HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3750 NO.
01,031 KG IIIE;�IIING tJiD 1.3"VYIL�R; AOSESSl„2`!2,4Ts
JUqD AGAIJ,,4,3T "`IE 0IR`4&U'5 1IeTILLF, RJR 11il'16
CCLL!',CT'1()N OF 3LCh ASSIZLibi,&NT3 A141) JIH& 134LJAIMI; Ul”
A,531GN1iJ.JGEMIVICPQ.'I'LZ "E .1 :!.1.i�,( r1 THIMOOF.
WMMAS, the City of Fort Wbrth, Texas, haii heretofore
ordered thzi,t the hereinafter described portion of bast I)rew Street,
known and designated as Unit No. 4, be itqproved by raising, grading
ai,,id filling same and by. constructing thereon a 6 inch reinforced
concrete pavement with integral. cixrbs; tlxit ea0h, of tile hereinafter
described portions of streets known and, designated as Units Dios. I
and 2 be unproved by raising, grading and filling sa,uae, by con-
structing thereon a T], inch flexible base course of criished ltae-
stone with a 1„p inch hot hdx asphaltic concrete surface and by
further constructing thereon concrete curbs and gutters on proper
grade and line where same are not already so constructed, and thit
each of all other hereinafter described portions of streets and
avenues in the City of Fort Worth, Textus, be improved by raising,
grading and filling s=e and byC onstnactinp, thereon a 7 L inch
flexible gravel base course with a 1inch hot mix asgialtic concrete
surface and by further constructing thereon concrete curbs anc.i Zutters
on proper grsde and lint, where same are not alri::adU, so constructed;
all of which said LuIpvrovements to be constrA,cted, together with
storm sewers and drains and other necessary incidentals and apipur-
tenances as and where shown on the Plans and in strict accordance,
with the I-laxis and 3pecificat-b)ris therefor; ainf.d conLract his been
made and entered into with TwxaQ Bitulithic C=paxiy :f or tho fakir�-g
and construction of such JaTro,wemenbs; said portions of streets
and ave;-;�s as foIlovs, to idt:
301WITI NAIN SM—;�i�T- from the southerly line of Devitt Street
to the northerly line of Shaw SLraet, known ',zid designatwJ as Unit
SOUTH hAIN 31N1I61T: from the southerl,t, line of j"'milef Street to
the northerly line of B�awickc Street, kTao4n and desiLriate(i as, Unit
No. 2;
Ep '11 larl from th,,',, east IL'ne of 'Brya itreet to the
liest Iine of Jone�s Str hot, known and diasigsated as Unit No. 43
BLALOCK AVENUE: 1`00M t,kar. ea2terl,,y lin,-,, Falrpr'rl�
Boulevard to the wooterly ?Jne oV McCluro Street, known and
as uni' 't, No. ? ,,
STREEIT: frwn tho as8t line of May Stract to t4;
Uig` Saint Louin Avenuu, known anci a,a UnIt
11("r1: :rvum thI-Ine o.'P Lloy(-I Avc.ni,,uc, 'Lo t,hc
Cay E(h -,uood Turrace, known dcJ-j,,,,natc,(d us Unjir,
No, 10;
fl,um We S,juth,�n:,Jy linc, G�' Ea8t, POP,,)(C�,I
to tr�,� line or Avenue Afhaymn anA dowljnate(�J, a,,,
Unit No. 11;
CURZUN WE"Au"I"". f.rum tl"Io, 11"ne "J'(' 01i\/:w tc;
the lln(� of' jl'ex� an,,J ao
Unlit No. 12;
MAdIEEIII AVETTLE: from tho novthuriy of
fweni,y-SJ-,,,vth Str( et �:o -�Jie 1:'rne ui` North.-West
Wonty-SevunLh Street, known and. ucd r.o Unit s , 14 o I'
W�.Z'JE;AS, -,uk,Jxjatu3 oI' th,", cu,..t cf th"a :*).r,,il,3r,ov,"17v3z",Lt', Oil
each such portion of ntreet and, aveniie ii,ror,e prepare�) arv.3 ff,led
and approved and adopted by City CCYLIX11,31-1 Of the City, 81-1(1
a -Ame and 10ace wao W&I Vw, a Warhyn to tMe mnam of
abutting property, and tu all uUmrs in anywiue interested,
and due and proper notice W.' tho, tDve, place and piari)os-, ct
said hearn&,*, T,r,aas javen and oaid hemAng uan had and held at the
time and place fixed therefor, to on, thr", 7a,, day cc;
Nanarr A. D., 1950 , at 10 SM oJ c1Wk, A . M.,
in the CouncJl. Chamber in the City Hall Ln tno, City of Foj.,,c
Texas, an(J. at such hearing thq follc)wlnt, ohjecl;t.(.)n,,3
were medw to lot:
protested Wat
protested that
prutooted that
_ � __ 2xeterte6 that
protested that
protested that
protested that
protested that
2cotested that
etestod that
and Wd heaviri , cr.)ntl-nu�:,,ri to tie, pr(�.se.nl, timo in o',"Oer
I:o more fuliy accmqq1sh the Imireros es therack, and alldesirint"
to be heard were given full and j4dr to be heard,
arid the GiLy Co'unc.k.l o��' Lhe Ci,'(,-,�y all
proper matters, io of the the :-aid a hakjld
be clobed and assessments shuuld bo, lass ar, ar�(j le,,,ried herein
73] IT GHDA11,47'�D T-3Y T1 is CII'Zy OT" THE CITY
OF FORT 140fill'H, 'E'EMM, THA11!�
Said huar&E be, and We same ! a heraby, closed and
M said proteats and obneuhlon3, and aTKr arx! all other protest;,,-.,,
and objections, whether Krciti enumerated or not, be, and tre
same are, herel)y overruled.
The City Commil, Tram the e,,v1.(3encc,,, Cin(ls 'that the,
assessments herein lovind shouldf),' m,.'�BJe and 2ev-'Loc'� a(,,ainot
the respective parcoln of property abutting upon tl omic! portions
Cif streets and avenuuo and SEM-nt th%'' cwricro, 0-,L' such pruper-ty,
and that such assessments and ara anci proper aad
are substantially in proportion to the benefits to the respective
parcula of property by moans of tlee improvaments in the unit
for which such assessments are Invied, and estabAnh substantial
justice and equality and b"Lwert tl"Ic -J.L'e'ar'P�ctive
ownerB of thu respective properties, and loeatw,.aen all part ices
concerned, considering the loerv.fits recci-w,-ed anci burdens
imposed, and furthav Ando ',I'iat in ' ach caio th-, a6u'L"'1.,1.nC
property assessed is specially benfl ,!,,"ited In canha tic e c' vaiiie, to
Lhe said property by moan=, of the 5ald( improvf-,ments in
unit upon which the particular pi,opet?t-,,j aL)i,.ito and -,-'o), whic,11
assessment is levied and charge ma(ake. in a in excns;s, -,'.)f trie,
said ausesoment and charge made agaInst the sarm�, b-,,, this orclinance,
arid furth(
- -,r Uinds that tho apportionmexiL N' the cost of th,-,
Arprovements 13 in accordance Wth the law in force in this City,
andtiv= proccudlnEu of the City herctofore had WAh roAronco
to said Improvements, and is in all re2pec` ,,'a val-�-(J and, reglllar.
There steal I be and Is f'1.,, r; lev-'Lud and asseesed a,�,,-.!'ainst
the parcels of prop orty hereinhelow menUmneo and Eqainst the
real and truu ownaro thareof (wheth(,-�,r �-,uch ownercorl,soLly
named heroin ur not). W-, cooarim of beloTwd meritic�ne,,J, an(f
itemized shown oppoAtu Lhe daucolpt-'Lon o�' the re.spoctiv(-�
parcels or property, as far $o such owners are Tnovrn, bein,s,, Do
,pwre more than one pcn,scri, 'Lrm or cc po tio 0
an inturost in any propavty each sand person.,
J['1'rm or corporaLton. 11al')].e., only for its,
his c)i,, hr Tn,o rate of the total asmossment againsL such prop-
erty in proportion ao its. his or hercspect-.`Lve. int ,r .:t bearo
to the total ownership of such arld lt2,, his u, her
respective Interest In such property moy be released Urom th,,,,,,
assessment lien upon payment of such proportionate sum.
The ,ever al sums abovs mentioned aM assessed aEalnst
the said parcels A propepty, and the ownen,,,, Lhe_rr,^(,�L'3 ,ancj
Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent (6%) pur annmi,
together with reasonoble at&rneya I A.,u,,.,-,. and cc ,Iss of:' collection,
if incurred, are hereby declared to be and aru made a lien upon
the respective parcels oV property agAnot Mch Lhu bame are
nosessed. and a personal Webility chrrogr,, LL'airlct 1"ho
true ovaievs o,,,`_' suc"h whether ..�.uch owncvs irca
correctly named herein or not, and 11,hc, said sha-11 be anc'I
co n, the first enforemblo lLon aiv-,! cialm aEainst-, thc�
propurty on whIch such a6uossmants are levle�d, and be a
fir ut and paismount lien th9reon, superior to all other liens,
and claims, except State, County , School District and City
ad valorem taxon.
iln,e sums u, aimst thc zibuttin , p.t,cq)ery and
the ownurs thareK Mail L�% and du,L and' asps
follows. to wit: in five 15) aqu I installments. due respect-
ivPly on or buforo twenty 120) days. one (1), two (2), three (3)
and four (4) years from the Al,".. ov comontimi and acceptance
of than, Dnpv(.)vements in the respective w0t, EM tint assuusmenW.�
againuL the pvoperLy abutting upon che rertialnnF,; tinite shall W.
and become due and payable in much inntalhmmts aft=, Au date,
of the complotion and acceptance of' �uch respective u.nits, and
shall boar interaA from said date at On rate of six INar cent
(6%) per annim, payable annually witli ee, ch in.,�atallnienL, except.
as to th,_, first installmont, which shall !)a^ ciue and j,)a,,),able aL
the maturity thereof, so that ypon Wit cmqUation and acc,ptance
of the improvements in a partIcOmr WC asoc,,,osmcnts, nasinst
the property upon such complAcd and. icccpted unit shall be and
become due and payable in su0i insUO2ments, and vaith Antepast
frm: the Ate W such completion and accaptance, Providod..
hummer, that any, ownur shall have the right to drat. the cntlre
assesoment, or any installmcnt thernof. beAnm m8turity by
payment of principal and accrued ].nterest, anb prov-ided f`urther
that if default shall be made In the payment c'-1 any installment
of principal or inLureot pvumptly au the samD matwns, then
the entire amount of the aasussmont vflnich cu.ch defau-1t, is
noiJ,e, shall, at the opt1ma or nald Bitu_llt'hl.c C(.mpanya�, ()C
Its asaigns, be and becamu immediately duie and anc."J.
be;^ collectible, togeth&r with rmj ,,()nabio attorny, ' feus an(J'
o,f' colle(:,,tiori, il'
If default shall be made in th�_-. uf an��, a'"'Oesument,
collection KhareoP w1wil he e,_Ltbee b;y 'Lln(" tale C) h,,
by' the, Aso _s ;::C' and. Cullsotor ofof s"ald
nvar as posalble in the manner provided M, 'Un sale of property
for the nmi-paNmunt at ad valurum taivao, or, at thd OPLIOn Of
Contractor. or its anAgna, paymant M MA suns shall be
- 5 -
n'-"orc'-'d, by 1-1 t-, 11 11 a try c,cI 1"'t ccf, (n,—)nlj: <'tenL jurit�(Jlc Llun, arld
said Qty shall exurcine all of its Jaarf'ul powers !:o @E(J 1.n
The City of Fort Worth, Tamau, whall riot in any mannei.,,
be liable for payount of the zanza hereby assessed agalnut an,,;
propurtN or the owners thereof. b ,it the 5211,6 ]P,',1tUlftthrLc
Company, or its easiqns, shall -Took f-,n such prj�,,,evL�
and the owners thuroof for Lhe payment of inwh assassmento,
bi,it 'uhc, CIL"y of D"),,,t �,Jcmth shall all of its lawful
powers, to nLd 131 the aiifo-r',Ccrf)f-,.nt and col-LecLion of lien,,a
and wttaaar anal :ter �rsonal (�:)b:l.�l,,,,,,,,�at,i(,)11,3 .
The total amount assuosed ngainat the respective parcels
of abutting property, and the owiwrs thereoC. Js A accurdanm-.9
with the proceedings of the CAN relatIng to aaid impiwvewcnUa
and auseuoments therefor. and is Nos then UN, ywoparbion of'
the cost allowed and perniAted by 1,ff.iw, in 1'o:i.,ca- in the Cityw
F03", "t�ne pu-opose of cmid"wing the sov,,!ral assessed
against the respeat tve parcels of a0itOrt7 punporty and
uwnurs thercof. aN LN tima and tur1F71S Of PLIymont, and tu3 aid.
in the unPornement and colloct-'on cert"rC-
icates shall be 3nsued by the ClOy of Fort Worth. Taxes upon
completion and acceptance by the City of t h, J-n J:�L,o",P 111 e I I in
each un.it of "'mProvemant aa thr, wor-lk [n Is.
and accepUed. which curtlflustcs ohall be axecuLed by the Nhyar,
in the name of the City and Ktas&d by Lha City Socrotary,
vit,th the, corporatc soal U UN City Trm,,-)j-cs;-,ed there,.on, and shall
be payable to saiO Texas Mtullthlc Gompan,,�r, or assj.�,,„�ns, arid
nhall declare the suld amounts, time ana terms nf payment, rate
of interact. and the da.Lw of �,-urd accctpLan(,- of thc
improvements abutting upwi uunh f'coc w1aich the cr-�rt:Lf-
icaLu is iaoucd, and ahall comta:1,n tht'� of tho cw
o,wn;-,rs, if known. description OF.' th,',-, L)t and block
rnrjnbc�r, o ,-,,o 1L feet Lherauv, or such other description no may
otherwise identify thu same; and if thc. scad.d p.oaperty b ,,
cYT1rned by an estate, then the cwsuription of some ps so owned'L
shall be uufficiunt, or if th,- ri,,cme o" owner i,.,)e unknown,
,z.hL,-,n to SO 2t8ate Will be suNiclent, and no ormn, or rolstake in
duncr.ibing any property, or In nam,- ci' Lhe own,,-,�r,
sha I I
- impal: uch cerLif''Ica"Le, or thf,,;
assess,mc.,rits la vl .a.
The certificatas shall proviA subbantRAly that if same
shall not be paid promptly upon matutity, Lion they shall be
collectible, with raaoonablu alltornuyul few, and costs of colleA-
ion, if inaurre6, and shall ovide that th,-.? amoinitE,
evidanced 5hureby may bn pah! to 'Me Aosduoor. and Collectur of
Axes of the City of Fort NbAh, nmag, who Aall i2aue 'illi
receipt therefor, whAn 'b(., evidr.,nc(-, oii. >uch pziymenl;-, on an'y
dem,and fcjr the same, and the Asmssw, and ColLectm, of qtxw:�
shall depoulL thc rruim,, so r,ecE-,Iverj 1""y 1.113n with th(-,
City Troasupur to be kupt and huld tr,r him 7-r1 a Uparatu fund,
hereby deAgnatcd an UEXAS BITULT1111IC. CO�UANY S`P,,RXE,T I?,([P.1i0lr NERT
77UND� and when ony pa3ment nhall Nu nese:e to the Asstassor a,ind Gol-
lector OP Taxcu upon suuh certificato he sli,�i2i, up(on presentation
to h1m of the y... E°1,:1 by the Contractwn cxr other holdcv
thurecP. endorse said pny=K� th ,veun., un,,5, tha, or
oth(,n,, 1-1c:)Jc",1k�ar of ,-,uc"h 1. bc" r,.�nLJA-Ied to ve
:,"rcm the City TreSsur ;-':" e"InlcanlL pakl UL,) i'1 to
h!ITl of such cortificate so ariMsed and creMcd; and such
,)nC,Iorssment, and sl,'iall be t1le Wa,r.rant for
mal"-'Lrg "'7'uch Paymc"at'. """'Oach �;'c��mr�,ents, L�y thi oha-li L)(�
receipted for by the holOor of Ouch In writ-_'Lng and
by surrender therear when the ka !,Acj_pil, tr_)y(oLh,_-.r with
int erost and all co= uE
fees. if incurped. havo boon ha LCL. in ndl.
Said cartiVicates shall f'-Lr,',thC1r _1'(1, C_J.to cU1D2'tn1_1t1ally
that "tho proonoOrgs with reference to makinn Woo !jViwvumentI
have Mai regularl, had in complInce with the law, ami thN,-,
all prerequisitus to tho fiximE or the "seswunt lien aguQmt
tj"I'_' Prop"�r'ty doscribed M such acid i hu 1pe,,.,,so'nal
EMIR, oF the owner or owners thereof Nvu houn IN2MMM,
ov,7,cji rc,,c_j,tajs shall be prime facie oychnne K all the
matturs racited in such coM-ifirates, arld Ila pr(")of
.hail be r(_,,quJrud _",'n any courl—,
Said cortivicaM may have co'upon,�, thercto In
evi6ance o each ur any of thuuvvural jn6taJJrw,,,nt,',', 1,11Creof,
or may have coupons for each or the Pour J,ja,,,,,Lai3mentB,
leaving the main certifIcate to for Lhc',, fifth inY _,t-,all.ment,
which coupons may bu pajoble to Tuxa,'; Bit'alithic Ccampany,
or its ansigno, or to the bearej,,, and, roayb(-,.,, 3i-_�:ned w.,i.,(,,h the
facsimilu signatures of the Mym, and UIQ Secretary.
Said COMMMOU Shall f=thr rOCIALO th,)t thce. City
of Fort Worth, Mao shall exercise cal K its MON, pmmrs,
when requested so to do. to aid in the enforcemmit era collection
thereof, and noy contain roultaQ in accordance
with the above and Mar additl .nal recitals pertinent or
appropriate thereto; and it shal-, ric)ttoe� -rjucE,,ss@ry that the
vecitals be in the exact form above set forth, NO the substanou
thereof shall be suRiclent. Th,:.„ fact, t'nnl� �3uch irtrrprovemeriLs
may be omitted an any portion of 'and
a d JP the lion M mwh assess-
ccnt to any prem! soB oxempt Flom
munts, Hall not in @iWwise Invalidate, af,, (oct or ir7palr th�--�
lion of such as2essmenfs upon
Full power to met; o& Dv,,,, and to coo'reot
mistakes. errors, invalLditizo op either in Lhu
ausussmento or In the certificatoo Issual in evidencu thereof,
do, in accordance with the law in In thts, City, vcstcd in,
the city.
All assua5ments levied ore a pcr��omal III&I')i1ity an6 chare'
against the real and true ownuro of M proMses desymbed, not-
withstanding such owners may iwi, be namud, or noy be incorreMly
nzmod .
The asoessmeM so levind are fop the improvomantE In
the pavticular unit upon vd,""11ch th"," abuL,_""
and tho assensmentu for the lmprovt,�n,enta in an',\,r Qns unit are-
in nuMse affected by the Imppovomeyrts Or assessments in anor
oNwr w0t, and in m3ltlngand', in as
Marino. the amounKu Muensod Or improvememts In any, one unit
- 7 -
have been in nowice Macted by any f`ac",, i)n anyw!,.,,oe connected
The assessments levIed are =ad,? anl,.I 1',,-vL-,d and
by virtuo of tho Mus, pawars and proAsimn U an Act
passed at the Wr21. HIM SussDm -the o.t.,,1 ioth Le,y,is-!,.aura
of the State of Mas, ),..nown 106 it , 'I"'11v Acts a!'
said Session and now Nown as 110�)b of jTernuP-Ils Texas
C!V!I sta tUL"e,,,°, wh Lclh A r.L I b,_en a d opt�--,d as an amen(iu�,�,nt to
and Me a part of the CharLer of the (,;-Ity of' Far°Iwo Texas,
PA,SS,ED AITL AFMOVED 'Phis day of "I "-I- ,
A. D. , 1959 ,