HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964/05/25-Agenda-Pre-Council PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE MAY 25, 1064 Present: Late: Absent: 1. Barr 7. Hamm (Item 1) 9. Friedman 2. Jones S. Shannon (Item 1) 3. Kemble 4. Stovall 5. llarding; 6. lk)o ve r Item Follow-up 1 . Niversity Drive Paving; and Channelization AMIS notified verbally by JLB to (M&C G-649) make Arch Adaiia, a separate unit of the contract. The City Manager reported that a proposed plan for improvements to tho University Drive, West 7th Street, and Camp Bowie Blvd . intersection, including the improvement of University Drive from Lancaster to West 7th Street, had been under consideration for OFFICIAL RECORD some tino, and requested instructions from the City RECORD Council on proceeding; with the project. 41r­ 41LId" ""F�f�Y Councilman Jones stated that while lie felt the "�D I 7t1! engineer:' had developed the ultimate plan for im- provements to this intersection, he felt that some mik . adjustments should be made in the plan as presented. Councilman Jones stated that lie was opposed to eliminating east-bound trafiic on W. 7th Street, and that this portion ui tht proposed plan should be riodified. Councilman Hoover agreed that the cast Lound traffic should be left on W. 7th Street at this location, and suggested that the inter- section of W. 7th Street be extended appro>.imately P to 12 feet into the intersection with Camp Bowie and University. Councilman 11a,Tmi suggested that the parallel parking; in front of the bank on W. 7th Street mi'0it be eliminated in order to provide additional manuveurinb room for vehicles at this intersection. In response to a question from the Council, it was indicated that the portion of the project pertain- in� to the improvement and widening of Arch Adams St. , would cost approximately $15,000 to $20,000 for construction, and approximately $7,000 for the additional right-of-way required. Consensus of the Council was to modify the proposed plan in order to leave two-way traffic on 7th Street, and a poll of Council Members re- garding the improvement of Arch Adams St. indi- cated that Councilman Barr, Hoover, Shannon, Stovall and Kemble, were in favor of the improve- ments of Arch Adams, St. , while Councilmen Hanan, Harding; and Jones were opposed to the improve- ments . A- At regular Council meeting, Council authorized the staff to proceed with the proposed University Drive paving and intersection improvements, except that the plan was modified to leave two-way traffic on W. 7th Street. 2. Commercial Building Standards Board Ap- EF[D - Agendas - 6/l/64 pointments Council discussed proposed appointments to the Commercial Building Standards Board, and consensus of Council was to appoint Mr. Robt. T. Woltz as the architectural member of the Board, Mr. John T. Caden- head as the contractor member, and Mr. Weldon J. Hunnicutt as the structural engineering, member. How- ever, Mr. Hunnicutt declined appointment to the Board, and Council delayed the appointments for one week. 3. Assessment Paving - 15 Locations in Arlington MM Hts (M&C G-648) Council raised no questions concerning this pro- posed assessment paving project. 4. Contract for Installation and Revision of EMD - Agendas - 6/1/64 Water Facilities (M&C C-304) The City Manager reported that bids had been received for numerous water projects normally per- formed by the Water Dept crews, and that it was felt that a reasonable price had been obtained for this work. It was also reported that the award of this contract would help in catching up with the installation of new lines and services , and the ad- justment of existing water services in advance of street improvement projects . Councilman Shannon inquired as to the recent action of the Council in authorizing the purchase of equipment and additional personnel for the Water Dept for water facilities contruetion, and was in- formed that this proposed contract was in addition to the work proposed under that action by the Coun- cil, and that the need for the contract was discuAwed with the City Council at the time the additional crew . was authorized. At regular Council meeting, Council delayed ap- proval of this contract for one week. J. DeVitt Street and St. Louis Ave Storm Drain EHD - Agendas - 6/l/64 Extensions (M&C C-302) Councilman Jones requested that this item be deferred for one week. 6. Purchase of Desks and File Cabinets (M&C P-368) HAN Councilman Harding stated that he noticed that a different company had submitted the low bid for QFFI''1"I _P purchase of desks and file cabinets this time, how- ever, consensus of Council was to award the bid to the Standard Office Equipment Co . , and this action `RY 1 was taken at regular Council meeting. 7 . Disposition of Surplus City Property (IR 565) CKD - Draft memo to Thelin for re- port on questions raised. Also, Councilman Hamm requested additional informa- memo re advertisement of properties . tion concerning; the list of surplus City-owned property. This included : 1) the date when each of the various properties were acquired by the City, 2) details concerning; the property listed as Item 35 indicating that the property was being retained at the request of the Tarrant County Water Board, 3) complete information concerning; Item 77 relating to 14 acres of park land at Greenway Park, and 4) information concerning the estimated value of each of the properties. The City Manager reported that the Land Agent had recommended that the property be advertised in blocks of 10 and 12 properties at one time, and that the Land Agent had been requested to advertise each property at least one time per year, with the more saleable properties advertised more often, until sold. It was also suggested by the Council that copies KEN - memo to Public Works on of the list of propertie, be furnished to the Real this suggestion. 'ibtorc %aid . wuncilman Haimt also requested information on Item 41 which wa:; reported to have been approved -or sale by the City Council on May 20, 1960, but had not been sold because the City could not furnish a clear title to the property. Councilman Hamm also requested information on what was being done to clear the titles of properties which were indicated to have cloudy titles . S. Councilman Barr to Attend Institute on Munici- NAN pal Taxation at Claremont, California Councilman Jones reported that Councilman Barr had been invited as a representative of the City to attend an Institute on Municipal Taxation on June 16-19, 1964 at Claremont, California. Consensus of Council was to approve Mr. Barr's attendance at this meeting;, and this action was taken at regular Council mecting. OFFICIAL RECORD CW SECRETARY ET. WORTH, TEX.