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IM olty 1 "
VOU ' U$ 4 , i . /*/
� Y Z* 2hows#, 10,1111
WU34" SOMIS and ::w P, "v , is
` ` ; m - mootug
snow " 'w /'* ",
g ;, Altai 'Noo, U4
wil's *w tho Sed dXY Of Novodbors, As 'v# tout,
j,'WW*At tO tM 4'400007 V*Xt*,,d Ab SMA Wit y UY 130#tUft 19
O"t ObAptGw Xxv Ot w" Owtor Ot 00 (jity a vorto worth#
a"ptad IW tba gollfft0j, votmpa wiWa tho Illiwits ot sa,,,Jd
407 ft the IIW Asy, of MOSWWO.Vo A* V/o 110IMp m,"d Ube I/Alts W,,A
14'aft or 014 sub* of %VX44,0 the "by O Ot the
Otty at ftwt llovtb# TOM*$ voso "A an Ordumoo Ot
00 ftft# AlMartod VW submUsim
tax ,mim 4tislitIsd TO'lars at 4AU '01ty# *t an *%sation to 'bo
how in a&" city, = aw "th "Y of Uvi"Oub"O �h/o' J)'# 'xq'Ss$' ot
Vw, A04"O' Pomp llwl Ovathopity of O' "t SWU alty
to Ise'o aw/vtOU"Wis 601,49'a"m books W, tho 'Vorpmrsto 8,01wonworAt alt
V* ,WA City lu tho ptm*":L miss of Ift, AUlax two IM=Wfsd
sow* baux's 09i"0000*0b to', 00 ]PUPSWO 0/9 xak4w pw-
swumt, Impr4welmon't's I/A') SAM Olt"'y 14, f4owtv"t'Au' go IMPA17
**vdwl, '; jawwall's"Istaxes awzAm sloom severs, of Wa
WA fttyo amA to Inalim4m in suaft pammoM, Wwavownto t3w
so 14 0#00,1mvity Witt tbe401i'd msel,�"Im IMA,
o-vftwn)o*#,/ tho lftyiW at *a/AA Olty AJIA xnka of say
Oleatlgja# /Amd ruot tlw date the"Or, for tbo SOU 44Y of NOVMWW#
A* D# 191101 aad
41's"Id OU400A OP&M and woolowtum 00roof
was p%oomet smA SmOUshod U tha mismer *vA ger Uw, tlxo pos-
IIVAZASJ. m tbe 94,04 Ami' fd'� xO"wkw%** A* Uw
V" uu tbo of Vert wol"k at 1010 mal
P"Ius 1,44400 4001,Www In tkw Owbito Owdw# at vwxft ARIA
elsotion Ow isomasm, of ou'l"dwad/s was, alfbAttod, as 4,
U Olia t4x, ,,PoVUW clWit"144 Votaxwo of eaff,14, City; *VA
'IftnamAss the l^ ,l ba"llot an sr falowip In **A-
formity WIAll tw -o at and, ordleance of t"bu atty counoll"O
Im "Umbeide, wntlmwwd� am I 11s, samsWanoo wit'At t/he ovdsy of sIXIA
la $W* and %a nUtaxom roods sm f0lawl
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council,
i,sue its negotiable coupon �ionds, running from filre (5) to forty (40)
yoar,s in the principal sur- of Three Million Three Hundred Thousand
k ' r50(J,OC?C.�70) Dollars, for the puaspose of in roving .anti extending
the 'water and sanitary serer system of a aid City, the first of said
bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5) gears from the date
thereof, and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said
"ity Council, so that the last, maturing bonds shall become payable
•;ithi.n, forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing, interest at a
,,ate not to exceed five per cent (61i,") per annum from he date thereof,
.Iayable emi--annually, and levy a sufficient tax to fray the interest
xn said bands and, create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said
,>onds a t the maturity thereof
FOR the Issuance of Nater and unitary Sever Bonds.
AGAINST the Issuance of 'later and Sanitary Sever Bonds,.
Shall. the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40)
;years, in the principal sum of Two Million Two Hundred Thousand( ,,'200,000.00'). Dollars, for the purpose of constructing, improving
and extending the streets,, thoroughfares and storm sewers of said.
city, including in such permanent improvements the widening, paving,
grade separation, bridges and e7raina:,e, the first of said bonds be-
e-I g payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date thereof,
and serially thereafter as may be determined by the said City Council,
so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable within forty (40)
years from. the 'date thareef, "bearing interest at a rate not to exceed
fire per dent (5%) per a nnum from the date thereof, pa yable semi-
annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the 'interest on said bonds
and create a sinning fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the ate,-;
Foil the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds.
AGAINST the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds.
Shell the City of Fort Worth, through its City Council, issue
Its negotiable: coupon bonds, running ,from five (5) to forty (40)
years, in the principal sum'of SevQzty-Cine "thous and ($71,000.00)
Dollars, for the pur oso of constructing . building and equipping an
additional incinerator plant for the City of Fort forth, Te;xas,,, and
purchasing the,'nooes ary lands and site therefor, they first of said
bonds being payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the
date thereof, anis serially thereafter as may 'bo determined by the
said: City' Coun i.l, ser thP,,t the last maturing bonds shall bpeome
payable within forty (40) years from the elate thereof", bearing in-
terest at a rate not to exceod five per cent (u, ) per annum from the
date ther pf, payable semi-annually, and levy a suf fioi ent tax to
pay the interest on s aid bendy and creat-c, a si;xi ng fund sufficient
to redeem said bonds at the maturity thorsof"?
FOR the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds
AGAINST the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds .
Shall the City of Fort Ylortka, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable> coupon bond's, running from five (5) to forty (40)
years, in the principal sum of Five Hundred Thousand (0"500,000.00)
^dollars, for the purpose of puroha.,,ing, acquiring and. improving
.1-ands and; property for public pEerles in the City of Fort Worth, the
'Inst of said 'bonds :being; payable at the expiration of five (5) years
'rem the date thereof, and sorially, the:.^ecfter as mai be determined
y the said 04ty Council, so that tli e lr.,,,t mtaturing bonds shall be-
,ome payable within forty (40) ye:ar,� .frcz.i the date thereof, bearing
aterest at a, rate not to e;rcecsd fi r% p.r cent (5/) per annum from
're, bate thereof, payable, soma.-crnz,�".l.v ., nd 1 -7ry - -,7ffieient tax
to pay the interest on aa1d`,:b1qnd J and create a singeing fund su,ffi.-
ciont to redeem said bonds 6t thea maturl ty thereof
FOR the Isautnde of#Park Bonds.
AGAINST theTssuance of Park Bonds.
Shall the City of Fort tndorth, through its City Council, issue
its negatiabl.o coujyon bonds, running from five (5) to forty (40)
years, in tbo principal sin of Ono Eundrad and Seventy Thousand
(0170,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and
improving playgrounds, athleti,o fields :andraother recreation faoil-
ities of a permanent nature in said city, tho first of said bonds
being payable at the expiration of five (5) years from the date
therelaf find serially thereaa,fuer, R may be determined by the sa, id
City ocuit' i"'l, to tzar t1i+ last ratttzrin ponds shall 'become payable
within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at
a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum from the date
thereof, payable seri a 4,,,�1y, and levy a, s uffi„ci.ont tax to pay
the interest on said, bo lds and create a' sinking fund sufficient to
redeem said bonds at' thc maturity thereof ?
FOR the Issuanve of Bocreation Bonds.
AGAINST the Iasuanoe of Recreation Bonds.
Shall the City of `ort Worth, tnrou.gh its City Coungil, issue
its negotiable coaapon bonds, running from five (5) , to forty (40)
years, in the principal sum of Ei>lateen Thousand, ($18,000,,00) Dol-
lars, for the purpnoe of constructing, biilding and equipping an
eadition to the City-County Hospital in the City of Fort Worth, Tec-,
a , the first of said brands being p ayable at the oxpirsation of
five (5) years, from the date thereof ," and serially t broaf'ter as, may
be determined by the said City Council, so that the last maturi4
bonds all bra � laa.y d e within forty, ( 0) ear >1 44"iia e "
idno; fi„ Ye:ii i"s ' lnt6- e t at a "rats stet' to cobd f�f Baer cent (b`�)
per annum from the date thereof, payable sera -,annually#, and lev7, a
sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and create a slnk--
itg sink-
-itfund sufficient to redeem said; bands at the maturity thereof?
FCR the Issuinee of City--County Hospital Bonds.
AGAINST the Issuance of City-Council hospital Bands.
Shall, the City of Fort Wort%, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds, runn,ng from five (5) to forty (40)'
e,drs,,, in the principal aura of 0W� Million Four Hundred Thi; azd
011*460#000,00) Dollars", for the purpose of constructing's improving
and ext nal,'n its system of strtaets and thoroughfabes by co"ndtruc t-
n: and extending A .-low gain aaPteVi;a1`;sttAd,t and thor-
Ott W,watf, runa"iing north and sout,4 and a uevi ,Hain arterial street and
to rou ,tXare o tending east and wea#,; through.,said ',city, in lading
in a;ua ''aaVanent improvements grade separat'ion, bridgas, drainage
and the purchase of right of way, 'the firstof said bores being pay-
Ole at the e p,iration of five (5) years �ro�a the date therejf, and,
t, Al" t o af" a n 'ad may tad d"eter�i nei
d 1ty the said City gouncl,
so that the :Last maturing bonds slaalj, "boccme payable within forty
(40) years from the date thereof, bearing; interest at a rate not to
ezoeed five per cont (5%) per annum :'rom the date thereof, payable
semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on
said bonds and create a, sinking fund sufficl<ont to redeem said bonds
at the maturity thereof?`
FOR the Issuance of Main Arter,i,^;, Thoroughfare Brands,
AGAINST the Is lxan6d of Main Artori, Thoroughfare Bonds,
y Is, 00 6144tim bold, $A sm"14 city of ftrt
'Werth, on tho 84th day of Xovembor,# Ao * 1906queAtiou
4&14 "b"W" borouboxwo #box*
yetes In rovor Ot tob 0 106VA"04 Of mald U,Oww; 43A,
VVIUMMA 'by Of_SalAt J0,1001040, " ,611
'with power and AVUVA001ty by an& trox tie
#aM Innis for the purposoo *f*rmmw1 m and,
04 UIZA"S "Uption's Of the 0000rate f r ow Q'
yort WOW) 03A
"INJ' A t
40"'0110, tiobs fitly Owmatitatad . ; r jot t
is" "a +'
t yr tba 44,14 City 'CM4411 U , o
f , ; opted axd adop"dOw, "` 4ay of Zoaftbor*
and *Aoptoa by US i 0044011 t `: fir,* u r
Lea' Aftsotlablo
Otte Of vort wwo "Wmtus to ow prim1pal
of, rive 04mbed TbmAwA , f sa
OuVW150 UOVA of, VIVA :Idlum
of said barAx auUwft� by tM proporty
tax p , qwUrw Vatora417 At tba 04141 '
„ * V
4*41patet as "W '
Isawas It 10 4,00md, Via's $44, 444"UNt
00moll of tba 407, at Fort worftu* 14 the ww'V4,100 Of 00 AU*
Owman4, sw1urs, Olow"'0494w) a, , the 6,014 u kWM
bowls 0 this b
Wmd, 4491pAted Ake 1 qMQVO*Mt
Oit AX
'Mat posumt to SOOMOn 10 of ShApt*0 YAV or the
ON~'of tho 0 of Fort VOrW a4vVt*A b
V*04* the to I'laito e sold 411ty on tom IM d'Ay OM
°rte '06, ; 'Mout y tax
Gity Aw uiWh puvpwmsmire bo $M* day of Novezbor#
q s'000'04
29th #A,7 of r " As, R
rd, VMS v/ " qr 4 and ' 'imlaw' ` ly P d and "t, _,
p'r M '. ,0' a* P VWryvogue 'illy u
Who , dad' OXO Xcvomborp ' 1906* mix; of - UX
st 8*14 ,01mium ar 'two 'wix' , "wo muvw/' 64 AsOJASMA,
ON, 411i0mmm" "1 441101"
4/0 AvA w t fI , tit#
to lifts bessIng,
1," ; '1m four snot "' per
S p' l t, ' ,°',y at, ftly and junueor
' 04 ^ "APM" " bOt $0 4,8 and Intervot A
un" to be OX40UWA for AWA 0a ,babalt -r or port
"lo1peofo Obosted a ,
O ho 0 , duty ,
Wi 00 3 r; ,out With thO l
ft4olmlU 41SAAta" 01 the Olay 604votaxy-Treasuftr
t ; City cx,r 'I t Wwrth,t esek of Said "boads And � ��W
11 be, 'SoblAble xrvt payablo to 'besrerp svA s*14bonds
"1301 b(O moiberod In the "Y avd "anew bimpolmrimr $0 out*
r 0 704 vs roms to W , ",A, . ,J, ';
f0ty (40, *we ow tho dwbe m"O"r), slu" *060
a m 'e"u,l, fir.ivo lNuridirod, (t i' �� � , be PlImble"01104
;: -L ° o, m"d "W'ball l area r Ask, the wzmr
f ft b ;t 00t, vatl said, bcozar - ii miv, 'Veto pump000
UrA M,V ' blawagWaral aia1ri asswers Oft:
said, c
�. Uw, SomrW1 um, Ot msAOft ,40o"as
4"awwk,vAujou u vWx0mew"a
uNiTtv ST4TBIS, OF At xj.CA,
CU l OF '11ARRA T,
Street improvement Bond of the City of Fort Worth
Issued for the purpose of constructing# improving and extending
the streets, thoroughfares and storm sewers of the City of Fort
That the government of the City of Fort North, a
ora on, duly crested under the lags -of` the
State of Texas, hereby acknowledges itself to owe, and for
value received promises to pay, to bearer, One 'Thousand Dol-
lars (01,000#00),. in lawful money of the united States of
America,;, on the 1st day of January A. A 1931, together with
interest thereon at the rate of four and, one-halt" (4j%) per
centum per ani, payable semi-annually on the first dale of
January and July in each year, on presentation and surrender
of the annexed interest coupons, as they severally fall clue.
Both that principaland interest of this bond are payable at
the office of the Hanover rational Bamk,. in New York City,
the due and punctual; payment ofthis bond at
the maturity, thereof, and the interest thereon, when it falls
due, 'ia k`ul l faith credit and resources of the City of Fort
North are hereby irrevocably pledged,
This bond is one of a series of five hundred (500)
bonds numbered consecuti'bely from five hundred and one (501)
www w.. W�d ���
to one thousand (1000), inclusive, each of the denomination of
one atousand Dollars (41,000o00)p amounting in the aggregate to
the sum of Five hundred Thousand Dollars, (4500,000#00) Issued
for the purpose of constructing, Improving and extending the
streets, thorouj4ifares and storm sewers in the City of Fort Worth,
under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of
Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, and an ordinanoe of
the City Council of said City lawfully passed and adopted on the
15th day of June, A. D. 1926, pursuant to valid authority from
the property tax paying qualified voters of said City, at a proper
and legal.,election held on the 24th day of November A. D. 1925.
It is hereby further expressly represented, recited and
covenanted by the government of the City of Port Worth, to and
with each and every holder of said 'bonds or any one of them, that
all acts conditions and things required by the laws of the State
of Texas, and of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort
Worth, precedent to and In the issuance of this bond,# have been
done, have ahppaned, and have been performed in proper and lawful
time, form and manner as proscribed by law, so as to make this
bond a legal., binding and valid obligation of the City of Fort
Worthp and that provision has been made for the levy and collection
of a direct annual tax on all taxable property In the City of
Fort Worth,, and that such tax has been levied in a sufficient
amount for the payment of the principal and Interest of this bond
A�, the respective maturity da tea thereof, and that the total in-
debtedness of said City, including this bond, and the issue of
which It is a component part$ does not exceed any oonstitutlo#al
or statutory limitation.
IN TESTIMONY WHMOF, the City of Fort Worth.* in the state
of 'foxes, has executed this bond by causing it to be signed by Its
Mayor and attested by the City Sooretary-weasurer, with the seal
of the City therounto, duly Impressed, and has caused the annexed
Interest coupons to be executed with the facsimile signatime of
the Xayor and City Seoretary-Treasnrer, and dated as the first
day of July, Ao D. 19,26.
Almls/%411; 'ISE 0111-L OF FORT WORTH, 124XAS
I City or poorrt 'Worth# I'll hO St'A"W 'Of TOM1,80
PrOAL44's to por too, tmvor Tw"v"r-Two Zallstm3 and Fifty
on tb,,O Ut day cit MWOmarro A, D* 1927# at
aw lowvor mational. Batik, in tkO otty Of 3,,mw NA Y*#
A#W"t, duo VMt der an Its vmmlo*&X bomd doxU4 Otly
A* V* and 'AmOored roolool
4= or "M NOW Wa
ZkAt tbo sald bonds ao, to be leaued by tbo Uty
of port war" ,* AMMMUn' s to FIVO Hundred" ThoUxand, zollato"
out, of the said walharlsea U'sue of Two xil-
lloa Two IwAred Iftousand Wlarx ($0#21001000*00)f slall
los, lopued far 'the purVo so, of borwtruotlag# lapromr,U S oxA ex-
touding the stroats# storm aowsrs# 1wiftas
Ant, draluaso of tald Olty aud sUll oonalot of Ovo 'bundrod
(6109) bonds,,,,#, nu%bsred, frox five hundred and ouo (O'l') to
wihowmnd Inolusivep and aballboar iut&rset at
-df-fOW, AAA Out 'hat' PO'44(ft, JW) P110"A
par",10 as arovewl'a; all O/r vuok 4,414 ll�ivo
bu;,4rod (00) bon-Ais al 'be, known, as Series, forty-olz (46)
al%d smell be, atyled, and 001p, at*4 wj ffStWeet :Xzlw*wu,$ut
'Boudo'"I that all, of wald boy ds# ovaprialng tho ova 1414tal,
of FiNme lhwArod Tnd, (#=QjQOOOO),O, zX411 mtvro In the
xA,nwz,* azA =outs as tot out in the to loved otatexput
horew#fu 'Otta0bod', to-wit;
00 >�
r i
� �JlllIDl'N��S(9!JM9tiWuuu
1 w ' , 'WrOst odvauk j O Ax so evoont01411,,_$SAO be
SOIA for Ip lug;
zii` s A t r of �alty, �of Part vlerloh.
Syl ` .*
Owk it Oull * tbo, du i jaz aw f i t " caumil at, 'w
t port Worth Oa" is ard of, the, - ' 'fit
for, 00 muldit 014 of VMrt 1110144 far, W Ift ",
;, ': f°Wur
h P �
in 00, " WA*kWo*
am *ad&apsouz )w * "
: ' 141,141,E aaeod sma b"t in, " ttwi MA 4011
,4 faI , , r
" -' 'A* *plod ; dill" M ted, % po , - , or Oble" '
av r Vo AoWa Awtv" 1 10a W4 ,"
lutod as axprato "Ad . , of uk'AA attr* OA A00
O: "tr w " t
And . "t � aps"91" AO mush on
7,10"t s sow Adv m . ,mt Aft" *&a
& f "s
, , y i4,3201 4 i139 UNI ( PWOOSAbOd i
Ntod t 'Who
laxt thoSWO ot ?Oxus* ' a °�"�,rmr, 1rA , a i0 -» s" 00PY off'
ft; 'J Is ud a st�E;to ,nof thio tatal box0d.. 1 101m, u ' at,'.:
' d , va,Xuo cS thio tsmUls prtyporty
cit for DPPVVVO1MA nome of 0414 1 sjuxlx Uo
11th the stalbe of 1401LIA Ivor rosutfttus*
A ' `,W
Vat the city ,; of the , f fort
" or *unwr Ia "N 4, ° I° u Or ' W �r Y 1 'r,
W,MW or ,SS ' d0 1 of as year:drtu
�ef f sid �rW r „x�4�4 uav r II��['t� ' tax, . "
T .,, W�1W"t";N�r tu" icat 'k aced saa i'4,
4Oq +Flap WY'f this ' , l n"tareIft m 'Sa „ ,4�1 1i1 j0
to oe 14"Ism4p ' u fa:ago of Or sod' valfts st& "
berewith bell, AMAUWAW am hamb , AWLS" 43 : o,
portionk SK parts "Mmor 4,411 ba 406,
, Ris XT
lUt QLa Viour�4 art sirabal-I tales offOO scul be Is , :; l
taw Sud Ofect tram tho datm of It's jW484*84 Ands Is 40
S ; Ude notion to adopt buil OrAIMMOO md fxll of tbo,
0M,nollneu* u , ud, n ,; tw tlAyell thereon ;and nome
Voted °x,040 AM the motion to adopt W ; Ordinarms was doclareA
" ' I90vay, ; wase. a .,
TA111,21, OF TUASI
. un zaxato or.,,, Oity Sooretarysurev,
foregolAg Ordirsuee is a 'true wrxiof ordlua M. 0 So,
114,0# and that same was peasod, and adoptoA , tbe
aity ou"a 1 tlla Cityf Fort W, �,,;, " � , at a regal ;
ug"Oting hallalls, the Connell chumber's at b"he city nail Ou
TluevAay tba Uth day of Ameo A,, * 9,20#
WITUSS gay hanA at ;fort North, Tlexxa, this, the
4AY of 04ne,, -A* D, 1096.