HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/01/04-Agenda-Pre-Council AVW "dSk A G E N D A PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE 8:30 A.M. , JANUARY 4, 1965 1) Proposed Changes in Transit Routes (M&C G-741. and I.R. #663) 2) Discontinuing; Burning, at Dump Grounds (I.R. #661) 3) City Participation in Drainage Costs in New Subdivisions (M&C G-744) 4) Purcha:,e of Fire Apparatus (M&C P-409) 5) Complaints of Moslah Temple Shrine in connection with Ceremonial and 1964 Shrine Circus (I.R. #662) 6) Paving Improvements on the Northeast Side (M&C G-745) 7) Other M&C's of January 4, 1965 8) Other Iteius r PI;F:-COUNCIL (bill I:RENCE 1111IUT1•:S JANUARY 4 , 1 L- Prel;ent Late : Absent I I- ciedman 7 . 110ovcr (Itun, 1 ) Shannon 2 . Barr ' . Hal, 3. SLoval-1 4 . Jo tao s Kemble I L t ur --- — - Po l low-Up — - - I . Review of or BLIiIkiiIt, Projection MID - draft memo ap Im Lilt in.,, coi •;it - Over Ri}-Iit-of -I.i dip&C C-73't) tc, cousi:'Lin;, oa Itatiom y (Chairman) , to;ii:; ant' Lar,;oii Council=nan Bahr ,•taLed that Lite Coutu•il hart to review this piohLem unci acLr-d oil the l:poci; ic rc•clui-:;t pot• a huildin;, Projec- od r Cily practice:; , and , - tion over the public ri. ht-oi-way as outlined in port: . this II&C, but that the Council had taken no action on thr third recommendation in Chis M&C providin;., for Lite appointment o, all e;:i::tiny or new committee to recomi,iend standard policies regulatin} ittture consideration of huildittS. projections ovt r the public ri-ht-ol -way. Thi, Cit- liana or reported that it was t•r•ror:flru`udt-tl that tht- Ccttint'il appoint a cotimittee on this %iattur since Lhe request involved aseth-ticl. and it wa:; ielt that the MY stall mis•Iit need otiLsicl,- ass:istance on iutttru huiIdim-, projection regiaelsts . '1'hc Cit•: Mana: er added that lie 1 clt that 1uU1111 rs o' thu City stat t _hUttld he rejn-ur;c•ntcd r]n the cot.mtitteu. CUtntc it i.ian Jona,; ! 111,1 e!;tcd that t ltu Czruttt;i 1. ap- point the Chain,inn o , the Zouin!•. Cot.uti-::ion, Dot:ntot:n Po, t l.ortb A::! ociatiou, Art Couwd.,;Sion, and i'linil.uur Iltudill; SLaud.ilds Comid!i siou to ;crve ort this it- tee . Mayor Iricc:aiatt :;taLed that lie sxtuld prefer not to turn o ur the revi.c•w of hididin• projr ction re- clttr t!; to all o,itl irle roup , and t.ould ttrelor that the r-'viOw tr I Ltich ; cqucl;Ll; rr•uraiu Z:; at Pre:ettt Cottncilt,talt Barr l;LaLed Lhat Ire felt tart Cit}' neodv(: ,,,tddelines for lutute r rpuu. trs for 'ntilr'it.} pro juctions . CotntciL pan lloover !;tated that hu felt L1.e hei-,,ht ni tuturc lruildinpr, projections over public streets should be considered carolully in order to provide proper clearance for vviticlos . COUnciltitan Barr requested a -eport i rum the sta: t re,;ardin.; Possible ,tddeliiw:, for ittture huildin,, projection requests , that other cities ' polieis were itt this matter, and Uiat policiu-,: were ill ei ! ect in San 1 rancisco . The CiLv llana,,er reported that the !i Lal i would -,i ve i urthur to this; oat ter. 2. r Remimlcr. of Meetin:'.s of Ci Ly Council NAU The City Manager reminded the City Council of the p .r,,. meetin on January 1, to consider the City's cont- p-cohensive plan, and inioiwcd HIO CoUnCi1 that the P v:-:idem of the Library Board had invited Council mcri- bers to a lunch oil ibitday, January 11, in the basc'r1et1L o. the_ li bratnti I rlio -- �.�-- 3, Proposed Changes in Transit Routes NAN (M&C G-741 and I.R. 663) Council had no further questions regarding this item, and proposed changes in transit routes were approves] at regular Council meeting. 4. Discontinuing Burning at Dump Grounds (IR 661) RNL - develop plan of action. Councilman Jones stated that he had requested that this item be placed on the pre-Council Con- ference agenda, and felt that the City should pro- ceed with a study to determine future operations in regard to trash and garbage disposal . The City Manager reported that there were two area where the City utilized open burning, and that it was expensive to eliminate the undesirable burn- ing. Councilman Kemble stated that he had received many complaints regarding fall-out from the incin- erators , and felt that long-range plans should be developed for the future disposal of trash and refuse . Councilman Barr inquired about the recovery cost of filled land which resulted from the sani- tary land fill method of trash and garbage disposal . The City Manager reported that the sanitary land fill should add to the value of land since in these cases low and undesirable land was filled by use of the sanitary land fill operation. Councilman Hoover inquired about the problem of rats in connection with the land fill method and was informed by the City Manager that this did not result in the problem if the land fill was operated correctly. The City Manager reported that the staff would continue its study on this matter. 5. City Participation in Drainage in New Subdivi- EHD - get revised policy draft_ sions (M&C G-744) and reproduced and have re- funds made . The City Manager reported that as a result of a previous request of the City Council , the storm drain developer's policy was proposed to be revised whereby the City would participate in its share of the storm drain cost from the beginning of the project. The City Manager also reported that it was proposed to make the change in policy retroactive concerning three outstanding contracts which were approved since the last change of policy in 1960. The City Manager reported that this would involve refunds totaling $14,000 to the developers . Mayor Friedman inquired if there would be any in- crease in the City's share of participation in such storm drain contracts and was informied by the City Man- ager that the change in policy would only provide for immediate participation in the cost of the project by the City, rather thap an eventual participation, Councilman Barr inquired as to the City's policy when the present storm drain funds were depleted , and the City Manager stated that this would be a policy question for consideration by the Council at that time. The City Manager suggested that the Council should not assume obligations beyond the time the funds were depleted , and the Council should reconsider its policy at that time . Council approved the M&C at regular Council meeting. _ 6. Purchase of Fire Apparatus (M&C P-409) NAN The City Manager reported that the funds for purchase of fire apparatus proposed in this M&C were available in the budget, and asked if Council Mem- bers had any questions concerning the proposed purchases . Councilman Kemble inquired if any of the new equipment would be stationed at the new station to be constructed by Fliless and manned by the City of Fort Worth. The City Manager reported that indirectly the purchase of the new equipment would provide equip- ment for the Euless station since older apparatus would be transferred to the Euless station. The City Manager reported that the purchase price of the fire apparatus was approximately $28,000 Higher than had been anticipated in the budget, but that the $30,000 provided for the construction of the temporary station in the Euless area had been applied to the funds avail- able for the purchase of equipment. Councilman Jones inquired if the purchase of the new fire equipment was related to the article in the paper concerning the firemen's appearance at Town Hall to request additional equipment, and was informed by the City Manager that he did not know what the firemen lead in mind. Council approved the purchase of fire apparatus at regular Council meeting. 7. Complaints of Moslah Temple Shrine in Connec- EHD - Pre-Council Agenda, 1/11/65 tion with Ceremonial and 1964 Shrine Circus (I.R. 662) Councilman Stovall requested that this item be held over for one week , and placed on the pre-Council agenda for next week. Councilman Hoover stated that he had noted what had appeared to be two discrepancies between the in- formal report and the letter from the Moslah Temple. Councilman Hoover stated that a reference was made in the informal report to $16.53 for City labor whereas the letter from the Shrine referred to a labor cost of $600.18. Councilman Hoover also stated that under item 3 the Shrine letter referred to one ride at $20 per day whereas the informal report referred to two rides at $10 per day each. Councilman Hoover also stated that the letter from the Shrine did not mention any income to the Shrine from these rides , whereas the informal report stated that the Shrine received a per- centage of the gross receipts from the rides . The City Manager reported that the $16 referred to involved work the Shrine wanted to perform but which was required to be performed by City forces . The City Manager reported that the City performed other work at the ceremonial but that there was no dispute in- volved in the other work performed by the City. Councilman Stovall stated that the $600 referred to in the Shrine letter involved payment for union stage hand labor which the Shrine was under the impres- sion that they had to use. The City Manager reported that the City had not told anyone connected with the Shrine that they were required to use union labor. Councilman Hoover inquired as to the City's policy re- garding the requirement that union labor be used in connection with events at the Municipal Buildings West, and was informed by the City Manager that the City took no part in requiring the use of union labor and that this was a matter strictly between the organization and the stage hands ' union. Councilman Kemble stated that he felt that there were too many rules and regulations for use of the buildings at the Municipal Buildings West and that the Manager of the Municipal Buildings should inform the using organization of all rules and regulations which they would be required to abide by in using the facil- ities . Councilman Stovall stated that it appeared to him that there had been a breakdown in communications since about 10 years ago the Shrine had agreed to purchase a fireproof sawdust in order that fireworks could be used at the events . The City Manager reported that the Fire Marshal had felt that an immediate hazard existed if the Shrine was allowed to continue using the jerbs, but that other fireworks not felt to be a hazard were allowed to con- tinue to be used. Councilman Jones stated that he had observed circus ' in other cities that allowed pyrotechnics, and inquired if there were not proper precautions which could be taken. Councilman Jones also stated that the City should obtain information from the Golden Gloves and other users of the facilities at Municipal Build- ings West regarding their complaints as referred to by Councilman Harding. Councilman Barr stated that he had attempted to obtain approval from the City Council regarding the use of fireworks at LaGrave Field during the summer, but that the Council would not approve the request. Coun- cilman Barr stated that he felt the matter of the Municipal Buildings West operations was confusing to the City staff since the Council had instructed the staff to tighten up the management and operations at the buildings approximately sig: months ago, and the staff was merely following the Council 's instructions and policies . _ 8. Assessment Paving of Greer Street NAN Councilman Harding stated that Councilman Shannon had called him regarding the proposed paving of Greer Street which would be before the Council at the regular meeting, and that Councilman Shannon was anxious that this street be improved. The City Manager reported that a majority of the property owners had indicated that they did not desire the street be improved. Council approved the paving of Greer Street at regular Council meeting.