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14, 11 W— If
r K/ rat . 1 t °r t i w, i t E l
OUT w;Y��.� ��� ;�l.�t°,�� �r P,���„mr ,_-0, hr. ,�'a,,. ;�,�,d��.��z.�fir�:� ���� �:'�w. .�b�����
ON � � f d 11, Sr"N”",U
);r' k
THE VAS a ,,1 ���. .t �
A,.,,,,i�x.° .&.t.,,x'- d as.,,, '-r,.sr„,°,. �� � .Md�k,a�n,,;x
kk 1f; P OVI1I„Rr
i%'�” ”i/ "�^" ;I,"f 11;•J e ';�fj r,J Ji °"1t.� 4r'��,,,,,r.� 4,�. t/1�r °s, 9 � i �� "fir A xl� r "��� re d ,r
$$ , ry {7
M„�i .e A at,rt wir �ta..ha fw !�,dN,I..�,:orw d,�b.,& �4. ;J. ,��,k 7'✓.�F�, ;;n ✓lfFM r,! , �� ,{!„� ,a.l.b/ti n4"Mn
,y IT 1,,, OF
ii", k1„P ?,lt k ,`, V"k"km tb
"'is k.1kr, bk kL� u, t the .�ilil kkr rS7i/s' s1,ta1 b,/ ,n,# �okk /,tnRk�/°
V h6 tray 'by t iJ?� ",ec t".V,n'n”.
b The ,'P% .F6 rI s tx i/A„
k_r, �%w lard+,'t� /?� kJl.Y"i" or Pi rrr;� p rr^t
tp"Je 11 If y oP
YkB ' he ,,vork s "motor bus" abal, ik,x1t,ktJ,e an
aut ilk obi:le p automobile t t;k Dr trackless motor
7,fkned' of s songs ryM or hir e within the PF�kk y lo i el fimr"s. IkMkdk°�„�kt4llharyy
fiR.ty of 50 .,o Ib,b'. ,(h.k,ch is ;k5t,&,d oat or wIX Vk.l'&o k,kkG„e a, by iktti .t v lc e,,, /tz,.i ,,'
Tkj�,$, dR°kiics”, G'kr kG,kre titpltkVT°tk.A”; to 4,tpV"6`d'y°1te or rum, f';k„k
be operated or ran, over a particulat street or route ox, to arry, Parti"'wi,-
lgr iCk " designated point, or between Ya! k& kl r or 1"o 0.N
any' 1;er'r1 :,vr p i s lmict,
�o,k' �r,�'r'�„� 'm
j /�/�1
'fix is shall pkifitan tik,tilpk #'kadwaa,e ezrq
or {rook"krkx`ty"
Section n 2; No (.,,';x” ,an. rkj/p,i or
. rlkip ?te to
operat ed kitk �w " nb f ;7i xs of
City ti,k Ilx "i o,1.�"
without first t bta,ro kt t u g rs license ,ixod, D7,o I li',0ekkki"Jou �0' I
rrk,R, ,�� k,k 1l r $ �"lu � >i r� ,isf f G, tir r n 4 a fi(,
g eh £ rl.,pr bur ktYa ,3L file 1io l r
,/ sr�r
�,, /i/i,,,;c%l/r
tlhiie 01;ity of n., mppl ii.cation,
(a) The type of motor to lr�6
(b) Th(,,�,, ),towse pc,"nwer,
(c) The factaryr tber0(1,,:1,'.
(d) Tl county ilo:Yew numb or tberoof.
"Lo its trw,,,5,.e
If 11,,o <ia.d t�,,,;r hi,,,A_ beex,�, f'(,,,,r t;lse z", N"I'S1,
eltber by con` ertine a frei.,? r
uari7ing vehicle, or by rya I to
the body or seat r,xr, of'
axryin,, motor
car, a statement of
H, adoAed, Ad thli,,,i
an(, mi,3 teriz1s usar,3, it"L macl', be
and age of of the, )as
betwee"",�.. ........
arated und ths Areet or streets wa,(:�,`:'P, alxit;or 1,,as is 'to
b f,,3 r tin, 1:x)th
The of Fire and lolice /,,,,.I,�,,,,l.,'I,'., 'refer srw1a t,,,pplication It
the Book of City Cownissioners Df the AQ, awth, ,uA, its nyxt
regaer nwetirqj, anwrixy; not less thari .2h after swe"11)
filiiMr, tagisther witb the thereon. Th,,e, an, mzay
'an't ice t An for license or th"S i/,T�,, ,J,�l,',',t',,'�difi,o'i'I
foi,,,�)"tt, tw if r,,,,ny mwh person designated see on
be not qualified as to sge, exper"ierice or, 6"r be :Izlk the o",:Av�darl,
Pjthe OpmMigis unfit Poluou 19 Pyarate
War car Waribed in the operation of flhe fy),otirz I'm S 0'r,tfxoit"'j"11
bumses over t1,,,,e 1""Ary 1"-easoy, of
be or to ssf(,,/ y, or Al! Sz,,/,,i(1
1),, 'I,t!oot trn wT,1"T1j1 i alas with the provisions Of fl,,,/�,i,,�,,
Upaxi the 0,1E, applivation J 1, 1
psyment oftba regAred license f e6, and t"I"ie fi] wi tl'�, hl,",(s 6/",f�/' t"/1"7 i, 1,,/zi
nity coxdtr,,"Ct herein, 'by the Commissioner
of ,.k'".4," ati.d 1,olice, tt'jie jIssessar iss,�'xe a oert,,+-
ficat"O of licte"I"Ise to r�f,,,�vrate, o".,, ctio,Rsr,,, to be op�arated tl,,�e at,, -
scribed, between the terminii stated, and no cAher terminii, pro-
,Yv,,ited in snob certificate t1tereaft.r,,x 'be
HOW "y Wer of the norrl of Q, lomd his tarers, e'ff the
,7,ort,h Jza its d4sox-stioti, u on the application of the jna%on hn1ding sadj,
Acenee, for whL(A,� a fee Df fifty aent.,,.,/,, be and col-
Seation 3: The pxovided, for axe f7ixed as
Pop each motor bus with a seatiry; capacity of five (5) Dr leas pez-
sons. includhe the driver, $10.00 per your; for each rj,,)o1,"or b'us
seating capacity of soven (7) or leas kit 'naore t1w,.T,.b five (5) persanys., in--
clyadirqT tbes driver, $PO.00 per yeor; for each motor bus capable of seat,
41 -St t ' vor,, v,/��HI,).O(.) �" rf� /10N
M j' s"
e e t i r),,,n,4: Th"i ifor eha],A 'be in
force txt.,ci, Offeet 0:1k_Iy 17o;4 calender yeat- izi lastiefl/.
I ' a l'i cold taae b,,,, i's waf,,,31' caledder
Of 11,�,ES
tl),,e for 'be orOLy b,,,,,t1f the: fee Ivrovided barok.
License for sudoosdizyr years shell bt,,, licerisis fee paiu,.] before
al,"," current, yaer, ,6vtkt iIs,'e ol," t 11. auto
operated sball have ten days after the taki"fa eff�`ect t1is to
Proon,a',a,re B"Cense and indeamity eontrarA to
pirff visiaz,iz of th,,,[,,Y
Sectlan 5: It shall be unlawf4h. 1-
(a) To drive or operate or cause to be d"'ri"Won or opsratd"
ata,,,. awtor aloi,7 ony street
forue and offeat a valid kce�,nse as prt,,isw),,)1bed in t1.,,,J.AS Orai-
nonce for op rb,vtio,,n, of stxcl,, mlotf,')r
(b) To stop any motor bas, or to permit stv,J"i, ",mob,",�r bu, 'to"
remain standing upon any street f or t1te
or unloading pnosengers, except sann�,,e be as trs
sible to Mx htnfJ,,, curb of street.
10) To drive or operate a amtor buz t 1 City,
license nudber thereof displayed in figurad not less then th ree
(3) inahes in heighth panawenUy paLy,,vted ow.,a o:�!�, attaC1,16t], to
thew body ar appurtenaseas of thhe body '1,),6tb 'the f`,t'=A an,.,,',3k,
(1:31) To i,,3rive or operete any motor bus without having per--
manently 4,1isp2eyod upon same U-ad nt,t ached to saInIM1,11111
a QM Dr ......... and rcrute,
I WON j"/ Of t,he cov-
tkf sfa,,av�,, bitmk diazice Wi tt,�,, tlrlo�
(0) aka "llrihre U,f, Opfante any awtor; 1',;,-uz d[Ule any pe,,,rYso,.n is
standing or upon any runniq; board or fender thereof,
ii or while any (fiersdItAs azi, kvy,�)tor buk�,Y, oataide the
li T
V fo 6 Son
3, r t
r a
or sit" upon any fender or boariJ. of mc'),Lf.�r
"kniz, or aft t'(.-upy 'T,,xq41 of' such mot'.'o',j b'tis outsRde a budy,
t rT
4 x& 'aOf while such m« tw! bus is operatlazt; or f`,,,�,i,r �uaore
one passenger to il"i fran,,,t sa,%,,tt.
M To or, apernto a )a.totor upori any street in 't,,he
Oity of Fort Arth ahlis,,so ta,�til th�(-,,,, won,,,,ter tb�,,,.',reof or tbe
Ua in v,,,hose ,tutrrw t,he fir Is or 1-sam"J.
slial"), beve pz,ocarea /`, deposited wi t'h the Oity ALOSessor ea,,,I�td
1G`r,,M,eetor of t),,,/,,,,e (""'ity of
premium on same to boys 1 ni pai I,
ly sM
love of the StAn of Texas, or to f3o i:t%
this State, agreeinq to indemnify Uhtf,,�/, of will
omaxer cnr Matuises of said motar bus z",ecoul'A of p",,',,,U rsonal in-
jury, in the Bum of five to ag
one person, other then a
,?"":a. r ,�, buz, anii
ton tbq, us,�,M;Jl Wars sin, e actfrideiit
mDre then one person, othar than a oz",i sri udi mclor bus,
is injured or killed, and one thouavu,('a, On.
aec(rait of property damage to any one !:,ht, 'i at'i
said moturbas, macruing on account of the operation of saL,5
motor bas it'i ntvty, of the oI�," `;,`,!`ort `,at'l.h. J1,„,x,(,.. HLie
event said policy of insuhnes abould for any reason be canaeled
or retired, it shall be unlawful to Co1,t-11DUB 'Az A, W",
sail Wtor 1,,ets zintdI. bem procue-ed,
and deposited with the City Apseanor a"n,3, oo raforessid.
Before filing of sAy sueb insurance cazatrfecl; "it s1z"a',"ll. first', I',",
presented to and approved by the Bosr(,I.', of o"'f"',
of Artb.,
(g) To W1, refuee or to "bus bet.msen
the MGM t-rat;,ed in the license for a period of not less
then twelve 1"I"Olars cruiu oI every f6ur ('A,,) hofv-G,
eyeapt qu Sundays, end a dada sonable :J,�,-,Vr to frola
meals, W in ann, of awidents, oth"'.er
or ,upor, the surr,-endnr of said licer.ose; or 'to ot, perm'i,t
to be iperated, any motair bus off o ', or JC'rlory,�a, fl,"!ip ruute
stnted and fixed in the for t)),e qi-mr,,,,,.,,,tI,on of m,,ich bus,,
t'i"ect"'IP't ik"I case of
(h) To xTee wi.tht nn-
,�fr U"(ato b"�',Is c�ir to ta
to pass one A."rder to be 1i'rst I'o passexv,Will
or to in"i',', one, w,,,,,AU.rv-, for a 1""Itu"', or ("Alle"I",
311 To tn:iy, tt�otor bus at rate of ,,P,,pesd 'Llhan
,t,;e r zr
j>aab o sQUM Men petr l t"bo
j) re(,.onstruct, maerial
alter, .m*,,,JArd, or 's4d to the,
body body or eeatim/,,!,,; of 'ru")t0l. Ii—
canoe thereof is leaued without WE fo��.- and receiving
the f,',-,ansent of tl,>e
(k) To rvm. amy"ator bus, AM-,,,,. thaa top betweel,,L, aun dw,,Izi
Bart up, tkis same is t or ligtta as
s b a,'Ll be
k�x p.4 to We l"J ut]:, t (,i C f M1 e t m r,,I,
1t N M w V `R M k' bias; I'We '
� """t+a z�,✓sr�i✓r� P ° �rky���s� *��r/�rr":"�'
u �uruu luu ' , u?6 ,h. �4' ?
air u,�4✓ ,,,
,rats„tic:,k,4 6 T'nf, ilk, "k'i J ,C ,ui il.d,,u.J4 .",l i,i,u,u N13uu, of ✓kf"k,%y 9ludrh"uu'„u" bets, ,',`k,aw,,
be 15"Lopped Jhu ru hNuu ," the loading and hk 1. ,Psis'u8!l6x, aal �'l
'R-re rc; fr s',p Phi.°'' of the mtre!nts a k`",t f" k "C^C"2ct i!Ckr"+;` the street "he awat,' ,';
buts is err ���r a opi,,,,xat sd 04” on the f ND; hPam,,J of th e,
the 1f11k"ul,or bus is h,P 1,zf, sNhG1r,.,hied. Said molLc9aY b'ix;,, It not be,
in ;,,E<ch position as wonld interfere with L`h,,e f,f`.,e of cross-,
g tq'; uhwffµµ,(oh',µµy.a,ix�ggCfryryruets, o s jr$� tiLlll`�"I`rfere with o uir;u se to m, Own N.N�,rfu:,vd con
k ey,a�"kf�il,.b"� II,:�p„k. such,
Section : Amp, person son ?dho W12 W12 violate ate tuiy of this
x nmkr.?h” 'r be guilty of fitisr.kfkm .'�RfIor, aft„ kkj(u4on 6'aril""+nvialf an tbereof»
by .h tciu,,,
S a % 8: In case of the cM{,rnv at or. ff h lliPr or erator of
guy motor bast of the violation of t t'ss th'i �� m�"��oP ��� � , , ba
be the WHY of l,lfr l 1+ Lice' to si,'x '9[
ti,)nC to tb.,,e BID,01lu of fry y;r„r 1;,,”¢�:A.'fYr.Akfkr,.0,a,hf,f".0"�, s� �uf6 'f 1, ;Lf� j:"r h4 �.k. iy " ecomiC"ffCf"11fJ$iILt Loo
The commission shall consider and act ffjGPrcfn f."im y re,--
or oantinue in ffkV"ce ",,ff.ob i"h f'VB Qut uheeml h ro` ,✓s,e.
ieotion `,of ,ua„Yy pe'Iw .e`w2Cf MUM a -risrf'NU`?e to operate a public
,.fru on'o',wUe in the r°.hty of NO °G,orth a time (hr.f. P tc�,k s
NfMat imy surrender the e fuame and shta.L l u,4'";°,.rcmahkon ent;,it],ed to cfredi
for h,;he P,rUa-bn c,r f the fkuues?pirec, port'icxii 1,1,;,eu">1of, �,iPGfr�,f,rl'huf„k f',4,',rifuuul,,u",ug to the
time, iu"a, payment of a license fee ill,m e Gnumf!.k.'s,f';,e i` 1"Y era,t a uly, u.' Yl,,Irltor
bus, as da;",tlmed i, rk;fin, prior to the in 4"1,kVPtu,i✓n 4�S". ilaax, rr f
�f i�,2!�l„s.fv�ika � LPofks�u
i r /Gill iiieri i i,
O qW,"l e "�°���l�hw��;lG�bile �oi���rknse, 'rho shall file an 'ffid i sting""Al t'""11111
bas eleMed to rA 4,,fi.0 e from u,m wPnahl j„run ll:fuea,es 76G1cffuse of the ufgh.o�tion Of this
�f u 4 S„fAaduuu awe uok�uuM i� be ian a lPlG.,k? to 'u`s f z),r i, Of ” ifu°r 'u a"'I a(a, a"u"`k° his
ad hass has prorated M ODrrh,:;u nq to Me,N provided, thz-tt afd d",affnP,I ovi t shall
be fuedo wh:'hW>in fifteen ( 'lq;) a<<r,ys Etter this oix Ou"ui.ufuta""ruuf'e 'ato O'J”"feet,'
u, r hl, u �� k, „rrqu M irrrii '�" �"ir Il i b
f .
Section 10t The holding or ad.ju(IAcat,,$on of any section or sub-
division of any section o ' this ordinance o be invalid shall not effect
the vaiidity oZ auy otlie-r s oction or oubdivi�ion of a section, but
other sa!:),Iivi�vicm of wotions AS! lie and renuniin in full
force and effect.
Section 11: So opeyation. of ai_l,; iaotor lbus otherwise tha* as pro-
vided in ELM is harehIT d6C;IFarEI6 a and menace to Pub-
lic ;� t��t��-, �:�' <<,a�1a.�-r.",.,:1.
Sa ion 12: Each W e7eqrlday'S ViOiCtiOn of this crdinEnce shall
constitute a usparate offense.
SeMon 13: A13 07'EMM01 W PUr,'tC 0.11,' Ord-InaMOCS 3T], colifliCt
with thi3 orC,_Wncn AM ba,nnd the vmme are in so far
in c
:111A no fort".-Icr,
SeHion A ThR orAnance z1vi1l A A. force an.' of feet, excre- t
as, Twircin otooraW provilad, Awn and Ater it, C;,qssa,,,,e an(I puiblication.
AP-orovod as, to forn.
11,fl w4mNS, ....................... .........
b certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa
I here y
preBentea and unEIniMO'a sly passed and adoPted by the Board of
Commissioners of the MY Of Fort worth at a regular adjourned 41'
session Of said Board held Monday February 15th
City Secretary.