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Ordinance 6049
ORDIMAOCE NO. �. AN III CC 01TERNINING TRE NECESSITY OF, ARV PROW10IMS FOA A SAUITARY SEW PR44ECT IN 'THE NORTH PARKWAY CF OAK GROVE 00 scrwEEN U. C. 11I flff y 1-820 EAST DTIC WHITTEN STREET; PROVIDINO FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINE CONNECTIONA REQUIR140 THE DEPOSIT OF A CL11T1tif1 AMOUNT OF FIfC ESTIMATED COST PRIOR T CONSTRUCTION; PROV I D I T CERTAIN CONNECTION I CH&RDIS SMALL OC 00f PRIOR TO APPLICATION I INN MADE FOR A PLUMBING f'COfII T PROVIDINS FOR REFUNDS OF CERTAIN CONNECTION CHARGES; INCORPO TIRO THE APPLICAILE PROVISIONS OF TRIS ORDIMNCE IN THE OLy CL FFA'S CONTRACT PROVIDINO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE Of EXISTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING yIOGS CLAUSE; AND NAMING 1111 EFFECTIVE DATE. OC IT ORD41HED ST T11C CI"T"E C11O'OCIL OF' THE CI'T'Y Of FORT WORTH, TEXAS SECTION I That the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, In the exercise of Its sawed rliser°ctit , Crrcross It macessary 4nd finals tl'rst public nocessity requiros that s project consisting of s sire inch sanitary sower coin to be constructed In tlws north parlwaiy of Oak Orcria Road to this southmeat crosr r of Lot -biro Block 1,, IIIylrland Hills A441tI°' , wh1or sewr smay ultimately be sssO to serve that portion of Lot O adjacent to Ook Grove Road and west of Lst O-gym, Work 1, Highland Hills Addition and that public necessity requires that certain connection and pr -rsto share cnrrstrncti crest c1*r9as be fixed ami determined prior to the construction of such sanitary sower projett. SECTION S In accordance with the previslons of Section Cry of Article 117 of the Revised C iri I 1 Statutes of time Cute of 'I"O,ses, it Is hereby 4eterialned that the owners of timer tm ildi o sites described above shall required to pay a cannectim ct Se. The connection charge Includes a Oro-rate share of threw, cost of construction of salrl sirs Inth sanitary sewer main and Is hereby determined to be eight hundred sixty-six and thirty hundredths dollars ($866.10for each commercial or residential wommactlom. SECTION S Drier to the construction of the projam, an amount of F � y oquivalant to e101vgr per cent (S of the total estimated cost of tiro Irrvject shall be deposited with the City. Such deposit shall be ap l leJ to tiro oasts of construttion of the Frµtlject herein Fre Ided for. SECTION 4 Applicable connect ton dkmr gas not deposited prior to the tommommont of construction of the prqject, as set forth in Section 3, shall lbom due and payable to the City of Fort Worth at such time as a plumbing permit Is applied for to allow tonnecticml of the bull4ing sites hereinabove described to the sanitary somer systom and main provided for herein. SECTION In the event any one of such adjacent property twoners Initially deposits with the City of Fort Worth an amount In excess of the total connection charges for all building sites owned by such property amner, he shall be ellgible for refund of that portion of the deposit In oxoess of the total amount of the connection charges allocable to all of his building sites. All such rofwm4s shall be paid solely frium future connection charge payments deposited by other o4jaotnt building site owners served by the sanitary sewer main and system heroin provided for and from no other source. Refunds shall only It Me from connection Mr9es collecM by the City of Fort Worth after tho construction of the project. No refunds shall bo made on this project after ton years from tho date of the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 6 The applicable provisions of this ordinance shall bo Incor- porated Into the developer's contract, which shall provide for the Installation of community facilities under consideration In this ordl- nance, and Into subsequent contracts for Installation of other coognunity facilities In this drainage area. SECTION 7 This ordloanze shall be and Is hereby declared to bo ciavulative of all other ordinances of the City of Fort Worth providing for the construction, Installation, and connection clusr9es of sanitary sewer service mains one sorvice lies to building sites, anid stwil not operate to repeal or effect any such ordinance or ardinan*es except Insofar as the provisions of such ordinance or ordinances are Inconsistent or In confilct with the provislions of this ordl- nance, In which Instance or Instances such conflicting provisions In said otPwr ordinance or ordinances shall be and are hereby repealed. $ECTION if any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance Is for any reason hold to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the valldity of tho remainIng portions of this ordinonce, and oil tha remainder of this ordinance not so declared to be Invalid shall continue to be In full fore* and effect. The City Coun0l of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, hereby declares that It =14 have passed this ordinance and each soction, sub-section, sontonto, clauss, or phrase thereof Irrespective of the fact t any one or more senlons, sub-sections, sent*0406, CIOUSOSp Or phrases be d*0=4 unconstitutionel. SECTION 9 This ardloance sholl take offoct and be In full force and effect from and after 0w dato of Its peonage, enol It Is so ordained. The City Secretary Is 41rowd to cause a certified copy of this or4lnance to bo filed of rocor4 with tho County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND td ITT elor'of S. Q. Johndroeo Jr., City Attorney . of Fart Worth, Texas U142 Mayor and Council Communication Ic ATER I� aEIICE SUBJECT.. OTatra�tt o � aaSt<I ,. at C�''aa C'I. PAGE 11NOE, Coftununity Facilities, Leat A-6, I/li/ C-1396 Block 1, HighlandRills Additior, a ofHow � Davis, ll acting by and thrDugh Jesse B. Tarpley bis duly authorize repre- sentative, epre— sentat�i e, that developer o beat, A-�" , Block 1 , Highland Hilae Addition, has w, executed proposed contract for the installation of community facilities to serve the area shown on the attached neaps, The property is served all necessary facilities with the exception of a aaaitar ^ sewer. The estimated toast of the sanitary sewer facilities is as follows: Sanitary Sewers $1,790'0 $4 , 30 The Sanitary sewer has been installed in accordance with standard a r licies for the installation of community facilities day City fortes. anitar al ar lIa.a, I' nnl aµtialn t a m a naaatt The Developer has requested that the City Council enact an Ordinance,mace, which has been prepared,, requiring payment of as connection chant of $866.30 for ea h residential or tllalnnat'tial connection from anyone connecting to the off-site sanitary sewer approach main. These connection charges will. a reimbursed to the Developer for a period of ten years. Recommendations It is recommended: 1° 'haat the City Manager be authorized to execute than community iati.l;itie contract with Wirt Davis, `ii; and, 2 That the City Council adapt an Ordinance providing ,for reimbursement to, the Developer of the connection charges to theoff-site sanitary sewer approach amiss for a period of ten years. IMM: p � Attachment SUBMITTED BY, MSMWTWIN BY tDUNOL:: PROCESSED aY F—Ir'APPROWD CI-OTKER )DESCRIBE) $I�� * r CITY S CAVARY ........ P � , . Ti T . cMTr MANAGER �..�.. . . w r M �N 0 o P 2 � OD C7 4� OAj � d / C7 440 ",CALk 1" : SID &H/,8/ T �/.3' ` PIAT SHOWING � LOT A-C, BLOCK I A PORTION OF LOT A, BLOCK 1 ) HIGHLANDHILLS � ADDITIO-N H6RN ILL A pUS AVE ye Bla U. S. PUBLIC s4ary HEALTH S VICE [%k a vcEa a y HOSPIT, L S7- DE DE OT f MARY ANN Q qr Oq� SCAL E 2,000' OC o w ROM �p ©P A r� GLASCOW' RD AUG = o q US KRN VA L 0`� ��oOE IEIGI ENGBLA -� c� — �. r—� I AREA T 35WO BE DEVELOPED Lv a forest RUSSELL -- ST G i AIRFIELD TERR N HIGNLANC S w c I y Ory F,f4 C* �ERKSH/ N A M R DR JOEL ,fAST R O `^ PEZON Everman GcRS •lem.: I y1"" ' n y RGER L 0 CMAF H/OHL AND HIL L S ADDITION LOT A-6 BLOC' ORAwN BY g rr DA rE 5-6.g