HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/03/29-Agenda-Pre-Council �•• ,.,
Pre-Council Conference
8 :30 A.M. , March 29, 1965
1) Colonial Parkway Improvements (I.R. #707)
2) Progress Report - Hulen Street Viaduct Improvements
3) Additional Personnel Requirements - Public Works Department
Land Division (M&C G-782)
4) Paving Improvements - Dunbar School Area (M&C C-476)
5) Sewer Main to Serve Santa Fe Industrial Tract (I.R. #711)
6) Maintenance of Trinity Cemetery (I.R. #710)
7) Other M&C's of March 29, 1965
8) Other Items
MARCH 29, 1965
Present: Late: Absent:
1 . Friedman 8. 11amm (Item 1) None
2. Kemble 9. Junes (Item 7)
3. Hoover
4. Shannon
5 . Barr
6. Harding
7 . Stovall
I T E M Follow Up
I . Progress Report - Hulen Street Viaduct Improvements NAN
The Chief Engineer, Public Works Departr,tiit wLzA
present to provide a progress report to the Cit} Council
regarding the Hulen Street viaduct inq:rovementt, Mr.
Amis informed the Council that f-he p rr. o of this pro-
ject providing for the viaduct over the railroad ::-,rds
at Vickery Blvd. was to be advertised on March 30, 1965,
with bids to be received on May 4, 1965. Mr . Amis also
informed the Council that it was proposed to advertise
this project on a state-^: ide basis, and that bids from
other than local contractors were expected to be recei .c!d.
Mr. Amis informed the Council that this project
involved a 1618 foot bridge span, and that the project
included street lights and signs as well as the bridge
structure itself. It was indicated that the working
time for the project was specified at 340 working days,
or approximately 20 months, and that the bid price
expected, based on the engineers estimate, was $1,510,000.
Mr. Amis informed the Council that the total cost of the
bridge project including engineering fees would be
approximately $1 ,600,000. In response to a question
from Councilman Kemble, Mr . Amis informed the Council
that the project would be paid by the City from bond
funds authorized in 1958. The Council was also informed
that the bridge would provide for two 26-foot roadways
in each direction, which would be sufficient to handle
traffic on the 60 foot portion of Hulen Street which had
been completed. In response to a question from Council-
man Kemble, Mr . Amis informed the Council that it had
not been considered practical to construct a tunnel at
this location rather than an overhead structure .
Councilman Shannon inquired if the cost of the
project was the same as had been estimated at the time
of the bond election in 1958, and was informed by Mr.
Amis that this project would cost approximately $500,000
more than originally estimated.
Council had no further questions regarding this
matter .
? . Colonial Parkway Improvements (I.R. #-1107) KD - get preliminary cor,L
data re Jones' questioi .
Councilman Hamm stated that he had requested
this item to be placed on the Pre-Council agenda again, KD - also memo letter Publi .
and asked the Chief Engineer if the amount of sight-of- Works re planning -or
way to be purchased b,, the Water board in connection SW thoroughfare, and
with the floodway improvements had been determined. Mr. completion of this
Amis reported that fie had seen preliminary plans for planning before Unit:;
the floodway improvements, but that he was not aware of II or III are under-
the total amount of property to be acquired by the Water taken. PW should suk -
Board. Councilman Hamm stated that he was concerned mit a report on its
about the proposed improvements east of University studies and findin ,:a
Drive inasmuch as he felt this plan provided for the
improvement of a park drive to the standards of a major
thoroughfare, thereby funneling through traffic through
the park and residential areas . Councilman Hamm stated
that he felt a major thoroughfare to serve the Southwest
part of Fort Worth, be constructed within the 'limits of
the levee, possibility might be built in connection with
the floodway improvements . The City Manager pointed
out that Councilman Hamm was referring; to the need for
a southwest freeway to serve this section of the City,
and that the proposed improvement provided only for a
40 foot roadway . The City Manager also pointed out
that the area east of University Drive was not being
proposed for construction at this time . Councilman
Hamm stated that he was not questioning the improvement
of Colonial Parkway and Rogers road, designated as Unit
I of this project, but felt that there should be further
exploration regarding; the improvements east of University
Consensus of Council was to proceed with the
schedule outlined for Unit I of the project, but for
further study to be devoted to the section east of
University Drive .
After the Council meeting, Councilman Jones
discussed with the City Manager the proposed Colonial
Parkway Improvements designated as Unit I. and requested
preliminary information regarding the difference in the
cost between the proposed plan to construct the roadway
along the north edge of the wooded area and relocate
the intersection on University Drive, and a plan to
construct the roadway so as to tie in with the present
intersection on University Drive .
During this discussion, Councilman Stovall Gene - consult witkf depart-
referred to the Swap Shop being conducted on the east ments as to how this
side of University Drive near the park area, and stated problem can be control ' ,
that this operation should not be allowed to continue . and draft report to
The City Manager reported that numerous complaints had Council .
been received regarding the operation of the Swap Shop,
Ad0h, AM%
but that activity took place on private property which
was properly zoned. Council requested a report from
the City Manager regarding any possible method of cur-
tailing the activities of the Swap Shop.
3. Additional Personnal Requirements - Public Works CKD - meet with Wilkes and U6 od
Department Land Division (M&C G-782) re expediting recruitment of
new personnel ,
The City Manager inquired if any Council Members
had questions regarding the recommendation for the ad-
dition of two Land Agents in the Land Division. Councilman
Stovall inquired if the additional personnel would provide
for any changes in the disposition of surplus City-owned
property, and was informed by the City Manager that the ad-
ditional personnel were not being requested for this pur-
pose, and that one additional Land Agent might be recommended
for the disposition of City-owned property in the future.
Council approved the additional personnel at regular
Council meeting.
4. Paving Improvements - Dunbar School Area NAN
(M&C C-476)
Council raised no questions regarding this project,
and contract was awarded at regular Council meeting
5. Sewer Main to Serve Santa Fe Industrial NAN
Tract (I.R. #711)
The City Manager reported that this request was
being provided to the Council for its information, and
that no action was being requested by the Council .
Consensus of Council was to proceed on the basis
outlined in the informal report.
6. Maintenance of Trinity Cemetery (I.R. #710) RNL - 1 . Trace City payments
as requested (determine if this
The City Manager referred to this report regard- is pertinent to present problem)
ing the request for Council determination of the
City's responsibility for maintenance of the privately- 2. Check on posdibility
owned cemetery located south of Grand Avenue, and that there are vacant spaces in
stated that it was logical that the Park Department cemetery that might be used as
should be responsible for this maintenance if it were barter to secure free mainten-
assumed by the City since the Park Department was not ance.
maintaining the north portion of the cemetery. Coun-
cilman Hamm stated that the Park Department had 3. Draft report to Council .
previously been paying $600 per year for the mainten-
ance of the cemetery, but that it had been determined
that the maintenance was not being performed. Council-
man Hamm suggested that the payments for this work be
checked to determine the organization which had en-
dorsed the checks. Councilman Hoover suggested that
it be determined if there were any vacant burial plots
on this section of the cemetery, and that it might
be possible to make arrangements with Oakwood
Cemetery to assume the responsibility for the main-
�► -4-
tenance of this area based un the sale of the vaunt
burial plots.
Consensus of Council was to defer action on
this item until it could be determined if arrangements
with Oakwood Cemetery could be made .
7 . Reconstruction of Street in South Hills Area (M&C C-477) MAN
Councilman Shannon referred to the award of contract
for installation of a sanitary sewer line. and the recon-
struction of Cromort Avenue, and inquired if this recon-
struction project was due to inadequate street standards
used in the past . The City Manager reported that this
street had been constructed under previous inadequate
street standards, but that the project had been initiated
due to the necessity for the sewer line installation,
and that it was proposed to reconstruct the street since
it would be torn up for the sanitary sewer installation
The City Manager reported that approximately 60
miles of streets had been reconstructed in the past few
Vears out of a total of probably 500 miles of streets
built during the period when the inadequate standards
were in existence . However, the City Manager reported
that all of the streets built during that period had not
Councilman Shannon also inquired if steps were being
taken to prevent the necessity for reconstruction of
sanitary sewer facilities as in this case, and was informed
by the Water Department Director that better joints were
now being used in the construction of sanitary sewer lines,
thereby eliminating much of the infilteration problem.
The Water Department Director also reported that sanitary
sewer lines were not now being constructed in easements,
and were being constructed in the public rights-of-say.
Council approved the award of contract for this
project 4t regular Council meeting.