HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964/03/23-Agenda-Pre-Council PW AON
Pre-Council Conference
8:30 A.M., Monday, March 23, 1964
1) Contract with Tarrant County for Library Services
2) Final Payment - Demolition of Old Post Office Building (M&C FP-120)
3) Site for Near Southside Fire Station (M&C L-359 and IR #538)
4) Final Payment - Mitchell Boulevard Paving (M&C FP-113 and FP-114)
5) Boundary and Services Agreement with the City of Everman (M&C C-262)
6) Sundown Park Addition Storm Drain (M&C C-261)
7) Trip to Cedar Creek Reservoir and Meeting with Water Board (IR #537)
8) DeMolay Civics Day (IR #540)
9) Other M&C's of March 23, 1964
10) Other Items
March 23, 1964
Present: Late:
1. Friedman 7. Hamm (Item 3)
2. Kumble
3. Stovall Absent:
4. Jones 8. Barr
5. Shannon 4. Hardin;
6. Hoover
I t e tit Follow-Up
1. Contract with Tarrant County for Library NAN
Mayor Friedman referred to the Library con-
tract with the County vfaich was on the Council
agenda for the renular Council meeting, and asked
if any Council members had questions concerning
the proposed contract. Councilman Jones inquired
if the contract was for a one year period, and
was informed that it was .
Council approved the Library Contract at
re&ulcer Council meeting.
2. final Payment - Demolition of Old Post Office NAN
Building (M&C FP-120)
The City Manager referred to the final pay-
ment regarding the demolition of the old Post Of-
fice buildinr,, and asked if any Council members
had quc:.tions concerning; this itcmi.
No question:: were raised concerning the final
payment, and it was approved at regular Council
3. Site for !tear South Side Fire Station (M&C NAN
L-359 and IR-538).
The City Manager reported that authority to
condemn the site selected for the relocation of
Fire Station No . 5 was bein.; requested at the
regular Council meeting. Also, that several al-
ternate sites had been examined in connection with
this relocation, and it was felt that the site
recommended was the best location for the new sta-
Councilman Shannon had inquired as to the
condition of the building now housinf; Station No .
5, and was informed that it was estimated to cost
approximately $40,000 to remodel the present build-
ing. In response to a request from Councilman
Shanon concerning the cost of a new, station, the
City Manager reported that the station would prob-
ably cost between $75,000 and $80,000. It was also
reported that the staff was presently exploring
lower cost stations, and it was possible that this
station would be less than the figure reported.
Consensus of Council was -to approve the
condemnation of the recommended site, and this
action was taken at regular Council meeting. -
4. Final Payment - Mitchell Blvd Paving; (M&C 1P3-183 ,ng - met with Thelin & Amis
and FP-114) on 3/23/64 to discuss problems
and outline possible remedial
The City Manager reported that the Public Works action relative to handling,
Director and Chief Engineer of the Public Works Dept street construction projects
were present to discuss the final payment for contracts and reducing delays.
1 and 2 oL the Mitchell Blvd widening and paving
Councilman Hamm requested information concerning
the delay in this project. The Chief Engr of the Public
Works Dept reported that a considerable delay existed
between the date the contract was awarded and the date
the work order was issued on June 25, 1962, and that
from June 1962 until May 1963, the project was delayed
because of utility adjustments , and rain and bad weather,
particularly a cold spell. It wan also reported that
after the final inspection was made on Nov. 26, 1963,
considerable discussion was held concerning the correc-
tive action to be taken in regard to the project because
of numerous deficiencies.
Councilman Jones inquired if the same construction
tolerances as reported to the City Council on Dec. 4,
1963, had been in effect in Nov. 1963, wrien the project
was inspected and found to be deficient in a number of
area. It was reported that the : ame tolerances and
formulas had been used prior and after November 1963,
and that no change was made in order to pass this project.
Councilman Jones also inquired concerning the problem
resulting from cold joints in the corrective action taken
on this project, and the possibility of providing; for a
minimum specification from which there would be no devia-
tion. The Chief Engineer reported that cold joints used
in correcting the deficiencies were not felt to be detri-
mental to the pavement, and that it would be possible to
establish a minimum base and surface thickness in the
specifications from which there would be no deviation,
but that it was felt this would affect the bid price on
future projects.
The Public Works Director reported that one of the
primary problems connected with this project was the
change in some areas from a roadway crown to a section
with a straight slope for drainage. Consensus of Coun-
cil was to postpone action on FP -113 and FP-114 for
additional study.
5. Final Payment - Assessment Paving of Handley-Hitson
Road and Sandy Lane (M&C FP-119).
The City Manager inquired if the Council desired to
discuss this final payment. Councilman Hamm stated that
he felt that a similar case existed in this project since
the contract time used was 32 days, as compared to 180
calendar days since award of the contract. The Public
Works Director reported that there had been numerous
problems with the sub-grade in connection with this
Councilman Hamm also inquired whether the contractor
was charged for coring and other tests if the tests indi-
tared the project did not,~et specifications, and was .�
informed that this practi was not followed at present.
However, the staff would consider adding this require- KD - Memo to Thelin to consider.
ment to future specifications .
Councilman Hamm also inquired as to the procedure LINE - Please expedite.
concerning change orders, and was informed that a study
was presently underway to provide for uniform practices
regarding change orders . Councilman Hamm also inquired
as to a possible drainage problem caused at the 7-11 Store
in connection with the recent paving of University Dr. ,
and was informed by the Chief Engr that this situation
would be checked out.
During; the discussion Councilman Stovall inquired as JLB - Thelin requested to Pre-
to the delays on McCart from the Lowering of utilities pare memo to Water Dept outlin-
and service lines, and stated that he felt more coordi- ing needs.
nation was needed between the Public Works and Water De-
partments in such projects.
Council approved the final payment for the assess-
ment paving of Handley-Hitson Road and Sandy Lane at
regular Council meeting.
6. Compaction Tests at Three Locations KD - Memo to Thelin for test
and prompt report.
Councilman Hamm requested that compaction tests be
made of utility cuts at : 1) University Drive & White
Settlement Road; 2) the Water Department cut in front of
City Hall; and 3) A Gas Company utility cut on Forest
Park Blvd.
7 . Appointment to Zoning Board of Adjustment. EIID - Note for Pre-Council
agenda March 30, 1964.
Councilman Kemble reported he would like to place
the name of Mr. Henry Meadows under consideration for ap-
pointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Consensus of Council was to delay this appointment
for one week, and Council requested the item be placed on
the next week's pre-council conference agenda.
8. DeMolay Civics Day (IR-540) KD - Send list of counterparts
on Wednesday.
The City Manager reminded Council members of the De-
+ Molay Civics Day Breakfast at 7 AM on Monday, March 30, and
that all Council members who could attend would be welcome.
9. Trip to Cedar Creek Reservoir and Meeting with
Water Board (LR-537)
The City Manager reminded the Council of the proposed
trip to Cedar Creek Reservoir at 8 AM on Thursday, April
9, 1964. Councilman Kemble indicated that he could not
attend on this Thursday, and suggested that the Council go
on a Monday after Council meeting.
10. Boundary and Services Agreement with the City of EHD
Everman (M&C C-262).
Councilman Jones requested that the proposed agreement
with Everman be deferred for one week. Councilman Hamm also
inquired if the people involved in proposed exchange of land
between the City of Fort Worth and Everman had been notified.
Councilman Shannon inquired as to the recommendation of
the Planning Commission concerning the proposed agreement,
and was informed by the City Mgr that while the Planning Com-
mission had generally reviewed this matter, they had not acted
on the proposed agreement as such.
It was requested that the Planning Commission report its
recommendation concerning the proposed agreement by next
week 's meeting.