HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4546 . �✓ IA 1112CORID ORDIt,A!NCE NO. 1 "" MIN X1111111" R ORDINANCE CLOSING HEARING AND LEVYING ASSES.2'',ENTS FOR PART OF THE COST OF I1aIPR0VI1'+IG A PCRTIGIN OF BOII'IfAN SPRINGS ROAD IN THE CITY OF FORT NORTH, TEXAS; FIXING CHARGES AND LIE11,7S AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY THEREON, M3 AGAINST THE C,tJN',02S TELILEOF; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH ASSES.1,f,EldTS AND THE ISSUA 4CE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES III EVIDENCE TI-iEREOF; RESERVING UNTO THE CITY COUNCIL TIME RIGHT TO ALLO'vi CREDITS REDUCING THE ALOUHT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSIv'ja,:,T TO THE EXTENT OF AoY CkEDIT GRIV`TED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO F- GRGS5 AraD E lROLL THIS ORDINI�NCE BY COPYIP'bG THE CAPTION OF SiVIE IN THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FORT NGRTH, TEXAS, AIID BY FILING THE ORJ)I1'1A ICE IN TIIE GRI)I2•IANCE RECORDS OF SAID CITY; AND PROVIDING Ali EFFECTIVE DATE. IIIEREAS, ,.,a City oI Fort so':r1aa, Texas, his ors o r1,:.red that here'lnafth-r ,°Iescric'&J portions of �3uwuian �;pi1.ixijg6 I'Coad In t21e City of Fort s a""l:il, l :d✓. S, be i:Dproved by ra!-,ins , ways ir«y or lil',inl Sane and by constructing Llicr'-°on on 13cwrrran Spri uf, Ruad, UTa:S.t 1, 6" hot-mix as la,ltic m'Ic',. to haal«o..ar�t«L, to,lu a.��r viith cor„U.'ned con- crete curbs and -u„ ters on pzop)r vl, re saw�z« -p not zlr:--ociy so constructed, tcletllcr ^rit-h storm dra:'u-'s and ioc_ssaxy afa6 r,,,i ui Lenarices; all of iupru,rr,, eats ern- to «> so con"ti"uCt ," a a r,r. _:: �re,.,:,c� or tha FICOIs ar,a in S-.;.Ict acCor- :nc,- +i h 'the plans ai,o spec-flca, onS h—, :3GO into tvit1k .t. (N. :ibl>ins, Inc., for tl,c 4M< cur..,v:tac'4ion uf such ii prov:�:r .«.r,s; saiu Road portion of �Bov,ic«s,n Springs Road bet;sg as rul'I mavu, to-vat: Bovmian Spring Road From east:rrly line of Ed,, ewood Tars,--�ace (to aye nortl-< of Dovvi an 1prir-'Js I"Ioud) to «ho c,«. s'c,arly live of Lot 1, 'slc)ck 4 Ed -,wo(,rJ Para. Addl.Lion, knOV"n 'm r J si<_na'cQd as Unit c. 1. and, WHEREAS, estimLtes of lthe cos, of '.ne iil;prc v:r'amts on that portion of Bo�,'mvin t ca'u vel',° pruhared �,,u fil�jd JIAIIi app:r`u`v.:u, an., aduptcb by tG.� City Cou«ncil of th City, a time, and ,'lacc, ,'is fim d for a 11(-,rin•:J to c .,e error,-: r notice of .« e plat«v ,:ano purpose of s<, c het. ri J `ras pia ,n and 5,,icl , «cmmi« , ,ias !tau any,? held at v're ti�r.e raa Mace fixc,,f, tike^rnw'or; to-v,,it, on ;.lti l7th 6r.,y of .,c jb r, 1".I 1, O'clock, A-,'-, in Lisa Council Ch-��i«Ircr in -cr�e City :11 In �.7«, City of Fort elorth, Texas, a«tr:i at such th'' follukr'eng prcte Ls ark., objections , zK� iraade, to-vvita protested that protested that protcsted that proteste6 that _protested that protested that ------Protested that that protested ti at pratested t that that -2- Protested that pro'LesLeo Lnat Protested a a t prctosted that that t —JDZ(DtC'-LCJ that --protested blat "ol'otes'Le-6 -L,2 mQ ,I t p-rc Q:wa =at prct:s`U."''! -L":� u saij Ku a Q kU nOs cc: Knuo� V �no pir nt Pm, in 0,.._„_ u or. it lly Vcn0:vl1sh L0 purposes thorHof, and all 0wirin; Lo Le huaK vare giv,n full so air. opporLuQ Ly r o heard, anj the City Council of M City VM.q D Ky =51dured ill p:cpuz waUers, is of the opinion that Ke said Mating vhcili PP close ; nd ails. =Ls shc�ld be majo and levied as heivin ardirod: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT 05JARAD BY ME CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF FLHT AGRI'll, TEXAS, THAT: I. Sdij Awaring Le, and Ki ss.e it kniejy, closed and the said poctests ana ubjecticn�, and any and all oMr IoToLnKs LK ohjectluns, nkel,kar ncrein anvi;Eratva cr not, be and he same aro h ,reky overvulej. Ii. Me City Govncll, fro Go oviVoce, K ,Q that Ve assasn.ants Mein leVIV SLUM bu Made dQ Piq& lg&nSt t POSPOCUVO PUrCIIS OF PWOPer ; utldlnq upon the said portions of Meets, avonuvin -:.nd public p4cQs and gainst the sonars of such property, an Vat such assessnow%s and 0;n s rw right and propor and aro subs ion tiall',”, in Propyrtion to 140 hwhsfits to e rvGpwotivy Pa7cwls of P op' rtj by mcwEs of Kke isjunveKenws in Lhe unit for which si,:ch assonninIV d I::-�Vicu, aki ontablish SM.antini luotice ad njuality a& uhifurnity Qlmoan in, susp,cLiva ovners s7 Me rns;ocLivo projer- ties, and batween all partin , concorned, cowsj&KAY L� 5, 00fits racq1VOW and krdyns Pposed, RAd furtker fihd; G,t in ��ck case toe abuMnij propurq asso god is espucinlly Onsfiteu in othanced value to !Ke sz1a prcperty by i..manE of Ve saio Amprovowents in Gr uAt iyon Mcli the pjrL'cular propaiLy abuts aal f r r "hich ass ess.ent is leviel and char3e nade, in a nun in exc ,ss of w . n.id asseasTent r A OhdrgM MOIL nydiWt LAU 0= by this oidinarucc, 4w6 buriker Kwas Uwt j opurtion"ent of M cbsL of Lhe korove.Lvts is in acnwidance zith The law in foice in 01s My, ano he procondings of An Qt,,' Larctufaxu Kba with Myrance to sain Kprnvon7ni:s, no is in all raspects valid an,� ragular. Ill. Theie 0,11 by, a. o li: Kiky, levied unj aqueLsed ayalnsL the p6rculs oF propproy KicKbelow montioned, and agaiost the zeal aid true ownn-si: Ocicof elhnr isCa; o.ners be correcLly n. PJ L.rein or act) , t: w suw4 u! -un2j iLemizaJ bwlu. oppusite the description of Qv LasposUve pnic�is of a�opcoty ani thn sevoial anou"zis aEsebsed alainst Lhe saae, and the uwn,rE inefeof, as M an suca ou.oiv eve Knon, belry as follows: -4- ulare more than on, p, rson, Ar . or corpuTation owns an Intures; in any proporty Won, described, nach said parvan, Eir!0 01 UOLPCIL WW Wall W porsonaLly liable only for its, his or hnr pro yala of .0 tctal a ass.ssweQ a>KG<< suci pair opo-zy in pro- porL!cn as its, his or her respecliv, WL010W NO= to W U01,1 00n, QQ K snob Prey KY, and its, his or her respective Morest in such popwKy "ay be inlonsed from the assessment lien upon paymenL of such proportionate sum. V. The sevcral sums above mentionso and assessed againht f said parculs of property, and (.he oynerE thereof, a5d BLOreSt Korean at Lha rato of six poi cc At (64 per aimum, together with reasonabY attorneys' fear and costs of collsWon, if incurred, arc hvehy doclar"d to be bnK arc P&c a IM upon thn zcspacL1vs par cal of prop„rty aU.Ins.", Mich the same 6re asnussed, anu ,:t puisonal 11,h1 11ty anU charge asainsL Lke reWl Wd &M, ozners of such property, wheMer such owners be coacectly named herein or not, and the suid liens shall be and constitute the first eafarceablu Mn and claic against the property on which such ascessments are lavied, and Sall be a fivoL ann pardmaunt lien Mroon, superior to all u .hLr liens and claims, excepL State, C(aunLy, Whool wisLrict and City ad valcrum taxes. Fhe sums so nssesmed anninst the sh"tting pro,rny v& the owners thereol shall be and becohn use ond joy able aL follows, ..o wit. in five Q) equal insLally,nts, due respectively on 01 before thirty QW uays, one (1), two (2), three (3), anu four (4) y,ars fzom the datu 01 col rpl±tion and accepa ancv Uf the YVYOWWM OK in W respoctive unit, and Se assessments against the property abuiting upon he ramaining units shall he and Uucom,_ ,&a and payable in such an: all aftor the date of thu couplation and accepQnce of s"ck respective units, and skall War invorDst !rum 50d A09 at We ru a of 6 pAr cent (61 Per annun, psay ,lce s.uru,:all,r wiQ qach inctallinnt, exczpt as to Cho fiza 3t t inull5mnL, which shall A due @W payabla at the =W&ray thereof, no Lhat upon Ma couplation ana accep.Dace of the Nprcvoments in a particriai unit, ansessnanQ ajainst Ihe p.opert, aluMn; upon sacra cwqdeted and acceptel unit shall be and Sec c doe and ray.513 in such installments, and Q0 interest fyon the Me of such uuPplMon awd accepta"ce. trovar,,d hayovar, &M. any armor ..all Karr tLe nlyk. to Day th. 2 Wre as5ossrant, ur . ny 1nnQ1lvTnL L, areof, before malurity by payment of pfiucipsl and accrued interest, and prMuen fnitwor that if default shall be made in the payunnt of Lny 05tallment of principal or interest promptly as tho same matures, then the notiri am, K cl Lha.anoessnonn upun which such Wault is made skull , at the option of LaW CiQ ol Fur2 AM, or Au anAgns, Ue bnd hecons W&MA"." use and joy"le, dnd shall be colloctible, too3thni with ryssunahl- fees anc, conLs 0 culluction, if Ncurrcd, PROVIDED, ho=nr, Got acts rat thrLUgh its duly autLGrize,i ac ow of Public Arks, Me GILI of Fort acrlh rclnins W ri,; n to autnurize psyqant of t1w suhs assessed against abutting prupnrQ upa skch cumpletyj dW accepted WL is not Dore Wan forty-Auht e,.1 regular mon&ly NEKIlm-nts of not M, tnan $1.00 such, the first of suck MsLallme"ts to becone due sun paVable not orw than 30 dals aftar the completion �n(A accep.aace by the City of the parAcuMr unit, PT VIDED FURTHER, that the Gity Attorney is herNy empowered to authcrizc pay�ent of said sumc in lesser af"d/or ovc,"r a period uf time in casus in which tn. Kructor A Nblic Norks was previously determined that an extreme financial Wriship ypon the pro erhy ca"ar will uKeMns result, and PROVIDED FURTHER, that such mMod of pxyments Wall & a, tWizas! only in instances where the owner or cwnyrs of properLy ahkWry upon such conplatod W iccepted unit shall Mve executed ind 01irrarad to Se City of Fort AcrS, L loNful, valid a4i binding noto dnd uchanic's and materialman's contract upon forms snppliej by Lha City yi�Mng a maNanic's lien upon aM ccwvLyKy We said abuMnq propsKy in txu;L to securn the paymeot by said owner or cAn rs acsoMings to We 0ros thereof of the n assessed ajainsL such property. VI. If Moult Sall W made in the paymcnt of any assessmont, collcuKon tharoof shall be enforced Wther by tw sale of the property by the Assessor oil Collectva, of Taxes of saW City cc near as po2siMe in Lik narmur proviuQ for the s.le of propeity for the non-payYent of as valoaum taxes, or, aL the option of Lke City of Fort dorth, or its assigns, paymont of said sums Nall he �n fcrcan by suit in any ccurt of competent jurisdiction, or as provided in any mechanic's or maWriAntan'3 conzroct as aforusaic, and said City S. aw exercise d3l of !to l collection of said as7er5weHts. -5- VII. The total anaunt assocsod aDa"Pnt tne "PeCLIVU Purcylo 0: ✓MB",l a NOM A, Und the ownurs Weryof, is in aclanuanc with Us proceudings of the CiLy relating o sold impru"J"s and usses""hts t"005 and is less Wn the proportion of the cost llowed and perwitLed by tin lLyr j, g,,,, in We My. VIII. Although tho afOrOw"WIMOWS cndzyos have Leon fixed, 1cv1nd any asoessed U 0e ruspective suounts h6ruinabove stw nd, the City Council does t=PLY insermc uneof " r'gn t Lo " MMLIOW -0enboo uraConners wherea 1) curb and/or gutter or pving presontly exists, (2) prety in comrcially "lod Mus is occupied hy onnar Qs his rcs:0 -kc, Wis credit to 0 , such thaL tho muximun] cost to the PrOPOrty own.r p 'ont foot, aft r allowinj such crc6it, se 1 T noL e4ceed 000 Per of for curb, jhtter and piving, (3) Prop-Q abuts on the street to L, impocved, but actually fronts on another st"Cot (this credit Lo be swch that He cosL to the propezty oymer, after allowing such credi,, shall not exceed th owns of the assess nt againEt a xasid,ntial lot which fraNts loo-feet on Va Wept to be improvud). NUMUstunding Lne City I nnoil has as era reservad the vQAt to issue credits as Lereinalove proviin, it s.ull nYL ho riqQrY to issue sucA crViis, W will not do s03 if came would result in any inequity al ,/or unjust d4criminstion. The principal ancont of ach of the sovwv0 assens"ent 0-rtific4tcs to be issueu the City of Fort Worlb, foxas, oz hereinaMc provl"na, shall So fixed and jeLe-&Aed lay dQ CUP! from the avaunt of any asnessmakt its 0ushrowe lWed MCK L. unt or amcunLs, P any, an zay hare aMr le all, :d. Q 150 Simi C-7noll as a credit apiAnst the respectMe a^ stones. IX. For Lhe purposm of evia ncjn he nnvn7al spvs assessed slainnt the -espicLive parcals of ahuning prop, yty sni L"L u,noin t,recq "J the ti, e .rid torns of PaXen, and to aid in the Worm . erL and call c0on th, cof, assLon.ble co;wtMc1Le6 in i, ,-" PiNcipal amount of the respective a5sess enLc loss the anorut of wRy rinpuctive crwit alloweJ Girton, Shall M Ps by Ge City Cf FOIL hoits , Tenhe, upon cc.pletion ani acccp.oAcL by We City of the ilpruvw,anin in yJ& UYL of UPSCV, ,ant as the work in Lach un't is completed and accepted, which cc-Qf;c ,-tvs sh,11 be ex= Led hy the , aycr in We Nov of im', City and attested by the City nacratary, U t5. cor0=10 S sl of the Sity impress& ; thereon, unj all KQ payable to the Qty of Fort or1h, or its ansijns, aW s, :11 Occlare thu said amounts, Me and torms of paynnnt, rate of Buynst, and We Kate of complWon ard accatance of the improvowents ab"Wng upon such property fur Rich Q- cernif;caLe is issued, and shall contain thq none of the own2i or on„ urs, if knuns, j� ncrjptjor of Lao property by lot and Nock numine •, or fyont feet the eof, or such othyr d scilp-alon as may oWrorisn Wentify per same; and if the said property shall on a aj Q on esLuLe, t: en tna d=scrip0un of name as so ounod shall be sufficiont DnN nu or ,r or WaLike in anCrMna any propTyty, or in giving the nain of the owner, shall Nvalhote or in acry wisn impair such c rU fir ato, or lbe assesscents levied. The certificates Voll proWV bulsinotially thRt if sa= Vall not be Paid proNpLly upon maturity, Men they sahll W coINHAVY, Q-th mono= .le at,40:yuys' Res 'M costs c: collacHon, if locurrM, ano shall p:c0c, cMUnWally that the amounts wvidowcW ths Ny Oall Q r... 1.G Lo .Q Wou3sar nd 30110o: of lancs of We City of Fort 400h, Yoxis, 0w shall issue his rocelpt therefor, whick sna71 bn cvld ,rco of g ,h paywunt on <.ny 6-naid fcr the same, and the Assessor nd MlWor of 7axvL Vill japusit Lhu sums su rccnived Py him foynhaith with the Wzy Treasurer to he kept and WN by him in a seporato fund, aml WhyL .Py Paynorit shill bT made to ike Oily t4u A5,cs= jn Ullicto. of Taxes upuH 2uch corMicato sndll, upon piosaktation W 1 in a: Uc cer0fic,ts Q the &Wir 0cincf, endcrsL s0d psyme"L thereon. If sLch cerilficato be asw!jnW Wn tat hula x ;hereof V-11 be intAW& to rocoive from the City TreLsuper the .al t). nt r upon the yiw5 Vation Lo lip of such ceitificate so endorscd anu cr,ulteal, aki such &hdcrs=nnJ; and crodit shall be the Tzeasurnr's "arrent for making such payment. Sish pay ;tilts by Qa Trwasurnr Voll be receipted for by the holier of such cuivificaLe in r' airy and Ly surrander thereof when the principal, tugeUer with accrued interest and all ccsts of collection and reasonable attoinays' fees, if incurred, have been p ad in full. -6- 5 a iJ c %a to lla,,r, acl,� LC i�aVc "d Jl r. x ng C� L'r �,Cr L�A o "-,C): 1-1 t -C, of H such �—c c i F, r C in such ccr- 's in C 't. "'C',S s c , tL,'cjj,(: n C cr m�iy F pnL; ol ac, ins Ls, 1 the fif`ch Coupon's ma-1 bc, to 'f C, t or L; r i-", J ff ay be, ""d iLi, e facsimile S''jilatures of mi. (�.� t,�� �-2cz,�11-1'1;. b,a j" C f i C �,Jj;11 1[ u Ll� Lt c-, C t ex-rcice all of -1 is l l 1 c , .r, -,Cl� �,o Lu coliection "i 11h t-1-1c, rx'Ci ui)y i e L c ri i.6 i s no t n,ocess�a,ry �-h,rt )J& c, C, c t ,a b'Ov,: forti, 't su nce 11 a suffici�,-,nt. TlIc, fl,�',L 111,�L st"Icl, omittc, 1 on y 1por'-7(dl or "'r,/ porti ot w s of ny of .,a i6 U ti Z to "f 17 t I J1 �1 1 ��F Bu Ca� a sse ss- MtMts shall n,iL in an✓vjse cct --r impiir the I Of 1>UCh as ss;,i,.,nzL u,7,on ot,�hrar prei,-iises. X. "1.111 po to rs 1 Id rcassc-sL,c, Ls "'o co •Ct i!-IVL14.1-iit--'es Ur irreyularit� �.(t (,:(. in evi1,!tce -;lc,:L-��,of5 Is, in aCC(-,.L".,-DJ-CC ,,i t, L. 1,, 4, c F L;lJS C➢ts', "'es t- , A] und true of t-'11(, C1 cr_ >c�_l, rl;',vdths r's, w,,,y noL VtaiIeu, or ma-..t be incorr,,-ictly XII. so i—vied 2' "C'r unit ill in p'n" Lx)& 12111t x,ave brlurn in c,or t�le ass alts in 6, y cw,,,,I' knit. XIII. The as wo;JL d by cA. ',-,i po::-,rs arv.j Of a l ACL l r>:: -L- , -e �� or l Lr, tu r �-ce of fcxc.is, 1(.)6 cf -e of th�� St� b� of S,,W,l1sion anc, shu"n, as 1article llc� b 0� -t,S ,ks l,as7l 1,ct —IS 'M to and a o t y r t c,r t I I, -1c:x a s XIV. c nd e Tya 0 l "-I j of ((U.. L, loz,th, T x el,S -UeC` c6d­cl b", filin" tl,C, it, lopliotc Lrdilt:.�mce of suid XV. hIS or li,ice o,Ct 1,,n jxl fu,,Ll force= rd eflect ':ro["h tll -,e of its P�, ,S j-]"-' aMl1 1c PASSED A:ND APJPRt VED Ud ,, 171y of APPROVED AS TO FCR0i AND LEGALITY: cit-1 -7- UNIT NO. I OF I SHEET NO. 1 OF 3 ENGINEER'S P,:i-Cl,t,Z IT ROLLS OR STATE",',ENT FOR PAVING ON SMil�63 From U,, Lost line, of Ed cv cc� Terrace (to we !;orth from Gprinjs Rc,cl) to the Last llnc of Loa 1, 1, Edje,00d Park Audi tlon, ni,,n and C,;slgi,Leci as Unit No. 1. Apparent Appar^,-n-L Credits cost ASSESSJ',"ENT RATE PER FRONT FOOT FOR CURB & 1.73 20 ASSESSMENT PATE PER FONT FL,bT FOR IMPRCVE,;ENTS EXCLUSIVE OF CURB & 4—,0 TOTAL X OUNT ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER -_$ -10,95 TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF CITY'S 'TOTAL CONTRACT Price OF INIpROVErILNTS 18,2 7.50 ENGINEER'S Perir,mcnt POLL PAVING ASSESSMENT UNIT NO. 1 OF 1 WIDTH FEET UNIT DESCRIPIION; Widening and Paving of 1 vman Sprin, Road SHEET NO. 2 OF 3 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATEt TYPE OF IMiPROVEPAENTS CERT. DE E FEET IMPROVEMENTS SCRIPTION OF P3GPCRTY NO. PROPERTY O'dJNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT IMPROVEMENTS CURB PROPERTY EXCLUSIVE OF AND OWNERS FINAL '.. CB.&GUT.PER GUTTER COST ADJUSTMENT CREDITS AMOUNT FRONT FOOT PER LIN. BEFORE OF $ 4.5)O FT. CREDITS ASSESSMENT Al,,OUNT $ 1.70 $ 6.20 AMOUNT AMOUNT idorCh Side of Sere,--, Golden �rrte ` q)tist 11,12,13 2 :Iorne Acres 349.0 1,570.55 03.30 2,163.82 "!')' Re- fired. . .70 = 244.30 1,.,25.27 Church, 4909 Uu"matin Au i tion 349' Exist. Pave ).27 = 94.23 Springs )toad ,,,,,,,,,.53 RuLert. L. a4ouds, 4)00 _aa,:lae�u P. A. Poore, 4124 Clilldalc kaad rnr.,r Louis, 4 309 Eum't n .)ling. 1'oaci ato W. Powderly, 14 2 " 100.0 4tO.00 170.UO '.. 620.00 lu.,' 1v-,s. Csed. .70 = 70.00 523.00 4825 Bowman Springs 100' Exist. Pa'vru-27 = 27.00 Road 97.00 A. A. Gray, 15 2 " 100.0 450.00 170.00 620.00 100' Res. Cred. t, .70 70.00 523.00 4833 bowman Springs 100' Exist. Pave.6.27 = 27.00 Road 97.00 J. D. Wilkes 16,17 2 " 200.0 900.00 340.00 1,240.00 20C' Res. Cred. 6 .70 = 140.00 1,016.00 41(,3 Aemphl.11 200' Exist. Pave.t�.27 = 5,1.00 191.00 ENGINEER'S F'or'i'),anerrc ROLL PAVING ASSESSMENT UNIT NC. 1 OF 1 WIDTH FEET UNIT DESCRIPTION: 'ildenirlg and Paving of Trow°jn Springs Road SHEET NO. 3 OF 3 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATEt TYPE OF IMPROVDAENTS CERT. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY _ ASSESSt-TNT NO. PROPERTY OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT IPiFROVEVENTS CURB PROPERTY FEET EXCLUSIVE OF AND OVINERS FINAL CB.&GUT.PER GUTTER COST ADJUSTG4ENT CREDITS AP.SOUNT FRONT FOOT PER LIN, BEFORE OF $ 4.5() FT. CREDITS ASSESSMENT AMOUNT $ 1.70 $ 6.20 AMOUNT WGUNT North Side of Street Cont. 11. H. Eiland Estate 11 home!; Acres 76.0 342.00 129.20 471.20 76' Rea. Cred. Cl .70 = 5,.20 397./88 1204 Woodland 76' Exist. Pave.G'.27 = 20.I2 73.72 Soul; Sioc, of Stns et A. A. Jackson 1,2,3,A 4 Li,,cv,,00d 701.0 3,104.50 1,191.70 4,346.20 -0- -246.20 1,16 .. R]varsida Dr. 1,2,3,4il 3 Park Add. Tnlals 1'x'26.00 6,007.00 2,94.20 9,461.20 £300.25 8,660.95