HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2649 COPISA CI No. AM ORDINANCE ORD&RIXG Edi SL40TTOK, OF TRZ QUALIPIED IOWS OF TQ OIIX OF POUT VQXQ T ", ON TUBS- DAY, THE ITU PAY OF AY'=,, A,. D. M9 FOR i OF EUT 's amps �. Tmfk� AI5 CIT,r SE IT CHDAINED 4T THE CITY COUNCIL OF Thio CITY M°Y" IWIT ,,'T ;um q, That in compliazoe with the Charterof the City of Fart north and in accordance with the ;haws asd Comatituti,on of the State of Texas, an election be and the same is hereby called And orderod for the first Tues- day after the first Nbaday In Apill, A. D. 1149, the same being the 5th day of said month, at which election all qualified voters may vote four the purpose of;electing nine colulacilmala.; SECTIOa II That the City Secretary of raid City shall prepare ballots to be deed,;ita;sa d..elecViom and shall stamp same 40fficial° Ballot,'" aim?hith ballot shall be printed the rages of.the candidates for the position of councilman. The placesof thediffereaa:ta counoilman shall be designated on tie official ballot as k0ber of Council, Place No. lr 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, B and 9, respectively. Z1I5i III,, That no pesrsonTs mama shall be placed Upon the official; ballot as a candidate for the position of a member of:the C:itya, Council unless the name of .such person has beda presented to the Oily Secretary not less than ,thirty (30) days prior to the date of amid election bye a petition signed bye it aree rpd 100) or amore qualified voters, of aid,�t�,i i� o indelible pencil, together with the busizosa or home address of each per- son erson signing such potition, and its muit also appear on the face of said pew tit✓iem the number+of the plaaa that the said eandi.date is seeking and Vast the said position has been cepa wtel; circulated, ' SECTION 17 That, it shall further appear to the said Ci ;F Secretary, bcfors said candidate"`s name is entered on said ballot, that summa candidate has filed with the said City Secretary a written aoceptance,of his nomination not less than twenty (20) days before the date,of said election, and that he has filed an affidavit of loyalty with the Secretary of State, as re- quired by Jkrtiele 2978a of the Revised Civil StAtutoo, of Texas. SWUON V, That, in the event that there are two or mrs candidates for the some position and place as a member of Uia City Counoil, the position of such candidatos,' names on the ballot shall be determined by placing them on such ballot in the alphabetical order of their, sura amea, SECTION V11 7hat each voter=shall vote for UP choice oaadidate for each place as member of the City Council by striking from the ballot the names of all the candidates for which he does not wish to vote, and shall vote, for one candidate only for each place. SECTION VII That the polls shall be kept open from seven o4alook azo, until seven o1clock, pm., and that due return be made to the City Council show- ing time number of votes cast for and the number of votes east against 031404 candidate for each of the positions of, city councilman respectively,* SECTION VIII* That this ordinance, signed by the Iftyar and attested by the City Secretary, shall constitute the proclamation of the Mayor selling and or- daring said election, and that such notice shall,be published in a news- paper of general circulation in the City of, Fort Worth once a week for fear weeks prior thereto, and that the said City Secretary is More directed to post or cause to be posted said proclamation at least thirty (30) days before said election in each voting precinct, SECTION ix, That the polling places for this election and the personnel of the officers who are to hold the same, except insofar as they maybechanged by the City Council, of said City, al be,, as follows q AIeLA-nO_X 105 27-N Fire Hall - XoadovbrooDriv* Mrs, Mary, e47 ark Oakland so 27-S Sagamore Hill School firs. J. G. Reeves 701 Hughes 83: 2S 126, 32 Oaklawn School - 3224 Hardman WO Charlotte 164 32, Perna 1182944 iudglea Methodist Church Howard C., Brants Ridglea Addition 120 29-9 Bob Di els Feed Store Mrs. Jesse HardU 5500 Camp 'Bowe Blvd 125, 30 Trinity, apti st Ghs h, i-ra« 0,1 0. Strother er 99 31-41) Fire Station - Handl tars„ J, P, Porker 12 31- ) That this ordinance a ,all take effect and be in full force and of- feet ffeet from and after the date of its passage, Al ��; Clf "Secretary S N P: `- ;, As To F if s City A to M 1 1 Fire Hall - 2nd & Commerce Sts, Z, L. Davis 552-3 PetereaM School A. G, John on 715 Socond street 2 2-H Courthouse Bas' ent - West End F. H Clouse. 56 3-3 Fire Ha11 - 101 Kewedy W14 L Dean 3 3-�W Fire Hall - 16th and Jones Mrs, W, A,'J a 4 4-L Fire Hall - 'Tema and Chorry Mrs. a. H. NOLswro 57 4-W Mary Park - "Ith & Summit Joe Gonzales 58 ; 5-8 Aos Tent & Awnt% Company Mrs., Hisannie A. Utior' 602 111inois3 5 5-W Fast Yam Z"dt 3ahoO1 Airs, H. H. 'Kittrell 61.5 Missouri Avenue 54 6-W Lige Green Fl.c>rist . Miss A. s. Hahan 611 Fifth Avea ue ' 53 6-0 Fire Hall - PetererAth & Nlton Mrs.i Johne House, 6 6-g Fire Hall - Tuokar 4 a" 7 7--NW Bruest Paricer Junior High School Mra«.Leota Squyrov 1.011.5 Jehninga 84 7-SW Boy Scouts I house - HergphM,St, Ara. Dasa"Dennis Presbyterian Church - 1701,,Xamphill I . 79 7-SB Worth Drug Store - '22,5U Evans Ave. Mrs. C,. g+. Djoldne 59i 7-KE Lodge HmIl - 928 Evans Avenue A. L;. 'Hailey 73 7-M Fire Mall - Now York & McAdex tars.' Mary XcgiroM 899 7-'S AIbruingvide Blemotary School Mrs.; F. L.;Haas 2609 ons Avenue 8 "S Hancock Wall Paper Company'" Mra. H. C. Eberhardt 900 W. Mag1nolias 71 Fire Hall - 1601 Lipscomb 'Z,, A* APIA, or/ 96: 8-3, Garaldson+s Drug Stare Mrs. T. S. Cyrus 2011 Sixth Avenue 60 $-H Parvo Place Fire Hall Mrs, H. W. Wheeler 1616 Park Placa 70 8-HW Gabbard drug Store . L Ms glharanon 1314 MagnoliA 61 9-H I re Hall, - 1019 Pesch Street Hers. Gertrude Hut ►atn 9 9--W courthouse Has nsant .Haat Sand G. T. Hubbard 97 10-SW Geo. Clarke School Agra, 0. B. 'Craddock 3500 S. Hwidersou w , ,,,,,,,,,, 78 10-34 Renfro Drug Store #18 3W8 Hemphill Street 77, 10-C Fire Hall - 2804 Lipscomb Mrs W. A, ntts 62 10-N li. M. Daggett School Mrs. W. K. Rise 2315 College 48 11-3 Fare Hall - 12th & North Pqun Mrs. Hattie Loftviob 67 11-SW Denver Avenue School Mrs. W. 0. BelIW 1142 Denver A ei°jue 114 ll-NW Fire Hall - 1945 Be at Mrs. F. B., Mali 87 11-NE North Side Tech School Mrs. Felin', Harrison Parke and Lincoln 68 ' 12-W Sam ,Rosen School Ft. H. Bogard 1602. N„ W. 26th Str t 92 12-C Bary Scout floulos, - Chestnut W. P. Hi iia Avenue Christian Chu hi 5th and Chestnut 49 12-K 0. So Iii ns :Furaiture Store MrsRussell Babcoex 124 If. r*hangs 10 13-N Fire Hall - 1525 B. Hattie W,* B. Rickard 80 13--C R. Vickery School - 1905 Vickery' W. V. Jones 9 13-3 k'uia Griffith :Florist Shop 14rs. Anna Griffith 1320 S, Richmond 81 U-SAlice E. Carl oon Soh wol Mrs Florence `tom tma 3300 W. Cante, 108 14-SH Fire Hall - University & Berry . Wb r er, Jr. 95° 14-N Horn Grocery Mrs. Z. S. Leonard 2202 Forest Parks Blvd, 117 14-3 Mrs. Grace Bradley's;Residence Mrs Roy Douglas; 3314 University Drive 15 15-3 Brooklyn Heights school :kers.' J. . Hi iea V' entine; 116 15--C Crestwood School John R. Thompson 3600 'White Settlament Road 64 15-N W. Tan Zandt School tars. Joe W Davoon 1200 University Ivo 16 16-B Old S. Hi M011alt School Ctrs. J. C. 0w'e s 1125 L&Phyatto 103 16-N North Hi Mount School Mrs.^^ W. B. Asafro, 5ak1 V. 1%. Vo ith $treat 86 16-0 Fire Hall - Carloton wid ttra. P. F., o Cam al vd „ LOCATION 94 1" Arlington Heights Blementos7 Xrs. Holon Billingsley Soho al - 5100 91 Campo 17 17-K W. J. Turner School Mrs. Rosa YAOO 3000 N. W. 26th Street 122 lrjj S Rosen Heights Preeibyteri Mrs. J. S. Nelson Church - 2560 A049e ,fit-reet 51 18 Diamond Hill High School rs. J,. A. Stopheosoo, 2901 Hutchinson Avenue 19 19-5 Perfecto•Cleaners+ O. S. Phelps, Sr,,, 108 H. Riverside Drive 119 19-N Maxwell Steel <Company Mrs. T. M. Cunningham 3100 Galvesc 92 19-S Riverside Fire; Hall Mrs. Cfra XoAda s 3211 F..'Belknap 1 19o4 O'EOftrs#, School - 2700 Yucca Mr,9* R. E. ice 101' 19-N Awn 0. Carter School ,. .3301 Yucca tors. C. R. ltlb"o t 124 19-NW Mrs. Kqkendell - 2315 goldenrod Dale' O. ate 66 20 eamor Reid is st,, h reh Mrs;w> Y✓ 'ear a%Gi i ;. Sunday School R m - 2800 Purington 11 21-Z Now Fire Hall - 3401 1 Avenue I Mrs. tt J0 Calle ", r, 75 21-W Wm. James Junior High School Mrs.; Fid L. Sorreals 1101 Nashville Street 74 224 D McRae School - 3318 Avenvo M, errs. J~. M» Knox 918 22-3 Chambers Drug Store Mrs. T. C. Clary 2201 Bishop „ 14+ 23 South Fort North School Mrs.: 0. H. Rawlings 900'Fogg Street 107 23-NZ 17 s'e Cate 3760 Hemphill Mrs,. J. F. Tarlton '85 23-W Rosemont, School - 1600 Prince Kris. A, A. `homt'on 76 24 Lily H. Clawtoe School, 2 ( ) Park P1ae , 50 2,5-W 'Washington Heights High School Mrs„ Wo W. Farmer 3203, H. rloust,on 123 25-B, Fust wpoo Heights School Mrs. J. G. 'Jarvis 901 F*. 34th Street 91 26-N Orsa 's Cafe - Lake Worth Orville Beau 3 26-S Huffmnla C - Lake 'Worth airs. C. C. Witt