HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/07/12-Agenda-Pre-Council 10%
Pre-C.'outicil ( -nferetice
br30 a.m. , 'ionday, luly 129 Pol,
1) Meetings with hoards and Commissions (I.R. #Iiti)
2) Mecting with Housing Authority (I.K. '768)
3) Right-of-Way Purchase:, for 1'ore6L Park Boulev.ird Impr,tvements (N&C's 1.-134
and L-73't, field over from previous. eek)
4) Nu ,otiations with Tarrant 11tility (.owp.iny (Marc; G-h22, held over from
previotis week)
5) Negotiations to Acquire Hockey Franchise (I. R. #i7(l)
6) Development of i,uilford Rodd -Is a North outh Thoroughfare (I.R. #7;4)
7) Right-of-Way Purchases for `ouLh lndu.strial Ilioroughfare (M&C. L-741)
8) Annual W.jge and tial iry Survey and Report on !Tinge l,ene f i r s
t711 rind 772)
9) of her M&C s of July 12, 1900
10) other Items
X LY 12, 1965
Present: Late: Absent:
B.irr Hoover (Item 2) gone
Kemb Le Hamm (Item 4)
Jones Shannon (Item 4)
T t e m Follow-up
1. Meetings with Boards and Commissions (IR #767) NAN
'rhe City Manager referred to the communication
outlining the scheduled meetings of Council Members
with Members of hoards and Commissions as outlined
in I.R. 767. There was no comment by Council Members
on the schedule. _
2. Meeting with Housing Authority (IR #768) GWLN - notify Hunter of
Council Members attending
In response to an inquiry by the City Manager,
Corncil Members indicated that they would attend the
Wednesday noon meeting, July 14, with the following
exceptions: Mes:.rs. Hower and Shannon.
3. Right-of-Way Purchases for Forest lark Boulevard NAN
Improvements (M&C's L-734 and L-735)
(Asuncilman Jones indicated that his questions on the
project had been answered and chat it appeared that both
properties were required to complete the project. Council-
man Eagle mentioned that re:.idents of one property appeared
to be moving, from the premises and inquired whether notice
had been given to vacate prior to Council action. It was
explained that an agreement had been reached with the
property owners about the price to be recommended to the
City Council, but that City employees are instructed to
inform o•..ners that final action is dependent upon City
Council approval.
The right-of-way was purchased during the regular
Council MeeLing.
4. Negotiation!- with Tarrant Utility Company (M&C G-822) NAN
It was reported by the City Manager that petitions
had been received a year ago from residents of the Westland
Addition requesting that the City acquire the water system. f� r11'L RECORD
He reported that there were approximately 100 signers of _
the petition that were now served by the Linda Vista system C.if ern r l V
owned by Tarrant Utilities Company, and which is proposed
�'iutaa. t
for purchase at this time. 1 r[A
Acquisition of the Tarrant Utility Company systems
w,is approved by the Council during its regular meeting.
5. Negotiations to Acquire Hockey Franchise (IR #770) EHA - Coordinate with Magness
on invitation of Councilmen Lo
A progress report on the efforts Lo acquire a hockey luncheon if required.
franchise for Fort Worth was outlined by the City Manager,
who reported that FortWorth had a good chance to acquire
Lhe Montreal Canadien farm club, which has announced its
intention to move from 0maha. The Manager explained that
some terms of the agreement dilfered from those previously
discussed with the New York Ranger organization, but that
the amount to be invested by the City was substantially the
same. The income from the hockey team will be $5A per event,
less the City cost of .5100 for furni.,hing ticket taker~ ,
ushers, and sound system, and 10 per cent of the gross exceeding
$175,000 per year.
Councilmen Eagle, Kemble and Hamm urged that City and
Chamber representatives intensify efforts to acquire the drub
and insure additional usage of the Coliseum building.
The Manager reported that some cities had appointed
athletic commissions to promote sports locally, and mentioned
an article which appeared in the Dallas newspapers recently
about that city's efforts to attract professional sports as
convention atractions.
It was also mentioned that City Council Members may
wish to attend a luncheon on Friday, July 16, to meet with
representatives of the Montreal club, which is being planned
by Chamber of Commerce representatives to show interest of
the community in acquiring the franchise.
6. Development of Guilford Road as a North-South NAN - at this time
Thoroughfare (IR #774)
Councilman Hamm indicated that he had a number of
questions regarding the proposed improvement of Guilford
Road which he wished to explore further. He made reference
to the problems of curve alignments, elimination of natural
neighborhood boundaries by the improvement of Guilford,
effect of the roadway upon the Westridge Apartment project,
and evaluation of the need for a thoroughfare north of
Interstate 20,
Councilman Jones remarked that alignment of the
thoroughfare is proposed in the 1965-70 Capital Improvement
Program and was under review by citizen groups. Councilman
Kemble observed that the connection of Guilford with
thoroughfares north of Interstate 20 deserved considerable
7. Right-of-Way Purchases for south Industrial 'thorough- RHW - Provide ,Jones with copy
fare (M&C L-741) of 1963 report and copy of
resolution for interchange.
It was reported by the City Manager that the land
acquisition for the proposed thoroughfare was based upon
the long-range plan for development of a south side
thoroughfare and access to industrial areas along the
thoroughfare alignment, and because a favorable price for
the land could be negotiated at this time from the owner.
fie reported that declining the previous offer to acquire
the land at a cost of $40,000 to $50,000 for fencing from
the Public Health Service had been vindicated by success in
acquiring the needed right-of-way from this property owner
at the price $16,500 proposed.
Councilman Hamm inquired whether this alignment would
tie into Oak Grove Road south of the Loop 820, and was told rrl .Erit would, but not to the north of the Loop, where the roadO,Qis considerably east of the existing Oak Grove Road across former Public Health Service Hospital property. �Because the proposed thoroughfare gives access to ,rindustrial tracts, Councilman Hamm stated that he favored
acquisition at this time as a good investment, recognizing
that property owners will participate in the cost of final
Councilman Hoover agreed with the concept of the
project, but questioned whether the time was right to
acquire the land, in advance of the bond election •.,,hich
would provide the funds necessary for construction of the
thoroughfare. He suggested that it might be advisable to
concentrate land acquisitions on projects for which bond
money has already been allocated. The City Manager replied
that future planning and right-of-kay acquisitions should
proceed on an orderly basis to facilil-ate development in
all areas of ttie city and to take advantage of opportunities
to acquire needed right-of-way at reasonable costs.
Councilman Jones pointed out that the total City cost
of the project would be approximately $715,000 and that the
State had not yet committed itself on building an interchange
on Loop 820 to accommodate the thoroughfare. Because allot-
ment of funds is dependent upon the bond election and because
the State 's approval of the interchange is dependent upon
the outcome of a transportation study now in progress, he
doubted that the action should be taken to acquire the right-
of-way at this time. Councilman Jones also questioned the
advisability of opening up new industrial areas for develop-
ment when there are a number of areas in other sections of
the city which have not yet been fully developed with facili-
Mayor Barr stated that the Capital Improvements must
be made if the city is to progrejs, and that he preferred
to plan on making the necessary improvements within the
next year or two regardless of the outcome of the fall bond
election. He also remarked that industrial areas and
development would take place in all sections of the city,
and that the City should be prepared to provide the necessary
street and other development facilities.
In conclusion, Councilman Jones requested that the
matter of right-of-way acquisition be delayed and that he
be provided information regarding the 190 study which
justified the location of the South Industrial 'Thoroughfare
and the terms of the resolution required for the State
construction of an interchange for the industrial boulevard
before the matter is replaced on the Council agenda.
8. Annual Wage and Salary Survey and Report on NAN
Fringe Benefits (IR Nos. 771 and 772)
Several Council Members indicated they had not
had sufficient time to fully examine the salary and
wage study report, and requested additional time to
study the reports before stating a consensus .
9. Seal-Coating Report (IR No. 773) 01) - Notify Public Works to
advertise slurry seal contract.
The City Manager reported that the City was preparing
to advertise bids for additional seal-coating work this
summer, and indicated that the slurry seal process, although
not a major repair or reconstruction item, was useful in
preserving and maintaining existing streets. Councilmannf1�`�
Jones indicated that the report was a good one which showed
that the work being done was worth the price being paid. 11
10. Inquiries about Waste Salvage and Ice Cream Vendors DICK & GENE - please folltr:.� up
Mayor Barr asked if staff work was underway regarding
the waste salvage matter and the regulation of ice cream
vendors, to which the City Manager replied that the salvage
contract had been advertised in the newspaper and further
information was being gathered on the subject, and that
%vork was progressing on a report regarding the regulation
of ice cream vendors on city streets.
11. Purchase of Repair Parts from Wholesale Houses DICK - discuss with Rubottom
and draft memo of instructions
Councilman Hamm suggested that the City Purchasing to Purchasing, including purcha
office take full utilization of warehouses who would be of standard auto parts on term
able to provide repair parts on various types of supply contracts.
automotive equipment on an annual contract basis at a
much lower cost than the present practice of acquiring
parts through retain dealers.