of said UrilLt;, , ",,nd, the onuesion of the improvements In amy ztiaular street or Unit Or front of any parcel of prnoerty exempt fro.,a �;jje gf sj.701�, ments or a,&ai:Ist V,,hicli -v, lid asseosment c ,,rirot I,de len'ried, W12 in nowise affect or impair the validity of the asoosemento agAnst the other operties In such unitc. S Z 0 T L62;1_Y! That the seveml mme wentioned nbove in Section 17 lae,reof, azzccoed ngainst said parcele of WittJ1,rqz Amy n�,nc t a l 11 re @,], amc], true, o,,,ner or ownsrs theycof, be na,%ie6'i or cor'rectl,;, na,,M,c�,d, On aNd pro)ertioa dLenc�rili,:,eO, 1aerein or not, and the warn o taxed and n,.Ssessed, a,,-,,,,,,,A,not said, togeth�:,,�r with interaut theyeon at the zate cd! six (e)) per cant por aj:"intun �,,nd i,�,ith reasonable attorney's fees, nmd, ,-,nd e persc of collection, if Incurred, axe 1wreby d ,,cl s:.-,,.,ed, to be s fir t ,!,ind. prior lien upon the reepective, jp,,, rcels of prr)')erty, and. the E1,c,,d,1ways, thair roadbeds, ties,, rc;-ils, fixti-ircs, rights a. d. franc1clees, against which same are assessed an c" fro"m ctnd after the date said Improvements were ordered'�, by s!--ld City Ooancil. ,, anrA a pdreonal liability and chnxge agAmet the x . ....md t�,ue or ch'aylmexs thorM, whoner or not such OV7nel' Ci],' CD77M,"rE3 be na,,,ied or correctly named heroin, par=ount and uui Jeriav to othe-,I, liens, Ox 't�-tlOc exCOPt A! lawful ad vrlorem taxus; and that, the sums so asewced and - r:xed shaf7, '"oe in t:. 'ada v,z, -LTI l inshalmnts , tha f1. r dt oJ.' be Pa=10 on or More twonty tj:je COjy djC-,i,,T1 and pt,ance of sad imProvemente by suld 'Jity Caumcil tho rtreiDt Or Unit 1.'Lp�:m 'wll'ich t1le t1le four remaining Installments to be lie SZO payable respectively one tnro ( ) , thx en (3 , and f TrV ( ) "I-s f`rmn a nd a of coaq')leti(",n and auceptance of sz-'i("l by s''A-cl Otty Council) cl-cfea,,reCl pa'yt!:'onts to bo= lntcrc; ,1� :L.,oin sucj,1, ,,'�-ate th'o rat: of Ax (BY) per cent pox annum, jjayn.blo zumwAly, past due InAPMwAs of principal and tO iT,,tEkTD2t It tfl']re J!,Cz annuxa so th,,r.t uj,,',on the connpliz�-tiorj W acceptance of the improvements by a°id Oi•ty Coi.a.ncjj in UbIts assessments agAnst the PIOi"Mty Mtting UPM1 MCIL COMPICtAl nod aocepted strart or Wt, nmd "'aly -usi�ng' Or crossing SUMO) shall be —iva ', In installments and with intereot ax abr,d e pro'vided.; any owner of such property or Railway oh 1, have the ri�,ght to a"If ter i Pntize tuaou,nt of any such aseesament, or aqy i�nstnllment thereof, before maturity by paying principal and acariied Interant to dat , of n -,.td ',pay�,,,ient; and provided, further, that if deAult shall bx1 aiiade in the 1,ay;nent of any ins toll maont of pri:xJL]m�l 01, in c"xc�zt - - t� 02 0 C du e� than the antire aj ivai'at of said upon whiWi such default is made. tbe cpt'J,.,,:)n Of the S rov;,',in & Root, Inc, or its aselgra , 1x come due and pa-,,uilole and shall be collectible, toZether xe, sonnblo attorneyle feas and all coote and anymces of wileMon, if Incarred. That the 01tr of Art cha.13, not rt any 'Le 'liable for thO payment of 'amly sums hexcby assesen.1 'ag-"Ino't any c,,butt-J'.L'nl u-zqperty, and t,bz re,�,�,l txuCa� aw"ner or owners thereof, but Brown & Root, lz1ca, s , look sololy A� mch joymrtr amd the real and 11;.rue, o,,'incx, 1,-,1ica,eof: for PE""�""'­''de;a' of any SUMB validly ascessed of property, but maid City shall be oblilynted -to Turn Ah Brown Root, Inc. valid as3euswente and one of its lawful powers to M ✓ the enWcenont an:" co],,lei.tion of said liens cmd 'n,,3. if Iefan.,Llt br,', i'aaile t2ae payment of any of o,-'Jd su.,as hexoin Or against the said parcels of propc1,t, j, 'andd, the J" ,,l and Que owner or owners thereof 1 collect! azl "be enforccd opt!,(:,,n of e id Braun A Root, MW , Or W CXSQYB, e1thsad by sult in any havinE jarisdAtion or by sale of the proDerty, assessed as neaxly as possible in the manne,�,,: be provided W), t',1 fcaroe in sold City for the cale of far tlXe col2ec- tion of acl, vz�,Iorean taxes. Z1.2—Till-Ti- That for the piypoa; of evidencI.,ng �,'_n,id assocam(1nts) the liens scouring same and the sevarnl sixao tho ­ id, of property and the :r,, l rand t-z le 0V';n0'D,' 0,]" OW11OXC thmmof, amd the time amd terms of paym.",nt, ,',,nd to n (,1 the enfo:L�(: e awnt thweoL asuignable oertiflontes shall be issued by the 01ty of Fort Worth, Texas , to Irown 8'. Root T".1"1 a,+ uix-dn tlae complet,Lon aoc,cptz,',,nc, a of said improvemente in such etrecto or Wits as paid Improvements in such stracto or Unito uxc.,, ,'�,nd. Alch coMifi cat oo shall be exc out ad Qr the Layor in the 'am of tbs�, City, attestc,,,:7, V,�' the MY Scuretnry with soul, and YAW shall declare the amounts of ,'.,,n1 ',he and tean'az the rsoh the ratc of 1,'­"'ter",':t t":"'e' "'."'te of t1l"I's completion and t1i(a of t1v'.r ,L'oa: vih:1 c!,c t!1"e oextl- " Seuecl, ""ind C h""�11 conton"'., the -�:Eaxae of tl)ie tr-ur-', r �"rs no aCCUT"tely ar" "Ilvd" tha of WNT"'.1, ar the 'L,.a,oi:4ertly mssaaaad Uy lot amd block nuabar or front foot tl,�ior f, or vuch ctlte:�: deecAption. as may otbervise idlentify t'ae s,,_me , amd, If W Enid property shall be owned by vn estate cf firm, then to w etle W fqct shall be sufficient, n,,nd,'L no exror or A describing any such I':6roperty or in giv-.I.ng the name of ztry oz;r4t2r, 0Z,' oT in anyvioe invalblate or Y;MA= the assesm- ri.,,ent levi,ed oz' tlae That tl,Re c further pxcavi that if defnult shall be tlaR,, a,y,-nent of any installmont Of j,,.tcrc t T,,,,hen then a t,'he of ZE4,x,u!'n & 11cot, Ina. , 03' its Lwadgun or the Aider thowof, the whole of skid ass esnment evidmwed o',,occ L) ;ccine due aaiO pay,,.-%1:i.Le an shall be col i.e otible rulth .,{tt;OX11ey1S fecs and all expenses and coots of inou.rxed, re..laat 3!r'iat. cart1flulte shall set forth and avidemoc Vae liability of the Tea,l and tnio owner oE conmom af such prqmrty, 7henar irmwl or correctly namcd thervin or not, and the Tien upon such Dzropr�lrty, and that cmid lion is first and paramount thereon, superior to all other Ilene, title amd ahaq,.;uL,,, exc(.,,,pt for ad, valorwl taoias,, fxom r., lit after tho date n'i6 1y'ac,,-re ord(,-,-rOc3L bmy said City Oounall, and shall provide in affNA tint If default shall be made In the payment thereof, the w s may be eAmmed, at the option of Brown & Rootp Ina. , or its assigns , either by the sale of the property therein descriled in VH: wumcr ycovided for th(,,,,-, collection of ad volorem taxes no above rucitod, or by suit in any cmat having jurisdiction. Th3t anid certificAte Mall Orthex rysito in effect that all the Draceedings w1th zeAren ,a to, ma,kin-,,,, impxovenoszatS have bewi xagOar Q had in complianac nlUi the law in forea On, saic,l City and, proceedings of the Otty (,'O��ncd,l of Ulty, and th�lt of PTOreqUISHO to the fixing of t1ae lien agains,t the prio, �,,Tty and the peroonal liability cf the rcr l -.r 'l true ornra'r 037 ownei's evidoncAl by 61,lch bc,,rc locen done and pcoformed, "which reol tn,ls sh,-,T] 1U , e,,,vJLdence of Al the matters amd facts eo roattod and no farthor proof thereof' shall. be in any couxt. That the said certificates 4 7upcjna,,6 n),'-,tached thoz,cto in evidence of each wo un-,�• of -th',c t"Iev nrcl 1,net all Mont a the-reofa may be signed Ath the face i.,j-Jle s1gx%c,,t.=oo �:,f th,,s :,.ayor -�,nd 0,ity Secxet,'iry. That anid cextifl,c,,atow s 1-1. 5arther arovide in effeat that the City of Fort Worth, Moto Edmil exercise all of its 7,Emfiol powe,.i-s , ::hen to do by the laioldez of said cerunmen to Qd In the enforcement o0d OeXAMPtes mmy coWtn othar and Nxthar racitals partinent and th� i,�'�,to. It shall not �',e noce,:-Lialy tlj,,��t certt- ficates shall be in the enact bu-t t1m,,, subst,,',,,,.rce z:,n(,l effect of Dh.,11, sn:y�,' lce. SWUL19- That all Such assessments levied are, md styli be, nd ra t t o 'pet �, �n(".), .i �a ng ' c o e ow,nex of snid abutting propextioe , wac7i owner or owners mcy not be naned and any irre,,,,'u7arlty in the name of the proporty ownar , or the description of ar:y prope.-rty or the amount of any oz,, In nn',Tr otllicr aatter o r ric�t 1-n � ,�rv,rjse 1, any ansessiment levii or any certl'r.'icatc is; aod � nxid, or ezror , lnvf",Ildity or 1 1 regila,:11ty in ouch ax Wit=s,""'ment Or in the ce.'r.-ULftcate leaued in evidence `�cs 11ut is not 'req !,-red. to be , in oraer to b; onforccabl dam", corrected at any time by the City Council o.f the , ity ..;I;,, Foxt That the toWl rmounts asocaned ajOnot the resqxtive parcels of property abutting iyon sair.7. c)7,,- 11 5, J thin the liy,aitis he'rein def,1ned,, ,,,,n(! tb(',, ther%",,Of, and the °her O. amo Y. s asycoond nmd taxed the occupying or orossing said streets , axe the s=a, or leas than, the of c;ald aooesomento and chnigoo !ar d 1q,,7 tbe, D!lractor of Rablic Works nnd npyroved, anj adoptod. by olid Oity Oaunail nQ are In accordanoo with the proaeedln�s of cald City Council relative to imprc�vements and asaassmento therofor, W."dth the term powers and provisions of said Chapter 100 of the Acto of " lie Oplied Sesplon of the 40th Legielpture of W AM of—Te3wis, known @,s Axticle 11,05-b of Veronf aa01, rl f �B n , 1', o n:zras adopted by lection 17, Article MITI, of tll'Le Of City, 'midex ruh!Laj�i arms, provisions and nd i;!ea-,:rjvements °,and, asrecpments we re h,ud "a/"'„ae Lrd. O:Lty -11- This Ordinance t.',,lzp of""'eut "-tnr2l' 1:'e In fl'01 f�,'�xce fxom and after paxo�,""]Cl. P.f:LSSZD .1,MD ;'P-.,.lRCVEr., tivls tl:io ciao of 1248. ATTEST: ,%PPR0lr,`;,'T,'D AS TO FOEUL.: