HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/05/31-Agenda-Pre-Council A G E N D A PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE 8 :30 A.M. , ADNDAY, MAY 31 , 1965 1) DeMolay Day - Thursday, Jung 3, 1965 2) Mc Cart Street Improvements (M&C G-802) 3) Final Payments - Villaj;c Creek Plant Expansion and Connector Line (M&C's FP-220, 221, 222, and 223) 4) Employment of Water and Sewer Rate Consultants (M&C C-519) 5) Ordinance Prohibiting Booby-Traps (M&C G-804) 6) Street Name Designation - Woodway Drive (I.R. #738) 7) Additional Information re Handley Drive Assessment Reductions (I.R. #739) 8) Information on Apartment Construction on the Near South Side (I..R. #737) 9) Other M&C's of May 31, 1965 10) Other Items MINUTES PRE-COUNCIL CONFERENCE MAY 31 , 1965 Present Late Absent 1 . Jones None 9. Barr 2. Hoover 3. De.en 4. Shannon 5. Hamm 6 . Eagle 7. Stovall $— Kemble I t e m Follow-Up 1 . DeMolay Day - Thursday, June 3, 1965 GWEN - call all Councilmen (eecep Mrs . Deen) on Wednesday, remindin The City Manager reported that the annual them of ; AM breakfast at Polly M1 DeMvlay Day was scheduled to begin with a breakfast Church, 1310 Collard. at 7 AM, Thursday, June 3, 1965, at the Polytechnic Methodist Church and that City Council Members had been invited to attend the breakfast as guests of the DeMolays. The day's activities will include an orientation in the City Council Chamber by Mayor Pro- Tem Jones at 8 :30 and further tours and orientations by DeMolays in the various departments of the City. Mr. Jones invited the Council Members to assist in the orientation session if they had tine available. 2. Mc Cart Street Improvements (M&C G-802) MAN Mr. Jones commented that no persons had appeared at the neighborhood hearing. There were no questions by Councilmen regarding the project. The assessments were levied as proposed at the regular Council meeting. 3. Final Payments - Village Creek Plant Expansion NAN and Connector Line (M&C's FP-220, 221, 222 , and 223) In response to a question by Councilman Kemble, Water Department Director Hardy stated his opinion that the installation was good and that the plant was in op- eration. Councilman Jones asked Mr. Hardy to comment on the cause of a water main break in the Wedgwood Ad- dition over the weekend. Mr. Hardy replied that he had not yet received a report on the cause of the break, but that he would inspect the location during; the day to deter- mine if any action should be taken to prevent any additional breaks in the line. It was also reported that such lines are covered by a one year maintenance bond, but that this line was probably 8 to 10 years old. _ 4. Employment of Water and Sewer Rate Consultants JLB - HARDY - get proposal on stud, (MSC C-519) of water and sewer rates to other cities , and submit to Council . The City Manager reported that durinir the week, fol- lowing discussion of the need for a rate consultant last Monday, that a proposal had been received from the Common- wealth Company, and that the contract was recommended on the basis that an outside review of the rate structure by a firm fully qualified to review rates would be highly beneficial. .A, Councilman Kemble asked if review of th, rates charged other municipalities would he includLI. in the proposed study, and the City Manager reported that it was not, but could be included if desired by the Council. It was the Council consensus that the propo!�odl con- tract be approved during the formal session and that a quotation be received from the Commonwealth firm for the cost of performing a study of rates to outside municipal- ities, which additional study would be considered by the City Council at a future meeting. S. Ordinance Prohibiting Booby-Traps (MSC G-804) EHD - Ste Item 1 of action requested at formal meeting. Councilman Hamm commented that he considered the framing of such an ordinance to be a Council policy matter which should have been discussed in- formally with the Council prior to final drafting; and transmission by a Mayor-Council Communication. lie conunented that the repeated burglary of a number of business houses was the cause of some owners to provide extra protection. It was his con- cern that a property owner not knowing the provisions of the proposed ordinance might install a device, cause injury to an innocent person, and because of the city ordinance be held responsible and liable for any bodily harm done by a booby-trap. Mr. Hanan further commented that such an ordin- ance might be considerdd an invasion of the right of a property-owner to protect his own property. He said he favored additional police personnel to provide added protection to properties rather than use of the ordinance to prohibit protective devices . In response to Mr, Hamm's question about the number of city personnel injured by such devices , the City Manager replied that there had been no City em- ployees injured to his knowledge to date but that a number of property owners and youthful trespassers had been either killed or severely injured by such devices , and that the ordinance was designed as a protection to the public in general as well as the City employees performing emergency fire and police serYrices . In addition to the legal question raised by Mr. Hamm regarding the liabilith of property owners for injuries, Mr. Hoover inquired whether electric fences, if posted, and used as plant protection devices would be prohibited under the ordinance.. Other questions were raised whether the use of burglar alarms and watch dogs on the premises were prohibited by the ordinance. It was the consensus of the Council that action on the proposed ordinance be delayed for one week, during which time the legal questions regarding liability of the property owner for accidental injury as a result of such devices and whether inclusion of electric fences and other protective devices not mentioned in the ordinance would be included within the wording "do bodily harm." 6. Street Fume Designation - Woodway Drive (IR 738) EHD - notify affected parties and process M&C when submitted. City Manager reported that prevailing uses of the name "Drive" would be continued unless there were objec- tions by Council Members . An ordinance confirming the naive change would be submitti•d if the Drive designation were acceptable. The consensus of the Council was to accept the Woodway Drive designation. Mr. Shannon asked ii the City planned to re- pave Woodway Drive, which he said seemed to need fre- quent repair. The City Manager replied that the worst section would be repaved in the new few weeks in accord- ance with a contract approved recently by the City Council for the installation of storm drainage facilities and reconstruction of two blocks of paving on Woodway and Winifred. The Manager also reported that the entire 1, ngth o Woodway Drive from Trail Lake to Walton is included for reconstruction in the Long-Range CIP. _ 7. Additional Information Regarding Handley Drive NAN Assessment Reduction (IR 739) The City Manager reported that a number of the questions raised by the Council at a previous meeting were included in the communication. Councilman Kemble remarked that his questions had all been answered in bhe communication. There were no other questions by Council Members . 8. Information on Apartment Construction on thi EHD - please work th Batetaan in Near South Side (IR 737) notifying; all persons . Mayor Pro-Tem Jones requested that copies of the communication be provided to all persons who had either appeared at the Council or written to the City regard- ing the apartment project. Mr. Hoover inquired about parking requirements for the apartments , to which it was replied that the zoning ordinance provides for one and one-quarter space:; per apartment unit, but that the 25-ft. front yard was being used by the "Big Tex" Construction Co. for parking, which practice was objectionable to the neighbors in the area. The City Manager pointed out that the problem fre- quently arises in cases where areas are zoned for two- family and apartment uses , but have developed as single family residences . 9. Revisions to Lynncrest Bridge (M&C P-442) EHD - See item 2 of action requ, t_ at formal meeting. Councilman Hamm asked if the Lynncrest Bridge hadn't already been altered and whether the Mockingbird Bridge ought to also be modified in connection with the contract under consideration. Mr. Amis replied that the earlier revision of the Lynncrest Bridge had been completed three or four years ago, but that the railings required extensive labor to remove. The new sections are designed so that they may be removed by two men. He stated that the two bridges are nearly identical and suggested that the contract for modification of the Lynncrest Bridge might be modified to include both bridges at the same unit prices to the low bidder. Revision of the contract o include both thio Lynn- crest and Mockingbird Lane Bridge was approved by the City Council at the formal session. 10. Ratification of Airport Agreement JOHNDROE - BATEMAN - please prepare resolution and s-nd to Dalla:, . Mayor Pro-Tem Jones reported that a propor,ed agreement would be submitted for Council ratifica- tion during the regular meeting, and that members of the Negotiating Team would be present in the Council Chamber to answer questions if desired. There beim; no questions by the Council, it was the consensus that the agreement be ratified during the regular meeting which action was taken. 11. Board Appointments NAN Mayor Pro-Tem Jones reported that one member named to the Art Commission, Mrs. Ben Fortson, was not eligible because of non-residence in the city, and nominations were invited for filling; the posi- tion. The names of Mrs . Frank Crumley, Mr. Sam Weatherford, III, Mr. Jack Schuts, and Mr. Jack E. Smith, III, were nominated. When an informal vote was taken, the following was the result: Mrs . Crumley - 6 votes ; Mr. Weatherford - 1 vote; Mr. Schutts - 2 votes ; Mr. Smith - no votes. It was the consensus of the Council that ap- pointment of Mrs . Crumley and the other Board Members be ratified, which action was taken at the formal meeting.