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iWNi M'N�I'ikdr,Wld h�7Nva ),TG tA4ggi.,
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TVIMT HOUTA ��IOARS �� , SAS° i30,0�,
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,'vf(f,xr, THIS 001000006S IN
t , *a the 5th day of dqptambsr, A. D. 1945, pursuant to the aa..
thorit vested in said City by Section 19 of Ghepter XXV of 'thea Chatter, of
the City of Fort. "North, as cgjtwJ 'by the;gg� ,ailf d voters within the Itmits
of said City area the 11th day of December4 A. 0. 1924, and the lama and oza-
stituton of the State of i"s ,, Lbe City Caaaneii of the Citic of Fort A rth,
Texas,j by as ordinance sof that date, dixected the submission to the a uii-
�fled; rotor rho o'um to i.a CrY,riaart r in tiaaCiti of Fort W*rt'i, Tarok ,
who have duly-rendered tbe se" for teraa.1,on,, at aan!d0otion to to hood: in
said City on, the 2nd, daaF sof Coto usr-a A. C. 1945, of the right, power and
Authority of the City Coua r l of_'tkaua City oaf toy°t Worth, Two s, is i.sst aao
gotiahis Wpon nabia of the aaurj,�ormata Co*srarnmsaat ol still city, inthan<iawiwi�
pal aura of Two Million Dollars 2,000,000,O for tt iasrarao�ri�a,
extending and enlarging the sanitary sower, ayatom aad sewage lisp aal pla i,
of said City, and as a i ring the necessary, loutdaa the ofbr fro^ saI4 City,; a vd:i,
#aHZMS, in conformity with said ordinance, the Mayor of said City
did make proclamation of said election and fixed the date thereof for the
2nd day of October, A. D. 1945; and,
WKER ASa, said election order and proclamation thereof were prepare
and published in the manner and for the time proscribed in said ordinance;;
WWASAS, on the 2nd day of October, A D. 1955, said election was
hold in the City of Fort Worth, Texas., at the respective polling places
designated in the election order, at which said election the issuance of
said bonds was submitted as a proposition to the qualified electors of said
City who own taxable property in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and who have
duly rendered the same for taxation; and,
WHL ASI, the official ballot on said occasion;, in conformity with the
ordinance of the City Council hereinabove mentioned and in accordance with:
the order of said election, in form and in substance reads as followsc
1' .
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Testas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Nine Million Dollars
($9,000,000#00) for the purpose of constructing, improving and extending
the streets, thoroughfares and storm ewers of said`, City, including in such
permanent public improvements the straightening, widening, paving, grade
separation, lighting and drainage of said streets and thoroughfares, and ac-
quiring the necessary lands therefor, said bands being payable serially as
may be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall
become payable within forty (lit) years from the dates thereof, bearing in-
terest, at a rate not to exceed four per cent (l ) per annum from the date
thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to paythe inter-
est on said bonds and create a sinking, fund suMoient to redeem said bonds
at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Street Improvement ,Bonds.,
AGAINST the Issuance of Street Improvement Bonds.
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issues
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal. sum of Two Million, Five Hun-
undred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00) ,dor the purpose of establishing, equip.
ping, extending and improving municipal airports and landing fields for air-
planes, aircraft and other aerial machines, and acquiring the necessary
lands therefor, said bonds being payable serially as may be determined by
the City Council, so that;the lest maturing bonds shall become payable with-
in forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rats not to
exceed four per cent (4%) per annum from the date thereof', payable semi
annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and
create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof"?
FOR the Issuance of Airport Bonds.
AGAINST the Issuance of Airport Bonds,
Shall the City of bort North, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Two Million Dollars
($20000,000„00) for the purpose of improving, extending and enlarging the
sanitary surer system and sewage disposal plant of said City, and acquiring°
the necessary lands therefor, said bonds being payable serially as may be
determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become
payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at
a rate not to exceed four per cent (4%) per aw, = from the date thereof,
payable semi,-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on
said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said "bonds at the
maturity thereof? .
OR the Issuance of Sanitary Sewer System and, Sewage Disposal
Plant Bonds,
AGAINST the Issuance of Sanitary Sewer System and Sewage Disposal
Plant Bonds.
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through Its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Three Million Dollars
03,000,000,,00) for the purpose of improving, extending and enlarging the
water works and water works system of said City, and acquiring the necessary
lands therefor, said bonds being payable serially as may be determined by
the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payables with-
in forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not
to exceed four per cent (1 0) per annum from the date thereof, payable semi-
annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds,and
create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity there-
FOR the Issuance of Water Warks Bonds,
AGAINST the Issuance of Water Works Bonds,
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Three Hundrod Thau�and
Dollars ( 300,000..00) for the purpose of constructing, building and equip=-
ping a police station and ,fail building, said bonds being payable serially
as may be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds
shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing
interest at a rate not to exceed four per cert (1%) per annum from tura date
thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the inter:;:.
eat os said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds
at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Police Station and Jail Building Bands.
AGAINST the Issuance of Police Station and Fail Building Bonds.
Shall the City of fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Seven Hundred Thousand
Dollars ( 700,000000) for the purpose of purchasing acquiring and improving
land and property for public parks in said City, said bonds being payable
serially as may be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing
bonds shall become payable within forty (40) Fears from, the date thereof,
bearing interest at a rater not to exceed four per cent (4 ) per annum from
the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to gag the
interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said
bands at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Park Bonds.
AGAINST the Issuance of Park Bonds.
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sun of Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and improving
the playgrounds and recreation parks of said City, said bonds being payable
serially as may be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing
bonds shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof,
bearing interest at a-rate not to exceed four per cent (4%) per annum from
the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy a'sufficient tax to pay
the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem
said bonds at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Playground and Recreation Park Bonds;
AGAINST the Issuance of Playground and Recreation Park Bonds.
Shall the City of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of Right Hundred Thousand
Dollars ( ,000.00) for the purpose of constructing, building and equip-
ping an art and children's museum for said City, and acquiring the necessary
land therefor, said bonds being payable serially as may be determined by
the City Council, so that the last maturing bonds shall become payable with-
in forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest at a rate not to
exceed four per cent (4%) per annus from the date thereof, payable barn r.
annually, and, levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds and
create'a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Art and Children's Museum Bonds*
AGAINST the Issuance of Art and Childrents Museum Bonds..
ahall the City of Fart Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal suns of Five Hundred. Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00) for the purpose of constructing, building and equip-
ping a recreation center building and amphitheater for said City, and acquir~
ing the necessary land therefor, said bawds being payable serially as may
be determined by the City Council, so that the last maturing bands shall be-
come,payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing interest
at a rate not to exceed ,four ,per cent (4 ) per ann m from the date thereof,
payable semi-annually, and levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on said
bonds and create a`sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds at the me,"
turity thereof`
FOR the Issuance of Recreation Center Building and Amphitheater
AGAINST the Issuance of Recreation Center Building, and Amphi-
mph -theater Bonds.
Shall. the Cty,of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Council, issue'
its negotiable coupon bonds in the principal sum of One Million, Five undyed
Thousand Dollars ($1.,500,000,00) for the purpose of constructing, equipping
and improving agricultural and livestock exhibit buildings for said City,
and acquiring the necessary lands therefor, said bonds being payable serialR
ly as may be determined by the City Council, so that the Last maturing bonds'
shall become payable within forty (40) years from the date thereof, bearing
interest at a rate not to exceed four,per cent (4%) per annum from the date
thereof, payable send,-annually, and levy a sufficient tans: to pay the inter-
est on said,, bonds and, create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem said bonds
at the maturity thereof?
FOR the Issuance of Agricultural and Livestock Exhibit Building
AGAINST the Issuance of Agricultural and Livestock Exhibit
Building Bonds,,;
WHEREAS, in the election held in said City of Fort Worth, Texas, on
the 2nd day of October, A. D. 1945, on the question of the issuance of said
bondshereinbefore mentioned, there was a majority of votes in favor of the
issuance of said bonds; and,
WH M,, by virtue of said election, said City Council is vested: with
power and authority by and from the qualified electors who own taxable prop-
arty in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and who have duly rendered the same'
for taxation, to issue said bonds for the purposes aforenientioned and to
make same valid and binding obligations of the corporate government of the
City of Fort !Worth, Texas; and,
WHRRiAiAB, the City Council;, in accordance with: the power vested in said
governing body, did lawfully pass and adopt an ordinance on the '16th day of
July, A,, D. 1947, authorising the issuance of negotiable coupon bonds of the
taovaarament of the Citi of Art Amis aaiwuaat ng to the princ#Pai sax Of
Seven Rundtei and Fifty Thousaunul Dollars ; MIA,
Ra EAQ all of the awb a:daeaeri and bonds vire leaved out ;of an
tho"rit"44"Ism of Two,Miiiaaaa 'dwaiiaaraw ,0`, *005 vortia of 0414 bobs*j
whfota bonds wenn aauKoriz d to be issuedbyshe praparty
voters of said t tV at mar ejection, taaid ort tjjaa Caad Siad of:Cr't abdr, A. 0,.
1946, and all of them being a part of awnd krown as dartsa78, aa, deli" tad
aaa "Sanitary Sewer System and Ze,wm,aa Disposal Plant Bonds"; and,
WRENZAS, ;it Is deemed rise and expedient is a- tb[e City Coaaaacil of the
City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the aazereisa of the dieere` n reposed in it,,
by law, haat 'tea Hundred and Fifty ^t°bowiaaaaai Dollars ($250,001*0ta) vort a of
said MOW, in MUM to the venni hundred and Fiftj ThousaAd Dollars
(1750,000.00)000.Ct� worth og aaaaiA bonds heretofore issued and sold out of these au-
thorized issue of Two N111ior Dollars 02,000,000*0 a be iosuad, in honds ant
this t4) maid boads ds to be issued baeiead a part of tirri*es 7 8,an dssia ed
as "Sanitary-Sewer,Sytt as, and Sewagt Disposal Flant Box d s'; NOVA THS14FIqUE,
SMMS f ;
Toot the munielpal, i;,aaaaarrataart of for City of Fort North, Texas, 3a aaaa
its corporate nogotlable compo bands;in the principal sum of Two Hundred
and Fifty Thousand Dollars rs ($250,000* ), this amount bei ig In addition to
the Squma, Fiw�mozed And Fifty duaaaandat4:tawrs (1130,000.00) wo.rte of said Whs
heretofore iosaaqd by an ordinance iaawafaaiif i4sri , aid adopted, by, thjo said
Citi' Countil on two ia'atbi'day of My, A. C. 1947; that the said;bands albNonve
dosaori0d were i:oaaod and sold %ut of an authoriXed issue of Two+ ftillidn Doi-
ouattacarlApd to be issued at
the 20 day A Ootobor, A. V. 1945, and With bonds are traow w aq Series 70
and desi;a aaitaed as "Sanitary Mer System and ,5tawrade Ct„aataosaal Mart Mads";
Haat the bonds ao to be issaaaaai shall be in the denomination on of Onet ousaa d
Dollars $1,000.00) oaaah, dated dune 1, 1948,, the first One Hundred aatd
F "; sand Dollars � ,200 " ,W Ah Off" sa d �ro �y a� �„”��
to 1960, jacIunsivve, to bear interest at the rate of tuo and one-half per
cent (Q) pati annum, and the next One Hiuidrsd, aaav " a'i.rty Sousand Dollars
($j30,qqQ0Pj vat,of said band3, U tUriaaa frPM Q61, to 197,3, inolosi aaai
to bear Interest at the ;rate of two and 'three-yarters per cant (2-3/4%)
per ,e payable seal-annually on the first dada of December and Aunta of
each year respectively, both principal, and Interest of said bonds being, ptty°-
able at the Central Hanover Bank and 'guest. CosaCmaaaaµ�, in the City of R6W,York,
State of'Slew York, the sand. aaaotaaai interest being evidenced by intotest
coupons attached thereto, all of said bawds to be expouted for and on bo-
half of the City Of Fort 'doAh, Texas, by the Mayor thereof, attested by its
City Secretary, vith the seal o; ' the City thereon duly N res pd, but the
interest coupons to'be ,eteeaated,eaith the lithographed taosinile signatures,
of the Ni>r and City Secretary,of the City of Worth, Texas; that ea h
of said bonds and coupons shall We ne oii,a 1 andiaab1 to
bonds shall be uasabered in the way and, nonpor haretuat' er set out., saw the
the last maturing bona oballbac eas fatyaable rit.1atu'twenty-five i) years
froaa the date thereof, and the bonds WeWl es, two hundred and, fifty (250)
in n4nb rl sholl be naarabered oonseoutively-from seven 1nandrwA and fifty—ono
(751) to one thoaasand (1,C0)), ineiusisae, and shall mature iea the amount and
manner hereinafter set out; and that said bonds Wall be WON ON for the pur
pose of Inpro0nC, extending teed esai arglaaa the a=aria 'trrary sever systeaa and
sewage disposal,plant of eaiad Caiy, and acepitring the aaaoessary hands thea,.
for For said City.'
'That thae gotoral. forio of sald benda aataa the ooaapa," th� ato anue ed
area trap", tatareat Qla to said bonds siaalI fast aha JA Ndstoaatya
following forma
Thwt the said bonds so to be tssaaod y the dtfap of fort Worth, Texaq
awintfng to Two ttundrod and Fifty Thousand Dal ($2501000.60), In ddl-
tipn to fhoof Sqyen Rugdreaat ,nd rof, ty °ftatousavd, Dollars
worth,of ,said mats taaraato,fore t^saaaad out of the issue of
M t Illon DolLars ($2,000,000.00), shall be ia4ued Ar the p4ryose cif 1, «
proving, extending and oaa arjn the sandtary savor system and sowage dis-
posal,plant of said City, and sequizing the a*oessary"lands therefor for
said City, and abate consist of;two huamdr"ott and Xlift y 2 bonds =Vnbered
f an, seven hundred and, f ,fV a„nel peat), to one t1aouoary (t,,0000), inclusive,
and than first One Hundred and Nenty Thousand Da�llxrs20$ °. nark of
said bonds, faaataaring from 1949 to 1960, inalua iva, taa l tea"ar ,ta tea st at,
the rate of two rand one—half per carat (2j%) per aumun, and tho naxt, Ian un—
drod and Thirt Thousand Dollar 130,000.00 vorth of said bonds,, uaaa urtn
fro/m/4,1 ?; 971 f,nc uaxiv, tataa l bear tntersaat at trtaf rate of two a�
ttaree-quaaaero per swat (2-3/4%) per a naaaua, payable ami,-annaat ,a as afore-
said, all of which said two hundred and fifty pt bonds strap be w a as
Series 78 and shall be styled and daylgoaataat as NI-Ja,ardtar dossr s of saes
hemage, Dispo; opt Plant Bonds"; and hhat 41 of ttae maid bonds, oompr sin f s
sura total of "foray Hundred tarsi, Fl ty "Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), shall
tore In tumarical ord6r in, the manner and smiunto as seat larva in tire" taabua ,at ad
stataa ont heraot,th attaetraaat, to .t-
That the said bonds are hereby authorized to be sold to the best ad-
vantage, but in no event shall same be sold for less than par, and the ac-
creed interest to the time of delivery and the proceeds thereof to be placed
in the treasury of the City of Fort Worth and utilized for the special pur-
poses for which they, are created.
That for the purpose of paying the interest of said bonds, as well as
the various installments of principal, as the same shall respectively ma-
ture, there is hereby levied for the year 1949 and for each succeeding year
thereafter so long as the same may be necessary, to provide for the inter-
est and annual installments of principal of said bonds, on all property in
the City of Fort Worth, Texas, liable to taxation, a straight, ad valorem
tax of .7584 cents on the one hundred dollar valuation of said propertyj
or so much thereof as may be necessary, and if at any time the amount of
said tax shall not be sufficient to provide for the interest and annual, in-,
stallments of principal, it shall be the duty of the Citi Council to so in-
crease said rate that an amount shall be realized from said tax sufficient
to meet the requirements aforesaid for interest and annual Installments of
principal of said bonds; and it is hereby promised and agreed that such in-
crease of tax shall be made, if required for the purposes named, as often
as it may be necessary. There shall be assessed and collected annually a,
sufficient sum to pay the interest on such bonds and to create a sinking
fund of at least two percentum (2%) of the principal debt herein authorized,
That it shall be the duty of the City Council of the City of Fort
Worth, Texas, and its successors, and of the government of the City of Fort,
Worth, in levying taxes for general purposes for the said City for the year
1948 and for every successive year during the life of said bonded indebted#.
ness or any part thereof, to include in such IeV the special tax of .7584
cents on the one hundred dollar property valuation (or so much thereof as may
be requisite and necessary), provided for in the next preceding section of
this ordinance, and said special tax shall on no account whatever be dis-
placed therefrom.
That the special tax hereinbefore provided for, when collected, Shall
be placed and kept in a separate fumd and shall be devoted to the payment of
the interest and the extinguishment of the principal of all and singular the
bonds hereinabove mentioned as same mature from time to time, and shall not
be used, applied or diverted to any other purpose or object whatsoever; and
the funds derived from said tax shall be held and listed as a separate ac-
count on the books of said City and the proceeds held and kept by the City
Treasurer of said City as a separate and distinct account and so specified
as such on his books.
That as soon as convenient after said bonds shall have been prepared
and signed in the manner prescribed by the ordinance, they shall be submitted
to the Attorney General of the State of Texas, together with a certified copy
of this ordinance and a statement of the total bonded indebtedzess of the
City of Fort, Worth, including the bonds herein and hereby authorized and the
assessed value of the taxable property in said City, for his approval, and
none of said bonds shall be negotiated, sold or transferred until the Sam
shall have received the official sanction of the said Attorney General as
prescribed by law, and thereafter said bonds shall be placed with the State
Comptroller of Public Accounts for registration.
That the City Treasurer of the City of Fort Worth, or other lawful
custodian of such fund, during the months of November and May of each and
every year during the life of said bonds or part thereof, and not later than
the 25th day of each of said months, shall transmit sufficient money out
of the intertest Bands hereinbefore created for the payment of the semi-arsenal
interest accruing, on said bonds to the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Com-
pany, of this city of New "lord:, State of New York, and likewise proper 're-
mittance shall be made in dee coarse to provide for the payment of the prig~
cipal of any of said bonds in advance of the maturity of same,o
That this ordinance shall: take effect and be in full force and effect
from and after the data of its passage, and it is so ordained,;
Hsyor of the ty of Fort Worth, Texas
City Secretary of the City or
Fort 'Worth, Texas
City l homey of t e City of
"ort Worth, Texas
Sanitary Sever System and Sewage Disposal Plant Bond of the City of Fort
Worth issued for the purpose of improving, extending and enlarging
the sanitary sewer system and sewage disposal plant of said
City, and acquiring the necessary lands therefor.
That the government of the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation
duly created under the, laws of the State of Texas, hereby acknowledges Itself
to owe, and for value received promises to pay to bearer,
in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first day of June,
A. D. 19 _, together with interest thereon at the rate of
percentum'( %) per annum, payable sad-annually on the first day of
December and June in each year, on presentation and surrender of the annexed
Interest coupons as they severally fall due. Both the principal and inter-
est of this bond are payable at the office of the Central Hanover Bank and
Trust Company, in New York City, New York, and for the due and punctual pay-
ment of this bond at the maturity thereof, and the interest thereon when it
faIIA due, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Fort Worth are
hereby irrevocably pledged.
This bond is one of a series of two hundred and fifty (250) bonds num.
tiered consecutively from seven hundred and fifty-one (751) to one thousand
(1,000), inclusive, in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
each, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($250,000.00), issued for the purpose of improving, extending and en-
lar ging the sanitary sewer system and sewage disposal plant of said City,
and acquiring the necessary lands therefor, under and by virtue of the Con-
stitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of Fort
Worth, and an ordinance lawfully passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Fort Worth, pursuant to valid authority from the property taxpay-
ing qualified voters of said City, at a proper and legal election hold on
the 2nd day of October, A. D. 1945,
It is hereby further expressly represented, recited and covenanted by
the government of the City of Fort Worth, to and with each and every holder
of said bonds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions and thirgs re-
quired by the Constitution and laws of the Mate of Texas, and of the Charter
and OvdirAnces of the City of Fort Worth, precedent to and in the issuance
of this bond.,have been done, have happened and have been performed in proper
and lawful time, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this
bond a legal, binding and valid obligation of the City of Fort Worth, and
that provision has been made for the levy and collection of a direct annual
tax on all taxable property in the City of Fort Worth, and that such tax has
been levied in a sufficient amount for the payment of the principal and in-
terest of this bond at the respective maturity dates thereof, and that the
total indebtedness of said City, including this bond and the issue of which
it is a component part, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limi-
IN TZST1)M WHBIMF, the City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas,
has executed this bond by causing it to be signed by its Mayor and attested
by the City Secretary, with the seal of the City thereunto duly impressed,
and has caused the annexed interest coupons to be executed with the fame *
signatures of the or and City Secretary, and has caused this bond to be
dated as the first day of June, A. D. 1948,
City Sciii-iti717�—
The City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, promises to pay to
Bearer — (0 _) on the let day of
—, 19 at the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company,
in the City of New York, Now York, for interest due that day on its Sanitary
Sewer System and Sewage Disposal Plant Bond, Series 78, dated June 1, 1948,
and numbered
City Secretary
I do hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office
a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect
that this bond has been examdned by him as required by law, and that he finds
it has been issued, in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State
of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation upon said City of
Fort Worth, Texas, and said bond has this day been registered by me,
WITNESS mV hand and seal of office, at Austin, Texas, this the
day of A. D. 19
Comptroller of Public Accounts
of the State of Texas
DATED JUNE 1, 1948
1949 0107,000,00
1950 10,000.00
1951 1(7,000.00
1952' 1,000.00
1953 10,000.P70
1954 100000,00
1955 10,000,00
1956 10,000.00
1957 10,000.00
1958 143,000.00'
1959 10,000.00
1960 10,000.00
196-1- 100000,00
1962 10,000.00
1963 10,000.00
1964 10,000.00
1965 10,000.00
1966 10,000.00
1967 10,000.00
1968 10,000.0()
196+x' 100000.00
1910 10,000,00
1971 147,000.00
1972 10,000.00
1973 10,000.00