HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964/12/28-Agenda-Pre-Council AGENDA
8030 A.M. , DECEMBER 289 1964
1) Review of Request for Building Projection over Public Rights-
of-Way (M&C G-739)
2) Water and Sewer Installat-tons Policy (M&C G-732)
L3) Craig and Canton Street Improvements (M&C G-740)
4) Provision for Financing Special Police Activity (M&C G-743)
5) G. s Rates for Air-Conditioning (M&C G-741)
6) Proposed Changes in Transit Routes (MC G-742)
7) Bids for Purchase of Materials, Equipment and Services (M&C P-407)
8) Discontinuing Burning at Dump Grounds (I.R. #661)
9) Other M&C°s of December 28, 1964
101 Other Items
0011. A110%
DECEMBER 26, 1964
r r usent : Late: Absent :
I . Frijuman b. Hoover ( Item 1 ) 9. Stovall
2. Kemble
3. Hamm
4. Barr
D. Shannon
U. Jones
7. Har uinU
T E M Follow-up
I . Review of Request ror Building Projection NAN
Over Public Riyhts-of-way (MBC G-739)
Councilman Hamm stated that he had requested
that this item be held over at the previous
Council meeting, in order That he could talk with
Thu builuiny aeparimenl anu obtain a report
rujardiny what other cities were uoiny in this
malrer . Councilman Hamm staled that he had
asKeu now many times in the past that a building
huu been allowed to project over Thu property
line, anu That he hau been intormeu that , except
in one case, ihu sarnu property ownur had owned
property on both siues or Thu streets where the
Luiluinr was alloweu to project over the property
line. C:ounci Irnan Harnrn stated that most major
cilias requiruu that a builainy be placuo on the
properly line, and that the builainy be recessed
rrom lh, propurly line as the huiyhl of the
buIIuinys incruasuu , Councilman Hamm stated that
Thu inrormaiion from the Buildiny Commissioner
inuiculuu Thai there was only one aeviation from
Zhu uuiluinj being placuu at the property linu in
UjIlas, anu That Houston and San Antonio indicated
They die not havu any cases of builuiny projections
ovur the proparIy line, li was indicateu, however,
that there were some projections in these cities
such as walks and minor aruas. Councilman Hamm
stateu That the Council had recently approveu the
extension or tha Southwest Chevrolet Building
over IUth Street, and that The Farm anu Home Bank
Uuildiny had canopies which uxtandeu over The
public rights-of-way was at Leonard's, where the
same property owner ownea properly on both sines
or the street . Councilman Hamm stated that the
Fire Marshall had reported that the projection of the
building over the public right-of-way limits Lire
Ii,Jhiin7 capabilities, anu -that a 75 foot snorkel
trurr: required 45 to 50 reet or clearance between
uuilaings in order to operate.
Councilman Barr inquired as to the width
trom property line to property line at the
Iocalion of the proposeu parking garage
builuin,, , and was informed that it was 60
feet . Councilman Hamm stated that he was
opposed to the :) toot projection over Taylor
Street, but that the alternate of a one Toot
projection over the street and a tour fool
projoction over the alley might be workable.
Councilman Harrwn stated that he had been
advised by fire righters that they did not
desire to operate from the alley, therefore,
he felt There would be no objection to the
proposed four toot overhang in the alloy.
Mr . Morris Parkor, architect of the pro-
posco parking yarage, was present and explained
thL. reason for the request for the rive tool
overhang on Taylor Street. Mr. Parker stated
that ihey only had a depth of 100 reel for the
proposed parking jarayu, whereas the ideal
uupTh would be a minimum of 125 feel , and that
They could not jet enough parking spaces to make
the project feasible without the over-hang.
Mr. rarkur aavisou the Council that the proposed
parkin.l garage provided for six stories of
parking, and was designed for an additional ton
stories above the parking garage for office
spaco. Councilman Hamm inquirea it the project
would be abandoned if the five toot overhang
wore riot al lowed, and was advised by Mr. Parker
Thai this would make the feasibility of the
project in uoubt. In response to a question
from Councilman Jones, Mr. Parker stated that
it was not feasible to provide drive-up parking
above a six or seven story level , and that it
woulu require a mechanical lift elevator to go
above this height.
The City Manager reported that the Texas
Electric Service Company had a utility easement
in the alley, and that there were a number of
utilities in the alley, theretoro it would be
viry uitficul -t to consider abandoning or closing
1ha alley. The City Manager stated that the
City dupartments diu not object to the tour toot
c,ver-hang over the alley and the one-toot pro-
jecliun over Taylor Street .
Councilman Jones inquired if the Public
works Department had ever authorized a building
projection without Council approval , and was
informed by the City Manager that this had not
been done. The City Manager reported, however,
that many years ago a number of vaults were
construcled under the public street . Councilman
Jones slated that he did not object to the one-
root overhanq on Taylor Street, but that he did
not feel qualified to pass on each exception to
0 -j- ~
the policy of not allowing projections over
thu public riyhi-of-way. Councilman Hoover
requesiea information re.larainy the City'5
appeal of the Citizen's Hotel case, and was
informed by -the City Manayer that the Supreme
Court had ruled ajainst the City on this case.
Hcwever, the City Manajer stated that the City
ioiorney had aavised that this case did not
arteci the City's right to charge a rental fee
if the Ciiy and the user of the space agreed to
a contract. Councilman Hamm inquired if this
con-iraet would be binding on future; owners of
the property, and was informed by the City
Manager that he did not know the answer to this
Councilman Barr asked Mr. Darker if he
desired a determination on the building projection
at this Council meeting, or whether he would
rather wait for an answer. Mr. Parker stated
That he would accept the alternate providing for
the one root overhang on Taylor Street.
Council approvdd the overhang of one foot
on Taylor Street and four feet over the alley at
regular Council meoiing.
2. Provision for Financing Special Police NAN
Activity (MBC G-743)
Mayor Friedman stated that Police Chief
Hiyhlower was present and asked it any Council
Members had questions concerning this M&C pro-
viainy for financing special police operations.
Councilman Kemble slated that he relt this money
was v.ell spent it the Police Chief and City
Manager thought that results were being obtained
irorn The special police operations. The Police
Chiu s,rated that he telt that the special
operations were most successful .
Councilman Harding referred to the proposed
purchase of ten intoximeters, and was advised
by -etre Police Chief that one intoximeter would
be placed in each sergeant's car. The Chief
stated that the results of the intoximeter test
were not admissable in court, but that the
policemen coulu use these devices in the field
to uelermino if a person was intoxicated, or ill
and neodea hospitalization instead. The Chief
stated that the blood alcohol test would continue
to be administered for use in court cases.
Council approves the transfer of funds to
provide for the special police operations, and
'the purchase of the intoximeters at regular
Council meeting.
4-5. '.rotor and Sower Installations f-oIicy Lino - make revisions as
(M&C G-732) approved by L.C.
Councilman Kemble stated that he had
roqu•-,slod This item to be hely over, and that
the addition of a senionce to 1he section
re,ardinj special package Ireaimeni plants
providing that the construction of these
plants would be subject to approval of the
Ci l y tz+na�,er and City Council would sal i sfy
his quosi ion reyaroinU the proposed policy.
Councilman Jones sTated that he hau a
question rejardiny 'the proposea policy as it
perlaineu to the provision that sanitary sower
uc i l i i i es may ue oxtencieu 1 o servo s i rnl I e
cUslUrnurs when the Director of the Vrater
Dupartnient determines after consultation with
ilia Public Health Director that the public
ho&lih requires the exrunsion. Councilman
Jones also inquired or the City Manager if
the provision for package treatment plants
Lave the City authority to force use of those
sp,:cial plants when it would be to the detriment
or the uevuloper . The City Manager reported
there would still be individual construction
wnvre authority Tor use of septic tanks would
be jraniud by the City, lha City Manager
roported that it the development was a major
plant or a subdivision, and it were not
uasible to oxlenu a Trunk main at the limo,
t iron i ho package trealmunl plant wouId be
UseU .
Councilman Kemble inquired it an adjacent
owner- would be required to tie into the package
plan) anu was intormou by the City Manager that
it would uepenu on the location of the main.
The City Manajer also informed the Council
that ii was iniunued that the proposed package
iruatment planes would be located as far down-
s1 r oam morn ilia neve l opment as pass i b l u in
order that the uevelopur would participate
adequately in the cost the same as ror the
c. onsion of a fuluru trunk main.
Council approved the proposed water and
sewer insialla-tions policies with Iwo amend-
monis ai re 4u I ar Counc i I moeT i n.t.