HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/10/18-Agenda-Pre-Council _s
I'lI NUT 111;
Pre. vitt I.-ate NbsenL
1. h trr v. �:hannon ( I t em 1) '1. �Ft ov t I 1
Peen 1. Junes (I Lew . )
!. r:. uthle 8. hoover (Item 5)
m le
! r c n, _ FoIIo..-U i _
I . .ppc. l from beci-.iun ul. Air CondiLtoning Licensing ;ME - conLacL parties nvo,vu
Board (IR #82q) see if November 8 he .rin;, d ,t e i
Cite City Vanager reported LhaL Luo parties appealing;
of the Air Conditioning I.icen!Jng Hoard had
i-c-,uc-.ted postponement of I he:trin.; before the Council on
Lite _ni.,LLcr from ()ctober 1f., one to October 1.5 (Sam Day)
;nil tht. oLlier to no delinile date.
(;ounc ilnian H.tnlin -..t id lie thought the ::Luff should
, !it iii t,;reement on the hearin,; date .:ith the various.
trl ie: I,vtore the date v :,; :,et, and then the ch firm in
+p t the uo.ird :.hould lie not it ied. nater in Lire l't-e-
ttn:ncil Couierence, M iyor Pro-Tem ,Ione:+ brought Lhi.;
. LII ,ect,ur) .i ;.iin and ngge:Lud the Council night consider
.ttrh .ijgle-il L ir.;L on ..riLten report of the 11-:jrd, and
then Lo- r „y appearance of parLie. involved. He said lie
felt the , c ,nditioninA Licen:;ink; board may be going too
-Uron,y at i ir. . , .our that the I;tsard could al-ap; later
revoke Iicen: e. of those not qualilied. At the regular
rrtcet :n,,, Lite (;outicil voted tt) ::eL Ntrvemher 8 as the date
to ltc .tr Lhe-e ttru appeal::, if in the me.intime the dates
cre tuund by the :.Laff to be sati.-Jnctory with all parties.
.onLeruet .
(',,trtract for .,:tle of W-iste M iteri.il from CIty NAN
inc tner..tLor:. (wx C-58b)
Councilman Hamm commented that he thought that the
11 lu_ Lon arrangement with the Pr(rler Co. wa:i a good devil
hctLer than the arrangement with fort Worth. file City
n i ,rr said that it was probably better because ut more
i.tvor-ible transportation costs to dispose of the metal,
uid IWC.1uhe Of r_he larger volume of material handled.
i:on >cAmit, Kemble .asked it there were ,adequate cancella-
i.on provi:lion.i in case Lhe City :_Lopped using incinerators.
Thu ty i!.inager replied Lis it such provisions protected the
tL7 in case the incineraLor., were no longer used. Mayor
irr commented that this appeared to be the best arr, e-
tatonl- 19w.-Able, since there find been no competition for the
cout.racL. Councilman Shannon inquired about the payment in
c-u;c ut an increa:,ed volume of material handled. The City
I; ai'i:;er reel led that the volutue .tppeLired to have held
coli LanL over the past several e.ir:: with the incinerators
being; u;,ed full time and the excess going to land iills,
.incl it. .ippeared the volume t.ould continue to hold :►teady E-1 �r
in tti.- tuture. l'lic consen:;us of the council -..as to 7t
rnthol+- i a Llre cuntracL with Proler t: propo:;vd, and such P �. �'V�Lilt)l;, tL� .
.Et_' ivii ..,t., taken at the re..ular _Council rmeeLing. 1
4. Request for deferrment of Action on Substandard DICK - get an answer to Council-
Housing Case HS-b5-129 (M&C G-855) man Hoover 's question, and advise
Building Commissioners to chirhe
The City Manager reported that a request had been administrative costs of condemna-
re:ceived to continue the hearing until November 8 on tion and Douse removals to the
Case No. HS-65-129, and such action was taken at the lien which is put against the
regular Council meeting. Case Nij. IIS-65-124 was also property when the building is
discussed and it was decided that since the owner in finally removed by the City.
June had been given 60 days to obtain compliance, the
case was not recommended for continuance at the regular
meeting. Mayor Barr commented that the Council & staff
mould carefully explain to these property owner:; that
legal :action would proceed once the cases are approved,
but that it would take 60 to 90 days to conclude such
legal proceedings after Council action. At the regular
meeting, C.ise No. HS-65-178 was discussed at some length
by the Council and Mr. Raymond M. Burciaga (property
located at 1314 N. Houston) . Mr. Burciaga complained
that the code requirement seemed to include adjusting
ceiling heights by less than one foot, and also that
the tax value had not been reduced on his house, which
he could neither rent nor sell. Mr. Burciaga was advised
to discuss the code requirements on his structure with
the Building Commissioners office, and no delay was
granted in his case. Councilman Hoover inquired as to
whether sheetrock vas required b , the code to replace
canvas and paper in houses built many years ago.
5. Final Payment - Fire Station No. 5 (M&C FP-268) NAN
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones asked if this was the case where
there had been a question of the financial ability of the
low bidder. The City Manager replied that it was, but
that the City had good experience with him on this station
and he had submitted the low bid on the next fire station
to be built. Councilman Shannon asked when the Fire
Station #15 would be coming up for construction. The
City Manager replied that the preliminary plans were
completed, that final plans would be ready in sixty to
seventy-five days and then fire station would be advertised
for bids. _
6. Final Payment Paddock Viaduct Paving (M&C FP-267) NAN
Council had no questions on this matter.
7. Proposed Abandonment of Alley in Block 50 Belmont
Park Addition (M&C PZ-155) NAN
Mayor Pro-Tem Jones said that the map accompanying
this M&C was not clear. The City Manager explained the
8. Tabulation of Bids for Purchase of Copper Tubing NMT
(M&C P-474, page 3 of 4)
Councilman Hamm commented that the copper market was
in a great state of flux, and he questioned an earlier
decision of the Council to wait five years to do some 1 r,zr�
copper work (This was apparently a reference to the QFfr'n91A.L ni3021 J
downtown signal system discussed on 10-11-65). COU SZONET1.RY
The City Manager said that recent City experience 1 J M �
with copper prices was that it was difficult to get a ,FTWORTH,
firm bid, and on a previous order, the D&K Electric Co. ff 1
had lost $644 on the price they had to pay to the supplier
and the bid which they had Riven the City. The M&C
rut �liciclldnt L0,11 lv'.Iti .1pl)l-oVv1J ily Ole ( lnlnl , I 1
�:1 , l•�11i.t1' 1111'Cl' ill„. _ _ _ . . _ -- _ - ._ _ _ - _ .
t t I 1 cool I :CIL' 1:UY11 1 Ilrcl ilia I1'Il
ill i Ol't.11 i,al 1...601it.
ul• rr L•„ i I .it lit L' ovi iI. ,11 Lile ,,alit I .I ill
t't k, s%red c fie It.",. : Leel leper 01 October b i nv it in.', L lie
t 11C ' imOtl Lo :111 CAI ib lit- ill)', in lbm. ton „n Oct , iICI �
„11 Ct' 111 01 L 1111k l if I It) I,I t II:II. Idt
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Ili- lief Lilt- .11,,ie I ,. +I: ,i I,L' IM Mt In llc
d•t I IC.1. 'i'lle r' k k.•t a I_II 1 i1 . -nl I(I 1 l'
I:: i10111.il I )tli t i I t Fore ile cllt',ltlly Coll Id
t drt 1t. Lt,i. t"lie [-) a Cl I It I1 the I,LiI i.Lie:
n of ?latinetl 1-, t1 Ili c..11I1, I 711 IIIIU::ton.
lull' k 1111 'fl i '1'r'or , t , ,,Ill11 1 Illi l'i U tt 1, '••II.11. L I I V 1•
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holld 1 d i .11 1111111. 11;t, ' Vur .'.l i.1i f 1n I — :1: no Com-
it lit, tii ILLCI , ,l,' d II. L HICI-Abei. ,'. Ili• I olIncil
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