HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2850 &I
OF TRE CITY OF FaRT rGli" Ttl,'&SDAY, T 3,111"d) [11AY
Ce APRIL, A. U. 1951, Vra1wn Tfla,,; OF'
^.Mlv) CITY,
t tB' IT BY THE 0117 COUNCIL ir,.)r! CIT'Y OF K)UT 9,101vxii, T"14AUSt
That, in comy,'JAzince wiQ We Charter, of tAke Citt of Fbrt i4o,v,,tb anci
In accordance Wth the lawe and of the State cil' TR.), a, Pan
election be and the swae Is heral),yr called !%nd ovIvnr,4 J,"or t"taa a.r t 1rues-
day after the first Mbhday'in April, A. D. 1951, the sama being the 3,rd
dwr of said at Mob Motion all voten,a n,,zay' vote f'or the
parpoce of electing nine amincilmen.
fhat, t!ae City Secretary, of sold Gity shall prepare ballots to be
used in said election and shall Maw same "Official Ballot," on which
bellat shall be printed the it of the candidates fret`the position of
councilmen. The places of the different councilmen shall be designmted
Ian the WIWI ballot as Metr iar of Cauncil, FLace No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
and 9, nzispectively.
That no person's iniuna, shv,,,k11 bur ;,,�lared the official, ballot as
a candidate Mr the ;vaitlon of a mentor of the City Council unless Q
name of wach 1,,,urson has been presented to the Oity Secretary not lose t1h=a
thirty (30) data prior to the date of election by, a petltioxi. sijplerJ,
b,y ttwe�e, hundred (30tt) 'nnaviq qa�,,Alifl#%J votes of shict City, izi ink or
Indelible pencil, together with tlae taurines or, home address of each per..
son signing such petition, and it ta,,.ist, also a;;,y,pcar on the face of said pe,,,
tit ion the nudaer of tho place bbel, the said candidate it soaking mad Mat
the said pebMan has been separately circulated.
51 'TION IV�
That it Wall further appear to the oab,,,,J, Clty, Secro.teary, befrare
said caDdIdaLsKs owns is entered,on, sold Wlot, that such candidwhe has
filed with thwe aiii aity secretary a wrPten Mcceptauce of Ws la)M-14144-104
ftoL less t"'.1an torent"Y (20) dRys before the date of said election, and that
he has filed an affidavit of loyalty with the Secretary of States as re-
qzired by Artiole 2978a of the Revised Civil, Statutes of TIxaa*
5,WT3X.X'111f V,
That in the event that thare are twco or. ircons aiindidaAoa for the
saine poaition and eLs a tnetj%A,,)e,.m of tlae C"Ity coun("Al" the Positic)n of
such candidates', n-Lnu-�s %,*12ot, sball be determined by placing,them
an such ballot in the alph,obetical order of their surname.,
That each voter shall, vate r1ar his .ha imlan caudidate for e= place
as menber of the City Council byetAking from the ballot the names of all
the candidates bor which A doea not Ash to V(Aa, MU"I shall vqte for one
(nay J!or aa(ji Place*
51(vn aUN Vill
That the polls shall be kept open from seven o'clock a, m., unhil
seven ofelook p. m,, and that his return "be made to the City Couacil sh(ayu-
ing the ncober of vota* cast for and the member of 'votes cast against. each
candidate for each of the positions of altq aaxn.tnalliftan respectAvely,
That this ailinance, signed by the bkymr and attested by the City
Secret,az,jr, shal,J conobibate the proclamabion of the Mayor ca,"11-ing and L)r-
dering maid election, aiui that sa ch. notice shall be published in a rlew&-
paper of gensiml eircalation in the City of Fort WoMh once a week for
P,xxr vmeks prior, thereto, and tit the said City z,'heorstary is herdby,
directed to post or cameo to be posted said proulamation at least thirty
(30) Qrs before said election in wich voting precinct,
,1244t,1tviu, polling places for thiv election and the personnel of the
officers who are to hold the witne, except lxisofar as they, raq, be chan,y;ed
by the City Cmiaail of said City, shaLL be as follows:
51"XiIIIII014 Xv
That this ordinance shall take effect and be in W11 force and ef-
fect from and after the date of its passage.
e t"i v
I I Fire Hall - Secord & Conwroe H. S. Reaves
55 2-S Petersmith School - 715 West-Second. Margaret Littlejohn
2 2,N Courthouse Bas - West End T. E, Cloud
56 3-9 Fire Hall " 1401 Kennedy Street W. L. Denton
3 3-W Fire Hall - 16th & Jones Mrs. W. A. James
4 4--R Fire Hall - Texas and Cherry Mrs. R. H. McLemore
57 4-4 Rotary Park - 7th & Summit Joe Gonzales
58 5-E Harmony Baptist Church - 1006 Stella Lillian S. Rickard
5 5-W B. Van Zandt School - 615 Missoari Ave. Mrs. R. R. Kittrell
54 6-V Gordon Boswell Florist
1220 Pennsylvania Avenue Miss A. X. Behan
53 6-C Fire Hall - Petersaith & Fulton Mrs, Johnnie House
6 6-8 Fire Hall - Tucker & South Bryan Miss File Bideker
7 7-NW Ernest Parker Junior High School
1015 South Jennings Mrs. Leota Squyres
84 7-SW Hemphill Presbyterian Church
17-1 Hemphill Street Mrs. Sam Dennis
79 7-SE Worth 'Drug Store - 2250 Evans Avemm Mrs. C. E. Dinkins
59 7-M Mrs. Lacy's Residence
1164 Now York Mrs. W. B. Lacy
73 7-B Fire Hall - New York & Maddox Mrs. Mary KcKiwey
89 7-5 Morningside Elementary School
2609 B*ans Avenue Mrs. F. L. Bass
Hancock Wall Paper Coapany
9043 West Magnolia Mrs, H. C., Eberhardt
71 a-SE Fire Hall - 1601 Lipscomb &. A. Bolliger
96 &-S Goolsby Drug Store - 2263 Coils ge Mrs. T. S. Cyrus
60 all-W Park Place Fire Hall
1616 Park Place Mrs. R. W. Whotiler
70 8-SW Gobbard Drug Store
1314 West Magnolia W. L. Mc&lbamon
61 9-8 Fire Hall - 1017 Peach Street Irene Patterson
9 9-W Courthouse Basement - Last Bad G. T. Hubbard
s G GJ
louNi liard det`„on'k Gain'"nn. 0. B, Craddock
:W-1,51E, Renfro Drug fta're AS,
38 Hemi"rliAll Win„w F. L. Martin
77 10-0 Fire Hall ,- 2904 Upsmaimbib Mrs. 14 A. Fitts
10—m E. 114. School
2315 College Avenue Mrs. W, K. Rose
67 ,:.
1412 Denver Avenue
1101- lx. e 11g,111 °G»s,o 5 Gar;, unu ab Avenue Mrs. F. E. K011
Park & Idnealn Fred Grier
, 12_'`i .,anrru Rosen SunG:nosil _ 1700 AT 26th R. H. Bogard
92 12- Bo Scout a House ���.�nl„m"�4'�nnn �n�'fs�„�hri s G<,un ..
9 12- . bra. Kimmame Furniture Store
124 W. WGnm u"u,.e Kra. dnr.sunell Babcock
U) "GG 4"1 Fire e Ha - 2525.G E. 4Gatbi;rus 11 4. Rickard
00 1” GG. Vickery, Wool 1905 " G.anker"/' W. V. Jones
90 take n gAmw Bapt zt Chardi,
012 yism, nun^s. Amann G,.s& f.114
81 WOR Alice E. Carlson. Wrnnn;GG..
UnninnmsnµnsGt rive & Berry' ESG.reat, 15're "Roy. ("'his 14 4nan
2202 Forreut Park Blvd.. IG"°i",".'."nun... Z. E". rweloun"u'-d'
117 14-8 Morela,,u .G Drmg tore
Ito «r!«iG" 15 nxt al i"T Canter Mrs, Gunny Douglas
15 15-3 Brooklyn klynn l'+ni.G4h nu SmWl
3800 Wentinle Mrs. J. A. Hughes
(14 15, G . rsn?n, Zandt School
1200 U,na . 'ins ucx,ity Drive...... Mrs.:. Joe A Da.0 wnnni
4125 Lafayvtte Mrs. J. C. Owens
10 61-s'! Yo. HL.44 nuun°n n WWI
86 16-C Fire Hall - Carleton & Camp Bowie Mrs. P. F. Middleton
94 16-W Arlington Heights Elementary School
5100 i4l Campo Mrs. Helen Billingsley
17 17-N Wo J. Turner School
3000 N. W. 26th Street Mrs. Rosa Maco
122 17",S Rosen Heights Pre3byterian Church
2560 Dodge Street Mrs. J. E. Nelson
51 is Diamond Hill High School
2901 Hutchinson Avenue Mrs, J. A. Stephenson
19 19-3 Perfecto Cleaners
108 No. Riverside Drive Mrs. H. C. Cartwright
U9 19-SW Maxwell steel Company
400 Riverside Drive Mrs, To M# Cunningham
82 19-B Riverside Fire Hall
3211 East Belknap Mrs, Ora McAdams
109 19-W Oakhurst School - 2700 Yucca Mrs. R. E. Duke
101 19-N Amon Go Carter School
3301 Yucca Mrs. C. R. Albrecht
124 lq-N'V Mrs o Kuykendallts Residence
2315 Goldenrod Mrs. H. L. Price
66 20 Sycamore Heights Baptist Church
2800 Purington Mrs* To J* Stowers
11 21-B Now Fire Hall - 1401 Avenue I Mrs. Sam J. Calloway,sr.
75 21-W 'William Jame Junior High School
1101 Nashville Street Mrs. Ed L. Sorrels
74 22-W' Do McRae School - 3318 Avenue M Mrs. E. M. Knox
98 22-E Chambers Drug Store - 2201 Bishop Mrs. H. L. Taylor
14 23-SE South Fort Worth School - 901 Fogg Mrs. Go B. Rawlings
107 2346 Southaide Mattress Factory
3531 Hemphill Street Mrs. J. F# Tarlton
85 23-W Rosemont Junior High School
1600 Prince Street Mrs, B. A. Thornton
76 24 Lilly B. Clayton School
2000 Park Place Avenue Mr, Roscoe Smith
50 23.W Washington Heights High School
3203 North Houston Mrs* Wo Wo Farmer
123 25-B Fostepeo, Hei#Its school
901E, 34th Street Mrs. Fred Daniel
91 26-M X Orsak's Cafe
Lake Wor th Orville Beall
113 26-8 Huffmas Camp - Lake Worth Mrs. C. Go Witt
105 27-K Fire Hall Keadowbrook Drive wA
Oakland Kra. Mary Epparley
27 Sagamore 021 School - 701 Hughes Kra. J. G. Reaves
127� 27 f4�3
1,26) 32�
lo14) „tea) "lawn Sd"ool - 3224 Hardenua Mrs. Charlotte Pernell.
31 29-1) RidjrAea Methodist Ohuroli
iN9 V-10 60,36 LoW(,e flan rd C. Bram's
120 29 No White Feed to
5500 Ounp Bowie BoulAvard Mrs. Jesse Hardin
125 30 Trinity Baptist Church
620 Ghurchill, IL%%. O� 0. Strother
99) 31-4�
12) AI-E Fire to Handley, Mrs. J. P. Parker