HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3248 y, ORDIDIANCE NO. ',7 All MINANCE PROVIDING FOR '151E IJ!,VY AM COLLECTIOU U' AN ANNUAL DTIMCT AD Vld,0104 TAX ON ALL PROPERTY, PML, PER- SONAL AND MIX&M, SITUATED W19HIN THE TERRITCRUL 1114IT'S OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, '17sXAS, UD U1 PERSONAL PROP- ERTY OWIZI) IN SAID Ulrf OF F(YRT W(JRTH, T=S, ON "ME FrRST DAY OF JANUAKY, A. D. 1954, EXCLIT!T ',AJC'T1 PROFERTY As 11ULY BE, EMIPT FRM TAXALTION DY UIE" COMSTITUTIOff AND LAWS Of? THE STATE OF IMMAS. 13E IT ORDATIVED T.Kf THE CITY OCKJDA71, (F` 9110 CITY 0P ]�ORT WGRIll, MUM: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied and sbal]. be collected, i,,zs provided by law, asn annual direct special ad -,;&lorem tax for the yeuar 1954 for the strppo-it and maintenance of a free Ptiblic Libzmry in tbe Citi+ of Fort Worth, Texas, of five cents W) on every Oie Hundred Dullar ($100.00) valuation on all prop- erty, real, personal and mixed, situ a, ed in. and all personal property owned in the City of Fort 'Worth, TerAr,, an the first aIay of Jantkary, A. D. 19154, liable under the lav to twzatioa and not exe=,E)L therefrom by the Constitu- tion and laws of the State of Te�,uts. SECIIEI'011 Ii. There is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as provided by law, an annual direct special ad valoren, tax for the year 1954, for the use and benefit of the Park Fuad of the City of Fort 'Worth, Texas, of nine cents (9¢) on every one Hundred Dollar ($100.00) valuation on all property, real, personal and mixed, situated in and cal personal property owned in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the first day of January, A. D. 19541 liable under the law to taxation and not exaupt therefrom by the Constitu- tion and laws of the State of Texas, which levy, in the aggregate sum of nine cents (9j), as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby apportioned: For Park operation, v"intenanae and upkeep, 9 cents. SECTION III. There is also hereby levied, and there shall be collected, as provided by law, an annual direct special ad. valorem, tax for the year 1954, for the use and benefit of the Recreation Fund of the City of Fort Worth, Bmxas, of four cents (4j) on every One Hundred Dol.lar ($100.00) valuation on all prop- erty, real, personal and m:Lced, situated in and all, personal property owned in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the first day of January, A. D. 1954, liable under the law to 'taxation anti not exempt therefrom by the Constitu- tion and laws of the State of Texas, which levy, in the 84- m gregate sum of Four cents (4¢), as aforesaid, shall be and is hereby apportioned: For Recreation operation, im.tintenance, upkeep and to pay interest on Recreation notes and warrants, 4 cents. SECTION IV. That there is also hereby levied and there shall be collected, as pro- vided by law, an annual direct special ad valorem tax for the year 1954, for General Fund operations and for servicing of G'aneral Obligation Bonds out- standing of the said City of Fort Worth, of 1.49 dollars on every One Hun- dred Dollar ($100.00) valuation on all property, real, personal and mixed, situated in and all personal property owned in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, on the first day of January, A.. D. 1954, liable under the law to taxation and not exempt therefrom by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. The Commissioner of Accounts shall pal), each week to the Interest and Sinking Fund forty-five per cent (45%) of the current taxes collected for General Fund operations and debt service Luitil $3,074,936.09 has been paid to the Interest and Sink1ng Fuz.id, after which all of said collections will remain in the General Fund. In this way the General Fund will absorb any Interest and Sinking, Fund delinquencies axid in consideration of' which will receive all delinquent tax collections the entire year. The servicing of General Obligation Bonds outstanding shall be and is hereby apportioned for the use and benefit of the said several series of bonds of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as follows, respectively: SECTICU V. That these special tax levies, which are hereinbefore made, to provide for the payment of interest and to create a sinking fund or to discharge and pay principal and interest on any dbligations due or owing by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, are not to be Laken as in addition to levies for the same purpose in the respective ordroan nes authorizing and creatinf.,,; such ob- ligations, but the levies hereinbefore ritade ei,re made pursi=t to and for the purpose of carrying out and complying with the provisions of said prior ordinances, and ad valorem taxes herein—"re levied upon all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, sibiated. in and all perions.1 property owned in the City of Fort Forth, Texas, as assessed, valued and described in the as- sessment tax rolls and the tax books of the City of Fort Worth, Mas, for the year 1954, aad any supplemental assessments thereof, as the same have been or sball be presented to the City Council of the City of Fort Wbrth, Texas, by the Assessor and Collector o? Taxes of said City of Fort Worth, Texas. SM , -MIUN VI. That the taxes herein levied and withori :and and required to, be, coI- lected shall be and Tjecouw dU1.- End payable in two equal Installments. The first installment, which anount sha;t 1l. be fifty per coah (54) of the total sum of the taxes due and payable for the current yeai,­, shall be due and pnLy- arale on the first day, of October, A. D. 1954, and the oecond Imstallment, which amount shall be the ivnnining ftfty per cemt (50%) of the tot',tl sum, due and payable in taxes for the curreM year, shall becccui due anc.) jx.aytjble on the first day of April, Y'L. D. 1955. SECTICS V11. The first installment of taxes reqpired to be paid by virtue of this ordinance for the current year shall become delinquent an the first day of December, A. D. 1954, and the second installment of taxes required to be paid by virtue of this ordinance for the current year Hall become delinquent on the first day of June, A. D. 1955. BECTOON TIJI. Should any taxpayer permit his taxes to become delinquent, that i3 to say, should fail or refuse to pay, the first installment, said installment being fifty per cent (j a) of the total amoturt of taxes due for the current year, before the first day of December, A. D. 1954, ,as above specified, then and I.n tIvit event, the second kasUallment shall also irnnediately become clue and delinquent and a penalty shall attach to the, payneat of such taxes at the rate of one per cent (111,) per month, or fraction thereof, for each month thereafter; and should any taxl,)ayer pay the first installment of his taxes as hereinabove provided, but should permit the second installment of his taxes to become delinquent, that is to say, should fail or refuse to pay said second installs nt before the first day of June, A. D. 1955, as above specified, then the penalty shall attach to the, payment of the second install- mcint at the rate of one per cent (11%a) per month, or fraction thereof, on each month thereafter. S3, ECTION TX. That said penalty of one per cent (11 ) per month shall be added to said taxes in the event the paywnt thereof s1kill become delinquent as above set forth and said penalty shall attach on the first day- of each month there- after, until the taxes shall Irave been paid, which penalty shall be and, be- come a part of said taxes an.-I. be payable as such; and provided further that in the event of the publication of the delinquent tax lists, or if suit is brought to recover such taxes and penalties and the delinquent taxpayer shall be subject to the payment of said tv,,Tes, penalties and costs, and the same shall be and become a lien upon tle property of such taxpayer, as prescribed by the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the laws of the State of Texas, the said taxes with permil-ties aml costs shall be an,d bec-oze. mad they are hereby made a Ix.tramoimt lien to all. othe�r liens whatsoever on the property on which said truces are levied. 11;ECTION X. Should any part, portion, section or lart of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid or inoperati+jre or void for arty reason by a court of com- patent jurisdiction, such decision, opizi-Ion car jLu.,kagnent shall in no -way afl'ect the remaining portions, parts, sections or parts of sections of this ordi- nance, which provision shall be, rervain and continue to be in full force and effect. SEX37TION XI. That this ordinance shall take effect w,.id be in full force and effect from and after the date of its pasmage as provided by lay. Mayar ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED PS TO FO'RN: City Attorney SRSIRS DZgCRI I4'g » MM ; GRIM TOTAL 7,x''1" 36 Storm Sewers 86 100 3,750-00 *000TO 37 General Funding 176- 240 6,250.04 .441.1:6 38 Street Improvement 81- 90 2,500.04 .44447 39 Light Extension 46- 54 1,250.00 .00w,3 municipas 624-loon 57,950-p0 .01471 41 Street Improvement 465-'800 47,025.00 .00871 1+2 Lig4t Extension 146- 250 15,004.04 .40278 43 Fire Protection 117. 204 11,025.00 .00203 °44 xunclpuls 6711250 73,90.00 .01368. 46 Street lrovement 333-'500 21,2 5.44 -00"P 47 Incinerators 34- 71 3,665.44 .00066 48 Parks 65- 100 4,552.50 00064 49 Recreation 65- 100 4,552.50 .04084 46 street Improvement 833-1000 21.,560.00< .40399 48 Parks .165- 204 4,620.04 .00Oa5 49 Recreation 147-,170 3,080-00 000,58 46 Street Improvement 1389-1600 26,031.25 . 1 48 Paries 384. 500' I ,781.25 .� �+ �46 Street Improvement 1980-2013 1 ,534.00 .443 2 46 street improvement 2414-9240 7,480..40 .00139 52 Street Improvement 358- 704 35,577.50 .006 8 55 LakeWorth Bridge 81- 150 7,975,44- .448 52 street 14rovemeat 10&5-1500 43,294.40 .44844 55 LOke Wort. Bridge 199_ 250 5,396-75 .00 100, 51 Arterial Thoroughfares 111- 250 13,483.75 .04250 56 street Maprovoment` 66-" 154 7,942.54; .,00147' 57 Fire Protection 116- 254 14,222.50 .44263, 58 Airport 71- 154 8,681..25 .041.60 51 Arterial Thoroug;bfares 386- 550 1.6,425.40 .00303 56 Street Improvement 446- 800 35,975.44 .00665 57 m'ir'e Ploteetlon 361- 40 313,�,�, , �' 58 Airport 2 _ � 13,3 .''60 .Z01- 56 Street improvement 1053-1400 33,255.00 .4061.4 58 Airport 443- 500 5,542.54 .00142 56 Street Improvement 1444-1455 3,688.75 .;44469 59 Ruing 726- 778 54,292.50 .41444 51 Arterial. Thoroughfares 694. 800 14,652.50 .00197 56 Street improvement 1508-1575 7,128.75 .00131; 62 pleas. Grds., Pks. & P1gds. 274-'688 43,117.54 .40796 (64 Pleas. Grds., Pks. & Plgds. 119. 189' 11,327.54 .44210 (64 Pleas. 4rds., Pigs. & Plgds. 190- 250 1,982.50 •40037 56 Street Impmvemient 1716-1.915 21,409.00` .00389 65 i.tY-CoWtY Hospital 60- 138 7,866.75 .00145 66 city nail & jail 117- 275 15,775.04 .43291 67 Library` 79-`220 11,212.50 .04208 68 Airport 4,34-1Coo 52,947.50 .009 69 greet improvement 147- 340 18,365.00 .0344 7a" Garage 4 Repair Sbop 70- 166 8,047.50 .04149 (69 street iA rov nt 420- 455 9,630.44 .00179 w„ (69 Street Improvement 456- X65 1,925.44 .00036 (72 Marine Creek Drainage & Overflow 71- 102 8,560.00' .00159 �72 Marine Creek Drainage & Overflow 1034 goo 1,715.00 .04031 68 Airport 1074-1157 9,835.00 .0011 ,68 Airport 1158-1. 54 1,162.50 .' " ( 9 street improvement 718- 91.1 21,840.00 :0004 oo403 9 Street Improvement 912-1112 2,51.2.50 .c 44' 73 Airport 206- 473. 30,540.04 -00564 73 . ltPort 474- 750 3,462.54 .04464 �74 "Street improvement 124- 287 18,555.00 .04343 74 Street Improvement, 288- 453 2,075.44 00039 73 Airport 821-"915 12,790.44 ..00237 (73 Airport 91.6-1050' 3,037.50 .44457 74 Street Xvrpvemnt 679- 970 39,500.00 .04730 4 Street Improvement 971-1403 9,742.50 .44184` �$ RIBS DESCRIPTION � '!"OPAL LEVY 75 Park 49 110 $ 0,170.00 $.44151 75 Park 111 200 2,025.010 .00038 (76 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 15- 30 2,300.00 .00042 N77 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 31- 50 450.00 . 9 AgriculturalLivestock Exhibit Bldg. 120- 273 21,890.00 .00404 Agricultural & Livestock Exhibit Bldg. 274-+500 5,107.54 .00094 (74 Street I rov w nt 1577-2971 34,x.40 .00645 (74 Street Improve t 1972-2153r 4,095.00 .00076 77 Agricultural & Livestock Mbit Bldg. 678-1070 34,,860.00 .00644 77 Agricultural &Livestock Rxhibit 1dg. 1071-1250 4,050.00` .00074 77 Agricultural & Livestock Mbit Bldg. 1304-1454 12,662.50 .40234 (77 Agricultural & Livestock Exhibit Bldg.. 1455-15010 1,265.00 .00023 (73 Airport 110,5-1158 10,350.00 .00,191 (73 Airport 1159-1275 3,217.50 .00060 (74 Street ToRrovement 2256-2357 19,550.00 .00361 (74 Street Improvement 2358-25`78 6,077.50 .00112 (73 Airport 1521-1863 57,062.50 .01055 73 Airport 18&-2500 19,xlo.00 .00353 Street improvement 2869-3274` 67,525.00 :01249 (74 Street improvement 3275 4,028 22,620.00 .00419 (76 Pisygrouwu & Recreation Park 81- 122 6,975.44 ;OQ130 RPlaygrounds &Recreation Park 123-,,;-200 2,34-,o.00 .00043 Street Improvement 4029-4678 27,87'5.00 .00515 Street Improvement 4679-63,28 41,35,0-00 .00764 (75 Park 201 250 6,375.00 .0013.8 (75 Park 251 300 1,250.00 .00023 (76 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 201- 254 6,375,40 .4013.8 MPlaygroups & Recreation Park 251- 300_ 1,250.00 .00023 Street Improvement 6329-6770 6,630.00 .00122 (74 Street Improvement 6771-8500 30,275-00 ,0,0564 (75 Park 341- 34o 600.40 ,00011 (75 Park 341- 500 5>,8W.00 "3 (76 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 301- 312 180.00 .00043 (76 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 313 375 1,102.50 .04020 (81 Incinerators 1- 64 9643.40 140018 (81 incinerators 65- 320 4,480.00 .00082 (82 Art & Children's Museum 96- 215 58,800.00 .01088 82 Art & Children's Museum 216- 265 625.00 .00011 Atte & Children's Muse 266-'840 8,025.00 .03149 (74 Street improv at 8541-8564 20,400.00° :00378 (74 Street Emprovent 8561-8780 3,854.00 .00471 (74 Street govt4r 00 .00081 83 Airport 71,540.00 .01322 Airport 211-. 13,475.00 .00250 (83 Airport 981-1750 15,400.40 .00284 84 Street Improvement 101- 150 51,100.00 .40944 (($4 Street Itxrpr9v t 151 704: 9,625-00 .01179 (84 street improvement 701-1.250 11,000.00 .00203 (75 Park 509 540 9,120.00 :00169 (75 Park 541- 548 240.00 .00004 75 Park 549 700 4,184.40 00078 76 Playgrounds & recreation Park 381 400 5,704,44 .00105. �76 Playgrounds & Recreation Park 401- 445 1543.00 .00002 76 P7,,aygr, . &Rec tion Parke 406- 500 2,61,2.5o :OW49 84 Street Improvemem,t 1350-1745 U2,993.27 .0 (84 street Improvement 1746-1:844 2,970.00` .000,54 (84 Street improvement 1845-372.5 51,727•50,, 0Q957, (85 Children's to ,; 9- 40 9,120.00 .00169 (85 children,a Museum 41- 48 240.00 .00044 85 Children s Museum 49- 200 4,180.00 .00078 street improvement 3726-5525 248, 0.40 .o4593 (84 Street improvement 5526-6245 14,400.00 .0267 (84 Street improvement 6246=7685 32,44f3.00 .00600 (84 Street Improvement 7686-82255,44o.o4 . 100 SERIES 3IOCRIF1'12! MOT M�130=8 TOTAL L 9t $7 Playground & Recreation Park 1- 200 27,644.40 $.00510 87 Playground & Recreation Park 201- 280 1,607.00 -OC939 87 Playground & Recreation Park 281- 440 3,600.00 OOC67 87 Playground & Recreation Park 441- 500 604.00 .00011 33 Sewage Disposal 636- 725 22,500.00 o4417 34 Water Works Funding 351- 400 12,500.00 .00231 35 Sanitary Severs 286- 325 10,000.00 .00184 40 Water &, Saaitary Severs 872.1500 87,42$.,00 1011610 45 Water & Sanit6ry Sewers 997-1500 64,942.50 .01200 1+5 Water & Sanitary Sewers 1833-2000 21,560.00 -0039,9 45 Water & SaAitary Severs 2380-2?600 26;031.25 k5 water & Sanitary Severe 3041-Oo 21,800.00 44403 45 Water & Sauitax7 Sewers 3081-3300 8,800.00 110162 53 Savage Disposal 307- 600 30,495-00 .00563 54 Water Extension 52- 100 5,082-50 .00094 53 Savage Disposal 841-1100 26,993.75 .00500 54 'Water Extension 149- 200 5,398-75 .4 ;00 60 Water Works Refunding 727-1130 91,726.57 .0107 63 Sewage Disposal 44- 91 4,627-50 .00086 71 Sanitary Sever & Savage Disposal Plant 65-,158' 7,,880-00 .00146 (1934 Uandley Water & Sewer 80 & 103 1)'060.00 .000 (1934 Man4ley Water & Sever 91 & 117 120.00 OQOW � 78 Sanitary Sever,& sevage Disposal Plant 178- 570 34,860.40 x064478 Sanitary Sever'& Sewage Disposal Plant 571- 750 4,0513.00 .00074 79 Water Works 203- 808 50,700-0000938 (79 WaterWorks 809-1000 5,280.00 :00098 (78 Sanitary Sever & Savage Disposal Plant 811- 870 11,500-00 .00212 (78 Sanitary Sewer & savage Disposal Plant 871-1000 3P 75.00 .00067 (79 Water Works 1019-1036 N50.00 .00063 MT, Water Works 1037-107,15 1,0'�,-,50 .00020"', Sanitary Sever & Sewage Disposal Plant 1241-1484 46,500-00 .00860 (78 Sanitary Sewer & savage Disposal Plant 1481-2000 15,600-00 .070289(79 Water Works 1461-1999 89,712.54 01639 (79 Water Works 2000-3000 30,030-00 .00555 Total $3,074,936.09 $.56860