'u,TIMCEAS, the Piiblic J,,rrks Directo�r on the 24th day of June, 1959, fil,,si
with the 01ty Council complete Speci0cations for the improvemact of the following,
NO. Slflullr 120
1. Elgin Straet the easterly line Z Amanda the westerly 1iin aC
Street, Stalcup Road
2. Stalcup Road the southmrly line of Cuttey tko southerly line u[ llaxney
dbroat to the East Street to the East,
3. MsW Street the =rtherly ILin of Gowick the southerly line of lot 5,
3 t r e6,'-1 Block 3% Ryan-Pruitt Additiori
4. Baldwin Street the Orly line of wout tho uouLharly line of
Diukaon Street West Butlor itre,,at
5. Baltimore Street the wusterly line oC the westerly line
%ma Street, of Delaware Strout
6. Townsend Drive the norther.1y 11ric ef lost the northerly line
BerqT Street, of Wgst Quia Street
7. Towisemi Drive tho northerly line of West the northerly line
Cantey Street of McPherson Street,
8. East Gantqy Street the easterly line of New the westerly line of
York Avenue Mississippi Avenue
9. Forbes Street the easterly line of the westerly line
SydneI,r SI-,rcot Uf Awfus abree�
10. ihirfax Avenue hhe easterly line aC the westerly line
Shacklefoni Streot 0 Treybmn SbroQ
11. Lois Street the caoterly line of the easterly lino
dishop struat of Littla Street
12. Avenue "Htf Lhe westerly 10W of the westerly lino
Ldoyd 3trect of Edgemiad Terrace
13. Avenue 1u1,Pl tho westarly 21no of the westerly line 0
lJoyd StraeL Edgemood Terrame
1),p. Avenue UMl the westerl"). line of the eastelLy line
scwnidt straaL oV Miller Street-,
15. Donnelly Avenue the eaAmly Ise UC t5". eastmay 10e
leatlepage SLreat of Halloran Strout,
0. Uonnelly Avenue the easterly line of the westerly line
Hai..'Loran, St,reoU of Horne Street,
17. Hunbert Avenue the wastern line aC the easterly lino of
Sourine Street hervie Street
18. Farnsworth ksrenua the westerly line 0 U10 westerly line of,
3ur-,Unu "),tocat larvie Street
Is Lovell Avenue the easterly line of the easterly lina of
Horne Street., Faroe Street
20. Locke 0mme too ca"erly I Via the nasterly line
of Prevost Strout, of Hervie Sbreat
21. West Roberts St. the easterly line -the westorly I]no
OC QW1 AvMue, of WL32ing Avenue
22. Marquita Street the northerIT line oF the southerly line of
U. S. blossn'r on. 30 Slocum Avenue
23. Byron Street the southetay line of the southe:rly line o
Rockwood lib Lvc Blackatona Drive
Blackstone Drive the westerly line OV tho oanterly 2ine of
(an off-set in Jyron Strout to the South Byron Street to the Naith
Hyinn Street)
Qwon Streat lie, nurtharly linu ul' the southerly line of
Blackstone Driva� Drive
MD. s treet L2
24. Ullu Straub thea soubherly linc of the southerly line W-
maydell Avenuu, Eva Street
25. %uth Win Dt. the northeal Ibm of ho northerly line of
Butler Streat Alpy Streeb
26. Routt Street, the eanturlj 2ATIO of the easterly line
Hunte r Sty eeb oi`.' Milam Street
27. Hendricks Street the norUierly line the soot heily line
of Avenue "It of East Rosedale
28. Avenue Qtl the eastorly line of WIC Wnstarly lin's
Muhall Houlevard of llam,dAni, Street
',UE IT ()K)AITTED BY ThE (,`E,LY GGUiCII, OF CITY 0? FCbCr' (rvt(IXI"11, '11EXAS:
less bian 1.
Tls.,tt the aame be and are hareb',? aprjruvu�,,l as thc under
which said m)rk shall be donc.
Section 2.
That bhe City Secret 7 is Siceby directed to Wertise fur Bids for
the construct-i,on of the said improvagar ants in accurdwice with tho said Specifica-
tionc, which advertisanent slia-Ll ()o inmwUl one or rwra times in the Fort Worth
Star lVelegrwn, a newspaper ur general circulatiun in We City of Qrt durth, and
shall call for sealed Bids for the said wurk, to be filed with the Gltt'y (;� unc'il on
or before the 30th day of July, 1959, at 10:00 A.11. upon vOj.ich (late shall 1)e
opened and read as prescribed by the City Uhavtor. That the first publication W
said advertisement shall be not less than ten (10) days Wore tho date herein
sat for opening of Bids.
jectAn 3.
That this Ordlneuace shall take West from and arter its passage.
d -a
A3&T9, f*N4C'I';-'T�ATTORiffY