HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 48OR"DINIMIE 11TO. 48. M IT ORDIAMD BY M BOARD OF GGIOUSSIOMMS OF THE VITY OF FORT 17ORTH.T11AS. SECTION I. ,What,, aft tm, hereafter it shall be inlawful for any personx, firm or corporation to ongage in the plumbing busineve, as a matter or oo-,,tracting plumber in the -Oity of Fort Worth, without having an established place of business in said City and without having first s,,ourdd from the Gomnissioner of Water Light and sewer a master splumbers geveral permit. SECTION II. Such ejoplioa:tion for master plumbf/,'Vr°s gtaf,,'ral permit shall be made in writting, upon blas furnished by said G"am-missioner which shall be show the name of the applicant, the location of his A its or their p'iaoe of business and shall disloose such other reasonable information upon said subject as may be required. SECTIU" III. and permit shall not be granjed until there, shall be filed with the applioantion a bond payable to the City of Fort Worth in the sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1500.0n) Dollars, 'executed by the applicant and by a surety company thereon as surety, authorized to do business in the State of Texas, Said bond shall be conditioned to protect the City of Fort Irroorth against loss or damage by reasor of the warelestess or negligence op,, the principal in maid bond in properly executing and Prot ting any and all, work done and perforuied by him, it or Oea, or any work done or performed under his, its w their supe rvi, s, , iv,#' during the period of said permit, and sbal 1 fur- tber be coDdi0oned that the applicant shall keep and observe all and singular the conditions and terns of the ordinance of the said City of Fort Worth relating to plumbing and plumbing work, and abide by same. Said bond shall be approved by the Board of Qommissioners of the City of Fort Worth. and vay be sued on in any court of competent jurisdiction by the City of Fort Worth or apy one aggrieved for any breach thereof. SECTION IV. Upon the approval of such bond, it shall be the duty of aDeb, Oommissicnefs to issue to said ap,licant a master plumbers general permit to, engage In buziness on that capacity, for the period of one year therefrom, which permit shall not be transferableo S310T ILK V. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to angage in the business of ma,�wter plumbers in the City of Pport Worth shall have his, its or their full name, residence and place of business registered in a book kept for that purpose, by the plumbing inspec- tor or by the said er, and in case of the removal or change of mane or composition of any firm or corporation. notify the said inspector or said commissioner at once of such change, and tbey'shall faithfully observe and keep allordinance of tbu City pertaining to plumbing, and all plumbing work done by them or under their control shall be exeo*ted in a workmanlike manner, No persou, firm or corporation not so re(.,,,jstered shall be gaanted a master plum- bor"a,", &nstal-,Bot(d permit. SECTION VI. p apeoPA permit shall be required for minot repair work, By minor repair work is meant repair of leaks in pipes, traps or cooks, opening up water or supply pipes, traps or (tains ad replacing brokou fixtures and fr4sen pipe lines inside of the walls of buildingso trut where wastes of fixtnres and &,,naged and inspectigv, is required, special permits must be taken out end inspector notified of change before same is covered up. SEC's ION, It shall be the d*ty of any pp,s,sozs,,form or corpora- tion of master plumhers to be notify the plumbers Inspector when plumbing work is ready to be tested or inspected Said notice must be filed in the office o;' the elumbing Inspector at least four hours be- fore slich test or inspection is desired. SNOTION VIII. The terms of plumbing work as Jerein provided covers all water pipes, from water in main in street, and through premises and 'building, all pipes used to ventilate sewerage In bi,,Ulaing, to a distance of four feat outside of foundation wall; also all materials and wpri used in the oonstruction of new work or the reconstruction, alteration or plaoeinp o # g new replacing of old pipes fixtures, and appartetances tbereto, belonging, which are used to conduct water to and from and to distribute it in or about any building for any use what ever; also all, pipes in connection with Mgs, vapor or waste of any kind which may be disebarged in'to drains or $ever; ilso all repairs on aforesaid pipes, fixtures ect. SECT I(J IX. All test of roughing in, plumbing to finishing floor and wall line must be made with Wber water or air, If the test be, ma"de with watmr-tbe entire system of blumbing must be filled,, with water to the top of the highest vent -pipe on roof, if the test be made with sit it must be under a pressure, of not less,, than ten poutdz of the square inch. All test herein required must be applied by tber; plwnber in charge of the work, in the presence of the Plumbing Itsirector, and maintalned for a sufficient,lenght of time to a llx, the Plumbing; Inspeetor tomo*e a thorough av& complete exaxipaticz of the work, and 0 if defective materials or workmanship be found on the job, the same must be removed at the expense of the matter plumber haveing chagge of the work and replaced vat proper find of material nad workmanship within ten days from the time such defeat are discovered. S» CI' ION x 10 Alter all fixtures are connected and traps filled wirb, water there sball be a final inspection de. In noc see heall the Plumber inspector ac(-ept of approve jib of plumbing, work until the same has beerD made perfectlu tigj1 and to ,'�onforh with the ordinance, It shall be the fity of the Plumbing Inspeatior to furn., isb at all times itformatirm regarding the requirevr,,,vats of this ordinance, It shall be the futy of the Plumbing 1nopeetor to, oupm-,, ervise all plumbing work done on any Job of piumbing 'pork, the same is ground to ?a,e Properly dorr, and to be perfectly fly aftlu required by this ordinance, *t zzall be t#9 ft"ty, tag go Fjt=,bj, Ins'fyectOr to istie to t#e vaster plumber it charge of the nasi a certificate of Oomplrti�,n, setting forth has been tested, %amd inspected and the S* 0, (f0`6 ftOvWrdiA9 to the requirapent of t t h toad York BIOTION XI. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector, to in- vewtigato., all canes reported or referred to bitij concerning the A use of imperfect material or vvorkmansbip on any job of plumbing 'Work or the violation of ter provisizn of the ordinance either by the master or journeyman plumber, builder or owner, and to stop work and report same to the 0oxmis-sioner of Water, lights, and Sewers; who shall investigate the same, and in case of violation of the provisions of the ordinance institute prosecution apinst the offending parties. SEOTION XII. It shall br, the duty of the Plumbing Inspector of any sanitary officer to made inspection of old plumbing viork at the re- quest of the agent, owner or account of any'Utilding or premises where, said plumbing work is located,in order to ascertain whether or not the plumbing in said building Or premises is in a sanitary condition The said Inspector shall have the right ab d authotity to enter any b--ilding, or upon any premises at all reasonable hours, to ascertain if the provisions of this ordinance or any ordinan�,,'!e relating to, plumbing have been or are being complied with also, wberr,, bekas reason to beleive defective or unsanitary plumbing exits, and when- ever defective or iizaknitary plumbing is found, it shall be the d*tY of the said Plumbing insj)ector to notify the sont or owner of the premises on which the same is fond to forWNitb cause such plumbing to be changed and be madr, to conform with the rules and requirkent of this or any existing ordinan(',!F, and euch owner ot agnet is hereby required within ten days after receiving such notifications, to com- ply therewith, and failing or neglectinf to do so he shallbe causid- ered as maintaininf unsanitary plumbing and violating the requirement hereof, and, it shall be the duty r4 the said Plumbing Inspector.to make complaints, againat, such owner or agent and cause him to be prosecuted. MOTION XIII. The Plumbing Inspector shall keep a complete record of all inspections and test mad(by h*m as plumbing Inspector, in t the cits", .",,nd made a report of the same each month to the Board of Oommissioner, save that it shall not be necessary to report the tests made on old work. SENTION X17. The Plumb 1 ng, Inspector shall hale a record book, *herf,,,Aa 'he sball register the full 'name, residence and plaoe of business of all persons, firms or corporations eupged in, doing plumbing work in the city qs master plumbers, SECTION XV. It sbal be unlawful for the Plumbing Inspector, to engage 114,, the basiDess of the master plumber or to perform, any work as a Journeyman, plumber in the city rf Fort Urth during the terms of office as Plumbing Inspector. S cUT ION XVI QUO The Gity Plumber shay I act -elumbing , Inspoetor, and shall be 'charged with and shall perform all the duties of such, as herein required, and that may be prescribed by other 9rdinanees, of The Gity of Fort Wortj of a siziInt purport or Sautre, He sball abarge for the, wotk of inspedtion, required of him by ordinance of said Gity of Fort Worth the following senlea of fees; to-wot: For juspeetton of outside closet"'... - - - :! '*" For nsp#ct on of sewer 1.00 For in"SpectM11 of wash OD For Ins ton of plumbingi fixtures .... .. . 1,00 For inspect io'n of catch bF ins....... .. , .. 1,100 the fees so collected shall be tnrued over the and deposited 40 the &eoretary of the Water Work, and credited to the '?tater 'Works fund; and in each ease where fees are collected, receipt shall be issued therefor and a record of sane preserved on a stub kept to* That purpose and a memorandum of same showing-, the name of persons and amount col'�ected shall be dept and preserved in a book for that purpose in the off,,,ce of the City Plumber, the follwoUng rulee and regulation,,,,,",, are bereky established to gown the con - all new i,;ork, and the reoonstruotion of all plU'mbU,,',9 work; DRAIN PUBS: All drain pipes Mall be extra beavy cast iron or lead, and extend three fett outside of building. All vent pipes shall be standard cast iron ot lead, and extend two feet above highest opening in main roof. All coil pipes shall be caulked topetber with lead and oakum. Connection of lead to iron pipe shall be made with oxtra heavy brass, or combinations forrules caulked to iron pipes, and Wiped to lead pipe,, or by tieing pead bends or lead pipes with cast iron or extra baavy brass ttiable at least inch len grr# that depth of hub inserted in end of lead bends, or pipes and caulked to iron pipe,. FITTTN,]; DRAIN P1111i3: Mall be extra heavy cast iron, and opening in davin pipes for fixtures shall be ode with Y15, 1/8, 1/6 and 1/16 " bend as far as practical in reference �o sanitary T's and crossess, and 1/4 bende. SIZE OF WASTE The proper sizvt of waste pipes for fixtures sball not be less than the following sizes*, and for each additional fixture shall increase one size up to 2 inebes. LEAD PIPE 17 OTIT Water closets ........... ".. 41 *.4 LRAD PIM Bath tube 14 Inch Sinks Xticben 14 Sinks pantry 1�!' 'Raab Trays 14 Urinals 14 vaetxr 2 tr ell trae not smaller 2 ft Flo frs Wash basins 3 2 Incb 2 if 2 tt 2 P tt 2 4 2 tt FITT11M 7 PIPES: Standard vent, bractches, inverted Y'S or plains T's, shall be used in opening left in cont pipe to revent fixtures. The porper size for emtilatiou pipes shall be as follows and increases onesize for each adt3itirnal fixtures up to 2 inches. Water of Sinks ki aink Pkl,,U 14 itch IRON, 2 indbes 2 2 2 tf2 tr 2 Blot sins 1- ft 2 rt Was trays 11 " 2 Tt Each building shad, I have at lrast one four inch vent pipe. Each fixture mus be re-venteft andhave water seal trap placed as close to fixtures as practical. ill traps mus have a water seal of not less tban inch in depth, and must, be set true to eater seal. The term "fixture" used is construed to mean each and very waste opening in a section of part of a section of closets, basins, sinks, wash trays,, urnin.1s, slpp sinks and tube. When re -vent pipesare c-nnecte,,",, into main stack, i* shall be at apoint at least tro feet above btftest fixtures, and betweenM re -vents one foot above bkoest fixtures. At least one vent piep throuf,,9) roof must be equal in size to drain pipe enterinj building and bbe a continuous vent. A4e Vent pipelft, bave four pound lead flashing at roof with thimble of flashing caulked into hub or extended to trip of pipe and ttixned ov, r ed g ,,e,, Drawn lead drum traps not less, than 4 X 8 inches mutt be used on wash trays with bras�,,'� trap screw and be aseessible. Kitchens sinks in resVience rust have M drawn lead, drum tarp with te�}p screws or ITrenae trap, sinks in any hotel, or restaurant or other public cookinf,,r, or mannfRottirinf establishment, sub# as bakeriesk, candy factories, ect. located under, or as close to sin# as practicable. Ball , tubs to have 4X 8 drawn lead drum traps, scrpwz, (or other non -siphoning water seal traps). Where stack is cont nous tbrw,,igh aloof and trap of tub or sink is within V, inches of stack and no fiftures above them, no re -vent shall bre required, No more fl -,,an four fixtures shall increase pipe one size until diamente on main stack is reached. Bell traps in basement whin connected direct to drain pipe, shall be provided with wxtra henvy cast irorn pipe trap and be re -vented. Gatch basins in basement are classed fixtures and most be installed acr6rdingly. Bell traps connected to catch baitus ere not classed fixtkireara and cast iron or the pipe may, be, uoad. Each catch basin frain pipe in #asement must be fitted with back water traps an, d greenbonse valve. No pernit for a bese'to.ent drain shall be pranted until owner of building has signed a contrAact releasing the Vitt' of Fort Worth from a n9 damage that mi&t result froin baseM(,,,',,nt bein-flooded by the stoppag-eV, of main sewer. WASH RAUS; In livery stables, barns and carriage repositories shall drain into sand traps. Sand traps are classed ae fivatures and shall be made of cone crete or brick, with tIT,,,,,-ht c,"er 'water seal trap on sever side, and back vented. steam b�iler blww-off, pump exl,uast, bleeds from engines, beaters and tanks shall empty into cast iron, brick or co.n6ratb blow off tan a, fitted witb steam tigbt caber with 6peting in blww off, tank for vaixt pipe to carry off stean and vapor; tanls to, have watre drain pipe 'nnd discharp e into a catch basin. Waste pipe for refrigerator or other receptacles in which provisions are stored, shallnot be connected direct with drain soil or wute pipe, but must drip inopen tray,, the tray being, trap, - ped and the lower end of water pi�,e from tray dischraging tato the some fixture, in constane use, exRept in saloons and cold storage houses, when same may be connected lritb drains, soil or waste pipes if properly trap�,,,,�ed and traps ventilated in act,,-,ordance wutb the provisions -f tMe ordinance , repjilating traps and cent ilatir,ns, No down-epouts, ral,r, wetter or range b6iler pipe shall: be connected to a sanitary sewer. eater closets mi4st lie Maxed earthcinwar, or iron en- ameled, all eitposed; the woodwor# to consist Of see -it only, Efery vrater closet must be rupiAied ritb water from a separate tank or cistern nJ nor lett tl",,en four cellon, capacity and no flueb for same shall be IesF than ontr, rind one-fourth inche, on diameter. Pan, long hopper, plunger or (,ntber d1ovets having a direct supply or closets not having tlieir 'walls fluahed with each discharge, of the tank, gill not be allowed in any buildigg, and 6f taken out ior repairs, must be reiplaced iith water closets as called for in this ordinance, on hopper closers will be allowed in out houses if pro- perly connefted with traps bel ww frost line. ,,All outside closets shall be installed as folios: Four inch standard cast, iron soil pipe fittiap"s ca"A'* with vlolteb lead and oakum be used, vent pipe to extend two feet above roof fitted witt cas'v iron vent top, hr if x 6 or P water seal, trap set below forst l'ine tank of at lr,ast fo,r �alloj capacity with flub pipe of not lesaw, than one and one fourth inches in dia, meter, wttb stops and waste cook on supply pipe, Tile pipe may Ve 0�; Any peronc,,, form, corporation or aseto6aticn of persons who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance or wbo shall refuse, neglect or fill to cot,,iply Cher, with, shall be d eemea p guilty of a misdowanor, a -ad ul,)oti conviction thereof. shall be fined in any sum no,", less than Five ($5.00) nor raw -e than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for eackb offewe. BUT I ON ��V 11 . All or4inaners and parts of ordinances in c6nfliot herewith, and particularly Seotion 490 to 528, inclusive of 0hapter 1. title 5 of the revised ordinance, of the City of Fort Worth, as codified by William D. Williams and Thor s J.Powell, be and the same are her, by repealed. AD0?rZD BY ITR BOARD OF G'ONVISSIONE OF TFE CITY OF F0',R,,I WORTH NOVEMBER kt,12, 1907.