HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/04/05-Agenda-Pre-Council AGENDA Pre-Council Conference 8: 30 A M. April 5, 190 1 . Maddox Avenue I;idening and Paving (M6&' C-479) 2. Progress Report - Resurfacing of Fifteen Streets at Various Locatiuns (i. R. ;1712) 3 . Comparative Concrete Paving Costs (I. K. #/14) 4. Lease of Parkins:; Area for Riding Stable 5 Repair of Fire Truck (M&C P-431 ) 6 . Community Renewal Program Report No. 5 7 . Other M&C:'s of April 5, 1965 8. Uther items y PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE MINUTES APRIL 5, 1965 Present: Late: Absent : 1. Friedman 9. Hamm (Item 2) None 2. Barr 3. Jones 4. Kemble 5. Stovall 6. Hoover 7. Shannon 8. Harding I T E M Follow Up 1. Vacancy on Civil Service Commission BATEMAN - please handle Mayor Friedman reported that a vacancy existed on the Civil Service Commission, which had previously been filled by Mr. Dick Newkirk. Mayor Friedman reported that this appointment was made by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council. Mayor Friedman reported that he had talked with Mr. Newkirk regarding reappointment to the Civil Service Commission, and that Mr. Newkirk had agreed to accept another term. Consensus of Council was to ratify the Mayor's appoint- ment of Mr. Dick Newkirk to the Civil Service Commission, and this action was taken at regulat 1-ouncil mee ing. e 2. Maddox Avenue Widening and Paving (M&C C-479) NAN The City Manager reported that this item concerned the award of contract for the Maddox Avenue project from Riverside Drive to Mitchell Boulevard, and asked if any Council Members had questions regarding the proposed project. Councilman Harding commented that it appeared that several of the adjacent property owners were opposed to the project. Councilman Jones stated that he had questioned the need for this project approximately 6 months ago when right- of-way purchases were initiated, and inquired about the proposed plan for the western unit of this project. Council- man Jones stated that the proposed project for the west portion of the Maddox Avenue improvements would provide for access to the north-south freeway for traffic only going in a northerly direction, and questioned the need for this por- tion of the project. The City Manager reported that this project had been included in the 1958 bond program approved by the voters. Councilman Jones inquired as to the estimate M for this project when the 1958 bond program had been approved, and was informed that it was estimated at that time that the entire project would cost approximately $88,000. The City Manager reported that an allocation of $88,000 was included in the 1965 Capital Improvement Program for this unit of the project, but that this unit would require less money in view of the bids received. However, the City Manager reported that the total cost of the project including this unit and the western unit was estimated at $173,000. The City Manager further reported that the Public Works and Planning Departments had initiated a study regarding bringing Maddox Avenue into Allen Street, but since it was proposed that Maddox be only an arterial street, the departments had recommended against a direct connection at this location. Councilman Kemble inquired if the City had fulfilled its obligations to the voters at the time the 1958 bond issue was approved. The City Manager reported that the good will and confidence of the voters had been increased in the past several years since, insofar as humanly possible, projects approved by the voters had either been constructed or the money was still available for the pro- ject. The City Manager informed the Council that it had previously at:yarded a contract for a bridge on Maddox Avenue, and that this work on the bridge was almost com- pleted. It was also reported that the necessary right-of- way had been acquired for this project. Councilman Barr stated that he felt this project should be undertaken since for the past 30 years this had been a narrow, dangerous street with many accidents. Councilman Barr further stated that he felt this unit of the project would be worthwhile even if the western unit were not con- structed. At regular Council , Council approved the award of con- tract for this unit of the Maddox Avenue project. J. Progress Report - Resurfacing of 15 Streets at V.irious NAN Locations (I.R. 712) The City Manager reported that this informal report was being submitted in order to inform the Council of an over-run on this particular project, and the deletion of one of the units of the project. Councilman Hamm stated that he agreed with providing the information to the Council by informal report, and that there was nothing_ to do but proceed with the project. 4. Comparative Concrete Costs (I.R. 714) Gene - memo to PW to continue comparative studies and ,u, The City Manager reported that this information mit report particularly re regarding the comparative concrete paving costs on materials prices in differew projects in other cities in Texas, was submitted in cities response to a request for information on this matter by the Council. 2- draft a letter to PCA for their suggestions w O -3- Councilman Flamm stated that one point not brought out in the informal report regarding the higher cost of concrete paving in Fort Worth, related to the price of concrete. Councilman Hamm reported that based on pro- jects his firm had been involved with, the price of concrete was higher in Dallas, and that the last project they had undertaken in Houston involved higher concrete prices. Councilman ll:imm stated that he was in favor of obtaining the best streets for the money available, and that he felt concrete streets lasted longer and required less maintenance. Councilman Jones stated that he felt the request of the Council for this information aas based on obtaining comparable prices of concrete streets in view of the city receiving only two bids on most concrete street projects. Councilman Jones inquired if the Public Works Department was providing notice of the receipt of bids for concrete projects to bidders outside the City of Fort Worth. '11ie Public Works Director reported that proposals for bids on two recent street projects involv- ing concrete had been mailed to out of town bidders, but that no additional bids had been received. Gordon Swift, Public Works Department, reported that one reason bids had not been received from out of town bidders might be because of the high cost of moving their equipment into Fort Worth. tIr. Thelin also reported that many of the contractors were also engaged in state highway department work. Councilman Hoover referred to the need to vary the treatment of the base and sub -base depending on the soil conditions in a particular area, and was informed by the Public Works Director that only the thickness of the pavement ,,ias a rigid specification. Me Public Works Director reported that the treatment of the base varied depending on the sub-grade soil conditions encountered. Council had no further discussion on this matter. 5. Lease of Parking Area for Riding Stable NAN Park and Recreation Department Director Campbell was present to explain this proposal for lease of park property for parking purposes in connection with the riding stable being constructed adjacent to the Z. Boaz P.irk. Mr. Campbell reported that a previous request for the construction of the riding stable in the Trinity Park had been turned down by both the Zoning Commission and the Corp of Engineers, and that it had been suggested that the proposed riding stable be constructed on private property adjacent to the Z. Boaz Park. Mr. Campbell reported that due to the size of the building to be constructed, inadequate parking space was available on the privately owned ` property, and that it was proposed that the park -4- property be leased to the stable owners in order to restrict parking. Councilman llanui inquired if the stable was located in the City of Fort Worth or the City of Benbrook, and was informed that the stables itself was located in Benbrook. Council approved the proposed lease of this property at regular Council meeting. b. Repair of Fire Truck (M&C P-431) NAN The City Manager reported that it was anticipated that the insurance carrier of the other vehicle involved in the collison with the Fire Department pumper truck would reimburse the City for the cost of repairs to the Fire Department truck, but that it was proposed to go ahead with repairs in order that the truck could be placed back in service as soon as possible . The City Manager reported that the third low bid was being recommended inasmuch as it was the only one which was firm. Councilman Hoover inquired if the mechanics of the Fire Department were completely satisfied with the rebuilding of portions of the body rather than replacement as proposed by the two higher bidders . The City Manager reported that this was the recommendation of the Fire Department . Council approved the recommendation for accept- ance of the bid from Schafield Garage for repairs to the truck . i . Proposed Sale of East Berry Street Residue (M&C L-620) KD - memo to Wilkes re Council determination Councilman referred to this M&C providing for the sale to the adjacent property owner of residue property on East Berry Street . The City Manager reported that this proposed sale had been originally submitted to the City Manager's office based on a sales price of $250, but that the transaction had been returned to the Land Division since the proposed purchase price was less per square foot than that paid by the City when the property was acquired by condemnation . The City Manager also reported that this property owner had not been assessed for the improvement of East Berry Street , and that the property owner had been given, in addition to other credits, a credit of $574.13 based on the improvements providing no benefit to his property . Consensus of Council was that the adjacent property owner should pay an amount for purchase of the property at least equal to the amount of the paving assessment which had been waived because of no benefit . L Opl- The City Manager suggested that the Council reject this proposed sale of property, and that the Land Agent he instructed to inform other property owners on East Berry Street desiring to purchase residue under similar circumstances that the City would not consider sale of the property for less than the amount of the paving assessment which had been waived . At regular Council meeting, Council rejected this M&C. 8. Community Renewal Program Report No. 5 The City Manager reported that this was the last of the progress reports to be submitted to the Cit\ Council , and that a final report for Council action would be completed in the near future . Councilman Hoover inquired concerning how much more time and work were involved in completing the Community Renewal Program reports, and was informed by the City Manager that this last, relatively short, report defining a plan of action was necessary in order to close out the project and obtain the federal funds . Council- man Hoover inquired if the committee appointed to review the work of the Community Renewal Program had reviewed this report . The City Manager reported that the committee appointed by the City Council had not met, and had not indicated an interest in the Community Renewal Program. Mayor Friedman stated that it was necessary to submit the final report to the City Council in order that the Council could review the Community Renewal Program. Mayor Friedman also reported that a Town Hall citizens group had been studying the Community Renewal Program and reports . 9 . Appointment to Minimum Housing Standards Commission BATEMAN - please compile an attendance roster Councilman Jones suggested that the Council make an appointment to the Minimum Housing Standards Commission to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of one member to serve on the Board of Equalization. Council requested a record of the attendance of members of all Boards appointed b . the City Council covering the last two year period. Consensus of Council was to delay the appointment to the Minimum Housing Standards Commission until the new Council had been elected .