HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1348 I„ a' - T J i J r J ORDINANCE YO. 134 „! AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ff OR THE SLTI3S�IIS�- RESIDENT QUA" IFIEO TAXPA�:"I T, ' T r C jl i/iaig/ilrrrP voo OF PORT 1,7071TH, TEXAS, P40POSITIONS ,+4j TSSli- MICE OF NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS OF S Y IIT THE AGGREGATE SUM OF CIX. MILLIO7T, ITI DRED FIFTY THOUSAND (,;5,950,000.00) DOLLS THE PURPOSE OF CONST 3UCTI ;G, INPROVIING e'` ENDING" STREETS THOROUGHFARES A'TD ST,7 SE FOR IM-- PROVING, REPAIRING AND EX;TL."TDIING ARY $Z111ER 3YS1 EV, AND SENAG,E DIjPC 3lL PLANT; ftCVI.TG AND EXT14NDING THE 3YST'EJ OF WAT7R FOR CON_ STiUCTING ,IIID -QUIPPING .i NEW PhUII" BUILDI:TG AND ACQUIRING IFE, SITE TH"`R*<FOR; 1ST71UCTING AND BUILDING A BRIDGE ACTIOSO LAX Tilt THE VI-. CII'AITY OF WHAT IS COI+,IUONLY KNOWNITI3TE MILE BRIDGE; FOR THE PURPOSE OF CRi ,,TT EVOLVING STET" 11APROV]aM111T UND; FOR 13UI j�^1D .i QUIPPIIIG A !M,17 MUITICIPAL AUDITORIUM .:NT) AI G THE SITE TH 7.1EFOR; FOR PU'�CHAS INN Y ACQ 1I., TD TT `?OVTITG LANDS AND ?70?}RTY 707 Pal' «1 00113T IUCTING, BUILDIPTGIwD EQUI PIi,G A ITIVd PUBLICIB1xiP; SAID RONDO TO BZ IN Su,CH DEhIOTTIITATI.7T1 AS IfABE DET ER- ?kNED BY 1HE CITY COUNCIL MATU'IING q-10m T lvr;, TO FORTY YEAR SROM THE DATE THER70F, RZAR, IIT- IYT71L'3T 6 I"ROY THD T11-,=0F, AT A `AT* TOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5,.a) PER C' vT PER ANNUM, PAYABLE SE11I-APTITU.m LLY, E - PRE aSED IN COUPOY 11OTFaS ATTACHED TO THE BONDS; CALL- ' 117E 7 ELTCT IO'_'T FOTO THE P"nP03F TO B71, itEL?) IIT THE CITY OF FORT WORTH,' TEXAS, ON TUB^ISDA77, THE LOTH DAY OF J".ATUAR , A. ?l. 1325. BE IT ORD,iIVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH: ft W SECTION I.' That an eleetion be held in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on Tuesday ,tte I Oh day of January,,, A. D.' 1828, at the Dolling -daces hereinafter mentioned, 'between the hours of Eight A. u., and Seven P: Tim` at which elocti n the fol_, louring Propositions for the issuance of bonds for the City of fort 'Forth shall be submitted to the resident qualified tax#:)aylnt voters of said City thorein:° Shall the CAI of 71,)�.,th, thr1,ii }1 i r 3 City Corx.a- oil, i sL7 its nogotia7,)le oou•oon tond3, x,°z rLL from five ('b) to fo7ty (40) yours, in t,'a.p Drincioal sun,, of One 1 il'tion, +ivcl- ilun,dro Thousand 01,500,0130.00) Dol ar. ;,, :" t'.IP nur-nose of constructing, in--)roving, and exten i._a', 6tregts, thoroughfa.':es arty, storm 3ewfr3 of said City, iTlClud1 r in slach ") rt?]a.17eZlt im9 ov ements the widening, n v inw , grade } and dreina," P '' y].., the first 7f kiz',ld ;3r1Y:;:ra beim .oa,ya')lc at the expira.tioa of five year., from the date -ft-areof, and sari,ally thereafter as may be determined by tie s i,! City Coun,;ii, ao that r;he last maturinq bonds Mail become payatle witsin forty (40) yoor.s from the date bhereof, be ariiq i_ztcreot at a rate not to exceed fire -:ger ccnt (Q,;) ra r annum frorr. they date thereof, -oayable semi--tvri ua,lly, an,i levy a sufficient to to pay the ii',„1 ora' ,,, ;7.1 -4,d '. bonds n-nd i rcntti: „i si-n«in8 fund sufficient to reriaom said bonds at the "incatur:ity thereof. III Shali the City of Fort Woriki, til'tja `#1 its City Coun- cil, iarrue itn ne'; otiaole c:)u�-on bonds, runiinJ ' from five (a) to forty (40) years, in the orinci-ril sum of One Million, One RaaCc :ed Thous%nO ( �1,100,000N00) TJAI—rs, for the -our- �* if imor.avin , uxt'ondinr7 `3,2"d e"tar in,-; the sanita,r7 sower syet.;ra and sow>a.Zc dia3 �osr;l --.)lP,nt of f suis'. Citi, the first of said bons beja7o','Vjab'Le at tiro ex ;irrytioa ;of five' (6) years from the date thea of, aid seri:,,11y thereafter as may be determined by the said City Coanoil, jo that the last rma:turin bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bca,rin; int ;rest cat <a rate n;t to ex- coed five nor oont (501) ac:r a,nnu:1 from the datu tacreof, payable uemj-anruf�:lly, and livy a ruzfi.ci.o t tox to gay the interest on said bonds ano ornate a s,iaxlsr�,. ,fund sufficient to redeem said p on, s at t1ac Shall tho City of Fort 17C)ftfi, th 7 J�t�h JL t'L' City C')Un-' cil, issue its ne,_� q I cti-Jolc c )unDn, bonds, r,allnil��' f.,7olt five forty (40) yc,,,Lrs, in the -principal sum of Tsai Hi=dred Thou- sand (4200,000.00) Dollars, for the -ourpose of li,-Inroving', ex- tenlir.v, anC, enlar-ii-z 16ha s-astam of watev'Yorl.-S -f Said City, the first of said bones beiiig pay-ble at the exn, '-ratijn of five years from the date and 6erially taereafter as may be determin3d by the said City Council, oo that th:) last maturing bonds shall become nayable within forty (410) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to ex- ceed five per cent per annum fror,.i the date thereof, lay able semi--annually, and levy a sufficient tax to --)Py the in- terest on Said bonds and create ,i sialcing fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thareof. IV. Shall the Ci"-:° of FDrt "forth, through its City Coun- cil, issue its negotiible cou-)on bonls, runnin7, from five (5) to forty (40) years in the nrincipal sum of One Million (41,000,000.00) Dollars, for the ,,)urnose of c-)w3tructinfq,,, erecting and equioninr� a neva Xanici­)a1 Bullcllinc,,, for the City of Fort Worth an,.. for purc"lacin:', rald acquirini,', t,'Ze necessary lands and site tiieratfor; the first of said bondo bein �)ayable at the -ex-oiratiDn of f'Lv(3 years from the drito tAereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined. 'rj the City Council, so t1int ta,: last mati..z:oing bonds shr),ll bec-)mc payable within forty (40) years from the late thereof, be-Lrin7 interest at a rate nA to exceed five :per cent ,)or annum from the date th,araof, -?Ftyablp semi-annually and levy a sufficient tpx to ---jay tl-ie interest on said bonds ari,� create a sinkin:-: fun,:! suf- ficient to Tedeen, Baj,(,i bon,ls it the :-iaturjty the7,eof, Shall the (Atya,. 17 Jr;. r c..l, issue its ne,­,)ti,zCcJ..e c,)ur)sTi to forty (40) years, in the Ha%�',rad Fifty Thousand ( 350,000.00) Dollirs, fox th,3 PuT-00ue of co, L,tructlng and building a brid�,c acroBs I-Lake Worth in said City in the viciniwy of what is o,)n-nionly known as the OXile Mile BridgeO , the first )f said bonds beix,.g payaole at the e:zjjiratiori of ilve years fxoni the date thereof, end scrially thea:eaftor as r.qLy '0e do„ i,mined by the said City Council, so that the 'Last matuzixg bonds shill become pa- yRble within forty (40) years fro-iA tho ��;;ta thereof, bearing intsrost at a rete n)'. to exc�.ai fire (5%) -?fr cent or annum from the date tbere- of, nayable somj­ani-ivally, ani: levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on sjia b%jetz-, and create a sinkinv ,, fund suffi- oient to redeem said bon�ls at the maturity thereof. VI. ShJl the City of Fort Worth, throuTil its City CDun- oil, issue its no-otiablc ccu-)or- bonds, runnin,:r, from five (5) to f0:11-ty \"4G) years in tho princin.-Il sum of Three Hundfed Thousand ;5;300,000.00) aonars, for thepuTpose of creating a permPx.,en-'I- 3.ev,)?,,.,Jne, btre°.I� im-,)rovement func, to be used in pay- ing for any cnaa-act-lr of strea-c im,)rovement or part thereof, the cost of which may ba isseascd a,-ainst -)croons and ,property specia,lly benefited under the teams of the Charter axid the Laws governing such mattar5; it being c)ntemplated that such fund shall be used merely to adveance the money necessary for such work in, connection with the cost of such irri-n-rovements, until the cpec-,Lal assessments shall have been collected and such re- volving atzeet imnrovement fun! shall be recompensed from the said special asoessments and said 'fund shall be used over and I over in the manner as aforesaid, the first of said bonds being ;sayable at the expiration of five years from the date thereof, end serially thereafter as may be delerminna by A5 My Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall 'becorre ,way able Within forty (40) years from the date theroof, bearing inter� eGt at a r^to not to exceca fiv, -,er cont W,,'4 per anwuyn from the Ante thereof', payable qcmi and levy a sufficient t c,w to y t h e i n L c r z a t on s,, id "u c 9 '-z d o T e at c; a s i-a I.-J rug And MMOUM Q i'=__ LM W!M YnAp nt thn wntarity tbereof, VA" S'aali t,io City of F-.)rt 17orth, throuE-,h its City Cour.- oil, ioisue its ne:roti,,-,,b2e cxcpon bonds, runnir,,,,; from five (5) to fo:'ty (4C-) in tb.o-,iiinoj-pal suxi of One Yillion, Five Hvndr36. ThjuEand fe I the pur-?C;se of buMing and rm:,nj-,'-,i-pal v,uiJ,toQuIll for said, W!, and for jmroirzitg t" - e ssar g te lands and site therefor, the first of said bonds being payable a, the expirati3n of five years :+ Y,-om the dsite tricreDf, and Eurially thereafter ma may be by 't"he t,ity Ci'-until, so thtt W lost naturing binds shall boco-i.qe 7,rtyrible within forty (40) yea::9 fio'.,n the ixrtGe thcre)f, beaa:ing interest at a rate not to exceed five (54o) -jer cent ger =num from the "Late thero,jf, p-t:- ,tle pati sia.ruilly 'Uld levy n sufficient tax to ,),-,y th,; interest onGaiC'. b:)nCs an create a sinking fund suf— ficiens to mode said bondo at the m-iturity thereof. Vill. Shall theCity of Fort Worth, throu,,Ii its City Coun— til, issue its noCotiable counon bonds, runnin!" fron five (5) to forty (40) yeaze in the sun of Three Hundred FiAy Thousand (10350,000,001 Dallaro, for the purpose of puxchas— tiqr, acquirin,,,> aa . iir,)r-')vin7 an,%7o and for public ia-.ke in the lit y of F-)rT, Worth, t'no firq-�: rjf h,,17,itt b,-,rAq baing plyrIle, M! the OXIVOtion of Me Yaws *M'2 Wa, A-00 whareat, amd. SLZMAY :,hare after ac may be datuTmIntA (At""" (Ix n- cii ; Eo mhut zte lapt maturin; nfvr[.b-l-, M forty (40) years Nom theQnLe thcrnif, toning Atarant at a riza not tc 1XICO! five Q nr5r ot;yn. rje-" Panurr. fz-,"n thf, dawj thoomf, paybilu -ic.L:f Ievy a sufficlant A:, to Day the lnwkesu on said OW; and create as stakyag Ond wf ficiGnt *c!-) relaem said banGH Lzl tho tAturity thereof Chall the Oity of Foot "Aorh, th-nougn its City Coun- OU7 ismie its cou-,,?on Ijondo, 7?unning from five (3) to forty (40) iiurm of Six Kun�red Ftfty ThouBand of construct- ing, building =d nwr -?ib3i-- !Abrary for the City of YOO 7,rth %& :a; wuonlssQg� nyxl acqui.ring the n. Qoessary lands and sit thcrofw, the "-L:-et if saiu bonds being able at t?2j Df tive .;scars from the Arte thereif, and, -,ieri<O.Iy -tE� racy 111,:l daterm. inu�! the City C-un- cil, so tl:Ipt tae laj,r, maturing bonls shall become rith- i'(1 'l!rj:ity kl' O) yowra from the date thoreof, beliring, interest at a rate r,.::t r, exoued five (3%) ?ar ceat net annum from the Cate tharoof, -,)!tyabiti sezu.-arnw.111y, and levy a sufficient tax t:) ?ay t'ha interest iij. %&3a Iy,)nue ansa create rt sinking fund suffWent to rvdeam said liondki est the maturity theroof. I 0 7 C 107 11 3aid election shall be held at the following -)laces, with the folloviing named persons aoaointed presiding jud:3,e of said election, to-wit: BOX LOCAT 1011 1 TT D.1.14 74, 1 Fire Hall W. A. Abey 2nd & Commerce 2-N Court House in B. IV. Provine Basement 'Nc,,st Zid 2-9 Office Citizens Saving A. G. Johnson & Loan Co. 607 Ehrocknor- ton 3-E Fire Hall-1401 Kennedy G. C. McClanahan 3-71 Fire Hall-16th cl Jones Lee Stubbs 4-E Fire Hall-Central Station F. C. Fuller Throckmorton & 74onroe 4-W Rotary Park W. B. Renfro 7th & Summit 5-E Grxlands Store ',I. F, Garland 1101 M. Hattie 5-Iff Hissouri Ave. Methodist H. R. Zimtzierman Church-522 1,2lssouri Ave. 6-F, Sweet is Mattress Factory hiss Ella Bideker 606 3. Main 6-C Fire Hall T. L. PetaTomith & Fulton 641 Lor.,iond & Son-lios)ital A. N. Evans Drug Store-1406 Penn- s llv,,,tnia Fire H.rill-New Xprk & Major J. Z. Graskill M,iddox 7-NE Police Station 111. B. Collup 1101 Missouri 7--SE Worth Drug Store Mrs. C., E. Dinkins 2300 Evans Ave. 7-3 J. R. Black's Residence J. 7. Black 957 Mulkey 7-9111 3tand Pi-oe Laundry 1825 Ilay BOX T OCATTOIT j T 7jr�, 7—NW Eager Furniture Co. J, p r-:,-C B—ITZ Snyder Bell Grocery Co. J. A :D,-,r 117i JO i e 1117 IN. Magnolia 8—SE Gaither"s Drug Store F. 1. "Taither 1601 Collo(;,e 8-Im Cyrus Dru.,7 Store C, S. Knott 1314 Magnolia 8-SIT Sterrett's Drug 3t,:)re -9-Q;n J. Hines 2001 6th Ave. 9-E Fire Hall-Peach -3treat :1rw. 3). T. ",calker 9-71 Court 'House-in Basement .6tanloy limlet East End 10-1; Stewart's Drug Store E. J. nosey 2325 Hem-ohill 10-0 Fire Hall-2800 Homohill Jo hn J. Ray 10-8 Service Drug atore J. 7'. 'Eoffington 3101 I-7emjhiil ii-E Fire H-11-12th & N. Main K. qobcy 11-31V IF cl-ntoc' Drug 3tore 71. 0. Bellamy 710 71. Contral ll-NII Part-; Itre,vt Grocery J. ^. Goff 905 Park 12-E North Main Drug Co. Mro. 7uosrill Babcock 2401 ',Torth M-,in 12-7 Triaity Methodist Church C. P. Mt Irtin 25th & Azle 13-N Fire Hv.11-1500 E. Hattie I. If. Boyd 13-0 Glenn's Uattres.s, Factory 7,*. V. Jones 1914 Vickery Blvd. 13-8 Johnson's Phanniacy R. H. Dodd 1349 Richmond Ave. 14 J. ?. Edmondson Grocery Milton Heath T,C.U. 3016 Gibson 15--3 Hudson's Grocery Hatt At two od Br-)oklyn Hts. ,3tovo Fouiidxy 73-)ad 15-11 Practical Tool & ,-tccl Co. A. C. Coker Van zandt 3017 7th 3t. 16-V, Fire Hall Goo. B. Gay Arlington Carl�,t.-,)n St Cnn:ij 7, 1vd. Hts, BOX io 01"1'2 ION 3.6-W A:71in4ton "rite. 7, Arlia,gton Hto, 4702 B:?yoe 17 Vance's Store Rosen Hts. 280 Azle Ave. is 016 Niles City Hall 7. 7. Whit�� Diamond Hill Decatur Road 19-N 'Tirc, Hall 'Ziverside Riverside 19-8 Cd(:! Follo,"Vs 11,1,11. :17s. 07cn Bro�,,m R I iverside -Riverside 20 11flothDdist Church Mrs. Lon Evans oyoamore Ht s. 2300 Bomar 21-17, Frazier Drug 3tDro J. M. Lanham Polytechnic 800 TNTashvillc 21-C Fire Hall-Vaughn 3treat J. R. Jackson Polytechnic 22-s .7-Dindexter's Pharz,,mcy H. C. Witt Polytechnic 2?M Bi Whop 23-,E IN-aitley's Drug 8t-)re E. T. Jenkins Prairie Chapmpoll 41102 23-77 3Gminary Filling, 3tation L. 14. Janes ;�em , inary Hill 2123 Grmibrell 24 1,,,jiQtjetr)O Tits. Phr-,Tmacy 7E. D. Rutledge Mistletoe 2144 '7. Rosedale 25 -1-1rviilton1 s Grocery W. J. Horner Washington 3121 11. flouoycon fits. 26 Lacy's L.),ke 3ide Inn J. B. Lacy Lake TT)rth 27 1fethodiut Church C. 'T, . Atkinson 3agamoro Sagamore dill A370TION III. That said. election shall be held under the wovi- siols of the Oinrt,�r of the City of Fork -Wortlft, Texas, the ConL-,ti,uu,ft-)n and Loms of said state, in s� fn r as same may be applicable Rnd roside-,it qu,��iifiod proDcrty taxpaying voters is said City slie%ll b;3 all ),,,;rod to vote ,.i,),.)n said -)ropositions. 3ECTION IV, Each for the shall be ser-ar--Ltely o,- ­�a , , , upon eRch issue seT)an%tcly ,tnd, rL-.)nrt ft tii,., All voters who favor the prop,,..,.L Lion 1 -_ssuc the street imnrovomant bones shell have written or -?rinbcd up— on their ballots, the worJo; "For the issuance of street improvement bonds." And those o-)o(m3ed shall have writteii or orinted u;)— on their ballots, the viords- "Argrainst the issuance of street in-)rovement bonds." All voters vho favor the -pro-)ositi3n to issue the bonds for the ournose of im,)rovinrg and extending the sanitary sewer system and seT�age disi_)osal plant of City of Fort Forth, shall have written or orinted u—,:)n their ballots, the words. ' For the issuance of sanitary sei7er and se,,,Tage disoosal b.)n( s." And those opoo3ee shall have written or orinted unon their ballots, the 147ords: "Against the isaupzca of sanitary server and sew— age dis,,000al bonds." All voters �7;ho favor the pro,)osition to issue the bonds for the Pur-ooae of irr)r,.)ving anct extending the system Of 7'aterworks of the City of Fort 'forth shall have written or printed moon their ballots, the words: "'For the isjuLance of waterworks bonds." And those oo-)osed smell have writ-ten or printed upon their ballots, the w,)rds: "Against The issuuace of waterviorks bonds." All voters who favor the pr000siti,)n t issue the bonds to cinstract -i new 'Aunicinal Buildin,:))- in the City of Fort 7orth, shall h,,ivo writton or ­)rinted u-)on their ballots, the words: "For the issuince of 14uiioi,)-,l Building And thooe o�)­,),)sed j'aall have written or nrizatad uo— on their ballotz, the rorfts: "Against the j.smance: of 11unici*p%1 Buildling- toads, ` All vaiers vho favor the 6c) bonds to build an-J, cmat2uct a bridge -t:rz-,ss laLke Worth in the City of Fort Torth, ehall have written o,. printed upon their ballots, the wordi, "For the isovaaoc cf Lake 17orth 132:tdge bonds." And those ovionad shill havc written an wrLnted mon their ballots, the royds,, ''Against ',h(. iJsuan,­3 of Lake 17orth Bridge bond3.14 All voters Y, o favov the -pronositlrn t-) issue the b)n:�s for the purpo,,e of a revolving strc,st DT.­)r,)ve!rI_-,nt fun(I. for theCily of F)rt Worth, aftull native lTritton or or::rtcd their ballot-s, the iliord!3: I-F.T thc. tr,�i,,.ance of ; revolving strc, t innrovo-- Ment fund,l And Voss >.:t: nQ slail. have written or printed uqwn their ballots, th,c vl.DrdQ,� IAga-.Yxt 'hp issuance of a ravolvin;; street im— rov ­.,,.icnt fvnd.. A.11 vo-u,ers wh:) f4,v-).r the 1,D issue the bonds to construe n muMai?al eudit.Drium in the City, of Fart Wo2t'h., ohall hr:uc v.,ri.tton or -,jrintod u',,?5n thoir ballots, the walls: !'F)r the idouancra of !-tiunici-,):1.1 nu(litorium bonds," And those nqpomd shall have written or -printed upot their ballots, the words: .,ai.iist the issuance of municinal auditorium. bands, " All voters who favor the 3ro-oosition to issue the band8 for the -our,))se of -mrchr-sing, lands otherwise im— )rovdng the nag-ks of tlie City of Fort 'i7orth, ohLll have writ— tea or ­)rinte d uoon their ballots, the vords: "F:)r the ire,,ivanoc -if Tx-,o:k b,)n(,!s.1I Axid those oo-cosed shall have written ir printed ua)on their ballots, the words: "Against tale issuance of dark bonds..') All voters who favor the -,)ro-,)ositiDn to issue the bonds for the purpose of building and equinping a new Library, shall have written or printed upon their ballots, the words: "For the issuance of nevi Library bonds." And those onnosed shall hsvo written or nrinted u,)on their ballots, the %rords: "Against the issuance if new Library bDn,.!!s.11 SECTICN V. The way and manner of holding; this e-,)eci,,,,l election, the notice to be given therefor, the iollin"r nlaces, the 7.)er- sonnel of the officers who are to hold the sane, ,.nll all de- tails connected with tho holdia� if the election shall be de- termined and arrc.n,­3,ift by the City Council and proper notice of such matters shall be given in a proclamation by the Mayor. SECTION Vi. That the Secretary-Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to prepare ballots and stamp same, "Official Ballot" , on which ballots shall be printed all the propositions as have been set forth hereinbefore. SECTION VII, That all of said bonds shall be in such denominations as may be determined by the City Council and shall mature ser- ially beginning at the expiration of five years and mature in the regular order in which they are numbered; making the last bonds mature within forty (40) years from they dstte thereof, unless the City Council, in the exercise of its discretion shall otherwise provide for such maturity and said bonds shall be sold at not less than and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five r)ar cent per annum, payable semi- annually., SECTION Viii. Thit '6he Secretary-Treasurer shall furniah election officials said ballots, together with any other forms or blanks that may be necessary to hold said election and make their re— turns in accordance with the Charter of thaOity of Fort Worth and the Laws of the State of Texas, in so far as same are an. -olicable. SECTION IX. A co,?y ,)f tt,ig ordinL-)re: si�;ned by t'nc Mayor of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, nnd attested by the City Secretary_ '-, Surer, Ph.- ! Pnrge as a nronar notice of said. election. SECTION X. The 3ecrabiry-Tr3asurar is hereby au,hDrized and di- rooted to cause said notice of the election to be posted up at the City Hall and ono in at least one )ollinq solace in every ward in said City, alt least tweiity full days prier to the d:�),te of said election. SECTION Xi. The Secretary-Tra-,surar is fuTthor authorized and di- Tected to cause said notice of the election to be pu'olishad in some daily news-.oD,-)er of general circuln.,cion for five days before the date :)f said olecLic)n rund thpt the first nublicatiln thereof shall not be less than twenty full days before the date on which such election is held. SECTION XII. The holding; or adjudication of any section, 'Portion, or part hereof, to be invalid shall not affect -6ac validity of any section, portion, or lDv.rt of this ordinance, but all such other sections, oortions and .)arts hereof shall be and remain valid. ME This ordizw=3 eviall the (uffeot a-ad be, in full force and effect from and �%fter the dare �f ite and it is 'WK oremined. C 1 T-Yj qFe,�,Z, WORTH ATTEST: N O r- I I. L. VanZan,,*Lt- J, City e67_ r 6 Zr�, _ reasurer APPROVED AS TO 'FORM: R. E, Rnver City Attorziey.