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aiDINAC.Cat. Ca) 649
WDRTH, FOR PL "" ,slit) y AIRZ; it&�Vi"1 R PER-
PIZING A L10202 Oil'POLICSTAX O p�130d,
yiAC eft C ik'01 ,1=S dad f ' BOATS Cat U3103 U
WURSAS, sander Section 4, Hapter 11, in the Charter of the City
of port Worth, the Board of Coundsoloners of said City, have the power
to enact and enforce ordinances moaaseary to protect health, life and
property and to preserve and enforce good government, order and eecaxrity
of said City and its Inhabitants and to-have and enjoy general police
power of a City, and
WHERNAS, under Section 17, Chapter , of the Charter of the City
of Fort Korth, it is p rovia d that nothing in said charter shall be so
construed as to prevent the City In its use of Its pollee power, from
proscribing a license or polio* tsar: necessary aarrsat propor to Venable the
Oily to exorcise proper ;arab oe survoillaace over all persons, firms or
corporations or calling subject tosweases, and,
WHSRZAS) the City of fort birth, at great expense has erected and
constructed Lake Orth in the City of fast North, which said Lake and
the hands surra anding it, ,Alvan to the citizens of said city a vast
natural park and I&* as an incident to Us wateruorks system, ubich It
desires to eat 31se, for the health, comfort aarsai canwvenionce of the citi-
ne of said city; end;
Writ eland, the ssA4 lake aforth and land ourrounding it roquiresa can-
start surveillance, which is eesaepeamy, fir the protaction of ,the property'
of said pity and the citizens usiRg or enjoying same, and which is also
necessary to prorout the contandnatiort of the watere of take-North by
the use if samo and naso from adjoining farm* or lands, and also for
the pr potion of life said la a, and for the protection of persons,
firms or corporations in the majoyment of camp sites rented or leased
by them on the shores of said lake and for the protoction of property
of said cSixons Soated on said camp sites, and,
MUMS, It is ascessary to provide for permits to be obtainend
or issued to persons, firms or corporations occupying owmp sites on
the shores of Lake North in order t1v&t a recoM Tzay be kept of said
persons, firms or corporations, faunut
NHEREAS, it in necessary to provide 13; as permit to be MUM or
issued to persons, firms or corporations having or uoing boats on Lake
'Worth for plsaxuro and for hire and also to provide or fix a permit or
license foo, police to on such porsons, firms or corporations, NOW
It shall hervaftar be Mawful for my parson, persons, finas or
corporations to use or occupy any camp sito on Um ohoivs of Lake Worth
mithout first homing obtained a permit, as hereinafter providedt
Any person, persons, firm or emTorwUmt destring, to use or occupy
a camp site on the shores of Lake Worth, ahall first Main a permit from
the Park Board of tho City'& Fort Uhrtb, for which said permit there
shall be charged a roaasnable license fee or jwlico tax, to be determined
by the location, accessibilitv ani, destribillty of wish camp site.
Any person or persona, firm or corporation desiring to have, use,
operate or maintain boats on the vaViers of Wm Worth for pleasure or
primate purposes, aball first obtain a pezidt aWl pay therefor a license
fee or police tayins, hereinafter provid*d.
A police tax or pea of $1.00 per annum for each row bout or
comes; and for each motor or power dx1ven Met 01.00 per person for the
full nurber of persons intended to be earried on a ,trip by such boat.
(a) Vw carrylty; ca�pacity of boats used, operated or maintalnod
on Lake Worth ohallIn measured or datonmimed by the life saving equip-
meat agreed to be carried, it tho pormit or license.
A Sail boats shall, be gcvarned by the same raleo an motor
driven boats.
A Any porson or persons, firm or corivration, uidjV a detach-
able outboard motor for row boats or other small craft shall pay as
license foe or police tax of 42.00 per norana for each motor.
Any par= or paroons, firms or corporations, desiring to use,
operate or unintain Loats on the stators of Lake, 'Worth, for the purpose
of carrying goods or pamsengera for hive as ll firot Main a Peru
from the Mayor^ of Fort Nbrth, and pay therefor a Llaanse fee or police
tax as hervirafter provided.
RATS it HIM A 11conse fee or police taxarra boats operated,
used or maintained on Lake Worth for hire ahmIl be and is hereby declared
to be as folIrms t
(a) & row boats and amncaz 43.0D eaeh por annum. On motor boats
and other power driven boats 43.00 per person for thbir carrying capacity,
as herein defined. Said boats ahall be gpverrad by the same rules as
utotor driven boasts.
(b) Provided as to motor Arl.-van boats and sail boats the price
of 03.00 per poison for the carrying capacity as herein defined shall
include all boats carrying not more then Zi pasinngers.
(a) Any person or pare aa, firms or corporations baving, AsiAg'',
operating or maintaining bo&U for hire an Lake 10th, carrying more
than 20 passengers and up to 75 p%saangurs Mall pay a license foo or
police tax, as follows,
(d) 41*00 per person No the carrying capacity of each=botit up
to and including 20 passengers, and 12.00 "icor" Qua ngpr on carrying
capacity of oath boat from 20 up to 75 passengers; and all passengers or
carrying oapaci#r over 75 for =0 boat, 'the am of 4,1.00 per passenger.
tach bout> ofmratod by, gasoline, st*am or aMy, e(mbustible material,
and each salti boat, slux1l carry life preservers of a,;);;a,rovud type, equal
In number to the full caj*clty, of t1w, bost aus speolned in the license
or permit, ,for such boat.
(a) Each ro for or power d,riven boat shall also be required to carry
a, fire-eAtinguishar of sUxidard MAks.
SOMM(N 7,-
Each boat owwr shall prevent his boat or bosts for Inspection at
the municipal Waarf, wW9 mile brblp
ge, akwn notified to do so.
Bach b*4 owwr shall 'be, reqaired to confox-m to tAe sanitary re-
qoirements of the Health ilei artwnt of the Gity of Fort Worth and a
recomwndation of the United States Public health De�pnrtmwlt.
as to" 9.
, CT
Any parsoti or ;xw, aaxw, firm or oor;mratian 'who Oiall viol&La any
provision of this ordiimnca or who zlwll f x1l to do so or conform to
any of the thingo reqpired by this office shall be deemed guilty of a
mind nor awl upon conviction thwroof, shall 'be fined In arq sum not
lose than4,10,00 nor more than 62M.00. Each days vioUtion of any of
tho provisions of this ordtnanoe shall be anal the smo As hereby de-
Glared a distinat arml separate offerwo.
sr,CTIOR 10.
In addition to this penalty providod in the foreg ins sections or
tis ordinance atyl In came of vdllful continuance, of the violations
of any of the terms of this ordinanoe the pervidt or lien,so fee shall
be rew"d =1 camel ed tq the party issuing ww, and it shall. be the
duty of the occulanto of camp or the owners of such boats, 'Whose per-
wits have, beaa cancelled, 1 remove we from the shores or w4ter of
Lake Worth
iit 11
Should as section or part of section of this ord4tanos, be declared
invalid by any, court of ow—petent jurisdiction such decision shall not
affect the other or rawLininglh shall con-
jvxts of, this ainlimanee tdiio
tinue in full force wW effect.
BAMoON 12.
All ordinances or Tarts of as cess In conaict with the terms
of this di cap are h*%*eby repealled.
Section 13.
his ordinaaee all be in full, force and o"ect from wd after
its 'passage and publicatian an re*iired blaw.
Adopted by the Board, of Cmandoxioncre of the City of Fort Worth, Terms,
April 15, 1919.