HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/01/18-Agenda-Pre-Council /69 N D A
8;30 A.M., JAMBUY 18, 1%5
1) Resolution an Northwest Loop 820 Aligniment (MC Gm753)
2) Electric Hate Reduction (MC G-752)
3) Additional Space for Police operations (WC C-444)
4) Election of April 6 and ,April 20
5) Samuels .Avenue Paving Improvements (MC C-442)
6) 097 Bond Fund Adjustments (M6C G-751)
7) Draft Resolution Regarding the Prelininary OnVrehensive
Plan (2.R. #672)
8) Other MbC's of January 18, 1965
9) Other Items
JANUARY 18, 1965
Present: Late : Absent :
1 . Friedman 8. Hoover (Item 4) 9. Shannon
2. Jones
3. Kemble
4. Barr
5. Hamm
6. Harding
7. Stovall
I t e m Follow-up
1. Resolution on Northwest Loop 820 Alignment BATEMAN - please transmit resolu-
(M&C G-753) tion to Bob Crook.
The City Manager reported that the Council had
asked several months ago that the State Highway Depart-
ment reconsider the original proposed routing of the
Northwest Loop of Highway 820 u4tich would have cut
through the joint rail classification yard and limited
future expansion at Meacham Field. The Manager reported
that the City departments had been working; with the Dis-
trict Engineer, State Highway Departnent, regarding
alternate routes for this section of Highway 820 and
had designated a general area as indicated by the map
attached to this M&C for location of the highway. It
was reported that the District Engineer of the State
Highway Department had requested adoption of a resolu-
tion by the City Council concerning; the proposed high-
way location, and that the resolution was being trans-
mitted to the City Council for its consideration.
Consensus of Council was to adopt the resolution
endorsing the revised alignment,and this action was taken
at regular Council meeting.
2. Electric Rate Reduction (M&C G-752) NAN
The City Manager reported that an analysis of
the proposal by Texas Electric Service Company regard-
ing the proposed rate reduction and increased street
rental payments had been prepared, and that the Util-
ity Supervisor was present to answer questions from
the City Council .
Consensus of Council was to approve the proposed
rate reduction and increased street rental payments ,
and this action was taken at regular Council meeting.
3. Additional Space for Police Operations CKD - coordinate departmental ef-
(M&C C-444) forts re traffic , water, building.
remodeling, etc.
The City Manager reported that bids had been
received for the extension of the City Hall under 10th
Street. Councilman Kemble inquired as to the starting
date of the construction, and was informed that the
project would get underway shortly. Councilman Stovall
inquired as to the total cost of this project, and was
informed by the City Manager that the low bid received
was approximately $278,000, the architect's fee would be
approximately $16,000-$17,000, and that the re-routing
of the storm drain in 10th Street was estimated to cost
approximately $$17,000-$18,000. Councilman Stovall asked
about the cost in connection with the relocation of util-
ities, and was informed by the City Manager that the pri-
vate utility companies were bearing the majority of this
cost, and any cost to the City from the relocation of
utilities except the storm drain was included in the bids
received for the project.
Councilman Jones inquired if any of the City functions
located at the Old Criminal Courts Building were being con-
s idered for possible occupancy of the new space to be con-
structed under 10th Street, and was informed by the Manager
that the new space did not take into account possible occu-
pancy by any of the City activities at the Old Criminal
Courts Building. The City Manager reported that the new
space provided for expansion of Police operations now in
the basement of the City Hall, enlarged crime lab facili-
ties, and relocation of the Traffic Division offices as
well as the construction of an auditorium line-up area,
for use by all City departments .
Councilman Kemble asked if the new space to be con-
structed under 10th Street would tie in with future plans
for construction of a new City Hall south of the City Hall,
and was informed by the Manager that this would be the case.
Council approved the award of contract at regular
Council meeting.
4. Election of April 6 and April 20 BATEMAN - please follow up .
The City Secretary was present to answer questions
from the Council regarding the use of voting machines
rented from the County at the primary and run-off elec-
tions for Council in April. Councilman Barr asked why
the proposed use of voting machines would involve more
cost to the City than the use of paper ballots, and was
informed by the City Secretary that the additional cost
would result from the need for one additional clerk at
each of the smaller voting boxes. The City Secretary
reported that he had received information that the County
had used a combination of voting machines and paper bal-
lots at the November general election, and that it might
be possible to reduce the cost to the City by continuing
the use of paper ballots at the 18 City boxes with less
than 200 voters.
Councilman Jones stated that he felt with the use
of a short ballot such as in the City Council elections,
the advantages from use of voting machines would not
justify the additional $10,000 expenditure. Councilman
Kemble asked if the County desired the City to rent the
voting machines, and was informed by the City Secretary
that he had contacted the County regarding rental of the
voting machines
Consensus of Council was to delay a decision on
this matter, and the City Secretary was requested to
provide an estimate of the cost to the City under the
plan for combined use of voting machines and paper
S. Samuels Avenue Paving Improvement (M&C C-442) NAN
The City Manager reported that the award of
contract for the paving of Samuels Avenue from North-
west 18th Street to Northeast 23rd Street was being
requested, and inquired if any Council Members had
questions concerning; the proposed project. Councilman
Jones asked if the project uuuld require future bond
authorizations, and was informed by the City Manager
that the project would be financed from existing au-
thorized bonds . The City Manager also reported that
when this project had been initially included in the
Capital Improvement Program in 1958, an allocation of
$33,000 had been provided, but that this had been in-
creased by the Council in the 1964 CIP to an allocation
of $70,000. It was reported that an additional $25,000
for the project would be needed and that this amount
would be transferred from miscellaneous assessment pav-
ing funds. Councilman Jones inquired if this was the
last portion of Samuels Avenue which was proposed to
be improved, and was informed by the City Manager that
this was the case.
Councilman Jones also inquired why it was pro-
posed to reduce the roadway width from 44' to 40' , and
the City Manager reported that he had not gone into
the reason for this change. However, the City Manager
reported that he telt a 40' roadway was adequate inas-
much as North Main Street was located on one side and
the North-South Freeway was located on the other side
of this street.
Councilman Barr inquired if plans were under
consideration for the construction of an additional
major thoroughfare to the Rosen Heights Area, and
stated that previous plans had provided for the im-
provement of Gould Ave for this purpose. The City
Manager reported that traffic engineering studies in-
dicated the need for the upgrading of the Jacksboro
Highway rather than the creation of a new major
thoroughfare along Gould Street. It was also reported
that Gould had been resurfaced during; the previous
year or twv.
Councilman Jones asked if the schedule for con-
struction of a southwest freeway had been determined,
and was advised by the City Manager that the City had
requested this project at least two times previously,
but that the State Highway Department had not recognized
a responsibility for the project at this time.
Council approved the award of contract for the
Samuels Ave pavin4 project at regular Council meeting.
6. Report by Mayor Friedman on Proposed Legislation NAN
Regarding Establishment of an Air?ort Authority
Mayor Friedman reported that tie desired to bring
the Council up to date regarding the recent comments of
Senator Parkhouse from Dallas on the request for legis-
lation for creation of an Airport Authority. The Mayor
reported that at the start of negotiations with Dallas
officials regarding the designation of a regional airport,
discussion had been held on the need for creation of an
airport authority as the VChicle for establishment of a
reg,ional airport. The Mayor reported that recent advers,_,
comments had inferred that the request for legislation
to establish an airport authority was an indication that
Tarrant County was attempting, to proceed alone on the air-
port problem. The Mayor reported that this was not the
case, and that the draft legislation for creation of the
airport authority had been furnished to the Dallas officials
sometime ago . It was also reported that if the airport au-
thority were established on a bi-county basis , Dallas would
have more representatives on the authority due to fts
greater population and air traffic. The Mayor reported
that the primary purpose for introducing; the legislation
at this, time was to obtain action during; this session of
the Le}jslature, and that the proposed legislation provides
for an airport authority for Tarrant County, with partici-
pation by Dallas County and other North Texas counties if
they so desired. The Mayor reported that suggestions from
Dallas were welcomed regarding; the proposed legislation,
and that it could be amended at any time, and re-submitted
by both Tarrant and Dallas Counties .
Councilman Jones; stated that lie and Councilman Barr
had spoken with a Councilman from the City of Dallas on
Sunday, and that it was the Dallas Councilman's understand-
ing; that the Tarrant County legislative delegation would
introduce this legislation. Councilman Jones asked if this
proposed legislation could be amended so as not to include
the name of Tarrant County, Mayor Fric&ian reported that
this might be possible.
City Attorney Johndroe stated that the proposed legis-
lation for creation of the airport authority was similar to
enabling legislation for the hospital districts, and that
the creation of the airport authority required a constitu-
tional amendment to provide taising; powers , enabling legis-
lation to provide for the voters within a given area to
create the airport authority, and the power to annex addi-
tional territory from other areas desiring; to join the air-
port authority.
7. Report on F.nforceraent of Leash Ordinance R & B has prepared draft M&C T
The City Manager reported that due to the emergency
nature of the recent rabies outbreak, lie had authorized
the Public health Director to hire four additional people
in order to provide :stricter enforcer.iont of the Leash
Ordinance. The Manager reported that it would be neces-
sary to obtain Council approval for the expenditure of
$12-15 ,000 for payment of the accelerated enforcement
program at a later date, and that the accelerated pro-
gram should be continued for at least six months.
The Manager requested a consensus from the Council
regarding; proceeding with the accelerated prog;rar.i, and
the consensus expressed was to proceed with the accelerated
Pro i,rar i.