HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 347 f✓"k. a cC�c/ ,:C�w i2++ V- Tho 0�ar 1 oa4o In 411' buildin' go all consist Of t/40 A0t 1 Might Of V&114,p floorso roofs# Partitions ,and all ewe t o"t tr ct1 n. var4a'ke lr d oo dhall caoonslfwt of all lovAs olkor varl iioad loado. 1C moo odl1 lre ott0000t ` to 'e ^ "tbo veight, to 1,or o o 04 theroono 11m,` t *n toy it e, *Oig,"ht of tbas, dead load of the construotim"as abovo 4,o, ,nedj if, to oo dvolling house tl,,w,,o live loonds sbAll be computed at not lose tors° tw6nt —f:t POAM48 PVfr OVPOrfloisl foot over tho ontire,, ur o if to Ion 'used an rttoo rot t n xo"t *, one s abovia the ffi t floor, ind, ?or the fir i,,it floor w ene, hundred And ' ° `you;" ; if to bo Uzod o r A640 " ` ort uoo tloo a t4ble 'or o arriago or, ao t ltoo t gat 1084 tlAn ti" t, ^ V*Un 84 14, tO U oo, Mw l " m #,%4xvw,0# Mot uov ` l 00 von mor*l 1'r to -u" 1% boon 06440,0410. " ' oo how E thow „ *; of , 1 + / v toy" 44vvy Aston PO4 *W)'; aqv*;" ," rood ,,# ;him V t rl101 to 0groo of ` /110 t; > i . y „ " ,t, op 1 "d� , " 1h'o roWtV, of 411 000 r VAS a 'Pitfah 0 a thm 20 o o 0101/1 V 4r the ^ r ` , "f i 'too. 't ,or 441 3' ' tw 1 1 t;oo ptUb be ti o ;0104 to, PIERS. SECTION 22. All piers shall be built of good bard, well burnt brick laid in cement mortar, except that piers fronting on a street may be built of stone. Isolated brick 'piers shall not exoaed in height ten times their least dimenBionv Stone posts or piers for the support of ,posts or columns shall not be used in the interior of any building. No marble or granite column shall be used for the support of a wall over one story high. '411 FIRE PROOF JMlidtl9ft. 6�11 Io) I V0 17e S SECTION 33* Every building hereafter erected or altered to be used as a ,theatre with a seating capacity of over'1,000, as a sobool, jail, public station, hospital, asylum, institution for the oars or treatment of persons, the height of which exceeds two stores, as a hotel or lodging house the height of which exceeds four stories, and every other building over ",five stories or seventy feet in height shall be of fireproof construption; that is to say: They shall be constructed with walld of brick, stone, Portland cement concrete, iron or steel, in which wood beams or lintels shall not be placed, and in which the floors and roofs shall be constructed with rolled wrought iron or steel beams, with the spaces between the beams filled with brick, hollow tile, hard-burnt clay, pores terra cotta, Portland cement ............ concrete, plain or reinforced with metal, or any combination of these, or the entire construction may be of reinforced Port- land 'cement concrete. In each and all oases the strength and metp.od of construction shall conform to the requirements of this Code. No woodwork or other inflammable material shall be used in any of the partitions, furringB or ceilings in any such fireproof buildings, excepting, however, that when the height of the building does not exceed eight stories nor more than one hundred feet,, the doors and winjows and their frames and trimiV, the casings, the interior finish when filled solidly at the back with fireproof material, and the floor boards and sleepers directly thereunder, may be of wood, but the space between the sleepers shall be"-solidly filled with fireproof materials ex- tending up to the' under-side of the floor boards. When the height of a fireproof building "oeeds eight stories, or more than one hundred reet, the floor surface shall be of stone, cement, tiling or similar incombustible material, and all outside window frames and sash shall be of metal, excepting those on street fronts. .. . .......... SKELETON'*PCONSTRUOTHD BUILDHIGS. SEOTION 36. Where columns are used to support iron or steel girders carrying inclosure walls, the said columns shall be of rolled steel, and on their exposed surfaces be constructed to resist fire by having a easing of brick- work not less than 1/1'inches in thi knees on the outside surfaces, rot lose than two inches In thickness on the inside surfaces beyond greatest projection, and, all bonded into the briolmork,,,,of the inclosure walls. Between the said Inolosing briokwoir'k and the columns, there shall be a space of not lose than two inches, which space shall be filled solidly *1- liquid cement grout as the courses of brickwork are laid. Cast iron columns shall not be used in any building over six stories high and protected by eight inches brick and two inches grout cutaAdo and four inches,'AAaide. The exposed sides of the wrought-iron or steel girders shall be similarly covered with brickwork not less than four inches in thickness on the outer surfaces and tied and bonded, but the extreme outer edge of the flanges of beams or plates or angles connected to the beams may project to within two inches of the outside surface of the brick easing. The inside surfaces of girders may be similarly covered with brickwork, or if projecting Inside of the wall they shall be protected by terra cotta, oonoret'e or other fireproof material not les# than two inches in thic"s. Girders fcr the support of the inclosure walls shall be placed at the floor line of each story. INUASIVG INTERIOR COLUMNS. SECTION 38. All cast-iron, wrought-iron or rolledooteel columns, including the lugs and brackets on same, used for vertical supports in the interior of any fireproof building, or used to support any fireproof floor shall be entirely pro- teoted with not less than two inches of hard-burned brickwork, terra cotta, concrete or other fireproof material, without any air spare next to the metal, securely applied, but no plaster of pario. or lime mortar shall be used for this purpose, nor shall any plaster whether or not on metal lathing, be considered a part of the covering required. No single blodk or unit of insulating material used for column covering shall have a greater,,vortioal dimension than six inches when placed in position, not shall the shells and webs of hollow tile or terra cotta blocks be less than one inch in thickness, and these blocks shall be laid up with Port- land cement mortar, and the said blo#*,o, be','ouitablV tied or anchored together. The extreme outer edges of lu#a, brackets and similar supporting metal may project to within seven-oighths of an Inch of the ourfaoe of the fireproofing. The fireproof ooveritig shall start upon the fireproof floors and continuously extend to the fireproof ceilings or under-side of girders above, , and be entirely Independent of any ornamental base or capita]. No pipes, wirers or conduit of any kind shall be incased in the fireproofing surrounding any column, girder or 1�/'�7beam of steel or iron, but shall be placed outside of such fire- proofing. 1, Where the fireproof protection of columns to exposed to damage from the trucking or handling of merohandiso� such fireproof protection shall be jacketed on the outside of a height not less than four feet from tzie floor with sheet metal, or with vertical strips of hardwood.-. 0'ri HOT-A.TR FURNAORS. SJOT11011 45. All brl,(;k hok,-air :rurnaoea oball have two oovatm, vilth nn air space or at least four Inchea between tbalm; tea iinner, movor of tba hi apt-mir bamber abmll be o4thor a,, biriok arob or two ooursaa wr,, brick laid on Ala rm1zed iron Or oupported an Iron "Ibarej t7 is 'the top off, t1w furnarui, almll be marlm of briek or matal stipparted rym Iron bgrs, amd t3o oonstruoted as to be perfeetly tip ghts and shall Tm not jest� Van twelve inolion below any ombuatible oeiling or ifl oor beam ,a. The wimlle, of the false ear almll be ball't hallow in the following manT.,iorl One Inner arml ot.'Jo vn&lls,'; eaob illour inobes In thi emso projP,)erly banded tog ,,o.,wV*rs with an/441,,T& spao/o 'of Yint OPM esm than thres indhos between tkiem,.. Fa nacem as ell bo buIlt at least twelve inotims frant all �womdwork. A1,1 portibl.,in 1dart-6 laftlf")t two feet fromm arly Waled or oombustible partition or coiling# and such partitioruu emnd oeiling ar ark all be properly protootAM by a metal abield when the dr'jLjt&noe Lifi 1"so ttian three foot. Wood f loorm, under all portable ftmnmoma alumill Im proteoted 'by tbrago ooixi�ia os of briokworkp, Prell laid In mortimr, on F,,alvallized Zbeet, V irom" h a xiiiddlio emarse "to be laid cromovise$ %nd with Ventilating ep"*a o within or between the bricks of immid voidClIa aomtef* 4, iiaa, P, brickwork, shall, extend, at least, two feet bey6h,,d tho', f1xrmoo F 'he asli Pan./, The'oold-sir boxwe axui plp0 of ll*1 a bo -4 it , furmeas shrxll "be made of metal, ri,d07P1 r ather inamustitle" M-Aterial. Thecae oold-ftir boxfmo area pipau stmll be at' solUts17 free from, dampere or o)tkxier abstruetione# unleas part of the eir- mil%tion is ttxke.Y,,,i from the 111,141ift, mit in a return Syst-amp In, wbiohi oftile ehmpnro ira, t1x,,:A outmide supply, will he permitted. Tba size of oold+ ,*u, virmm or duota outering f ror,,i the out aide; uh,411 'be me vet y,-fivo per cent of th-6 Rog,,t axid, vl,*re sir I a twko n Z, t%rlola all hpt',�4'1'r nod &rea "jut'y "Per esn't Of th co"', wi!4z 64W A�, r REGISTERS. SE+C"TIO 46. xtegisters ,rr�yr ��w boated over a 'brick fuxnaeze shall be supported by a brick shaft guilt up from the cove*of the hot- air o bey*; said abaft shall be lined with a metal pipe, and all good beams shall: be trimmed array not less than four inobe-s from it. ire 'a register is plaoed in any woodwork ire e n*4t a with metal pipe or duot, the end of said pipe or duot shall be flanged over toe woodwork under and around it, and shall be safely and properly conneoted to the register, and the register box shall be oovered wit.. asbestos as provided for hot-air pipes herein- All register boxes shall be made of tin plate N, or galvanized iron with a flange on the top to fit the groove in the open frame, the register to rest upon the same; there shall be an open spaoe of two inches on all aides of the register }pox, ,extending from the underside of the border to and through " the oeiling below. The said opening shall be fitted with a ti 'it tin or galvanized iron oas ng, the upper end of whioh shall be turned under the frame. When a register box is plaoed in the floor over s Po table f'urnaoe, the open apace on all sides of tWlj register box shall not be lens than three] inches,. i When only one register is conneoted with a furnaoe, said register shall have no valve or slats, and ire two or more registers are oonneeted with a,furnace, at least one of them shall have no valve &r slats. y s 0 HOT*4IR FLUES, PIPES AND VENT DUOTS. SECTION 47. Horizontal hot-air pipes shall be plaood six (6/' inches below the floor beam or ceiling; if the floor beams or ceiling are plastered and protected by metal shield, then the distance shall not be less tnan three inches. All pipes or conductors to be used for the transmission of warm or heated air for beating purposes within, between, or along tne walls, ceilings or floors of any building shall be constructed as follows: When a double pipe is used, It shall be constructed of two sheets of tin or otner suitable metal securely fastened to- gether so as to leave an open air space of not less than one-half inch between said sheets of metal; Hot-air pipes in closets shall be double with a space of one inch between them. 4 Hot-air pipes may be constructed of I.C. Bright tin,,, or galvanized iron, and shall have approved looked-jolpt or slip joint riveted. These pipes shall be covered with two thicknesses ten �10j pound asbestos paper, pasted on and thoroughly secured before being placed in position, and none of these pipes shall be covered wits plaster or other material until same have been inspected and approved by the Building Inspector, or one fk of his Deputies. ........... gm, A 1 SKYLIGHTS, FLOOR LIGHTS AND ROOFS. SECTION 68. The term "skylight" shall be taY40A to mean. and include flat, hipped, lantern, monitor, turret, dome, vertical or pitched saw-toothed constructions, and all. other Ggvers placed over openings on roofs for the admission of litht. All skylights placed on or in any building shall have the frames constructed of metal, and except as otherwise provided, in this Code, over elevators, stairs, dumbwaiter shafts and theater stage roofs, shall be glazed with wire glass not less than one- quarter inch thick, or with glass protected with wire screens 4` not leas than No.12 galvanized wire, not more than one-inoh mesh and securely fastened six inches above the glass. All openings in floors for transmission of light to floors below shall be covered over with floor lights constructed of metal frames acid bars, the glass in no case to be less than tiree-quarters of an inch in thickness. If any glass in tree same measure more than sixteen square inches, the glass shall be provided with strong wire netting either within or under the same. Every building, and the tops and sides of every dormer window thereon, within the fire limits, shall be covered and roofed with tile, slate, tin, gravel composition, or such other incombustible roofing as the Building Inspector may 0 authorize. Nothing in this section shall be construed as pro- hibiting the repairing of any shingle roof, providing such repairs do not exceed twenty-five per oent of the cost of a new roof. v i o FIREPROOPOSHUTTERS AND DOORS 0k, SECTION 67. Every building, execpt private dwelling- houses and oburones, shall have fireproof doors, blinds or abutters on every exterior window and opening above the first story thereof, excepting on the front openings of buildings fronting on streets which are more than fifty (50) feet in width, or where no other buildings are within fifty (50) feet of such openings. These door openings shall be Of standard construction, that is, constructed of pine or other soft wood of two or three tiiicknesses (depending on size) of matched boards, olinoh-railed at right angles, or placed diagonally with taoh other , and securely covered with tin, on both sides and edges, with folded lapped joints, the nails for fastening the same being driven inside the lap; the hinges and bolts, or latches, shall be secured or fastened to the door or shutter by wrought- iron bolts passing through the door or shutter, and secured by nuts and Washers on the opposite side after the same has been covered with tin, and such doors or shutter shall be hung upon a wrought-iron frame, independent of the woodwork of the windows and doors, or to wrought-iron hinges securely fastened in the masonry. All windows and other openings, excepting doors on the exposed side, as mentioned above, shall be metal frames ?' and sash, the Bash to be glazed with wire glass not less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness, and each pane measuring not more than seven hundred and twenty (720) square inohea, The construction of these frames to be approved by tne Building Ins,peo for. METAL WINDOW PR AMES AND SASH AND WIRED GLASS. On any opening where the window frame and #ash are of metal, and the sash are glazed with wire glass not less than one-quarter (114) of an inch in thickness, and each pane measuring not more than seven hundred and twenty (720) square inches, the same shall be deemed an equivalent of and a substitute C for fireproof shutters. �Jjjr SHUTTERS AR RANGED TO BE OPENED FROM THE OUTSIDE. All abutters opening on fire escapes, and at least one row, vertically, in every three vertioa ows on the frost window openings above the first story of any buil.din, , shall be uo arranged that they can be readily opened from the outside by firemen. ROLLING METAL SHUTTERS. No rolling iron or steel shutters shall be hereafter placed above the first story of any building, ancl:.w when used on tn.e first story they shall he counter-balanced so that said rolling shutters may be ;readily opened by the fire- men. FIREPROOF 'SHUTTERS ADD DOOR S TO BE CLOSED AT NIGHT, t All occupants of buildings shall close all exterior and interior fireproof shutters, doors and blinds at the close 041011111//'! of the b alr " aas, of each day. r 114ur by co t fy that the .1)ov ,: rir4d •s`or g�,IzAg Ordinance a duly prese�,ited �,kknd &Y,4 adopted by the Board ff' Comm„µrun's •s of the City of Fort, Worth at a, session of acrid Board bold Thursday December 19th,791,2. APPROVED r "star° n Z.