HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965/12/13-Agenda-Pre-Council .■• Ak A G F 11 D A Pre-Council Conference ,, : 3t) a.ui. , Monday, December 13, 1965 1) over and Under `;,-rcct :;pace Rental by ';tar-relegr:ur, - Messrs. J. Lev John.,-;on III and R. V. llolAnger 2) oning Study Cutwittee 3) Boundary Adju-tment with Ldgecliff Village (mm; P7.-165) 4) Schedule for Police and municipal Building Construction (IR #848 and IR 4>B60) 5) Purchase of Crime Libor.+tory 1% juipment (WX P-484) 6) P;iyment ut . .unitary Sewer Debt by Lake '�Jorth Village (IR #864) 7) Ordinance Clo:,ing Street!. in Convention center tVea (M&C G-864) 8) Status of Disabled City Employees, (IR 4t8,3) 9) Other M&C's of December 13, 1965 1U) Other Items MINUTES PRE-COUNCIL CONFERE14CE December 13, 1965 Prer;ent Late Absent 1. Barr 7. Deen (Item 3) None 2. 1,emble 8. Hoover (Item 7) 3, Eigle 9. Jones (Item 7) 4. Shannon 5. Stovall b. I[amm I t e m Follow-Up 1. Request of Fort Worth Firefighters ' Association DICK - write letter to Firefighters to Meet with City Council suggesting this date. In response to a letter of November 14, 1965 from Horace E. Shaw, Secretary-Treasurer of Fort Worth Fire- fighters Association, Council Members suggested that a luncheon meeting of the Executive Board of the Firefighters Association with members of the City Council, City Manager and Fire Chief be held on the third Monday in January (the 17tH). 2. Special Holiday ,arrangements for Waste Disposal Division DICK - draft memo to PW Director on this approval. The City Manager reported that normally the Waste Disposal Division would take Saturday, December 25 and Saturday, January 1 as regular holidays, but the Division had requested that Friday, December 24 be taken as a holi- day instead of Saturday, January 1. This would make a three day holiday for Waste Disposal workers over Christmas and would mean that they would work on Saturday January 1. Council Members indicated approval and such action was taken in the regular Council meeting. 3. Zoning Study Committee GENE - notify VLMM The Mayor suggested that Council approve a committee to recommend whether local zoning situation should be studied by the Urban Land Institute, in follow up to the session last week with the Council and a representative of Urban Land Institute. The Mayor suggested that a committee be made up of the Chairmen of the 'Zoning Com- mission, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjust- ment; the Planning Director; and one Councilman. He suggested Councilman T. Z. Hamm. Mr. Hamm thought per- haps there would be a conflict of interest if he served, but he agreed to serve. At the regular meeting this com- mittee was named by the Mayor and Council. 4. Boundary Adjustment with Edgecliff Village (M&C PZ,-165) Q Councilman Hamm asked it this involved a church l+lr�/ t'r •J site and a single tier of lots. The City Manager replied that it did, and this suggestion calls for an even trade with Edgecliff Village for nearly identical acreage. At the regular meeting a hearing was held on this matter, ~ �• and the M&C was approved. Councilman Flamm then questioned the annexation re- GENE - MAHONEY - draft full report quest of Diversa, Inc. for annexation of about 71> acres and provide better map on Diversa south of Everman, which request is presented by petition annexation request by next week. and included in the December 13 mail to Council Mcmbers. He asked if these property owners requesting annexation A Owk 'd% know the: annexation rules folf ed by the City and the possibilities for Fort Worth furnishing the services, as the area is rather remote. The Planning Director responded that the petitioners had worked closely with his office and are familiar with all the rules for fur- nishinp services. At the regular meeting this request was referred to the staff for a report next week on the background of the petition and a better map. It was re- quested the report include an application of the annexa- tion policy to the area under consideration and specifically to evaluate whether city services can be furnished within three years. Councilman Stovall asked for the report to include an evaluation of the cost to Fort Worth to annex this property and service it, in comparison with the return from tax revenue. 5. S hedule for Police and Municipal Office DICK - draft memo to Wilkes to Building Construction (IR #848 and X1860) hire appraisers immediately to establish values on all properties Mayor Barr said that there was some urgency to needed. Revise City Attorney's deciding on this schedule because of the desire of the draft of letter to all property owners of the property in the block to be acquired to owners and tenants and mail as know when to move, particularly Marvin Evans and his soon as possible. printing company. The Mayor asked if any Council Mem- ber objected to the schedule as suggested in IR #848. The City Manager said the schedule as proposed is flexible and would provide acquisition as convenient to the property owners with an approximate February 1, 1967 deadline for vacating the property. Councilman Kemble asked if the Texas Street curve to go around the south end of the Convention Center is laid out. The City Manager said the basic plan is laid out and is available forreview by interested property owners, but that detailed engineering has noc been completed. The consensus of the Council was to Ao ahead with the schedule as outlined _ 6. Purchase of Crime Laboratory Equipment (M&C P-484) DICK - draft memo to Purchasing with the suggestions. The City Manager reported that this purchase was not well handled by either the bidders or the City staff, and ordinarily he would recommend re-advertising, but the time schedule to open the Police space does not allow readvertising. There was no further discussion at this time, but at the regular Council Meeting, Councilman Hamm mentioned that there should be more bidders on such items as this, and he recommended that the Purchasing Department check with the school systems and Councilmen who deal in these kinds of materials to expand its bid list in the future. M&C P-484 was approved as recom- mended. 7. Payment of Sanitary Sewer Debt by Lake Worth NAM Village (IR #864) The City Manager said that this IR had been sent to Council Members as background information in case they were contacted by any Lake Worth Councilmen about the matter, Councilman Hamm said this instance points up the need for a �+ firm policy that suburban communities put money in escrow before such construction projects begin. fie said tie also e! believes that no community could put its sewage effluent in Fort Worth's water supply, without violating some law. He f ,{ f c� ��- said that a month ago he called the attention of the City Health liepartment to a firm dumping raw oil in the Clear Fork of the Trinity, and the Legal Department found all kinds of law disallowing such practice. Councilman Eagle asked who owns Lake Worth. The City Manager responded that Lake Worth AW is a City Lake, while the other lakes belong to Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement district No. 1. The City Manager said that in this case, Lake Worth Village thought that the only way it could pay the debt was over a period of time. Councilman Hoover asked how the water and sewer rates in Lake Worth compared to Fort Worth. The City Manager replied that its water and sewer rates are higher than Kurt Worth, but its property taxes are lower. Councilman Hoover asked if this was a standard .i,,reement. The City M.►nager said no, that the particular circu►n.;, ances at the time the arrangement was made with Lake Worth Village governed the special contract the loan of money by Fort Worth. Ile said he thought it was up to Lake l,orth Village to make the next move in the matter. Mayor Barr said he had written a letter last Friday to the 11—hyor of Lake 4,'orth Village saying that the Council would give them time to work it out, but urging that it be done as soon as possible. 8. Over and Under Street Space Rental by Star-Telegram GENE - timet information on other street rentals now in effect for Representing Carter publications, Inc. , requesting I.R. rental of over and under street space on Sixth Street between Lamar and I'aylor Streets to build an extension to the Star-Telegram building, were J. Lee Johnson, Amon Carter, Jr.. , and hick Holsinger. Mr. Johnson said that Carter Publications owns the southeast corner of the block north of the present building and wisi►ed to expand its building in that direction. Ile asked the Council to re- con.-Ader the ordinance now in effect on Street rental payments. He said the business is really a manufacturing process and the company should expand horizontally rather than vertically. He said they want the press room on the first floor with truck delivery to the north for delivery out T;iylor Street. He said they were considering one floor under the ground and three floors over (floors 3, 4, and 5). fie :;aid they planned a 14-foot clearance at the curb line. lie said they owned 100 feet along Sixth Street, and plan to set back 10 feet on the east and 4 feet on the west, as requested by the City, for a total of 84 feet frontage on Sixth Street for the new building. He said the present policy zall:; for $15,111 per year street rental, in addition to regular taxes on the property. lie said there was agreement on the dollar per square foot value of the property, and he was requesting that the street rental payment be made on the pro-rateu value of the property, or $4,648. 50 annual street rental, He commented that the City is giving up no rights, LI►at there would be no damage to the City, and that all that was lost was some light and air. Ile said if the property was on the tax rolls at $156,000 value, the City and School taxes for 1065 would be $2,822. Mayor Pro-Tem ,.tones asked what area Mr. Johnson was using for his valuation figures. Mr. Johnson said he was figuring the street space as if privately owned. He then said that carter Publications paid $325,000 for 100-feet square of property, which is on the tax books for $245,000 full value. lie said Lhey planned 100 feet by 60 feet �Cr c�JiltC1-R U underground space and 5, 160 square feet on each of the above floors. Councilman Hamm asked why Lhe company did not use w'�1.1 / el' 6 per cent projection rather than 5 per cent. Mr. Johnson said � Lhe 5 per cent was thought to be a reasonable figure The City Manager :;aid thaL there are now 6 or 7 other over and under street space leases, that the money involved is not great, and ii the proposal of the Star-'telegram was followed for all rentals the ,a r other;: would pay reduced amounts. Councilman Hamm asked for a rundown on the other street space rentals now in effect. Mr. Johnson said that Carter Publications would like a reply on their request by January, There was no further discussion or decision on this matter. •/ f4r.