HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 547 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916.
NO. 1 license Is desired to be transferred or
AN ORDINANCE, 0 assigned. Such application shall, by
operation of motor busses, as the same the city secretary, be presented to the
are defined by the provisions of Ordi- Board of Commissioners It any reg- j
nance No. 448 and Ordinance 1-1,'Q. 470, ular or special session lot coli8idera-
amendatory thereof, upon and alwI2 ilon, and may be by such Board of
certain streets Of the city Of ForL Commissioners referred to any member
.'Worth: prohibiting the operution of thereof, or Lilly official of said city of
motor busses along p6rdong of certain fort AVorth for investigation and re-
streets; declaring It unlavifud for ,'nY port: L1,11d permission may be either
person to drive a. licenseil motor has granted or refused by said 13oard of
within the limits of the city of Fort Commissioners, In their discretion; but
'Worth unless he be named ill the ap- ;permission shall never be granted for
plIcation for license to operate same,'SUCh transfer or assignment unless and
or a certificate be issued by the Board until such transferee shall have fully
of Commissioners authorizing him so complier] with all the provisions of Or-
`,o do; declaring it unlawful for the;djiiance 448, as amended by Ordinance
.<vvner or operator of any motor bus No. 470, and of said Ordinance No. 470,
. employ, procure or permit or allow heretofore Passed by the Board of
any unauthorized person to drive such Commissioners of the city of Fort
motor bus; malting the employment of Worth.
any such unauthorized pers all ground 11 Sec. 81 The assignment of any such
for revocation of the license to operate,motor bus, license without consent of
such motor bus; prohibiting the as- 'the Board of Commissioners herein-
signment of such license; malting the -above provided for, Shalt be ground for
assignment of any such license ground Jllo reVOc0tiOIi Of such license by the
for the revocation thereof', requiring 130ard Of Commissioners of the city of
signs on front and rear of motor bus;'I l"Ort -Wolfll.
prohibiting riding on front door or See. 9. NO person shall operate, or
doors or more than one passegger with jcfkU-9e to be operated, any motor bus
driver on front seat; fixing a. penalty uve" any street alley or public place ill
here-for the violation of any provision here- the City of Fort. NV' orth, without tile
of; malting each (lay's violation a sep- Words "MOtol' Bus" being plainly print-
arato offense, declaring an emergency j ed oil the rear body of such motor
and tire reason for the regulations pre- bus. and at a point on such rear body
scribed. NOIC'Ve tile same may be easily and
Be it ordained by the Loard of
readily observed, I11(i ill letters It least
missioners of the city of Fort Wo'th: 1"" ill lleigllL� and the
rouLn ol• destbl�jjiou of such motor
See. 1. It shall hereafter be t!ni:LV.'- bus, as designated jit,tho license cov-
fill for any person or persons, firm"I three (") i"c
cring the sn.nl(;, plainly pnjllted in let-
corporation, association, partnership or I tees at least three (:l) jlljjes lWheight
society to run or Operate, or cause to nn I'lle front v;hidshield of such motor,,
be run or operated, any motor bits, ns
such vehicle is defined ill Ordilialice-i Sec 10. Only, one Person shall be
Nos. 448 and 470, Passed by the Board permitted to ride with the driver on
of Commissioners of tire city of Port the front seat of any motor bus oper-
Worth, on or along any of the follow- ating on the streets of Fort 'Worth arid
ing streets and portions of streets in lie person shall be permitted to ride
the city of Fort Worth, Texas, viz: or sit on the front door or doors of
(a) Main street between Front strect any such motor bus.
and Weatherford street, (b) Houston See, 11. Each and every day's vio-
street between Front street and lation of this ordInrince shall coristi-
Weatherford street (except as herein- tuto a separate offense.
after provided), (c) any street Intel*- Sec. 12. Any person who shall vlo-
secting Main or Houston street (ex- isle any v provision of this Ordinance
cept Second and Fifteenth streets un- shall be guilty of L misdemeanor and
der the regulations hereinafter pro- upon collvictio, thereof shall be pun-
vided) between and including Weath- Ished by L, fine not exceeding Two
erford and Front streets, from Throck- Hundred Dollars ($20().00),
morton street to Commerce street; Sec. 13. The present crowded and
provided, however, that motor buss" congested condition of the traffic on
now being operated, or which may the streets and portions of streets.
hereafter be granted license to be 1,ereinbefore mentioned, arid the con-
or )h
erated, over any street, alley public stoutly increasing nurnbev of automo-
place In this city, may be allowed to.�biles and other vehicles using said
designate and be granted a license to streets, and portions Of streets, here-
operate over so much of Houston street inbefore named creates a dangerous
as lies between Fifteenth street and(condition and lmenace to life and prop-
its intersection with Main street, or erty, thereby making it imperatively
along and over Fifteenth street be- I
Inecessary to adopt and enforce the
tween Commerce and Throcicrnorto i jregulations Herein prPscrIbed; and this
street, or along and over s'
Second street t ordinance 1.9, arid is hereby declared
between Commerce and Thi Clklil-11-11 'to be, an urgency measure necessary
streets. in the ordinary course of the city'sl
Sec. 2. No motor bus shall be stop- aff�irs, and a measure necessary for
ped or be.allowed or permitted to re- the immediate preservation of the pub-
main standing on said Second street lie peace, health and safety of the cit-
or Fifteenth street, or either of them,'lzeiis of the city Of Fort NVortj and
for any other purpose than the load w.jshall be in the and effect from and
Ing and discharging of passengers then'after Its Passage and five days' pub-
on board or then ready to board such lication, as required by law, except as
motor bus (and then no longer than,�herein otherwise provided.
necessary for such Purpose except ill Sec, 14, :rhe holding or adjudlca-
cases of unavoidable emergency; nor tion of any section or subdivision of
shall license be granted to any motor any section, or au� part of any sub-
bus owner with either terminii on division Of is Section of this ordillanco,
either said Second or Fifteenth street, to be invalid, shall not affect the val-
or so much of said Houston street as idity of any ctlIcj, section, or part of a
lies between Fifteenth and its inter- subdivision of a section thereof, but all
section with Main street; provided that other sections, subdivisions of sections
the provisions of this section and the arid parts of subdivisions of sections,
provisions of section I hereof, shall !;hall be and remain in full force and
not apply to any driver or operator of effect.
a motor bus now holding license to See. IG. This Ordinance is hereby
operate such motor bus within the!declared to be cumulative of ;ill of the
limits of the (-try of Fort Worth until provislorig o,, (),(jin IIC,.e 4
'I &Q. 448 and
twelve days lafterl tile final passage ulld Ordillijuce No. 470, le,-LibAtilIg the op
publication of tills Ordinance.,, jeration of motor busses, upon anti
Sec. 3. No person shall act a driver along the street,,; of ill(,, city or IFort
of any motor bus license, to Operate Worlh, and shall jit be held to repeal
over, upon or along any designated any of the Provisions of either of said
route, or along or over any street, alley ordinallees, except in those cases
or public place Ill the city of Fort I when they are in c1tret, ,Itl,
`JA "IV, IL,IAAp I.—
�f 1%U.
publication of this ordinance. eration o motor busses, upon ana
Sec. tht
city of 17
Se No person shall act as driver along the streets of Fort
of 'any motor, bus license to operate Worth, and shall not be held to repeal
over,, upon or along any designated any of the provisions of either of said
route, or along or over any street, alley ordinances, except In
those casesl
or public place in the city of Fort iwhere they are In direct conflict with
Worth, unless he shall: the express provisions of this ordL-
(a) Be one of the persons aianaa nance.
t -ra and validity..
In the application for' license 0 up_ Approved as to fqt lity.
erate such motor bus, as provided in T. A. ALTMAN,
Subdivision (f) of Section 2 of Ordi-I Corporation Counsel.
nance No. 470, passed by the,Board of, I hereby certify that the above and
CommIT=rs of.the city of F04 foregoing ordinance was duly. present-
Worth, 1, 1915 or ed and unanimously passed and actoptAl
(b) Unless the el,, or operato i ed by the Board of Commissioners of I
of such motor bus shall make'appli., the city of Fort Worth, Texas, at a i
cation to the Board.of Commissioners, regular session of said Board held;
at some regular or special meeting, for Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1916,
M. P. HARWOOD'jh.,
driver of such motor bus, which,appll- City Secretary..
cation, shell'be In, wrIt!n;;;, and sub-
--i9tantially,-,In:,the,`,form,'prescribed la'i
to employ,
such, person as
SubdIvIslo ns (b),,, (o),"(d),
(f),"and-(g) of-Section tion 2 of said Qrdl-
nance 470, and be filed with the city
secretary:prior to the time of holding
of the regular or special meeting 'at
which such application is desired to
be presented, and shall be by such sec.
retary referred to said Board of Com-
missioners. '-Such application may be
'acted upon by said Board at sue!)
meeting or at any meeting�thereaf tpr.
1i and auch application may be referred
to°any one or more of the members
thereof, or to any official,ref the city
of Fortl,Worth, for investigation and
report, and may be granted or refused
as.the Board of Cornmiaslonera^may
deem best.,
Upon the granting of any such ap-
plicatlol'4 and the payment.to�'hirn of
a.See'of fifty, cents' to cover, the'ex-
pense of'.issuance thereof, the cit-
sessor and collector shall issue a cer-
tificate authorizing sucii person to act'
..as driver'of such m6tiRr bus for the
.unexpired period of the license under.1
which paid,-motor, bus Is ,being_qp!r_
ated. -i
1 Sec, 4, It shall b.,unla,.,-, for the
owner or operator,of any motorbus to,;
amploy,' or prowure, or permits or allow i
any iperson ,notL authorized under Ahe
,,,provisions of this ordinance-to, dxlvo,,
a motor-bust.-to-act.,aq'4111yer 11 u o
p s Slawft,rson not authorized to
tor bus under the provision's of this
ordinance to drive any such motor bus
or act as driver thereof,
Sec. 6. The employm,ent by the
owner or operator of any motor bus
licensed to be operated upon and over ,
any of the streets, alleys and public.,
places of the city of Fort Worth,-of
any pbrson,not authorized.under the
provisions of this ordinance,to'drive a,�,
motor bus, to act as'',,driver' of subn
motor bus, shall be ground fur 'the,
revocation by tao.'Board of Commis-
sioners of the license under which such
motor ,bus is being operated,- ' � I
See. 7. Hereafter it shall be unlaw-
ful,for the owner of a'license author
]zing the operation of a motor burs over
and along any street, alley or public,
place In the city of Fort,Worth to
transfer or assign any such motor.nus 1
license to any person whomsover,with!I
out first making application to the
Board of Commissioners of the city;
of Fort'VVorth,.f or permission to trans-?
fer or assign such motor bus license,
which*said application shall be sworn
to -before'some officer authorized to I
administer oaths and qhall be filed'
with the city secretary of the city 'or
Fort Worth, stating the number of
such license, the route over which the
same Is being operated, the unexpired
portion thereof, and the name, street
and number of residence, age and oc-
cupauou�l 99 the Persou to WhOlA 6)140hj