HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964/04/20-Agenda-Pre-Council PI;F-COUNCIi, COMA`[', 14C]: April 20, 1e61, Present : Late: Absent: 1 . Fri• dman linov .r (Iti-m 1) llon� 2. 1;1-mble Ilarr (Item 2) 3. •:tovall 4. Ilardinf; 5. Jo lie 6. liaruu 7. Shannon I t c ni Fo110w-UP 1 . Corrected final Payment Riverside Drive NAN ++ Pavin-,,, (14&C PI'-115 and Ili 553) The City Mana,•,er reported that the Council had I►eld over this corrected final payment at last week':. mcetinf,, and asked if any further iniorma- tioii was requested by the Council . Councilman Ilaruii. stated that lie had requested that a copy o1 the ori­.inal final payment M&C he furnished to the Coun- cil , and that he noted that no U1011tion was made ol. an overrun on tour items in the: original final pay- mont . Council approved the corrected final payment i l-W. i;P-I j ) at rc,6olar Council me_etin�;. 2. Odor Control - I'iLvvrside :;ewi a 'Treatment CKD - Memo to Hard,.- to procced Plant (WC C-276) trial , but vith no purchase to i . unless later approved by City C'01fiiL i Council diccu::sc,l this provision for experi- mentation with a d1 Ci-orcnt additive for odor con- trol at the IiivcrsidV :.c:wa,,e Treatment Plant. Council in<luired if the ey.panr.ion of the Village Creek Sewa,Ie TreatInL•nt Plant would help in allcvi- atin.-. the odor problem at the Riverside Plant, and wu:, iniormed that the odor at the Riverside Plant would probably be le.:::ened after construction of the Village Creek umpausion facilities, but that suwo odor might still cxi•st after the Villa,,u Creels Plant e7:pansiun. The City Manaf;er reported that fi Council. was satisfied with the present arrangements for odor control at the Riverside Plant, no changes u,uuU be made. However, several Council Members indicate A it ti.auld be he::t to try the new product inasmuch as there was no cost, other than freight charges, involved in a trial period. The City Mgr reported that the present contract for use of ,super Ilio could be suspended during tho term ui the ex- periweiit, but if: the new product wan successful , tl« ::tui L felt that the new product should be used on a leen- ternn basis . Council requested Woniiation concerning re-vi::ion:• to the River• ide Sewa--.0 Treatment Plant in Eg order Lo change the treatment :ystem to an activate el LPI I .!IEt0- e proce::n . The Uater Dvpt Director reportud .r,, that it would be best not to expend additional funds for capital improvements at the Riverside Plant inae,mueh as this plant wat: closely located to built-up residential areas, and that the cost of conversion of the plant would br, in the million! . At regular Council meeting, Council approved the use of the new product, Funziwatic, on an ex- perimental basis , and requested a report from the staff at the conclusion of the experiment. 3. Revision of Wa to Disposal Ordinance (M&C LINE - discuss any changes propu c(1 G-626) by Harri::on and llubbard with thus and report to me. The City Manager reported that the proposed amendment to the Waste Disposal Ordinance had been discussed with several private refuse haulers, and that their primary objection appeared to be the increase in rate which would he charged to the pri- vate haulers . It was also reported that the private haulers questioned the City's rate schedule for com- mercial accounts , but that no change in the schedule wan recommnended at this time. Mr. liarrison and Mr. Hubbard, private refine haulers , were invited into the pre-Council conference in order to discuss the proposed ordinance. Con- sensus of their statements was that the charge for use of the City dumps by private haulers wltould be increased' but that they felt the proposed increase was excessive. They presented information that other cities charged substantially less than pro- posed for bort Worth. Councilman Jones suggested that the Council go ahead and pass the proposed ordinance, and that an attempt could be made to work Out a more satisfactory basis for computin); the charge to private haulers . Council approved the proposed Waste Disposal Ordinance at regular Council meeting. 4. Leases for New Fired Base Operation - NAN Meacham Field (M&C C-278 and IR 554) Councilman Hanan reported that although addi- tional information had been submitted concerning; the proposed leases for a new fixed base operation at Meacham Field, the City would be losing appro:,- imately $2 ,400 per year in groua,1 rt-nralG under tite terms of the new lease, and therefore he was opposed to the lease. Tlie Aviation Director was present to discuss terms of the proposed lease and the lease being; cancelled with Southwest Airmotive. The Aviation Director reported that the terms of the proposed lease frith Butch, Inc . were in accordance with tite standard policy adopted by the Aviation Board and approved by the City Council for the lease of un- improved land at the airports . r Council approved tfZ he proposed leases at regular OFFICIAL ::`6 Council mectiuj;. 5. Board of Equalization Appointments NAN LilySt"LlYll The rtuyor reported that he had been advised 41. WORTH TEX. rIF that appointments to Lhe Board of F(lualAzati.on should he made at an early date, and that there was some feeling that the $50 fee per day paid to the members of the Board should be increased to $75 or $100. Council requested Messrs . Kemble and Jones to male a recommendation concerning; the two ap- pointments to the Board, and also the amount of the daily fee for service on the Ik)urd. 6. Purchase of Office furniture (M&C P-354) LllD - please see cue. Councilman Ilardinl; refrrred to the proposed purchase of office equipment as listed in this M,S•C and stated that it did not appear that the policy for the purchase was conoistent with the normal procedure of purchasing from the low bidder. lie reported that tie had been advised that the filing cabinet:; to lie furnished by the ,Toe Wallis Office Supply Co. were as rood as thou, to he supplied by E. P. Conner and Company. Council re(luested that the prnrchane of office f.urniturr be delayed for one week. F R=TPIRY T