HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3149 AN 08DINANCE PROVIDINI' Fffi THE SUHM,1SG1fXT IX) '15MrpRr,4 �,,Zg)Almiym E11801110116 100 011P0 11TAXARLS FRO1,121'rt IN 2 CITY OF F0,41," W0871,1, T=115, 0D '00 HAVI, Dtff,'Y' 3ED T0, SA10s FOR MAXAT10,01 FCAR 73Z, 1"ViVAOSE OF UPON THE 13SUANaW OF 1MVENUE BAOWNDDS IN THE SUM OF TWE HIF.1110N DOUX18 I'm' TICZ, PTO TWEIVE 11111.1N10,11, FMYR HEIKkFMID "10)'SAND D01,1*0STTsls Wo,ocamo) manni (F ISA11) 130"NIA 1VTX1210,11=0 AND DULY 10$UQ VOR %9T3 FURP= OFC]APHOWURG, Zr1TJ91X[Nr3, AND KKARGINO nM WA1VATU1(XUw,3P SYSIEM (W SAID CITY, SAID KaMS 1110 HE 13SUM) AT OPRE 700 01,1 IN T1 RV34, 21PIE W TDTS AS THE CITY COUNCILSBALL DE2ERMINE, TKS SO= Or ZAC a IX- SiATLIKENT MEING PAYABIR szffrALLY ASA KAY HE' rA?,TW011VED BY 1111E avinf coumn, mi m,,ArM �LAVT MX1111311,14(3� BUNDS SITALL B0C10YM,', FAYAB114 WI'THIN 1"ORTY (4o) YEARS rROM TMU"' DPON, 'IMP (IPP AND, BEARING =2003T XP A RAIZ VOT TO EtaKED FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER (20T Tr' ASMA41F1TOA W- DAZ TIZIK&rg'; UMT TO 1632MINS UPON 1=051111N';U1 (F lmvgff(TTrd B(mm IN IVE BUM 111.41 FIVE MILLION DOLLLARO ($5,0()0,CxC:�,.o0), T31 ADDITION TO FIVE M111,10fi, SIX H0,01,03) THOUsmi'D DOLLARS 45,140,000.00) WORT X SAID B01.4 XUZ ORIES21, ANDDtILY IMIJED, F(�YR TEELe PMP=4 OF '0WROVING, 2.'0.C1ZM)]1,G JU1,D,ENL&'�G.nXG, THEMISLT,1113g,, 0DWE SYSTER CY 93AID CITY, QID B1RIU5 TO BE IBKWZ XP ONE TlbZ OR IN IRSIALINEXIS TN 0l TIME �1,43 TIJQ ,TNN THE C11MY (,'0Lm111L WAXJ, V17SHMIXE, THZ B006 (F EACH 1112MALUKEN"J! 'BRIN43, FXZMEZ SERIALLY AS MAY ME DE728MINED BY '1104' CITY COMIC'n, SO ZAT Tail' �EAST MA- "AMING llm�S SHAMA, 1151COVEm PAYAMAP� WITRIN FORTY (114)) n3ARS, fmumt THE DATZ 0MRSOP, AID BEARING 1XrMRKST AX A Rkl% NCYP "IT) =GT03T) FOUR AND ONE-ISUAULF XCH CENT (4-1/9220A) FER 1001111 FROM °mrol jmvjm� THEIMV, AI)MORIZME TKE 13MIXICE 1,X0 I= BaMZ UEFA TT BY A, COMBIARDOLEDGE k THE 11b11EMIRS M,,,' IOrCST00IS; FLIM)GING 'M ARVENUMS OF TIRE RXISTIWORKS ISYS'= AND THE SEWER SYSTEN FOR THE tAIMCUT TMIXZOP, IN ACCORDAN(= WITH THE XROVISIONS OF AP11ICAMIX STAIU7US, AIND P1U3T1".GU1ARL7 A3RTXMJ?Z mna 13=US3'.VE,, OF THE REVZSED CIVIL STATUTMS UP 1EXAS, 1925, AS AKZXUZD, SAID EdXCTI(A Z FE� HEED IN THE CITTY OF FOR W013M, TEXAS, Off TVE'8­ DAY, MME T1 ",GATT DXY OF JANUARY, A. D. 195k; AMD ORDAINING UIMEZ FEnVISIONS RELATED TO THE GUBJECT, H9 IT UKRkIKED BY THE CITY COUNCIL UP U[M CITY' OF F(YRT ZMM, TEXkW: UXTION 1. 7N%t a special electdam be held in the (."Ity of Fort Worth, Texas, on, Tuesday, the 26th day of Jamzary, A. D. 1954, at the polling places bereduafter described, between tile hu=z of seven o'clock A. M., and seveeln a%zck F. K., at idt"d,c1i election, the following, propop S itions for t2im, Is u- ance of bonds of the City of Fort WmrtJ,,a, Tema, eac*), and all of which propo- sitions contain a putI.,iose cLkuse ttmt bag bepgn famid, azid, detemnined by- the city cows all Un "be permm%ent pulblic inprovermmits and far a legitimjtA gdlb- lie munlelpCI purpose, sha,12 be sxfbmitted to the. qtmllfied electors so 0m, taxable prppert� my; diXLy rendered the aame for taxa- , , )r in said City�md mho h tion in accordance with the provisioaa of 13PCtlotl 3-A, Artlale 6 of tlj.e con- �JW of, 1��GVM_ stitution of Texas as adopted at an election, held on theGids ter, A. D. 1932t I Stoll The City of Fort Worth, Thams, tlirougb, its City Counizil, is- sue Its nelptlable coupon bonds In the principal F.,,= of Ten Million Dal- Icon ($3n,000,000.,(,X)), ba additlini to boads of ,the of ggyregate principal. amotuit af Twelve Million, 1PPotir Ebuldried 1housand Dollars Q12,400,0D0.OD) beratefere isouied hy Lile Cj1tYF ptirsuazit to a Proposition MUMd by a on- jority v,ote of tkie quLlifted e.'Leators Of the. City uut a special electiorl beld on, Z,=cuwru i 21;,5, 1949, for the purpose of Improving, extending mad enlarg- ing the Vatervorks 6,1,rstem of sa4d Cityl said bonds to be isemed mt ame U or in insi-alljoent's frcwm time to time an the MY a0uncil shall daterldne, the bonds of each Antallmewt beizmg prmyEODle serivCLly as scy be detexilined by the City Council, so that the laut usturing bonds ohall become pmynble IrIthin forty 000) years A= the clate tkkerec,�f, =td boaxing Interest at a Me not to exceed four and one-half per sent (4­,L/21%f) per &nnim from the date thereof, paylble salmi-ennusL1.1y, and to provide for the payment of principal and interest on sald I &s 1�y pledging the net, revamuts fron, t17z w�);taration of tbe Waterworks Byetvnzi c)f isaid City-, cir In Lhe eva=t that the City Coimeil be authorized, to issue Sewer System re'vaaue boads as submitted in to I'm secured additionally by a, pledge of the net,,, revenues framthe operation of MAY= System? Sbe.3_1. Lhe City of Fort Mrth, Texas, thn,,x4,,,,!,h its City Councll, Ls-, one its negotldhle coupon bonds iri P;he prtnclq,anl awn of Five Million Dol- 1,arfs ($5,000'noO.00), In addition to borvis of Lkm &ggregiate principal OMMInt of Five 1,412-lion, Six ffimdred 111uxiaw E'xillwwrs it re- tafore issued by the City purstruit to a proposition adopted by a majorlty vote ofthe qtualkrled elinctors of Uma Oity at as special election held on, January 25, 1949, for 't',he purypose of -Lrqprovtt4j,, extiimding aivi enlarging the exAsting Sever Byetem aa said City, said bondr.,x to be ismuO, at one time or In installments from, time to t:Luie as Uaa City Council sbali dateiTtirle, thea bozidn epl' each instal3memb being pa,,,able serially as ma,)r 'be detemined, bY 'the City COMU-11j, so that the last maturing bonds shILI Mama pmyable ,ad.-Ui,la forty (4o) ytars froyju 'tile sjufrtp uduc a(,xOf, axid. bearing, interest, at a rate not to exceed four ca,'A cent (4-1/2'?�aQ per r,i un fxrca,,,% Lbe date thereof, jejable semi-manwilly, ai'v3, bo for tlac payvvent of,' gar inalptl and Intorest an amid bande by pier ing 'the riet recenues aoni the operation of Me Sever Syntem q>f sa1d Cit',y, or JL'n the e"went tllat tlle City Council be aria tharized, to leaue Werwarks Systan revenue bonde as be s�ectvred w5altionally by a pledge of suk"'ad-tted Jn the met revenues from the openAtion of said Witerworks System".' SECTION 2. That said election oball be held at tbe followlxxgr, places with t1le fol-lo""fing rvaaed persons agpointed prealding judge of said election, to wit; MOEMN 3. That sold election be heLri ixader, the provialmis of the MAP- ti"Ition nad lems of the state and, insoreu- as the anxite vut,,y be appliedble, Lhe provisions of the Ciuxxter of the City ofFort, Worth, TItn,,,as, and (ItmUl- fied 1roters vidio ouri taxUble property in s&,.Ld City r-'ui who h1ave diAl,,,y ron- dered the svaaa for taxation sbALI be allowed to vote upon, sald propositions, and all elactors aball vabe in the election precinct or their residence. sEanim 4. Each pnoposition for Me isauaaae of said bonds Hall be separate and distinct so that the voters shall yeas upon ea& one ssrllasrately zuui npart from the Ahers. Pal voters wixio fainar the propositian Q Mae theWaterworks SyMellm, revf%nue bonds shaU have writtea or printed qpuxi Ws ieir ballots the vz)rds. "F0,11 tbe issimince of Waterwotks System Havemia Bonds," and those opposed shall have written or apr.irrted upon their ball,DUT, the "'NUMIST tkx% isiuuuxce of lhttexnforlats .13yeten Revenue Bonds." All voters vito fa,vor tba ywapositlan ba issue the Bawer Jutem reve- nxtie bands all bavar: mx.,,ittet'i or pr1mbed rpoa their ballots the trords; "FaR thet, iasu,iiartae of Sevier System Revwxue Bonds," and those opposed shall 'have gritten or prNted ypon their ballats the- words: "AGUALMM&T tloe isssuuice of Sewer Systen Revenue Bonds." 5MMUM 5- Tha 01ty SeaxetirLry is hareby axdta%red, axvi directed to prepare and is- sup, bmllota and stnxip same "Official Ballatj on whiah QUM shall be grinted the propositions as set fortb abors. It 'the event the said reveaue bomls are authorized to be issued "by, as majority vote of the qualified electors o1," said City, ararl.laalary rat said election, and Me same are Issued and sold, 'alae bolder or holders of such revenue bonds ahall never have the rigixt -W dejuand palmerat thereof out ar any funds rained, or Im be raised by-Auxation; and, each bond issueel or e cuts,,.,,d in pursuance, of such election Wall contain this clause: "The holder he reo iaaWall. never hava the rigjit to dcarnawl paymen't Of 1"his obligivt,aa siat of array ftwule� radaed, or to be raised, by taxwtion.'' swrlcm J. The City of," Part Wbrth expressly reserves 't riv it to issue, a4ld. sell the total authorizatlan af Fifteen million Dollars ($15,000,000.00) In bwds If Wh propositions are agyroved by tbe aDmlifted voters, il°L care or more instal3mente, anci In the event the bonds, as authorized, are not sold an one issue, then% the remuining', bonds, "when subsequently solA, shar,ll be secured by the w � cl,, ctier of lien an pleage as the first itL- stallseat, so that each and ev,7 bond of the whole authcwization, vice-n sold,, Pilmll be of eirpal di1r,,gaity Emd p,�-arity with ench othear bond berein issued anid, with each vatsbanding band losued E`oi,, the purpose of iqpravIng, exta-adb,4,),, and caaargin,[,� Ube Watermarks SystEm and the G". ,er Systena, of said City, yarsumat to the propc)sitiono a�,,Ijopted by a, uza, arlty vote of theqymlli- fled electors of the City at a ypecia.1 elecLion held on al ai.umrcy 25, 15"00). All of said bonds oba,11 be ispsued in accord.ance witb. narrd, secured Ln the provided in Articles EW to 1118, both Inclusive, of the !aa vise Civil. Shia totes of Texas, 1925, as anonded. SECTION S. Buit the (�,Iity, SecretacV, sh*,0.1 furnish election officiale said ballots, together with anV, ather foicornfa or blanka, In accordance w."Ith the C11mirter of the City of Fort Warth, Teicas, and Lhe Iaiwa Of the Swxte of Ttxas J.Tlsaf%vr as saaw� are appliciWle. 9. This ord1nance Well co,,istitttte the election order for such special. election, as Slabstay"Itia]. aalr,d of whialk Y.',Iaal,]. ram r;° as the notice wt' 61,ecranio n underArticle 704 of the Revised Civil Otxa.tuties, of 'D,,..xsas. 10. Mae it Secretaxy is lean eby authorized and directed to cause notice of said alection, to be giyan by a anantantled, Gopy of the election order in ea mb wC' ti,,m electicm it ecincts of said City, and Wo K the City' Hall. Mae notice of said election shall also bppul° llshead on the same_- lwy in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general alroulation.aub- liraked"Ithim eaLd 01ty, The date of the first 1,;nil,'AAciatioxl to be not less t1ian fourteen (11.4) days prior to the date set for uaid election, and the City Secretary shall see that proper pUblication Is made and proper notice of this election in given, in fvim confargd,ty vd,,th tke Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and Uae giatia-ral law6 of the State of Texas apy]icablde theretoo. 11his ard-in,wrice shall tr&Due affect ewi�,`L be in I'kill force arLdeffec�t fur am ,acul afte'r tbe date of its paseage, and it is ea ordained. 01 "Z MR— ATTEST: ("TTY Ts"OFT-677773'r,71701ty of Fort 'Worth, Texas APPROVED AS 'A") F(DRIK AXRr 1XCIALITY a,W For-t,', Wortli, Ta xaE V!�'S,C,RNCT WARD I 141"A"1111, JMXO I I Fire Hall - Second &. Conaeres Shag Floore 55 2-6 Petaramitb School - 715 W. SeaorW 11b-s. J. B. Derdea Iois Y,Umkin Courthouse Basemont - West Gnd, Kra. Z 56 3AE lUra Eall - lloffl. Kanaw.ly Streat W. L. Dent(w 3 Aw is L"all - 3.6tt, auk Jones Sts,, G. K. is 03 Fire 3aaa3l - Texas & C'harry Sts.. 114-iz. 11. H. NaLemore 57 14-W f3aAaY7 Fork - 7tt, is 3vynalb 14,1ra. TdIvi Q. M4uw, Or. 58 5-E Russell Radiator Sho�p 3538 Z. Vickery Blvd. 15s. 1aana Vroneyhon 5 15-w S. Vwi Zandt School-615 MissmAri Ave. Mrs. D. G. NO== 54 6-w jaOck Collier's Store, StaudtAr, Fenasylvaaia Avenue 8Uzs A. B. Badian 53 6.c Fire Bell - Kberamith &, Fulton Ste. Mrs, Jolamie House 6 6-s Fire Bull - Tucker & So. Bryan HIss Ella Sideker 7 NEW Ernest Parker Jr. High School 1015 So. Jennln�g?j Mra. Leata Squyrea 3 84 7-SW Hemphill llrwabytarian Ghtwch Era. Clareace Farmer 1701 Hemphill 79 7-38 Worth Drug Store - 2250 u",,asoma Ave. Mrs. C. B. Ditiizzs 59 17-DNB' Mrs, lacy's Restialas - 1164 Now York Mrs. W. B. Lacy 73 7-4 Fire Hall - New York &. haddox yes. Kary MONAgUlAy 89 7-3 15draingaide Slwmentar7 School 2601 Evana Avenue Mrs. F, L. Bass 8 8-40 Rw-cook Wall Paper Co. 9CO West Nzanolla Earl-Aheeler 71 XSE Fire Eall - 1601 LQscOM911D B. A. 3olliger 96 8-3 GoolzbyDrug Stot,-e - 226,3 Goilege Mrs. D. E. Wheeler 60 SO Park Place Fire Hall 1616 Park Place so. R. W. wh"ler to 8-614 Parson t s Fluorer Shop 1408 N. Magnolia If. L. KaElhannon 61 9-41711 Firs Hall - 1019 Peach Street Mrs. Irene FattereaLl 9 gig Courthouse Basement - Zaat Bad G. T. Hubbard 97 NOW George Clark* School 3300 So. Hander sOM Mrs, E. B, Lowlan, 7A 10-36 Travis, Avenum apt. Church - Youtli Canter - X#,�Z' 7"ravis Avenue Mrs. P. L. ftrtizL 77 10--c Fire Hall, - 2804 Lipsconib Nos. W. A. Fitts 62 I= E. X. Daggett School - Z315 003,1090 Mrs, W. 11. "Zose paii 11_,'E Fire hall - 12th,,, Ck Nort1h 11ain Mr4. Hatt'le Leftwich 67 11-, Deriver 06ponue EIamentary uidtiaol 4Qs. 14. E'. Ballmay 1)a,12 Denver Avenue 110 ll-NW Fire Hall - 1D Belmant bus. F. E. Kirli 87 11-NE Technical High 3chool - 600 Park St. Nis. Felix Ea rrison 68 IZ4 0sen Us. Ll apt. Church - Scott Hall 2506 Roosevelt A. H. Bogari 92 12-a1 Boy Scout House - Chestnut kvenue abristian Church - 25th & Chestnut W. P. Higgins 49 12-E U. E. Klnmotvs Furniture Store IU4, W. '1L.Ckuk:nge Mrs. Russell Babcock la_ 13-N Fire Hall - 1525 L. Hattie W. E. Rickard 80 INC R. Vickery Bleji7ientary- Sch,00l W. V. Jorles 3905 E. Vickery Blvi. 90 13-3 Lakev,11,evo Baptist Glaurch - 2020 Yugm lirs. Id. H. XCKillan, 81 14-SW Alice E. Carlson EltwaraAary School Era. Hymen Deckler, 3320 W. Cantey 108 14-SE Fire Hall - University Dr. & Berry Orville C. Frye 95 14.4"1 Tillery (Iru. &' Mlct. 22D2 Forest Park Blvd. Mrs. Owen Jones 117 14-5 Blumbannet zlemen%17 school 3201 So. Hills Drive Mrs. Ray-Douglas 130 24-V Charlie Hillard's Garage 3801 En aanto "Willima 1). blbrris 15 15-S BrooklIn Hts. Elecientary, ,3chuol 3800 Valentine Mrs. A A. Hughes 216 15-0 Crestwood ElegaarOary School 3600 White Settlement Road Joe B. Owen 64 15,14 W. V= Zandt 11,ementary School 1200 Maiversity Drive Kenneth Handersorli 1A 16n Thommi 1`14aae Zlorzpatary School K. Frank Kinney, 4150 Lafayette 103 16WI 1icwth Ef1­41,,'�,ouaf. `1,`Uennentary &00 3801 W. Seventh St. Mra, W. B. Renfro 86 16-C Fire Hall - 1908 Carleton Nis. P. F. Middletuft, 94 06-Ad Arllmaiion Hts. Elwwntardy School PLO El oup) Nlra. Belen ),,,3i11:iX1gS3-ey 17 117-15' W'. J. Turner Elementary School. 3001 Azle Avenue via. i4sa loco 122 17-3 PhIlawship "a1 ti Church 21x00 N. 1W. 26t,h St. Mrs. J, L. Nelson 51 is Dinwad 11i'll Elemtn'mLary sal�ool 2901 Hutchdason Mrs. J. A. ;terihanzon 19 19-113 Perfecto Clea:,,ters 108 No. RiveralAs Drin-, Mrs. Ed Martin 119 19-C1'ul1' 14axwel1 3-teel Compatq 4.0 O Riverside Drive Mrs,. T. 11. Cunninghan 8,2 l,q..;l Fire Hall - 1100 Eagle Drl-ve lare. Gra 1(chdains log 190W Oakhurst Sahool - 2700 We= Mrs. R. E. Bakke 101 19-H Anon G. Cartur Whool - 3301 Yucca Mrw. C. X. Albrecht 124 MW—Mrs. Goo. Kuykendall's Maeldence Wo. H. L. Price 2315 GoLlenrod 66 20 Witmdan Churah - 2800 Purington Mrs. T. J. Stowers 32 21-E Fire Hall - 34QI Avenue I Mrs. J. Id. xtvnons 75 21-11 '01m. James Jr. High Wool EL01 Nashville Mm. R. A. G=k 74 22-1`4 Cr. McRae School - '533,8 Avenue N 14'r5. Viva, �'(ieel 98 22-E S. 3. Dillow ',30'iool 132 .".0 ME 4000 kwanue N Vs. H. L. Taylor 14 X1.1 {M So. Vt. �4,orth Elam. -'io�,,iool 900 Fogg St. Mrz. U. B. Rawlirgs 107 23-1`E Xamarlal. C,1'xisUan Ghurcb 805 W. Dickoar) Mrs. W. H. Wton 85 23-W "Rxuoepniant Jr. High School 1600 Prince St. Kra. D, A. Thorntofl 76 24 Lily' S. Clayton Qhool 20,00 Park. Plaice Mrs. Roscoe SM101 50 25-41 Hts. Elozentary School, 3WO N. Rou3ton Mrs. 'W. rf. Fariner 123 25-3 h. V. 1CaIW4 Elementary School 3524. 140. Ortuap Vs. Fred Daniel 91 2W ThUBea6hadiber- Lake Worl.;h hir s. Cl. Cl. Girtoll 11 26- N,Wffnmnla (3aurp - IWks Worth Mrs. C. 0. "Witt 105 27,-N Fire Hall - Mawlowbrook Dr. & owkland Mary EflerIj 88 27-111, Sagamore 6°i112 Sc,,hool - 701 Hxmzheo St. Mrs. J. 04 Reeves 127 27-$E Dtaibax Sel.�,00l - 16(X]. 113srty---- W. E. Lagam 83 28 Unklawn School 104 32 3320 Hardafnari Mrs. Charlotte Parnell Ila 29-M Ridglea Hathadist 4Church-60'36 Loa Mrs. J. Z. Frazzall 129 29-S Ridglea West Blementary School 7313 Kermit E. Stanton Brolwwtl 120 24-E Bob '14hitel'a Fewl Store 5500 Caaq,p 1�,ovrie Blvd,. Mrs, J. Bdb'White 325 30 N. Cl. Lawyvrla Resideado 608 Isbell Hoslarl X. 0. Lawyer 99 304 HaWny High School - 2925 Haynie Mrs. J. P. PaWker 12 3 101A