HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963/11/04-Agenda-Pre-Council A G E N D A
8:30 A.M. , November 4, 1963
L) tic-t Date for Meeting to Discuss Water Supply Matters
2) Set Date for Presentation of Employee Service Award Pins
3) Proposed Flood Plain and Agricultural Zoning; Amendments (I .R. W0)
4) Report on Truck Route Ordinance Revisions (letter provided Council
on October 25, 1963)
5) Parking and Transit Study (I.R. 'f448)
f+) Application of Employee Classification and Compensation Plan
7) Other M&C's of November 4, 1963
8) Other Items
November 4, 1963
Present: Late: Absent:
1. Friedman 6. fI trding (Item 2) Clone
2. JuncF. 7. Willis (Item 2)
3. ff.imn 8. Shannon (Item 2)
4. floover 9. Barr (Item 3)
_j. Stovall
I t e m Follow-Up
1. Meeting to Discuss Water Supply Matters MID - Notify ll,irdy, who will make
arrangements for breakfa:t meet i!w,,
Council agreed to meet at 7:00 A.M. , Thurs-
d.,y, November 14, 1963, in a breakfast meeting c,wen - Remind by telephone on Wednes
place to be desis;rnatd. _ day prior to meeting;
2. U-ite for Presentation of Employee Service MID - Notify Personnel to set even;_
Award fins on light agenda day
Council agreed to set either December 9
or 16 for the ceremonies following Council
3. Proposed Flood Plain :and :.rricultural Elm - Draft letter to U. S. 'rmy
oning Amendments Corps of Engineers and ;Dater Hu ir<<.
Notify Baker to refer Council suo;
Councilman Jones requested that 0-2 gestions to the i:oninj; Commission
Flood Pl.>in Zoning be reconsidered by the for study and report
City Council provided commercial and in-
dustrial may be loc:+ted in the zone, e:.-
ciudin. i11 living quarters or units.
Councilman Harding suggested th it control:;
also be relaxed in the proposed agricul-
tural zoning ordinance. Councilman
Shonnon requested tkat the City Manager
consult with the United States Army Corps
of Engineers and the Tarrant County Water
Bo-rd to determine the scope of flood pro-
tection improvements planned in their
future ..and to request opinions of the
agencies regarding, the need for t(,e pro-
posed ordinances, includin;; 0-2, to the
Plan Zoning Commission ; for further
study and request for information from
the agencies suggested by Councilman
S+iannon, was taken at the formal meeting.
4. Repoit on Truck Route OrLlinance Re- IJID - Draft informal report
Further information was requested re-
�;arding adequate Lruck ROUtt: Provisions
whist. would permit igricultural workers
to w;e vehicles between farm locations and OFFICIAL RECOIRD
dwellings; to determine if Yucca Street
should be ':.signated as a commercial CITY SECRETARY
delivery route; and whether additions to free-
ways recently completed should be added to the
Truck Route Ordinance.
Convention Center Information Rodger - Please prepare informal
report to City Council transmiLtin.;
Councilman Barr requested that information completed report and indicating
gachered by the City regarding the proposed that additional publications are
t.onvention and Auditorium facility be made available for inspection.
available to City Council Members and any other
committees interested in the project.
6. Parking and 'transit Study (IR 448) EHD - Memo to Baker re: delaying the
Parking Survey for the time being.
It was the concensus of Lite City Coun-
cil to reconsider the matter of a special
parking survey approved on October 28, 1963.
Council action reconsidering; Lite previous
vote was taken at the regular Council meeting
7. Employee Classification and Compensation E111) - Agenda
Council discussed information provided in
IR 447, ,tnd Councilman Willis requested that
the m-itter be placed on the informal and for-
mal agendas of November 11, 1963.
8. Legal Advertising Economies EHD - Memo to Bateman
Councilman Barr suggested that economies
in legal advertising costs be achieved by
eliminating white space in legal ad layout.
9. Purchase of Automobiles EIID - Get previous communication for
transmission to the City Council,
Council discussed the relative merits of together with updated Red Book
trading for new cars which have acknowledged information on the specific vehicles
higher trade-in values. Information was bid.
requested regarding; the relative trade-in
values of automobiles being requested for
purchase by the Park Department. Similar
information was requested during the formal
10. Tierney Road Land Purchases E11D - Schedule meeting; with M-IrLiii,
Loving, and Duggins Thursday, P.:1.
Council discussed M&C L-249 regarding pur-
chase of right-of-way for the 'Berney Road im-
provements and asked why a payment approaching
half of the full appraised value was recommended
for about 1/12th of the land area. Approval of
Tierney Road Land Acquisition Communications
were delayed at the formal meeting.
FT. �'f 1ZTR, TEX.
p r o i e c t Reierrud To : OFFICIAL RECORD
1 . R lation of Zoning; to Future Planning; El® - Agenda
During; the special zoning hearing, Council requested �y
furtht r information regarding tht• relation of planning; FT. WORTH, TM.
to orderly ,rowth and zoning; chan,,es , and that the matter
be plilced un the Pre-Council agenda for the iollowin�, week. _
2. Proposed Flood Plain & Agricultural .'oninr•• E11D - :. , r.to to Bak,•r re!;ardin_. I—?
and AG zoning; dratt L. tier
Council requ. steel reviL•w of the propoL;cd 0-2 and AG to E'ng;inecrs and (later Board
ordinance:: by the Zonin); Commission to determine if un-
necessary restriction: upon commercial and indu.-trial
operations -uuld be deleted. Further information was re-
quested rc•,ardinf; 0-1 Flood Plain Zoning- with particular
regard to :.etting; liruit:; on the width of channel , re.,;ponsi-
bilitic:, in delineatin , the channe I , and need for hearing
prior to mar, i n,• the channcrl . Council al oo requested the
opinion rel tl►c U..".. Army Corps of Engineer:; and Water
Board ry,arding the need and advisability of the proposed
ordina>>cr:, . _
3. Vchicle., for Park Department EI1D - get infoiTTation and report
Council requested infenaation regarding; the need
for 3 additional vehicIc!i by the Dt partment, and whether
experience in the value of trade-in., :;hoitld be considered
in detcnuinin,, the lowest and best bid for automotive
•quipment. _
4. Purcha:;e of Water Bills EIM - Metio to Rubottom and Marris.�
to stntly feasibility ! tr,rvl
Corincil approved M&C P-326, but sug vested that the purchase con:;ulidation
Cit- consider consolidation of all forms purchases to
achicvc goer unit casts . _
;. Tierney Road Land Acqui:,itions EIi13 - Arrange meeting,, person.;
M&C's L-249, 250, and 251 were delayed pending fur-
ther inton,iation reque:;ted durine, the Pre-Council meetink. _r
0. Proposed Hearing; on Magnesium Casting; in "J" Lil,ht Ell - A,_,ctida
Industrial Di:;tricts
Council_ .:et Nov._ 18_ to hear proposed ordinance change. _
7. Sanuels Ave Widening & Pavin;, (M&C C-184) MID - Refer complaint:. to appropri-
ate departments , ins;t rtic t
Council approved the project contract and set Nov. Public Wort::: to meet %,Itt. -
18, 19u3, for the benefit hearing. Mrs. Callie Wehunt, plainant, advise conccrnin
1.235 Samuel-, appeared before the Council and requested pavement methods , and rt--- .i: in
the• follo%dng;: a) better drat na;,c ditch :maintenance; drainage aspects of proj( ut .
l)) better brush pick-up; c) diversion of water from
property and street project; d) maintenance of City park
in nei^hborhood; e) promised inpruvu-►ent of Samuels Ave
in connection with 12th :;trent improve"ents.
8. East Berry Street Final Payment (FP-8-)) MID - Memo to Public lnoiks to a;di
street and attend l'r -tc,t u= ii
C:)uncil requested that Public Works officials re- meetin., of Nov. 11, 1' ,.J
c•�-acttint the pavement to determine compliance with City
_I)oci 2 icatiun:, . II1U - agenda