HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4248 Fffj �, %LU JM CITY SECRETARY Q IYORIT tDEa�E:DEElalatEEaa �� � . ZS . EN AN 0R,0i.E lA),,,I"E:. :ra.EWE°EEtE°w ING i`I4aND L`,1DEDE"EIEC",;; 111E ED.IDaL^ltE"O° K OF E.aGiEEaLJEC WORK'S tEtE.E.E.lS.EC ,",ND RI'LPORT O THE OF .h1,1E TOTAL COSTS O.F ALL OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, OF THE • COSTS PER kt1aE ( OUT FhRLMqPTO 13L ASm :SSED .pJE BY .. It,' APRJPLWrr AND ,E`HE„ REM. AND T1'wlUE OWNERS '111ERM) , AND OF VARIOUS OTHER COSTS FOR THE Ek`l.V:"N OVI'l IENT OF SEMI S;'h31Y DRIVE FROM 1f1E"MPH11,L tl`E"kEI"E "E 'TO E^IEtEE'DEEt-,NUD i FRMnAY IN THE taE.t"'Y OF E;^"E:RT 'tllD&t"'E"llt, TEXAS, E`u9D ntEEEEEEdUS E.DIP,t&a,, MAT"FEa»RS E"E"LPt,'I.ENG Ti.E.IHERZ,'E`tl. DEEEt- MIEIEG. EEEIECPEKEL0N OFSAID COSTS SHALL BE PAID BY .11E CITY OF AOR OpqkI D& w& AIIINJ (G . IyT IT L,J V.pxallSSryLLLY AND A, PORTION 4Wo-l° SAID COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED AZAIN E" ABIT E E.IE""8C PROPERTY AND THE,' REAL AND TRUE EDEEitlnRS E.RE.DEEUF: hDE.EEEAAat"E.EKIE,'1G " AND FIXING THE PORTION ON O SAID t."OS I .r AND THE f.Ew4 E,A E°E: E"EEI.En.E:,tIF PROPOSED 'IED EE&pe ASSE°.�p�p �„ogDr AGAINST, ^ED111ED E'��ryD�`�.E,. BY', SAID qE+bBLYP" ING .Y:'WY"W�OPER"TY A,10 THE REAL E"Al,:atlD TRUE �,.�1IIJG.dEdi w:l' AA�aA,hwn EW,.LL',.r ll;"� ,�:'diD THE FORT a'�Dp. ",3'A.I,IEE�w,q,.uu-D.�u�`��A�Dpy�'�p4 *,�E.���".EDEy.� `w�d�.Y.tip ry"�.EDryj,� 1`,a�p;.E',�E'�E..E,D Ep!"'I��� ',,CIE �'�ry:EYI�Y S�'F A"���k,'M1.T ,f WORTH,S:H, wxk„�",E TEXAS., '+.,�dlW�J9�as�p��i''IP,4 9�pd"M.A�&II.,G SETTING��V..,�.,�G P�. 9.1 9.n���1rk+,.EV,A�I.'d/I1G k'6".tlp�. ry '�.dO '".0 0 CW�O(D . E"E. �.DU�'"d iE Elr En" I •�� DAY "��.�k�'0 ♦• A)5,.e H 1.D60, 1E"D THE CI "`a" COUNCII, CAFE, EDd R IN THE CITY HALL IN TE:EEE E*•ETY OF' FORT ECtDtt`E"El., .EEED''Etn.S, iu"t..E IHE:`". ".E"EEnEa ANI) PLACE FOR. ,E+A. E-lCnEuEE.:ENG O .E E:IE tlifD TRUE Ek4bl"w,IE11,S OF SAID AhEEDE.E.EE'DG PROPERTY AND ALL OTHERS INTERESTED IN SAID E"EEOCE",E°.EDE.WEGS AND t;CEDEEItE"pED:T, CONCERNING SAID SSE ,,,.,,1,1E:uCD"ES, E"V.ED.CEaIC^°"EDINGS CDl`'E➢E IMPROVEMENTS: FEED DIRECTING' THE CITY, .dEE AEEµ,E:dEEEY UF :EHE:" EE`d:"lY E'p°,E`" E°FOIST ltEDtE.TH, "EEE05, TO GIVE E.40TTCE OF' iEEAID HEARING AS REQUIRED BY LAW. BE IT ORDAINED LSAY THE CITY E Y CE`"'A,ENCIL OF THE C:E°EY EW E"E.DRT WORTH,, T EEEEa,'rS: SECTION 1: The City E."ouncil of the City of Fort:. Worth, TeliDas hereby fii:-ids and, dete niiines, a). That E nat E" t uanc a I u1 lue CIt of Fort YW�.o.%r1t E , 'rexas hasbereEufo aby Ordinance duly e Dnt l on A . u .J the uue essit for, an! ordered, tw'l.a' :E.aa;uEud.aavau:arlent of portions of Seminary EDr;E..°ve i,-om pluum1,'ill Street to North-South Freeway within the limits herein defined, :E.uWn the City of Fort Worth, EuA'as, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications ns tEaalrnfor, which plans and specifications 1:�ave Eua.;a~wn EuereLofor aEualura:nved and adopted by the City y "°Found:, waid street,ta;, an°nd the E>nuu:4:EonS t,Ennurauof awry ordered improved being as follows, to-wit: Seminary Drive front Elan^aunphil.l. Street to E",;Drtb-Soot h Freeway in the City of Fort Worth, Texas. (b Thar. notice duly encemrted L, the Da:THC Of tl"Er City oi_: Fort Worth, Texas, of the unactment of siUd above des.,ribed Ordinance has heretofore been fLU,,,d with the Coinnty of Tarrant County, Texas, Q QQ:h said city Jz Hjuad te , an the ay N.1). 1951; and duly , __ L - 221 _d, _�22 oe _1212NA72 zar u recorded in Vol.,Qj , Pagt-001 tRcords : of 'Farral"A County, 1'(.,'XaS. (c). That after advertising for bids for tine averts rue tiora of said intprovements in the nianner- anc,1 foi_­ tl,re length of time ms required by the law arid Uie Charter of said City, the love secure bid of M-.)rth Gorsty.:uction Carnpany was accepted and coutract duly awarded to said Worth Constructimn Company for the construction of said imj!iroveineusts, by Ordi- nance duly enacted on.22?gcp_,n) -_' _� 2&le-1 :3 A. D. 19�, which contract is daL and (fl). That the City Cuur. it has causecl the Director of public­, Works to prepare and file estbuates of the costs of such im- provements of the portions of said street to be improved, and estimates of the amounts per from: fast prqxmed U) be assessed against the property abuttQj t4wn said street within the Ihmits above defi.rna.A, and t[,,ie real and true owners thereof, and said Director of Worbs has here.. tofore filed said esUmates and of other ulatt:ers rel2ting thereto, with said City Ciwv,'icil aiA. sore has been received, examined and approved by said City Coui7ciland that in accordance with said statement of estimates ko filed by said Director of Public Wcprks and paerein approvi-d, tile ammunts and rates of said estivate4d cost's are as [-)ere ilia f t er stated and set out in Sec�Aon 2 1�ereof. SECTION 2: That the written statement and report of Uhe, DirLctor of' Public Works, heretofore filed witi the City Cou"il, shuAng the estimated total costs of all improvements on said street to be im- proved, as hereinabove described, thc.,, esti.mated ataounts pez from: foot proposed to be assessed a6ainst Ube property, and the real and true omiers thereof on said street fn,)r said the estimated total amounts of Lhe casto of said improvements mn, said street as proposed to be c,'asessefd a�Laitvst said E,1nutLin,," property, and Lhe real and true own(,.,,,rs t.hereoC, aGngJ t:1 ie estimatcd amamts of said costs on said stz'eut proposerl to L,c paid by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and aLl'te',t, tnaLters j.,,elaLivc, thereto, having been received and axawked by the Cluy said st,,.,ite anent': and estimates are hereby in all ti'iings approved and adopted, and it is hereby found and determined by the City Cour�(.­11, thar- the amounts and estimates of the respective I.terns of costs of said impravoments as above described on sa!Al strecat are as follows, to-wit: Seminary Drive fron HmVhlll Ineet to Nortly-Soutl"i Freeway in the c�.fty of ForL Worl_h, Tezas. The amotuit per fr'ont foot pr oposed to be cissessed aG!'ainst the abutting property, and the real .u:'rd trtie tI'iereof for curb and gutter, is Yp /,7, per front foot. I'h e amount per Er(.nA. Eoot ptoposed co bc assessed against the abutting property and Lhe real and true owners thereof for said improvements, car'b a-6d IS e?, 2., pler fro'nt foot. The total wuount per front foot proposed to be assessed against the abuttNg prup( z-ty arRd the raLLI an,d f-rue thereof for all of said improvements is $ per front foot. P-J-2 ­_ The estimated amount ol cost of 8aid improve�.r�ents pro-- posed to be paid b amount of $ t1e City Q'I'Fort Worth, Texas, is the The estimated total cost of all the impzovements is the amount of $ a:,E'CTIUQ, 3. That as portion of the cost of said improvements sha,"ll be paUl and defrayed by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and that it is necessary and as portion of the cost thkereof shall. be asti,Lnssed agaLast and paid by the property abuttinsaid streer, withiin Lhe limiLs above Mired, and the real and true owners Lhoreaf, in accordance with, and in the mmmer provideti Ery the Acts of the Fortietl'u Legislature of the State of Texas, First Call,E!�d Sessioti, CJIap. 106, known and shovrn as Article p.p tpMr of 'tier-nu i's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended and as adopted by 1.7 of Artick.'� ,XXIII) of tlae Charl:er of said M5 and tl,nat the total. costs iszii(l improvements an said street as herOmabove deSCZJ_1.-.)sd, s1hall be, and the same are bere1by apport-,ionecl bo:ween sal.d part:!.es and shall 'be paid and defrayed asEollovis� (a) 11-ae property abutting upon each of said street and the real and true owners Lhereaf, sball pay all of the cost of the cumbs and gutters In front of tl-„cir rc',specV.Ivc: propelr.'L'y and not exceeding nine-tenths (9/10) of the estimated cost of the remainder of such improvements; provided, however, that in no event shall said remaining costs of said improve- ments which are to be paid by, and assessed against said abutting properties, and the real and txue ownerm thereof, exceed nine-tenths (9/1U) of the estia mted totalf costs o said improvements an such portion of said street, exclusive of the cost of curbs and gur'Le.rs thereoia J,n front of their, respective property, said costs beb, at the rate of, and in the amounts, as hereinabove set out in Section 2 hereof. Said portion of said costs for such inTrovements shall, be assessed against said abutting propertyand the real and true owners thereof; provided, however, that no artviunt shall be assessed against such abutting property and the 7,eal and true owner Or Dwners thereof in excess of the special bene- fits resulting to such property by reSson of the construction of said improvements. The costs whi.ick'i may be assesserl a,,,;ainst such abutting property and the real, rand t.'rue owriers Lhexeof shall be in accordance witli the "Front Foot llule or Plan", in proportion as the frontage of such property is to the en- tire frontage to be Inproved an each portion of said street or Unit; providing further, that if it shall appear at the hearing an special benefits gix,,en to said sawners, as here- inefter provided for, that the application of such rule or p1mi wIll result in inequality or injustice, then such rule of apportionment shall he applied as will, in the judgment of the City Council, produce substantial justice and equality between respective parcels of property and the real. aind truer owners thereof, connsiden iynLr the special benaefits tc) be, re-, celved and the burdens imposed., all in aci,'.,ordance vifth, and as provided for in said Acts of thc�', 'E'o-rtiet.h 1,egislature of the State of Texas, First Called Session, Chad:). 1U6, as hereinabuve identified. That the amounts payable by the real and true owners of said propetty shall be paid, aind shall, Luecome payable in five (5) equal annual installments, one of which shall be due and payable in twenty (20) days Mer the camo,etim of said idairt- provesnieiits an the portion of said street upon which the re- spective property of said ownc,,rs, al.',matts, and tile accepUInce thereof by the City Couit of Ozhc: C'ity of Fort WoLth, Texa,,,,;,, and another installment in a like amount in one (1), two, (2), three (3) , and four (4) years from ac)d after such acceptance, _4_ j-cspe(..xiv(,,J.y, to,,,,,,,ether with AterLst therecl' frola said (late of acceptance at the rate of six percent (6%) per annutn) payable annually; but said property owners shall have the privilege of paying any and all of saidi Lnstallrn,ents before their maturity by paying principa:] and accrued inLerest to thedate of said paymcmt. (1",,) Tlip City of Ft-t Wortb, Texas, shall jpay all of the remainder of the costs of said improvernents after deducLinL,,-!k the muounts hereinabove specified to be paid by the abutting' property, and the real and true awners thereof, as set aut above in sub-section (a) , said costs being in the amounts as hereinabove staLed in, '3,ecticm 2 hereof. SECTION 4: A hearing shall be held and given to Ll,,,ie rc,,a]_ and true owners and all omAng or claiming any interest in any property abuttA8 upon said street within the Mits above defined, end to al.]. others owning, claiming or interested in saidproperty, on: any of said matters as to the assessments and as to the amount to be assessed against each parcel of abuttii,& property, and the real and true o�ivners thereof, and as to the special benefits, if any, to said property rto be received from said improvements, or concerning, any error, invalidity, irregularity or deficiency in any proceeding or contract with reference thereto or orrice rning any matter or thing connected therewith, which hearinn,_; shall be 11d1d by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the they Council Chamber in the City Hall of the GJLLy of Fort Worth, Te-xas, at �?:J4 0'C 1.0c k,, eh , A. D. 19�O at 14. an the Plon _Zzjay Ot— which time and place all persons, firms, corpuration6, or estates, an niknr'nf.a or claiming any such abutting property, or any Interest therein, and their agents or attorneys, or persons interested in said proceedings, shall be notified to appear and to be heard in person or by counsel and may offer evidence,µ and said hearing Inay lma adjourried frorn day to day and from tiaae to time and kept Open, -5- LMU1 all evidence and protests have been duly oFferef,.l and hearQ and the ,it Secretaxy of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, is hereby directed to give notice of szild "by publ.icat,.jon of NlotiGe in some newsj..)aper of general circulation in the City of Fort Worth, Tarcant. Colurnty, Texas; said notice shall. L)e p"vablished at least three (3) times in said newspaper before the Me set for hearing, tk,'', firsc of which publicaLians shall be at: least ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing, and sudi Notl-ce by pu,,b1ALcati= shall. be valid and sufficient, without any further for�n :a' cha'ra(:t.:er of Notice, as provided for by and in accordance� with O'ie ter�-ns al,Nd provisions of said Chaptex IU6, of the Acts of the First Calleek Session of the Furtleth uf t-'Ine State of known as Article 1105-b of the Revised Civil 3a:atutes of Texas alod aimenih',Iments tluar-ete,a. 6ECTION 5: Following such hearing as above provldiaid, assessruei:kts will be levied against said abutting propm."t, wnd real an(] Lr ze awnurs thereof, for that panion the cos'Ls of: said iniprover,;,,�cnU, hereinabuve determined to be payable by saicl pr,-3j)ert.:aces and the real and, true, ovriers t1wreof, and which aEsessment against sajq'i ak&ting property shall be a 10st and prior 'L:Leal ,ipan sa-Ld property and a personul liablLity and charge against Lhe real and true owners Lhuce&. In levying amid assessments, jE the name '.' tlie dzkwnci: bc,. unknowu, it shall be 6&Ticienc to Em) acute the fact, and if said abutting property be mmed by am estate or by any firt(a or poration, it shall be suEficlent at so state the fact, and it shall not be necessary to give the cor-rect of any such -6- owner and no error or mistake in attempting to name any such owner or in describing any of said property sE�all invalidate, any ,issess- memo or certificates issued in evidence,,, thILIXODI ; IAlt, 1[1(�VE!I.thele�,s, the real and true awners of sall ahunArk, Iirpj,�cxty shal]. be liable, and the assessment against said .11 utrin, p�,,,f,)perty s[iall- 'Lie valid wbether or inot such owr,,cn: be named, or correctly nawed, or said pruperty correctly duscribod Wnrcln. jmnlwi 6. URDJ_]',IMICE shall UK., effcct a fel, 1"ae ii,-, f1i Erma and afM its pasato. Cj V.,IlD of 196(J. CI"fY 01,�,` F01"VI., W0,113"El" U,,X ATTES' : JITY SECRETARY APPROVE,i) AS "1'0 '(cF(3Pd,,I: uily